We are moving away from the banking system. New financial system begun with Russia golden backed ruble (BRICS=BRAZIL, RUSSIA, CHINA, INDIA, SOUTH AFRICA) Exchanges are happening on digital wallets. In my understanding bitcoin will collapse and other currencies will rise…it is all regulated with protocols in place for our safety. It is all happening and only 5% of global population aware of that. I got already my wallet on lobstr.co and learning along the way. I am not a financial advisor, i invite you to welcome the new by learning to use it 🙂
In my understanding your monies are safe in the banks , transition will be slow and education will begin for all to learn to use new systems in place where you are/become your own banks.
Asset backed currencies are Gold Backed among other precious materials. Not like fiat moneys or cryptos before the time is ripe to back them. Queen is gone long ago. Not announced publicly. I am opening your eyes. Still have doubts about GOLD Abundance? among all other abundances?
This is NESARA/GESARA happening in plein sight.
Over 3 BILLION people have now crossed over to a Gold backed SYSTEM.. CHINA> RUSSIA> // INDIA, SAUDI ARABIA and many countries not mentioned in mainstream media are now trading on the NEW SYSTEM<<<(only took 72 hours for the new system to be up and running and trading 12 countries in an instant)//
The effect of half of 7 billion people leaving the [DS] CENTRAL BANKING system. Which means the [ COLLAPSE] IS IMMINENT and world CABAL owned markets are collapsing ..
[They] are trying now everything they can to create WWIII .. Next PANDEMIC… Next FALSE FLAGS .. weather manipulation……(( [ DS] These people are willing to fight to death.. Because their lives depend on it)/// WORLD DS PANIC!
If you never took the time to educate yourself, now is the time.
Over 3 BILLION people have now crossed over to a Gold backed SYSTEM.. CHINA> RUSSIA> // INDIA, SAUDI ARABIA and many countries not mentioned in mainstream media are now trading on the NEW SYSTEM<<<(only took 72 hours for the new system to be up and running and trading 12 countries in an instant)//
The effect of half of 7 billion people leaving the [DS] CENTRAL BANKING system. Which means the [ COLLAPSE] IS IMMINENT and world CABAL owned markets are collapsing ..
I come from the generation of people incarnating on the planet where we had to go through the experience of having projects ready to go in order to assist all our sisters and brothers and not getting the attention/funding from corrupt governments and not getting the attention of enough donators either to make those become reality from assisting orhan schools in Uganda that i have been donating personally from the donations i get through this website and my holistic life /Ascension guidance tools i share and others such as Free Energy invention called Electra in Greece where since over 5 years now, even we know it works, the invention was pattended and not given support from the local government to make this happen, to name but a few.
Even though i live a life out of the matrix for 19 years now (celebration yayyyy) there is a big part of me that wants to see those come through in my 1000+ years lifetime. Yes i know i can live that long in this physical body and even more. The future generations will not have to go through that experience. And i am speaking of the millenials that will bring forward amazing solutions at every level of life and our answer as the ones now being in the ranks of older ‘wiser’ generations will be : Does it benefit the highest good for all? Ok, here you go. And when i say older ‘wiser’ i mean working in collaboration with Quantum computers and Quantum Finacial systems that are working in tandem with the organic and now galactic humanity to distribute funding wherever a great idea pops out. No more stealing ideas for the purpose of making monies for the few. No more taking concepts like NESARA/GESARA and changing them to the great reset and writting books about it so not all become aware of that. All transparent and crystal clear. My lesson is clear : i had to learn to feel abundant at all times, no matter where i stand in my finances. And feeling abundant means feeling One with Source. It means to be able to Vibrate higher and higher by choosing deliberately to feel good more often than not. And not only that, also to be able to sustain that feeling as long as possible till the day i become the open door for Divine Love to flow through in a constant state of appreciation 24/24. Mastery that is. Feel More Than Fine that is. Cause it never stops. Constant change. New energies flowing in and new upgrades taking place uncovering deepest part of me that i start to remember. New powers and knowledge that is very different to each and every one and yet all coming from the ONE Source of ALL THAT IS, GOD or UNIVERSE, make your choice. So it makes sense that from now many messages that are coming out even from the most advanced level channelers will not resonate any more with our being. They work for the one that channels, maybe for the one that listens if they are attuned to their Higher self but not all. And yet something that works for all at all times is to choose to feel good at all times, to choose to feel more than fine and from here one is 100% that he/she is fulfilling their purpose in life. At least that is how i roll myself. I make it easy. And i go easy on myself. Sometimes action is taken, some other times and especially these almost 2 years now, i remained in one place physically taking action mostly through creating more momentum of what i wish to see come through in this transitional time we are on. And since we are entering the year of the tiger where things accelerate much more towards our Golden Age of our existence and btw Happy New Chinese Year 2022 no better time than to express my personal vision that i wish to see become reality for each and everyone on our planet with ease, grace and flow. Maybe somethings you agree, some others you don’t. Welcome to Feel More Than Fine New Earth 🙂
One more thing: WE know there are septillions of Gold that have been recuperated between Vatican and Switzerland Underground bases.
