Greetings Lightworkers!
I wanted to check in with you all to see how you’re doing. I’ve had a crazy Spring, Summer and early Autumn so far. I bet you all have too!! What’s it like in your world? Please share in the comments below, I’d really like to know.
Well, I have learned much this year, especially the need for self-care. We have to take care of ourselves too. I’ve made a new commitment to my health and well-being as I was neglecting my Earthly vessel. How can I help someone else when I’m ____________ (fill in the blank from your life)? We can’t do it.
I’ve been communicating with you at night, do you hear me? Not every night but pretty often. When I do, I say, “HEY, LIGHTWORKERS ALL OVER GAIA! How are you doing? I know you’re exhausted! I AM also. But, let’s try our best to hang in there a bit longer. We can do it if we try! You’re not alone, I’m here and we’re all here together!”
I imagine us all floating out in space, in a giant circle around the belly of Gaia, all holding hands. Together with us is our Galactic Family–all those Star Nations that have been around Gaia for thousands of years assisting her. And of course, the Company of Heaven is invited also–Mother & Father God, Christ, the Ascended Masters, the Angels, our family that has passed on, our Higher Selves & Soul Sparks and our Twin Flames. All of Gaia’s Kingdoms are there too, in Spirit as we all are; this includes our family in Hollow Earth and Inner Earth. We’re all joining hands and sending our love and gratitude for one another around the circle. Waves of warm, soothing energy flow around our circle. When it builds to a marvelous pitch, I ask everyone to send this love to Gaia through their heart chakras. Can you see it? It’s a beautiful, magical, love-filled celebration!!
Want to try an experiment? We can focus on this image of ALL OF US above sharing our love with each other and with Gaia right before we go to sleep. It’s a very peaceful way to drift off to sleep! It makes me feel loved and protected. If you try it, consider sharing your experience in the comments below. We’re all going through this together, right?!
Please remember to shine your light to others. Many people are living in fear; and a kind, reassuring smile is very powerful. They will feel it in their Soul. You could make someone’s day!!!
Love you all!
Love, light and blessings!