Greetings: I am the Master St. Germain. Most of you know who I am. Some of you know that I brought forth the “I AM,” the two most powerful words that can be said. I am here to help you now, as always. This time it is about claiming your freedom.
Freedom is what I am about. Many of you live in IAMERICA, which is what it was originally called, but the IAM was removed.
Here’s the latest from Apollo: “Greetings. I am Apollo. I come to you from the rising spheres of creation. The Earth fits right in there and so do you. Much is shaking loose on your planet. You might find that happening within your own self, as well as, everywhere, when you’re looking. The old fixtures are falling apart. They no longer belong on the Earth, for their vibrations are far too low to withstand the forthcoming changes. So reach for the stars, ground crew, because you are from the stars and you are one of them. Seek your own illumination. Track the light, for wherever you look it is there. It is part of creation itself. It’s where you originated. Deeply within you, and especially in your heart, there is a model of your future self. This model is activated and is blooming into the full realization of Self. This is a significant shift pointing the way to higher consciousness and your true purpose and destiny. You are moving into the area of light, the Golden Age and your divine assignment. The most important part is that you incorporate your true self, your I Am presence, into every day life. All of creation is excited to welcome you back home. We are standing at the corridor where the portals are about to open so that we can reclaim the Earth.”
Here’s the latest message from Apollo: “Thank you for your latest good work, ground crew. It has helped significantly to raise the consciousness of the planet. You are helping to fasten the grip on the darkness. There is still work to be done. You are now in the process of stepping into your light felt roles that will change the Earth forever. This is a serious choice point, dear beings of light. Most of you are aware, if not consciously, but at least subconsciously, the importance of you acknowledging your work as transducers of light. So much is still needed, yet it is only a breath away. Every time you pay attention to working with the light and feeling the light, you make huge waves in the shift of the ages. This is why you are here at this time. I recommend you make your focus the light. Close your eyes and welcome in the light and, if necessary, cry away the tears. Let your heart be filled with love and release the long-held fears. This will assist you in freeing yourself from the past darkness. Not only are you holding the light but you are becoming the light. The darkness has very little sway over you now. You recognize your power of the light. This makes you solid and steady. Please remember what I’m saying.”
Greetings: I am Mira from the Pleiadian high Council still serving full-time on the Earth Council. We appreciate your hard work and we admire you for the excellent jobs that you are doing. Many new projects are already spearheaded, as if you already were/are in the 5th dimension and higher. Your roles are about to change as you step forward into who you really are and what you came to do. You came back from the future to change this now moment on the Earth because you did not like what happened to the Earth. I am sure you can see that there is a reason why you did this because look at what has happened to the Earth. Therefore, now your work is in full play. You need to step forward and emerge more with your future self. You need to call back your gifts and your abilities, to remember who you are. We are excited that you are doing this. We see your beauty, your truth, your strength, your love, and your power. We know so much about you and believe that you are successful in this huge project called the Ascension of the Earth. Please remember that you are not just creating a New Earth but you are also involved in co-creating a whole new universe. Little do you remember every aspect of your mission, but as you step forward to do more it will reveal itself. You will begin to see what great masters, avatars, and powerful beings of light that you are. So believe in yourselves, ground crew. We are getting prepared to celebrate you and all of your good work. We are working along side with you. We have all upped our capabilities and technology to further this process. The Earth is speaking to us and as we observe her. We see the challenges that she is facing. What we are doing together is of the utmost importance. I would even use the word “urgent” because everything is so out of balance and chaotic right now. It’s almost as if these projects need to be accomplished simultaneously. Yet we need to follow the power within these necessities and feel it present. Please know that everything is being done and will be accomplished at the right divine time. This principle also applies to you in your lives. Follow the most pressing issues that you have and learn to clear and heal them. This will free you up to receive the higher frequencies, love and abundance that you so deserve. There is no one right way to do this, however, we do encourage you to shift your focus. The time is now. The rewards will be many. The celebrations will continue. And your hearts will be open and full of happiness and joy for all that has been accomplished. Look to the stars, dear ones, for they have much to tell you. There is a story behind it all and you will remember. You will find with clarity and the truth why you are where you are right now on the planet. You will start receiving more signals from us and all of the galactic’s. So be open looking to the skies and waiting for what we will be showing you. Truth is the truth and the light is the light. The light carries the frequencies and the consciousness together that will lead you home. I am Mira speaking to you with great love and gratitude.
Greetings: I am Mira. I am from the Pleiadian high Council, however, I work full-time with the Earth Council for the ascension of the planet.
Ascension is the focal point on the Earth right now. There’s nothing more important and it is moving swiftly in this process. This is a transitional time for the planet. It is not time to follow the anxious path but to follow the path of light. Some of you may be having recurring dreams, or new dreams, about what you will be doing and are learning about yourself. Some of you may be very tired and need a lot more sleep. Quite a few of you are being affected by all of the solar activity, which is necessary for the activation of the wave of love, also known as the Solar Flash.
Please be assured that all is in good hands, that the Creator is with you, along with the most adept and experienced designers of light and creation. You have nothing to worry about. There are some who do not believe in The Event but they will experience it regardless. The best thing to do now is to allow your body what it needs if you experience some of the energies from the solar activity. This has sped up rapidly in the last few months.
