Blessings Beloveds ~The photo above is from gatework this week in Sedona. Pre-SUNrise is such a pure zone to unify with all realms, and the emerging realm of the Crystalline Stargate of the Heart. Diamond-Solar flows have opened wide, supporting Truth, Revelation, Divine Perspective, and Freedom. I witnessed a consistent stream of golden-diamond sphere-like God drops coming through the Gateways. The photo above was taken just afterward at SUNrise. Into the Golden race we glow. Latest Article: Preparation for Higher Truth This eclipse-Solstice passage requires effective self-evaluation. When the heart is coherent (neutrality) we may see ourselves more clearly. The heart becomes a conduit of the revelation frequencies.Mastery questions are a deeply personal experience; take care to meditate on them, feel them, and be transparent with your own heart and journey. Personal revelation becomes a collective experience when we do this. Change within, change without. [READ THIS ONLINE] Solar Eclipse UnificationThursday June 10 at 3:41AM PDT: Global Unity Meditation New Moon 3:54AM PDT Palpable new frequencies level up many OverSoul groups Dropping off of old Self support for Embodiers; rapid Self-Revelation Solar flash experiences (transcendence activations) amplified Crystalline Bridges to New Earth Realms open through the Heart Crystalline Convergence Access We are at capacity for in-person seats at the Crystalline Convergence in Sedona. Livestream access with the full 10 hour replay is still available HERE. The Crystalline Convergence replaces our quarterly webinars with two days of vivid presentations, activations and a few surprises. SUNday Unity MeditationsJoin us in unified intent. Quantum support, DNA and Lightbody expansion are present in this unified field. SUNday Unity Meditations at 5AM, 8AM and 11AM Pacific Daylight Time. 30 minute sessions. See you in the field for the Solar eclipse peak on Thursday, and our SUNday Meditations! Infinite LoveLight to all during this profound passage. Let us show HUmanity what is possible with Ascension! In Love, Light and Service,Sandra |