Hi every One, it is been quite a while i did not post a blog myself in this space. A lot is happening on a Face to Face physical level for me, travelling a lot and providing my services as a Teacher and Therapeutic DJ at Ecstatic events across Europe. July 4th marks 15 years since it all begun and i want to thank you all for taking the time to be here and in one way or another participating in spreading the message. The real work is and has been always within. And life shows me and shows us more and more the importance of taking the time to align first thing in the day with our Higher Self/ I AM Presence/ God within as to establish a connection that can be sustained all day long. It is the sweet spot within one finds in meditation and conscious breathing or/and practice of appreciation and when this sweet spot within is sustained one experiences a magical life attracting all this is needed AND wanted along the way. This sweet spot, i call Feel More Than Fine.
Feel More Than Fine is now expanding to accomodate more of what is needed for the this next phase towards New Earth that is projected to take place for the next 16 years+. I wish i could give you a timeline of all things about to take place in our lives but this is something that i feel we all have figured out: nothing happens exactly as we thought or think it will happen rather comes in much better ways or surprising ways according to the need of the hour. But change is already here.
To this i can not stress enough the importance of Stellar Platform ( www.stellar.org) and Quantum Stellar Initiative on Telegram (Connect with QSI Global here:
Official Telegram Channel: https://t.me/QuantumStellarInitiative
Beginners Training Course: https://t.me/QSIWelcome) towards our financial freedoms and not only. If you have never heard about it, i have shared a few times in this website some blogs about it. Stellar is a blockchain platform that is changing dramatically, in a positive way, the ways we operate in our societies.( Stellar empowers builders to unlock human and economic potential. It combines a powerful, decentralized blockchain network with a global ecosystem of innovators to create opportunities as borderless as ideas. It offers the tools to make a difference in the real world through new digital asset products and services that enhance access to the global financial system.)From finances to voting to including the unbanked population all around the world to learning about and supporting projects for a planet that works for a lot and a solar system and galaxy that works for all. Yes, you read right. We are becoming a multiplanetary specie and a lot has been going behind the scenes, even it if it appears not to be so. The white hats along the galactics and Company of Heaven are full time on creating all the bridges that will help all humanity cross on the other side with ease and grace. This creation of bridges through the support of amazing developers that are geniuses in programmation and Artificial Intelligence will bring all the solutions needed for our next step in our evolution. So my invitation to you is to remain open to the changes, to not be afraid, rather keep on doing the good work within in aligning daily with your Higher Self as to be able to listen your heart’s song and direction and role in this New Earth existence.
A while ago i created a page on Telegram where i am sharing some of this content , unfortunately most are not responsive to the call. But i will continue sharing content in there with the hope that some amongst you will INNERstand the importance of what is taking place and join and become active participants. This is the link to TG : https://t.me/joinchat/TsmF8JJhv2AKFbr6 . Please say hi when you enter 🙂
Thank you for reading and thank you for dancing!
Nikos Akrivos

Pictures from Ecstatic Solstice Event at Farm of Consciousness.