You have a few more hurdles to go through as you make your way fully into the fifth dimension and higher. Your bodies are still adjusting and adapting to these energies. You may have new preferences for food, what you want to wear, who you want to be with, and what you are doing. Please pay attention to what you are doing and with whom you are spending time. See how it feels to be with some of these people. Do you feel uplifted and inspired, or drained? Your energy is valuable and important. It needs to be directed in the correct places. You also need to keep your frequency high and not let others lower it by their behavior or frequency. This can be challenging.
Make room in your life for all that uplifts and inspires you, and for what brings you joy and happiness. Create this in a context of beauty and sweetness. Allow magic and miracles to flow in abundance for everything that you need. Pay attention to everything that is going on around you. Listen to your body’s senses and what it is telling you under every circumstance in which you find yourself. What feels right and what doesn’t? This is all a part of the great awakening.
There is a deepening going on within humanity that touches the heart and soul in a profound way. With this deepening you will only do that which resonates with your heart. Therefore, you will be making new choices and changes that are in alignment with these feelings. The depth takes you to the truth, and, of course, the truth will set you free.
It was set up to be this way so that humanity could find its way out of the darkness. For too many incarnations on the Earth, humanity has had to muddle through life based on lies and deception. The light has touched the hearts of humanity so that this old overshadowing will no longer be able to exist. This is part of Ascension, I am happy to say.
Before you came to the Earth you made a promise to the Creator that you would see these times through. You said that you would provide your light, your love and your energy to assist in raising the consciousness of the Earth and all of life. You were chosen specifically for this time and you have done well, very well.
Thank you! We are grateful to you for all that you’ve done being the best of the very best of ascension teams. You are the chosen ones and you are deeply loved and appreciated throughout all of creation.
I am Mira loving you in every aspect of this ascension process.
Here is the latest from Apollo: “This is what I want to say to you today. You are privileged to be on the Earth at this time. I think you know that because this is a huge grand shift of monumental proportions. You came to be on the planet right now. We want you to know that all is well from our perspective. We are at the initial phase of gathering some of you together to assist with envisioning and co-creating the New Earth. Some of you may be in shock at the “Call into Action” that was originated from the Galactic’s and called forth by Lumina. Others were ignited right away. Regardless of what you are doing now, it is important you listen to the call in your heart. Ask how you can participate in raising the consciousness of the planet to bring in more light and co-create the New Earth. Right now this is a formless form of capable beings who are being called together to make this possible. You’ve been prepared for this before you incarnated. We know you will accomplish and achieve all that you designed for your project. Please heed my words. Back them up with some action. Start somewhere. Get creative. We are with you! Thank you!”
In case some of you did not read the last message from March 17, 2023 it was entitled “A Call into Action.” Some of you were able to make the call so the process has been started. Lumina did a powerful light activation for the group. Some people said it gave them a boost of energy to do more of their work. It was profound. An email group was started along with a Signal group.
These are the questions to ask yourself:
What will the New Earth look like?
What will the New Earth feel like?
Where would you like to place your energies and your heart’s calling?
Who would you like to work with and what causes do you want to put your energy into?
What you do you feel the priorities should be as we step in the higher consciousness?
Do you have a certain role that you feel you’ll be playing in the ascension process for the New Earth?
What are your passions for how to choose to live in new higher consciousness?
What are your gifts and what is your expertise? This could be something like entertainment, music, art, technology, education, research, science, medicine, working with children or animals, or library sciences and administration.
Lumina is a powerful leader of the New Earth. In this activation she lit the switch to ignite the fire on the Earth. It is all going to be new and the old world will disappear. It is already happening. The portals and floodgates of love that only heaven can design are now open. The New Earth will be a place where all will want to visit. The colors will be vivid with lots of new hues. There will be rainbows everywhere with sparkly sunlight that will fill the air. You will breathe every breath of clean and pure energy light. You will see it in everything.
A Message from Mira through Valerie Donner, March 2, 2023
A Message from Mira from the Pleadian High Council through Valerie Donner March 2, 2023
Greetings, I am Mira from the Pleiadian high Council currently serving full-time on the Earth Council.
I greet you today with all the love in my heart and marvel at the wonderful work you are doing. Yes, everything is chaotic, what you like to call topsy-turvy. (1)
Much is being toppled and is dissolving in front of you. Those who have always needed to “see it to believe it,” are scratching their heads a bit because they are beginning to see it, integrate it, and then believe it. For much has been hidden from you on your earthly journey.
Thanks to the light, to you, the ground crew, the illuminated ones, the galactics, the Earth and the sun, everything is becoming an open book. You are beginning to view the various realities from a galactic vantage point.
When you parcel out what you know about other people and how they live their lives, they could feel foreign to you. Your consciousness may have transcended the consciousness of others around you. This could be shocking at first, for little did you know, you would be in a disparate reality while on the Earth.
You are fully in the Great Awakening. This awakening is different for everyone. Some are beginning to see that the way they have been living their lives is no longer working. It’s all catching up with everyone.
Your story is being revealed to everyone, especially to yourself. So you can see the ascension process is one of self discovery. The external world reflects back the inner world. What has been going on inside of you?
In the flurry of these chaotic times it is important to stand back and take a breath. Look around you. See what’s going on with the sky. Face each day with the sun whenever you can. Look for the beauty and feel the energy in nature.