We know that there is much more prosperity that we don’t know of.
Keeping this in mind here what i want to see come true and tangible manifest, call it NESARA/GESARA or any other financial system.
1.Begin distribution of wealth in all areas of life starting from BUI (Basic Universal Income) for all citizens worldwide.
2.Medbeds/Celestial Chambers for all for free.
3.Free Energy. For All. (TESLA or any other)
4.Charities support in all areas of Life locally and globally worldwide where monies go directly to fulfil each charity’s specific goals.No intermediaries! Dedicated to the task project managers YES!(that includes homes for all homeless, feeding the hungry etc.)
5.Organic farming Abundance of fruits and veggies locally & worldwide.
11.Animal Stations supporting all animal life worldide.
12.Cleaning of Nature, reforestation, cleaning of oceans and rivers.
13.Awesome mobility :Hover Cars, Flying cars , Anti gravity vehicles.
14. Support for all Artists and Creators wherever they stand in their journey.
15.The Venus Project
16. Healthy HI Tech used in all areas of Life.
All that I have already asked and it has been given.
The time to see those comes true, depends on where we are standing collectively in our vibration. Are we ready for this collectively? That is the question. So till those become tangible true, this or better, the only choice me and you have is to keeping feeling good in appreciation of what is and eagerness of what is coming.
And hey if you feel this list is missing something, please send me an email at: info@feelmorethanfine.eu and it will be my honour and pleasure to add those to my list.
You are all very much loved and yes behing the scenes there are many that are wishing for all those to come true. More than you think you know. In fact most all already are, just not yet expanded to where they can be.
Peace and Prosperity for all!!!!
Ask and you will receive. Believe and you will see.
In eternal gratitude to God and All Legions of Light throughout eternity for cheerleading us in our creations as Source expands through our IAM presence through every action, feeling and thought we choose 24/24.
This week’s guidance from the Ascended Masters, Galactics, Earth Elements, Fae Elders, Angelic legions, Archangels, and other Divine Beings known as the Collective:
Greetings, dear ones! We are very pleased to have this moment to speak with you today.
Today we answer a question from a Light Bearer, who asks:
If you could name one thing that Lightworkers could do daily that would take no more than 15 minutes a day, that would have the greatest impact on the Ascension of the planet and humanity, what would that be?
THE COLLECTIVE: We would say that in many respects, those on the Ascension path are already doing the most important thing, which is to be on the Earth at this time, while earnestly seeking their own highest path.
So long as that point of focus and heart-based desire is based in Love, all is well—all rivers shall flow to the sea of Light that is Divine Love in its many forms.
You ask for an action that would impact humanity and Earth Herself, in these very tenuous times in which so many feel the stresses of the world.
You see much occurring now which, however it may appear, are the birthing pains of the Divine Chaos that nearly always accompanies great creation.
And so we shall point out some things which you already know deep down.
For one, you know in your heart-mind that none of you are operating in a void, in which your own actions remain separate from that of the Divine Beings and nonterrestrial beings assisting humanity.
Your actions, your frequency, your heart-mind focus are always supported and enlightened by your connection to your soul family and to your own soul.
From there, the network widens to include whole communities of Light Bringers whose Earth missions are similar to your own.
It extends as well to those in Inner Earth who are working alongside you in the etheric, and in the thought planes, where you connect with them often without consciously realizing it.
