Channeled through Natalie Glasson –
Original Source: Sacred School of OmNa

Greetings beloved ones, we are the Arcturians. We come forth with the truth, the love and peace of the Creator. We bring forth to you our energy, we bring forth to you our divine inspiration so you may benefit from all that we are achieving on the inner planes, to serve Mother Earth and all of humanity. Today we come forward to support the physical body, and in truth to support the heightened and quickening of your vibration on all levels of your being.
We wish to share with you a treatment that is to assist your ascension and to aid your physical body in becoming balanced with your divine self. Meaning that your physical body embodies your divine self and is equal to and a reflection of your divine self. It is important that this takes place so the physical body can easily move through the ascension processes that are coming forth, that are ready and available for you to experience and achieve. Your physical body is such a powerful tool. It anchors the energy, it allows you to express, to experience, to put into action all that is the Creator. Your physical body alerts you to any baggage that you are holding on to, any wounds, anything that is blocking your connection with the Creator or causing a separation between you and any aspect of the Creator. Your physical body is filled with so much wisdom and knowledge. Your physical body understands all aspects of your ascension and is in communication with your soul. Your physical body is like a sponge, it absorbs so much and supports you in every moment of your reality. It is important to recognise that your physical body can absorb and be impacted by outside energies, as well as habits or negative thought patterns that you choose to hold on to.
When your physical body equals the vibration of your soul, your physical body is upgraded, rejuvenated, regenerated. You have a vessel that is of advanced energies. All your senses, physical senses as well as spiritual senses, awaken. The skills and ability of your physical being and entire being activate thus you can see into other dimensions, hear into other dimensions, and sense into other dimensions. Your physical body even becomes prepared to walk into other dimensions, to make transitions between dimensions, realities, vibration, and frequencies. At a very basic level when your physical body’s vibration equals that of your soul it is so much easier for your soul to express through your physical body, a unity, and emerging takes place. Thus, you begin to walk as your soul, as your Divine self upon the Earth.
Cellular Treatment Activation
We, the Arcturians, have a special activation that we wish to share with you to support a vibrational heightening and advancement of your physical body. It is known as a cellular treatment. On the inner planes, within our civilisation, we have many treatments, many activations, initiations, and all are created from the purest vibration of light, the highest intentions, and the most sacred expressions of the Creator.
For the cellular treatment, we create cells of light. We first scan your own physical being; we scan your soul and all energy bodies of your being. We recognise the vibration you are currently holding. We recognise the vibration of your soul, and we merge these vibrations. Connecting with your current vibration and your soul’s vibration, we merge them and fill them with light. This creates for us a vibrational frequency which is the aspects of your physical body that have been healed and the vibration of your soul. This process is very clean and clear. We do not add any other light, we use the light of your soul to create the cells.
Once we have scanned your being and have determined the vibration of frequency that your soul is and your healed physical being are aligned with. We then access this vibration to recreate cells of light. When you are ready, we come forth, creating a circle around you with many Arcturian Masters of Light. We begin to pour light that is not from our civilisation, it is directly from the Creator through our beings into your being. As we send this energy, we begin to integrate the new cells of light that hold your vibration of a healed and complete body and being, and the highest vibration of your soul. We support these cells in anchoring into your own cells. This process may take time and you may wish to lie down to experience it fully. You may experience it as your entire body being lit up with the most glorious and fantastic light. You may experience old wounds drifting away.
You may experience, new understandings coming forth. As you experience the cellular treatment, your entire being is shifting and transforming. There is a union, a synthesis emerging of your soul new-higher aspects of your soul download into your physical being. You may feel a fondness, a deeper connection with your soul or deeper awareness of your soul. The outcome will be that your physical body will be filled with light and supported to rejuvenate, regenerate, and maintain a high vibration. As well as heal wounds and pains, with greater ease, your physical body will be able to hold on to the light of your soul. Therefore, you feel a deeper connection and embodiment of your soul. We believe this transformation is essential now. It also eradicates from your being old habits, old negative energies, and information, especially anchored into your being from the collective consciousness. Therefore, allowing the consciousness of your soul to be embedded within your physical body. This will create a greater freeing and release, allowing you to follow the guidance of your soul with greater ease.
You only need to ask us to come forth to experience with you the Arcturian Cellular Treatment and we will do so. We will begin to scan your being, then we will surround you and begin the transmission of the light cells into your being. It will be important to ground yourself, to breathe out through your feet, your Earth Star Chakra, and your Root Chakra into Mother Earth for some time until you feel fully anchored and fully present.
This is a powerful transition and creates greater freedom and the sense of divinity within your being. If you feel that this process is not for you, then please we wish for you to follow your inner guidance. It may be that you can achieve it at a later time or maybe it is simply not for you. Ask within to see whether you need to experience the Arcturian Cellular Treatment to aid your ascension and to support your physical body in these times of ascension.
We thank you, we love you,
We are the Arcturians
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