Look at your ascending self and see the light and the beauty within. Feel the rapture in your heart as it is opening widely and becoming one with Source. This is the true source of happiness. It means you are no longer in fear. You have will have released the bondage from the old material world.
Lo and behold, one day you will experience your new self, filled with light and living in a whole new reality. You will merge with the New Earth, the galactics and with what that entails. Your frequencies will prove to be a new source of communication that will magnetize to you others of similar consciousness. This is already occurring on the planet.
We in the Earth Council congratulate you for coming this long way to your ascension. We see you and the Earth flourishing and basking in love, the way you were in your original incarnation. This is true for the Earth. She is delighted with the ascension process and is ready to become her fully higher dimensional self. You are doing this in tandem with her. It is remarkable.
Again, the Earth has taken on splendorous light as the dark forces are being dissolved and removed. Even though change is rampant while the old material world falls away, there is love in the air. This accelerated love and light is a cushion for you as the change continues to grow. Rely upon these news energies and rest in the comfort of love coming from the Creator. We have it covered, ground crew. We are one.
These are special times, dear family of light. You are beginning to realize who you are and letting go of who you are not. You are a part of the grand scheme to shift the Earth forever. The energies that you are assisting in anchoring into the Earth are beautiful and powerful. They are changing the planet and all of life.
It is remarkable what you accomplished since we spoke last month. You have been releasing fear from the old matrix programming. No longer does it resonate with you, nor does it feel like how you choose to live. When that choice is made, one can only go forward into the blazing light.
This is exactly where you are positioned now. Ground crew, you have chosen the new. The old no longer works for you. You have paid the price and now only the best is coming to you.
This is going to be a remarkable time of renewal, replenishment, rewards, and replacement of the old. Throughout history you have waited for this time to come.
You only dreamed that you could pull yourselves out of such circumstances. Some of it was pretty, just like the beautiful Earth. Much of it was laborious, yet you still reached for the stars. Now they are here and you are one of them
A Message from Mira from the Pleiadian high Council January 2, 2023 through Valerie Donner
Greetings, I am Mira from the Pleiadian high Council. I am pleased to speak with you today, for it has been a little while in your earthly times since I have spoken with you.
In your new year you will find this is the time of disassembling. You’ve already begun to experience what it is like as the third-dimensional material world is deconstructing.
You are seeing where the system is broken and is no longer functioning. This has created some gaps and some shortcomings in the system. You are adjusting and adapting and you will have to be doing much more of that.
As we review the Earth from the Earth Council’s position, we see that much is amiss. The truth is what you thought was serving you and functioning for you wasn’t really serving most of you at all.
The old way simply allowed you to function in a more rote manner. You didn’t have to think and figure out new ways of accomplishing what needed to be done. Now it is forcing you to be more creative to allow for new opportunities to provide what is necessary.
There are many old rules, regulations and laws that are now de-compiling. You might see them almost turning into compost, for that is about what many of them were worth.
They just held you and kept you in line. You were forced to do certain things that really were not necessary. It gave some false power to those egos that needed to be fed, for one reason or another. We will just slam that behavior into the folder of the past and say that that was the third dimension and that it no longer applies.
The third-dimensional material world no longer has the strong hold on you that it had in the past. You are beginning to see how unreal some parts of your lives have been.
Right now you might be wondering where you are and it seems strange. This is because change is rampant right now. It has to change because you are moving forward with love, light, and truth at breakneck speed.
Most of the dark ones are gone so they do not have the control over you they once had. This is to be celebrated. You will have much more beneficial lives.
The past is the past. It’s a lower vibration that pulls you down into a lower frequency when you get caught up into it. Let it go. Rise up into the new, beautiful, higher-consciousness light and spread that light within your body and wherever you go.
The Earth is becoming increasingly beautiful because you are infused with higher consciousness and light. We are admire you, we love you and we support you. We are here for you. We are going great places and you will be happy!
This is Mira and I am sending you all of my love today and always.
“You find yourselves at the beginning of a new Gregorian calendar year, which is a man-created out-of-sync-calendar. You also find yourselves increasingly involved in the energies of new creation, which some call the New Earth.
“When you reflect back a year ago you realize that the energies have changed significantly. You are no longer the same person that you were and that your planet is no longer the same planet that it was. You have the sense of unfamiliarity. In some ways there is a familiar sense of profound love and light that have entered your surroundings. You know that you are ascending. You feel the symptoms in your body and you realize that everything is fluid energetically and unpredictable.
“To some this can be exciting and yet to others, it can be off putting, but for certain, it is different. We hold you accountable for your own consciousness so that your deliberations bring you to the highest possible consciousness. When you enter into the fear energies, you get back into the third dimensional rut.
“The love energies are much higher and do not accept fear. This is my recommendation to you, that you follow your heart and listen to the love within. Trust what you are feeling and don’t get enveloped in the outside world that others would like to draw you into.”
Most of the ground crew have questions about this year; what will 2023 bring? Many on the planet have been wondering a myriad of questions:
Will we have NESARA or GESARA? When will it happen? Is there going to be a reset financially?
