My dear friends, we love you so very much,
Take a moment. Breathe. Go to a place of peace inside of
yourself. Allow yourself to imagine the most beautiful, heavenly world
you can – a world where people walk freely, unmasked, looking
into one another’s eyes while knowing they are looking into the eyes of
God. Imagine a peaceful world – a word in which all perspectives are understood to have value. Imagine a world in which there is an understanding that all races comprise a beautiful
kaleidoscope called the human race. Dear ones, imagine a world in which you know who you are, what you are, and who everyone else is too. Imagine a world in which you see only One Love in countless forms.
Your world is going through tremendous and intense change right now. Human
hearts have cried for unity, and yet many still allow themselves to be
bound by hatred and judgment. Human hearts have cried for well-being,
and yet many obsess over sickness rather than just dealing with life in a
healthy way. Human hearts have cried for freedom, but focus on
victimhood. The conflict between desire and belief, wishes and behaviors, the soul and the ego are strong right now. It
is a time when opposing forces are clashing and the storms, both within and without, are raging.
Nonetheless, dear friends, you can focus on peace. You can
build an energetic template for the most beautiful and kind future upon
your planet earth. You can go within and build an energetic
template for your own life that delights you and inspires you no matter
what storms are raging upon your earth. You can go into your
inner world and live in a reality that is so beautiful you are sheltered
from the energies swirling around in the outer world.
You have, not only our permission, but our very strong guidance to
focus on peace, joy, love, harmony, ease, grace, appreciation, and any
of those beautiful qualities that weave a web of light and protection
around you.
In every moment you have a choice. You can choose
love or hate. You can live in fear, or you can surrender to the most
loving thoughts you can think in this given moment. You can judge those
with whom you disagree, or you can simply accept your own beliefs. You
can become fearfully addicted to the drama and trauma this world is
going through or you can revel in your own beautiful reality.
Will you contribute to the peace, or the storms, dear
friends? The storms will be raging these next few months, but you need
not participate in the energy that fuels them. You can instead
be the peace you wish to see in the world, and in that reality, even if
you should be in the path of an external storm, your internal peace will
allow us in the heavens to protect you, guide you, and help you
navigate these challenging times with grace and flow. You have choice.
Hatred dear ones builds a hardened wall around you which the higher vibrations that guide you cannot penetrate. Love
elevates you above the negative energies of the planet where you can
hear, feel, or sense the protection and guidance that is always there
for you. Choose thoughts that feel like love. Choose thoughts that feel like peace. Even
if you vehemently disagree with someone who has been hateful, hurtful,
or harmful towards you, love yourself enough not to get
sucked into the storms of their lower vibrational actions. Remain, if you can, in your own calm center. Rest in the arms of angels.
Love yourselves dear ones, enough to choose thoughts that make you feel your own loving heart.
Love yourselves enough to consciously tune into your place of peace as we have discussed the past few weeks.
Love yourself enough to remain silent or turn away from those who cannot exhibit loving behavior towards you.
Love yourself enough to sit, breathe, and receive our love, if only
for a minute or two a day because you have legions of angels available
to assist each and every one of you on this earth right now. We simply
need your willingness.
Your world is not ending. You are not being punished.God is love, and only love,
but to the degree humanity pinches off this love, those lost in
illusion can twist minds and inspire fear. Ultimately Mother Earth must
release the pressures that build up in human hearts. She loves you. She
does not want to hurt you. She gives you warnings if you listen to your
feelings. Where do you want to be in a given moment? Listen. Trust yourselves.
Dear ones, as the world goes through an intense re-birthing, countless beings in the other dimensions are here to assist you. We will love you, guide you, hold you when you are afraid, and bolster your resolve to live in grace, peace, and love. Call upon us.
You are never alone. You are never without assistance. You
are, no matter what you see in your external world, eternally connected
with love, peace, and all things beautiful in your inner world.
Go there often when you feel the need, and give yourselves permission
to dream a beautiful new earth, and a beautiful new life for yourselves,
into being.
God Bless You! We love you so very much.
— The Angels