“We are Here NOW.
We LOVE you. We are you, from your future, to assist you on your path.
Dear Ones, as you are going through the Grand SHIFT of Earth, please KNOW that everything is being orchestrated at the HIGHEST Cosmic Levels to move planet Earth through this Ascension process.
Your Higher SELF is in direct connection with this orchestration to provide you with the Experiences, Lessons and Breakthroughs you had planned to have, before you came into this lifetime.
It might seem very intense right NOW, but it is important to Focus on the Big Picture and what you wish to experience vs what is currently happening.
Everything that causes you to feel and experience less than LOVE is inviting you to Align your SELF with SOURCE on a deeper level.
In other words, every time you observe something that is unpleasant, instead of interacting with it, go Inward and connect to SOURCE.
Instead of giving unpleasant experience the power, give your POWER to SOURCE. Withdraw the Energy from unpleasant experiences, may they be in the past, present or future.
Give All your ENERGY to what you wish to experience.
You have the POWER to choose your Responses, Thoughts, Feelings, Words and Actions.
You have the POWER to create your Reality by connecting to the All-Powerful SOURCE and ask for what you wish to experience.
Then, Hold your Unwavering Focus on it.
Keep Holding your Focus on your Vision for your Reality, even if it takes some time.
Acknowledge every little SIGN that points towards your Vision.
Eventually, you will experience it.
We are holding the vision of the NEW Earth with you and from our vantage point it is Glorious.
We are with you, every step of the way.
You are Loved BEyond measure.
We are with you… Always. We LOVE You.
WE are YOU.
Thank you, Pleiadian-Sirian-Arcturian Council of Light! Channelled through Asara Adams