Here’s the latest message from Apollo: “Thank you for your latest good work, ground crew. It has helped significantly to raise the consciousness of the planet. You are helping to fasten the grip on the darkness. There is still work to be done. You are now in the process of stepping into your light felt roles that will change the Earth forever. This is a serious choice point, dear beings of light. Most of you are aware, if not consciously, but at least subconsciously, the importance of you acknowledging your work as transducers of light. So much is still needed, yet it is only a breath away. Every time you pay attention to working with the light and feeling the light, you make huge waves in the shift of the ages. This is why you are here at this time. I recommend you make your focus the light. Close your eyes and welcome in the light and, if necessary, cry away the tears. Let your heart be filled with love and release the long-held fears. This will assist you in freeing yourself from the past darkness. Not only are you holding the light but you are becoming the light. The darkness has very little sway over you now. You recognize your power of the light. This makes you solid and steady. Please remember what I’m saying.”

Greetings: I am Mira from the Pleiadian high Council still serving full-time on the Earth Council. We appreciate your hard work and we admire you for the excellent jobs that you are doing. Many new projects are already spearheaded, as if you already were/are in the 5th dimension and higher. Your roles are about to change as you step forward into who you really are and what you came to do. You came back from the future to change this now moment on the Earth because you did not like what happened to the Earth. I am sure you can see that there is a reason why you did this because look at what has happened to the Earth. Therefore, now your work is in full play. You need to step forward and emerge more with your future self. You need to call back your gifts and your abilities, to remember who you are. We are excited that you are doing this. We see your beauty, your truth, your strength, your love, and your power. We know so much about you and believe that you are successful in this huge project called the Ascension of the Earth. Please remember that you are not just creating a New Earth but you are also involved in co-creating a whole new universe. Little do you remember every aspect of your mission, but as you step forward to do more it will reveal itself. You will begin to see what great masters, avatars, and powerful beings of light that you are. So believe in yourselves, ground crew. We are getting prepared to celebrate you and all of your good work. We are working along side with you. We have all upped our capabilities and technology to further this process. The Earth is speaking to us and as we observe her. We see the challenges that she is facing. What we are doing together is of the utmost importance. I would even use the word “urgent” because everything is so out of balance and chaotic right now. It’s almost as if these projects need to be accomplished simultaneously. Yet we need to follow the power within these necessities and feel it present. Please know that everything is being done and will be accomplished at the right divine time. This principle also applies to you in your lives. Follow the most pressing issues that you have and learn to clear and heal them. This will free you up to receive the higher frequencies, love and abundance that you so deserve. There is no one right way to do this, however, we do encourage you to shift your focus. The time is now. The rewards will be many. The celebrations will continue. And your hearts will be open and full of happiness and joy for all that has been accomplished. Look to the stars, dear ones, for they have much to tell you. There is a story behind it all and you will remember. You will find with clarity and the truth why you are where you are right now on the planet. You will start receiving more signals from us and all of the galactic’s. So be open looking to the skies and waiting for what we will be showing you. Truth is the truth and the light is the light. The light carries the frequencies and the consciousness together that will lead you home. I am Mira speaking to you with great love and gratitude.
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