As you know, many of you are at work on the ships in your sleep state, assisting galactic and intergalactic councils in their work to establish Peace permanently on your planet, and to safeguard it wherever possible in the galaxy as a whole, and to encourage Earth’s and humanity’s Ascension.
You are at a crucial tipping point on Earth’s timeline, so much help has been called in (and you answered, or you would not be here now).
Many of you work within the Earth, awakening grid lines, pre-ancient technologies in the pyramids and other sacred sites around and within the planet.
You visit these places etherically, calling into action aspects long hidden of Lady Gaia’s own deep inner wisdom, and awakening those wise pre-ancient beings whose sleeping presence has guarded these sites for thousands of years.
Nearly all have awakened now, and are assisting your efforts.
You are receiving great support for this work from so many beautiful beings, around the Earth and on Her.
And so now we would say—join the awake state to the etheric!
Realize the importance of your presence on the planet and the constant interconnection of your work with even the highest of the Angelic presences.
Give Thanks for all you are able to do with your own rising vibration, as you reach beyond survival-based living, and claim independence and full sovereign control of your destiny.
Let your Earth self know how important they are.
Alert your soul, higher self, and soul family that you are ready to move into the full aspect of your Earth mission, in ways that your waking self will become increasingly aware of, and benefit from.
The other half of this beautiful realization of your own god/goddess presence, is to intentionally call in the support and active intervention of those in the higher realms, and those galactic family and friends on the ships around Earth, upon Her surface, and in Inner Earth.
Tell them that you require and call forth their assistance—that all of humanity calls out to them now on a higher level, requesting all forms of benevolent intervention.
Interventions that respect human free will, yet drastically speed along NESARA’s full enactment.
Thank them for all they are doing now, and offer your increased level of assistance.
Say you are ready to stand as a Light Warrior who protects and guards the principles of a free and independent race of beings who must now be sovereign.
Then open to receive!
Image the Earth in the Transmuting Violet Flame of Saint Germain, as. you stand or sit up straight with hands open and facing upward, or hands over heart, as a sign that you are fully dedicated to this mission.
And so, your affirmation or proclamation, to be spoken aloud each morning, might sound something like this (knowing as you do so that etherically, all of us and millions of other Light Bearers join with you):
“We call upon the Great Source Consciousness of the All That Is, the Creator Source Energy from which we came!
“We ask to be fully engaged in the Ascension of our own spirits and consciousness, and to move along the Ascension path in Joy and Grace.
“We call forth healing for all aspects of our mind, body, and spirit that require healing from past and present experiences and conditions on this or any planet we have ever lived on.
“We ask to be engaged fully as Light Bearers, and call forth complete Divine Guidance, Direction, and Assistance in our Earth missions we drew up before birth.
“We call forth the full assistance now of that Divine Central Source that is pure Love—the Divine Feminine in all Her Creational power, and the Divine Masculine and all His Divine Protection.
“We call forth the assistance of all Beings in the higher realms serving within the Office of the Christ [the crystalline energy consciousness] to assist Earth at this time!
“We petition you now: Move swiftly with the Legions of Light to release and dissolve for all time-space all impediments to the full enactment of NESARA law.
“We petition you now: Move swiftly with your Legions of Light to nullify the effects of all false chemicals, all illness, all toxicity, all war and warlike action to which human beings are being exposed, whether in mind, body, or spirit.
“We call forth and require Divine Healing for all, Divine Protection for all, Divine Guidance and Encouragement for all upon the Earth at this time.
“We blaze the Violet Flame of Saint Germain, to envelop the entire Earth and all Her people, and all Earth systems, experiences, and conditions!
“We petition you now, Angelic Legions and the Galactic forces, including all members of the Ashtar Command: Assist Earth by surrounding her with those frequencies needed to pave the way for NESARA’s immediate enactment.
“And we call forth the power of the Archangels, the Earth Beings who represent in higher levels the souls of all trees and plants, all rock and soil, all animals, air, water, and ethers—
“Hear us now!
“Join with the Ascended Masters and the power of all our souls, and break forth, through the false shields that have for too long blocked your empowered interventions, and intervene on a level such as never before seen on this planet!
“Pave the way for NESARA’s enactment, including complete disclosure of the nonterrestrial and extradimensional beings who live on and around Her in this Universe!
