Messages from Ann & the Angels – 11/27/2021
My dear friends, we love you so very much,
Upon your earth, something magical transpires over the holidays. A vast majority of you take time, no matter what is going on upon your planet to love. You take time to love your homes. You take time to share love with those dear to you. Through charitable acts, you share love with those less fortunate and those whom you will never meet. You put on beautiful music, set a festive table, and take time to prepare meals with love. You share of your hearts more easily with one another as you run your errands, and you take the time to focus on the only thing that will matter at the end of your lives, which is Love.
Your planet’s light increases during each holiday season, and has done so for ages… in times of peace and times of war, times of well-being and times of sickness, times of abundance and times of lack. No matter what is going on externally, you take time to focus on love. We have watched throughout the ages as even those in war-torn countries, who had very little to give, would gather up natural materials and make a little decoration, or scrape together a few fresh vegetables from the root cellar and share a big pot of soup.
Dear ones, you are incredibly resilient, resourceful, and always able to find ways to express love no matter how great or how small. The scale of your actions never matters. The energy behind them always does.
So this holiday season make it your resolve to be part of the lights of Season. Light up your world with love. Be kind to strangers in the stores as you run around, or if you don’t, leave a little note of love for those who deliver your wares. Write your cards, if you send them, and then hold them to your heart and say a heartfelt prayer for them before you send. Wrap your presents with love. Pray that the receiver feels your love. Make your meals with love and bless the food before you eat, so that it nourishes and nurtures you. If you put up decorations put up ones you love and donate the rest.
We need your love and light upon the earth dear friends. Whatever you do, do it with love. Even things that don’t seem at all related to “spirituality” are spiritual if done with love. You can choose to be part of a rising tide of love.
You can choose to let your words and deed proclaim, “God is alive. Love is alive. Well-being is alive. Abundance is alive. Peace is alive…. and I know this to be true because these things live in my heart, emanate from my heart, and are indeed the “reason for the season.” For just as love was incarnate in a manger, and the lights miraculously burned in the lamp, Love and miracles await those who are willing to focus upon them.
God Bless You! We love you so very much.
— The Angels