When will we ascend? How much longer will the deep state be doing what they do? What will the price of gold or silver be? What’s going to happen to the banks or real estate? Am I safe where am living or will there be earth changes here? When are the galactics going to show themselves? Am I still going to have my job or do what I’ve always done? Will my family be all right? What about my pets?
The list is endless.
We can continue to ponder these possibilities and questions but what does this all come down to? What do we have some control over? What is the most empowering direction for us to focus our energies on?
And the answer is within. When we go within and focus on our I am presence, or God Self, whatever you want to call it, we will get the direction. By focusing on love and trusting God, we will keep our consciousness in the fifth dimension and even higher.
When we revert back to fear, we find ourselves back in the third dimension. At this pivotal time, we cannot afford a negative thought. We need to learn to live with uncertainty and to follow our hearts.
Most of us know that we’ve been living in some kind of movie that is almost over. It appears that one of the main themes of the movie is to remember who we are as divine beings.
We were taught to think that we were nothing, worthless, that we made a mess of our lives, or that our bodies don’t know how to heal themselves, and to rely on the external world that has power over others and has had power over us. Now we have enough information, as we awaken, to walk away from the reliance on the old material world. We are done with it!
Won’t it be a relief when we can throw away the old programs and start anew! We will be able to create magic, miracles, and perfect lives for ourselves. We will be empowered, amazed and astounded at what capabilities we have. We had to forget all of this to come to the third dimensional earth and participate in this movie.
Some of the things that we will find ourselves doing will be flying, manifesting things out of thin air, walking through walls, walking on water, time traveling, teleporting, telepathy, creating new technologies, space travel, meeting our galactic friends and families, terraforming, seeing the elementals, devas, fairies, and nature spirits, living in spiritual communities, creating multidimensional art and music, having open communication with animals and plants, reversing aging, and talking with family and friends on the other side.
We will be able to discover that we can do pretty much whatever our mind can create. We will live in harmony, kindness, cooperation, love, abundance, joy, beauty and magnificence. How is that for a start at 2023? We will be free!
The Earth is becoming our playground, a laboratory for our lives. We will be energized by our creativity and our relationships with our spiritual family and friends. Loneliness will be a thing of the past, so will self doubt and blame. There will be no more need for antidepressants or the old invasive ways of medicine. We will be unstoppable like torpedoes of light blasting throughout creation.
Message from Mira from the Pleiadian High Council November 29, 2022 through Valerie Donner
I am Mira from the Pleiadian High Council.
I greet you today from the Earth Council, special ground crew. We admire your patience and your perseverance with the ascension process at hand. We compliment you in every way possible for being the most extraordinary ground crew with whom we have ever worked. You are admired by our Creator and all of the Galactics and Realms of Light. We honor you for your light, love, and for your exuberance, on your mission for the earth’s ascension.
Little did any of us know what an arduous process this would be. Because of you and our work together, a very large percentage of the dark forces are now off the planet. The remaining stragglers are struggling to maintain what they have but too little avail. They are truly lost.
We celebrate this because they have done such evil and damage to life on the Earth. Even the Creator has risen up his arms in realization of the damage that has been done. Please mark our words that this shall never happen again anywhere in creation. The earth is the last post where a dark takeover will ever occur again!
They have always been trying to find what you have here on earth to keep it for themselves, and to control it and to control you! They have neutralized themselves to a point of no return. What happens to them also affects others with similar intentions. Some important lessons from creation have been imprinted in history.
We relish the way that we have all worked together. We have learned how to play the game and how to restructure where necessary. Due to this, we have made refinements in the ascension process that we can use later with other planets. They will be forever grateful for what you have done and what we have done together.
Because of who you are as profound beings of light, you will be welcomed to many other star systems and planets. You will share your stories and teachings with other ascending planets. You will be honored and revered.
You are now living in much higher consciousness. Some of you are in the 5th dimension and higher. Life will start to get easier for you and you will reap the benefits of your hard work.
We want you to know how much we love you and how grateful we are for all that you’ve done.
We are rapidly approaching what is called ‘the fire in the furnace.’ This is symbolic for the whole planet to be heated with the fire of love.
This can be the time of year when you enjoy sitting in front of the fireplace sipping hot drinks, trying to stay warm and watching the flames. This year it will be different.
There’s a new ignition system from creation designed to activate higher consciousness. It will end the darkness that will be turned to dust. You will rise like the Phoenix from the ashes into the New Earth.
You’ll be living in the 5th dimensional consciousness. This is a time of great cleansing and healing. You will be celebrating the truth, the everlasting truth, that shall set you and the earth free. Fire is a part of creation that causes the clearing of the old and the creation of something new.
The new creation will be superior to what it is replacing. It will stretch your imagination which will create something of great beauty. Relax, enjoy, and welcome in the new!
As I’m starting to write this message, the Master St. Germain came to me passionately and wants to tell you some things.
“Greetings, I am St. Germain. I am the Master of the Violet Flame. I brought you the Violet Flame for transmutation and you need it now! You need to use the tools that have been given to you. Please bring them all up and add your gifts and abilities with the use of these tools and even more.
“We are extremely busy in the Light Realms watching over you and caring about your every need. This is the time for magic and miracles. I am an alchemist and I have taught many of you how to use these gifts to change matter. You will see how matter and form are changing now right before your eyes. Everything is changing. This is about your transformation and the transfiguration of the earth.