“Pave the way for NESARA’s immediate enactment, including full announcement of the arrests of those responsible for the old false government structures around the planet, and those carrying out their orders.
“Pave the way for NESARA’s immediate enactment, including announcement of the tribunals and trials that these ones and their false overlords will now face.
“Pave the way for NESARA’s immediate enactment by steadying the heart-mind of every child, woman, and man on the Earth so that they are not only ready for complete renewal of all life on this planet, but ready to celebrate and accept the great changes unfolding now, in the liberation of Earth and Her beings.
“And pave the way for our ability to rejoice, to give Thanks, to know that this is so, now and ever more.
“That all slavery status upon the Earth is hereby converted to a free and independent humanity, living in free and independent states, nations, and villages.
“Hear us now, and answer in the fullest possible measures!
We call upon you, knowing the Time is Now for these unprecedented, benevolent interventions to be accomplished!
“We welcome you, friends and beloved family members, and we give Thanks, we give Thanks, we Give Thanks!
“And so it is. Namaste!”
As you speak all of this, actively visualize, with Joy equal to the strength of your declaration, that every needed form of intervention is happening now.
If our phrasing here is not comfortable for you, find your own words—and speak them daily!
Visualize the ships landing.
Visualize Captain Ashtar on the screen of your computer and smartphone, announcing NESARA’s full enactment.
Visualize the old warlords and false authorities being led away onto the ships (as many are currently doing, in any event).
Image watching the intergalactic trials and tribunals that will determine what becomes of them.
And image the celebrations, as NESARA is fully announced!
The music, the dancing, the laughter, the tears of Joy . . .
The eradication of all war, all debt, all social and political oppression — all of it, in living color, as they say.
Then carry the power of that resolute inner Knowing with you throughout the rest of your day.
Carry the Joy of knowing, “This is real, now!” as you carry the energy of that reality with you even into your sleep state.
This will empower every cell of your body, every energetic molecule of your heart-mind and spirit, to help mold these events and carry them into physical reality.
None of this need take longer than 15 minutes, if it takes even that long—and the result?
You will be liberating your planet, dear ones.
Yes, you are that powerful, and you are that crucial to Earth’s journey now.
From there, Ascension unfolds to new heights every moment.
Not because you require to be rescued, or because Earth is a hopeless case otherwise.
But because from Joy you were birthed, and now to Joy you return.
It is a condition of the high heart that reveals to you the heights of your own spirit.
And you are just the Light Bearers to make that happen.
We send much Love, dear ones—now is the time!
Take up the sacred crystal of co-Creation in your heart of hearts, and lead us all forward!
You are guarded and guided on every side, for we are with you, always.
Copyright 2022, Caroline Oceana Ryan
If you repost, please maintain the integrity of this information by reprinting it in full and exactly as you find it here, and including the link to the original post: https://www.ascensiontimes.com/post/a-message-to-light-bringers-january-21-2022.
From the higher beings known as the Collective: Greetings, dear ones!
Once more, this week’s guidance is again channeled from the Spirit of Money, part of the overall Spirit of Abundance, this time in video form:
Money speaks on several issues, including:
The return of the energies of the Divine Feminine in terms of how Money is expressed on this planet
How energy needs to flow easily in every area of our lives, as air and water flow in Nature, in order for each area of life to work well for us
NESARA Law and NESARA rainbow currency
The importance of opening up to hear our higher self and spirit guides
The prospering power of offering your daily work as a loving service to others
How the old economic system, in which the elite have hoarded wealth, cannot stand in the Light now coming to the planet
That Money desires to flow to ALL, though some have written into their life’s blueprint that they will not have much money, or that they will create what’s needed “in the moment,” and how that life chart can be revised
How to handle that moment when you’re saying, “I don’t have enough money!”
How the way you treat any Money you receive affects how more comes in — the importance of taking time to Appreciate money before using it
How to tap into your higher self’s wisdom on how to increase your income, when you are already working a tiring, full-time job
Money wishes to say to All: We are not difficult to experience at joyful levels! We desire to flow to All. Spend far more time feeling Joyful about the Good you have already created, feeling full of Appreciation for all you already have created and drawn in. When you feel sad or frustrated, and bereft of a steady flow of Abundance, know that we desire to come to you. Speak to us as an old friend, and bring up your sadness or frustration, and feelings of loss. These must come forward in order to be healed fully. Do not suppress those emotions when you feel them. Let them come forward and pour them out, releasing them as merely Appearance of lack, and not the reality of it.