“You might as well start accepting that nothing is going to be the way that it was. I understand this is difficult to accept. Holding onto the past will not serve you. You can grieve the loss of what you had but what is necessary is for you to recreate your lives. You will be at a much higher frequency. The old ways of doing things will not support your higher frequencies.
“It is incumbent upon you to make use of the light from within, from your heart, and from your connection with the Creator. When you are about God’s business, you will feel great! Your hearts will be singing and your path will open up even more. Surely, this is how you will want to go about your lives.
“The energies from the eclipses, the Solar Eclipse from October 25 and the Lunar Eclipse on November 8, will exacerbate your need to go within. It will require you to go deeply within to find your truth because you are in uncharted territory. Right now, I could tell the whole world everything that I know, and what to do, and some of you would believe me and take me up on my truth and wisdom. Others are not ready for their freedom to be who they truly are. Freedom is what I stand for and it is what everyone needs. You need to let go of your old identity of who you thought you were and what you had to do. This inner development takes strength and will require you to use your reserves, and every bit of inner strength that you have. You’ll be calling forth a new day, and a New Earth.
“We are here to help you do it but you must dig deeply from within. This is where your guidance from Source resides. You are destined to be your sovereign true selves. Whatever anyone else has told you about who you really are, such as parents, family teachers, friends and others, is only a small part of your I AM presence and who you are. The question is how can they tell you who you are if they don’t even really know who they are? Very few people do.
“You are going through right now the greatest show on the earth that anyone has ever seen. It is remarkable. It is filled with transparency, new colors, sparkles, and things appearing that you have never seen before. The frequencies have been waiting for you to use for eons. So let’s get ready. Activate your DNA codes and connect with Source within to elevate the earth and all of life. I am serious about this, ground crew. This is your purpose and your destiny unfolding. You are connecting to your true source/power and you are going to get the job done!
“This truly is your great awakening! I am here to tell you to plug Source into your hearts and go as deeply as you can. You can do it all. We are interconnected and each of us has a role to play. I have my role and you have yours. Some people know I like to be called “Mr. Wonderful!” I like this because I like to mirror back to you how wonderful you are and what wonderful times you have in store for you for your New Earth and your heaven on earth.
“So dear ones, let the good times roll, and the old times go flat. What is most important is the now moment, and your full presence, as you go about your new ways of living. Please be mindful of setting good examples for others who are also awakening but might not be at your level. It doesn’t matter. It doesn’t serve to compare yourself to others. Simply be the best you that you can be! That’s what the Creator requires of us, to be the best co- creations with God that we can possibly be.
“It was time for a little pep talk from me. I know you take my words well and will share this message with others. It’s time to turn the lights on in the earth’s auditorium and let them shine! I AM St. Germain. Please use my Violet Flame! It will help make the world a better place.”
Here’s the latest from Apollo: “I come to you today with messages from the stars. We bring you connection, love, wellness, and good tidings from your galactic families. Take a deep breath for you are nearly done with the hard work of holding your light on the imploding third dimensional earth. We understand the task has been arduous. You didn’t realize how much work was needed to reach this point of the great awakening. Throughout your incarnation you have held steady with your light. Little did you know how important you are in the pathway of Ascension. You are beginning to find this out. As you watch the matrix and material world fall apart, you are practicing going within much more than before. In the past you believed you had to be followers. Now you are going to be the leaders. You will be the ones others will look to guide them through to the New Earth and your new Heaven on Earth. We want you to feel the excitement and all that you have earned for your hard work. We will celebrate you in the near future. It is almost over. Please let your heart sing as you feel the love from the Creator. This is what you came to reclaim. It is here now.”
Greetings: I am Mira from the Pleiadian High Council and still working full-time with the Earth Council.
I would greet you with pomp and circumstance if I could. I guess some of you got a peek at what that looks like with the transition of the queen. Yet you are the ones who deserve the honor and respect, for your presence on the earth at this time.
Suffice to say, you did not receive the regalia, but we honor you in such a way. We will see to it that you will get to experience with that truly feels like. As galactic we have extraordinary talents in celebrating wins. You will begin to learn that we celebrate a lot. This is far different from how most of you have lived on the earth where you have had to be focused on money and work.
You are about to be a part of the shift of the ages that is long overdue. Therefore, you will find there will be chaos and challenges for a short period of time. This is time for the fall of the dark ones and the rising of a whole new way of living. What has seemed like it was on the top for the elitists will now fall, for what goes up must come down. Coming down is not going to be an easy ride for them. Many of them are already in panic and fear. You will not hear about this in your main media.
Soon this will all change, and the truth will prevail. Victory is at hand. We are here, along with billions of other Galactic’s. All of creation is focused here on the earth. It is extremely important and urgent that the ground crew remain focused and not in fear of what could happen or is happening. We have it covered and you are loved and protected. Please keep doing your meditations and prayers while connecting with Source.
You have made it this far and there is no turning back. This planet will never go back to the way it has been. It is a long sad story about how the earth was taken over by the dark. The planet was never designed for such darkness. The earth is designed for love, cooperation, harmony, and balance. You were also designed similarly as the earth. You are comprised of the chemistry of the earth and given birth to from the earth mother.
In the days to come more and more of the divine mother and divine feminine energy will bring forth the healing that is necessary for the planet. You will observe how much healing the masculine energy receives simply because the feminine energy is becoming extraordinarily empowered. This is not through fighting or war. Patriarchal systems are already coming apart. There will be no excuse for abuse. All of God’s creations deserve to be loved and respected. Soon you will see what I mean.
There will be many heroes and heroines on the earth who are skilled at bringing forth harmony and healing to hearts. Love is what is most needed. Abundance is coming for all. Decisions will be made from truth, not lies. This is what shall set you free. We are here to help because you have had horrendous behaviors from the dark ones that break the laws of the universe. This will be no longer tolerated.
Please make the most of the beauty of the earth and watch it expand along with your own beauty. Fill your lives with love with those with whom you resonate. Keep your hearts open. Look out for each other. Please help where help is needed. Expand your strength and your causes. There is much needed this time from the ground crew.
I am sending you love from the Earth Council, the Pleiadian High Council and all of life. I am Mira.
Message from Mira from the Pleiadian High Council through Valerie Donner on August 30, 2022
Greetings I am Mira from the Pleiadian High Council. I speak to you today with heartfelt love and gratitude. We are pointing to the way for the resurrection of all of life on the earth.
Indeed, you are in a rapid ascension process this has been accelerated because you have passed many of the tests and are now ready for your beautiful New World. We also know that many of you clamored to be on the earth at this time and it has taken its toll. You are weary and you deserve so much better. The old rules are no longer apply and you will be living by new rules and principles of higher consciousness that will heal your hearts and help you to live in joy and abundance.
Life in the light is uplifting. Living this way makes your heart sing and your body is soaring every minute you are on the earth in the new reality. It is as if your soul is effervescing in joy and bubbling up in new creation filled with surprises and magic. You will be communicating on many different levels internally and externally. The answers to everything will flow to you and you’ll be guided in the realms of truth, love, and light.
Needless to say you are releasing the old and the old is releasing itself from you. In all practical senses you no longer need the old. Your back up is always your faith in Source and your trust that all will be taken care of. In many ways life is going to become easier and more in a natural flow. You’ll be stronger and more powerful than you ever knew you could be. You will stand for the light, love and truth which will be unwavering. No one will dictate your lives in the New World. It will all flow from your heart because you will be living in the light.
You have made powerful advancements, and this is what is allowing you to become who you truly are. You should be proud of yourselves and all of the work that you’ve done to get you to this place right now. You are respected and loved. You have many followers from all the Light Realms, including the Galactic’s, the Angels and Archangels, the Masters and all of your spiritual family. Many are here now, and celebrations are already occurring. That should tell you something about how close it is.
We ask you to trust the process, know that the Creator is in charge and that everything is part of the Divine Plan. You are in for some surprises. It is all for the good of life on the planet and for all of creation.
I love you and send you magic, gifts and miracles,
Today I want to discuss the great awakening. You find yourselves in the middle of the great awakening. The temperature is rising, the truth is penetrating, the light is accelerating, and you find yourselves wondering where time has gone. These are all signs of the great awakening. Where it stops nobody knows. This rising consciousness moves into eternity, and nothing can stop what is happening with the ascension of the earth. All of creation is focused on you now. Can you feel the love? Can you feel the heartbeat of the earth? The earth is ecstatic, and we hope that many of you are feeling similarly. We hope you feel the clearing of the darkness and how much more peaceful the planet is. Wherever you live this is happening in breakneck speed. The Creator is playing his/her hand. The cards are on the table. There is no going back to the material world because it is collapsing in front of you. You have a magnificent future. It could be chaotic for a while, but you have the tools to maneuver through whatever happens. Find the strength within the love of Source, and Source’s love for you in your heart. You will have everything you need. We are with you and will see you through.
“I am pleased to inform you that your planet is improving greatly. On the outside it may appear chaotic, but the truth is there is a huge perturbation process occurring on the inside of the planet. What you are seeing, and feeling is the tearing down of the old, which is making way for the new. It is something like a remodeling project that people do in their homes. The earth is being remodeled and so are you. You are as much of a part of nature as anything. The earth is ready for improvements that she has yearned for throughout eons of time. Many pathways are being cleared. Portals are being opened. Songs are being sung. The doorways are appearing. The old is being uprooted, making way for the new. This transformational process is paving the way for bliss and happiness for your New Earth. Please welcome this in and continue to bravely ride the currents of evolutionary change. You will have much to celebrate!”
A Message from Mira from the Pleiadian High Council through Valerie Donner, August 1, 2022
Greetings, I am Mira from the Pleiadian High Council currently working full time with the Earth Council.
I am pleased to be with you to deliver this message. In many ways these are the best of times, and they are the worst of times. Truly, humanity was never prepared for these types of change. Your daily lives have been routinized and locked into the material world in the matrix. What you thought was secure is becoming questionable. Almost every aspect of life that you have taken for granted for the last 50 or more years, depending on your age, is now being amplified.
Whether it is higher prices, shortages, finances, housing, employment, health, relationships, or governments, almost everyone is having challenges. This intensity is putting pressure on everyone. Many are feeling they are being squeezed to the breaking point. So what do you do?
First of all you realize that you are in a time of profound change. Everything is coming to the surface to be changed, cleared, and healed, whether it is in your world or in your body. There is much at stake because your old world is falling apart. This can make one feel insecure and uncertain. This is the point when one must go inside and connect with the heart and Prime Source. Both of these will sustain you and prepare you for living in the New Earth from your hearts.
Right now there is an abundance of confusion. This is intentional from the dark forces. This is also a springboard for one to develop more of their psychic abilities and to pay attention to the energies that are coming from various sources. The clever dark forces are up to their old tricks and some of them are not very smart. I will say the ground crew are getting smarter and you are seeing through the dark ploys. This is part of the awakening. It is intended to help awaken the sleeping ones. This awakening is happening at breakneck speed.
Some are disregarding the old rules and regulations because they are no longer relevant. The awakened ones are seeing the control and intentions behind these systems. Even the unawakened ones are starting to question the norm. Progress is being made.
What’s most important to ride through these challenging times, is to have a strong spiritual practice. Whether it is being out in nature, regular meditation, spiritual groups and classes, art, music, dance, whatever helps. These will help you find joy and happiness in your daily lives while the old material world falls apart. Welcome the new and say goodbye to the old. You are doing a great job!
Greetings: I am Mira from the Pleiadian High Council reporting to you today from the Earth Council.
I am pleased to say that much progress has been made since we last spoke. The wheels have been turning and the lights have been flowing extensively. We are using all of our energies for this focus of the earth’s ascension and for your ascension. The focus is strong and deep. It is casting out lower frequencies and darkness that have festered on the earth for far too long.
If you pay attention to these energies on the earth, you will see that it is easier to breathe now and that it feels lighter. There is still much occurring with the breakdown of the old. We assure you huge progress has been made and continues to be made on the behalf of creation, for the love of the earth and all of life.
We appreciate you beyond measure for working with us and holding this light. We are all working together, and our hearts are fully invested in every decision that is made. This is a complex process and it’s long overdue. It is precise and nothing can stop it!
What assists us the most is when you follow your inner guidance listening for your next step. You will just know what to do, where to go, and what to say. We are guiding you. You will be delighted with the results of what we are doing together, even if you don’t know clearly what is going on behind the scenes. It is important to trust the plan and to know that it is a perfect mechanism and is God designed.
We recommend that you take excellent care of your bodies right now because they are going through a lot. They have been taken to task from the attacks that been launched against them. Some of you are beginning to see the fragility of some peoples’ bodies. You are also beginning to see, and hopefully understand, how holy the body is. It is something to be respected and is quite a marvelous part of creation.
You will see that other wonderful technologies will be coming forward that will assist with your healing. Take heart and know there are some new improved healing technologies. You will no longer be limited to the allopathic medicine with which you have been living. You will have other choices. There are also numerous geniuses who will be revealing their natural cures straight from the earth. And you will heal!
The earth is also going through her healing journey. She will also heal. All of her kingdoms are ascending and vibrating at higher frequencies. This allows them to participate in even greater ways for the earth’s ascension. All of life is beginning to remember who it truly is, and it is beautiful.
Please keep going deeply within and loving your bodies, your minds, your hearts, and your souls. We are together in this and stronger than ever.
The days ahead will be nothing like you have experienced in the past. You are entering a whole new way of living on planet earth. You might want to say, “Let the good times roll.” and “Let the bad times roll out!” This is what is happening now.
The light is expanding you into a whole new reality. It is squeezing out the darkness leaving nothing but puddles of the past. Even the shadows will retreat into oblivion while the earth and the light ascend into the glory of creation.
The pathway to the unknown is being revealed. You will have magnificent surprises in your future. The revelations and glimpses of the future are already appearing. You are expanding your connections with your galactic family and friends and finding your connection.
Everything is opening up for your new beginnings. The joy and excitement is palpable if you simply go outside and breathe. Please take it all in, for as you do this, you become more of a part of it. We want you to enjoy it all and want you to say “Goodbye” to what no longer serves.
A Message from Mira from the Pleiadian High Council from Valerie Donner, June 1, 2022
Greetings, I am Mira from the Pleiadian High Council working full-time with the Earth Council.
Currently, there is much to behold on the earth. The comings and goings are quite exquisite. The light, the life, the cleansing and clearing, are transforming your planet. We also celebrate the removal of the dark ones. Their removal is long overdue. It should warm your hearts to know their reactions to being removed. They are getting what they deserve and will never be allowed to return to the earth again.
You are in a time of restoration that is an important necessity for the survival of the earth and life upon it. We would recommend the ground crew consciously strive to cleanse their bodies, minds, thoughts, and words, because this will also affect the consciousness greatly. By becoming more aware of vibratory sounds that come from your vocal cords, you will begin to understand how you can make higher contributions to elevating the consciousness of the planet. The old thoughts and words are stagnant. The fear-based visuals used in movies, and other media, contaminate and will no longer be acceptable on the earth. If you pay attention, you’ll begin to see how some people are already delving into this subject. They are powerful and they are going to cripple some of these businesses that have been perpetuating the toxicities.
Please go into your hearts and rank what is most important to you. Ask where you can be of great service and assess where your passion is first and foremost. We assure you that you will have the resources that you need to follow your hearts. You can become examples to others so they can do likewise. Your communities and your expanded spiritual families are drawing close. This is how you go about creating the Golden Age. You might also remove those you have put on a pedestal. Realize you are all equal and some of those on the pedestal do not deserve to be there. What’s important is your light and your gallant hearts directing you to your most passionate projects.
As the old systems begin to fail, you may find yourselves working miraculously to create new systems. Some of you already have ideas for starting anew. The earth will become your canvas and you will use your paintbrush to create your infinitely beautiful new earth. By looking around you will notice, with your raising consciousness, where attention is needed. From these observations you’ll be able to gather other like-minded friends to take action.
Begin to imagine a safe, quiet, clean, cooperative, loving, well-functioning, happy, fun, and joyful new planet. See how joyful it will be for us, your galactic family, to come and go. You will share, and we will share, and learn from each other. We are excited about being with you. We enjoy celebrations and there will be many.
What do you have to do now, ground crew? Hold the light. Pay attention. Watch the skies. Follow your heart. Create new dreams. Have compassion for everyone. Release fear and choose love. Be in your truth. Help others. Share. Be in nature. Enjoy animals. Let go of what no longer serves you. Stay in the present. Be patient. Look for magic and miracles. Feel the well-being that is here now and continue to improve upon it. Take good care of yourselves.
The skies around the earth are filled with your galactic brothers and sisters. We are doing our part for the transformation of the earth, as well as, for all of creation. The earth is so special that what happens here affects all of life. You are special too. Please understand the truth of these words. We are all so pleased to be with you and to experience this ascension together.
Here is the latest from Apollo: “Greetings from the Galactic Command Center. I have moved closer to interact with the earth’s ground crew for obvious reasons. I am sure you understand the importance of the incredible shifts that are occurring now on your planet. The Galactic’s are focused on assisting with your ascension. Most of the obstacles and barriers have been removed. This means that whatever was blocking your transformation has been transported. The darkest of the dark are no longer on the planet. We have seen to that. You are beginning to see the inherent love and beauty coming from the earth. This removal is making the earth extremely happy. She has been waiting for a long time for this transition to occur. The month of May has been pivotal for your planet. We are in your skies. We are cleaning them up and holding loving energy for life on the planet. We are assessing and evaluating where we are needed constantly. We love our jobs. We are very good at them. We honor the work of the ground crew. Please go outside often and look for us. We are in celebration mode and soon you will be too. Please prepare for all the joy that is coming your way.”
Greetings, I am Mira from the Pleiadian High Council. I speak to you today with all the love in my heart. The Creator and I behold you for your powerful presence on the planet earth. Due to your presence, we have made a huge shift in the situation on the planet with the removal of the darkness. We attribute and thank you for this great work that you are doing.
You may have noticed recently that you are feeling increasingly connected to us. This is partly because we are closer to you. We are present in your skies, your thoughts, words, and everything that you are doing. You are first and foremost in our hearts. We are here to address your needs. We work behind the scenes to provide magic and miracles in your lives.
Every day this connection could be some little things such as a beauty in your sky, music, and love in your heart. We are the way showers here to uplift you and to show you the way. We want to acknowledge you and remind you that nothing you do is in vain. It could be your kind thoughts or kind words, your spiritual practices, your reverence for the earth and for each other. It could be your compassion and your open hearts. It might be your holding of the light, truth telling, something nice you do for humanity or for animals. It is all appreciated and needed at this time.
Some of you are wondering how this movie is going to play itself out. We want to reassure you that it is playing itself out and you have nothing to worry about, especially when you remove yourself from fear. The toxic things in your life, including people, need to be cleared and removed. If the energies are no longer appropriate and do not feel right, you must address what you should do about it. If your body responds negatively to something that you consume, it is incumbent upon you to pay attention and remedy the situation. You are becoming increasingly sensitive, and your body will tell you if it doesn’t like something or someone. You must listen. This is your guidance. You will do best if you listen.
We are in this ascension process together. You were never intended to do this alone. As I said at the beginning, you have more access to us than ever. There are many plans for our reunions and greater closeness. You will get to know us, and we will get to know you. You will reconnect with your galactic families, and they are excited. We love to celebrate, and we are anticipating many celebrations with you.
If you go out at night, or during the day, you will feel our presence. You might see our ships. There is an element of excitement in the air and in the sky. Come and use some of your greater telepathic gifts to reach us and we will respond back. A little practice makes it even easier. You can do it.
Know that we are with you and that we will complete our missions. You will live in the golden light and the Golden Age on earth.
I send you love and gratitude from all of creation.
“Right now you are living on a planet with the empty nest syndrome. This applies to the earth because many of her children have been off the mark and can no longer remain in her domain. She has been longing for this moment of the great awakening in tandem with the departure of those who have misbehaved. The earth is as sensitive as you are, so she feels everything. She wants to awaken the sleeping ones, and the other ones she wants to shake off and out of her body. She embraces the ground crew. The fire of her divine feminine energy is rising to the surface with huge emotional outbursts. She is gentle, yet strong. She will no longer tolerate past behaviors because her consciousness has risen. The earth desires peace and well-being. It is her intention to return to balance and harmony. This can only be done while living in higher consciousness. There will be no more excuses for the horrific imbalances. We in the Light Alliance are assisting the earth so that the Golden Age is completely anchored into the earth and into your lives. We are excited about our long-awaited reunion with you.”