Then affirm that:
“There is no lack. That is only appearance and illusion. “The only reality is that I AM Always full of Abundance in all forms, including Money.
“I AM the power of Creator God/Goddess in all areas of my life. I AM the presence and power of Divine Love Itself!
“I demonstrate Abundance in all ways. I AM Abundance, now and always!”
We send you great blessings of prosperity in all its most beautiful forms. Image us in the form of NESARA rainbow currency, for we desire that all shall enjoy our most Joyful energies. Namaste, friends! All shall be most well.
Would you believe it if i tell you that i will posting notes for you to print and use at your bank ?
Well, it is happening 🙂 And Queen Romana of Canada is making this happen.
This is the Promissory Note/I Owe You Note.
This is a lawful tender / legal tender in all Countries.
It is a negotiable Note.
The Banks know how this works. This is their language and creation.
Use your DL or Passport for ID
You would need to look up the Bill of Exchange laws in your own Country.
You can use this to pay Bank Bills (especially banks – mortgages, credit cards, etc.), Government Bills, etc.
Your small grocery stores may not know what to do with it…
The laws I’ve sited on this note is Canada’s Bill of Exchange laws.
Use this during this transition period.
When the Bank uses this note and negotiates it with a 3rd party (trade on it), your debts disappears 😊
Queen Romana Didulo of Canada.
@RomanaDidulo, Head of State & Commander-in-Chief, Head of Government, Queen of Canada/President of Canada. This is my real account. All others are fake.
We see a world where all foods, everywhere, are healthy, beautiful, and delicious; where every morsel is filled with life-force energy which makes us strong and vibrant so we are able to live active, fulfilling lives.
We see the food cared for, every step of the way, as it comes from the Earth to our tables; where the farmers and gardeners have realized that the energy within the food is directly related to the love that went into growing it; where people bless and pray over the plants as they grow because along with seeding, fertilizing, watering, and cultivating the plants, we have learned that praying over and intending blessings for every plant is an equally important part of the farming process, and that it insures the energy we receive from the plants is of the highest quality.
We see additives, addictive agents, preservatives, processing, and packaging no longer needed because we, humanity, have evolved to a point where we are only ingesting clean, fresh, live foods; where people have understood that part of the great change we have been going through involves us becoming lighter – growing a light body – and evolving to a level where the only food we will eventually be eating is Light.
This was a wonderful video chat with Charlie Ward and Tara/Xena.
A few things you don’t already know, but it is always encouraging to hear that more and more people are waking up and it’s good to be reminded of the staggering gargantuan wealth that is available for all of us.
One of my most favorite quotes is from Carl Jung:
“Our world is so exceedingly rich in delusions that a truth is priceless…” Carl Jung, Modern Man In Search Of A Soul, pg. 46
That is so true and we are now learning all the reasons why that is true. In a cabal / deep state / illuminati world, truth is anathema.
So in a world rich in delusions, Charlie Ward videos have been literally, for me, a beacon of light, hope and truth. You can’t ask for more from anyone in the middle of WWIII.
As of this writing, Charlie has 131k you-tube subscribers. Huge congrats Charlie! Well deserved!
Key Points:
-NESARA was written in 1962 -Governments have stolen Pension Funds -Can vote from your phone on the blockchain system which eliminates all voting corruption, which Charlie knows from first-hand experience as he moved money around the world for elites to insure certain people were elected. -NESARA / GESARA gets us out of Maritime Law -The poorest countries — South Africa, Zimbabwe, South America — are actually the richest in gold, copper, coal, uranium, oil, gold, diamonds… -Trusts are worth one quarter of a ZILLION dollars + -Charlie has been working with a team doing an evaluation of what it takes to run the world financially. Only need 13% – 17% tax on non-essential items… -Enough money in the world to pay everyone a Universal Basic Income…
Such a beautiful, rich and abundant world is coming for all. A pristine Divinely restored planet, Divinely restored Kingdoms, Divinely restored Humanity—all golden for a wondrous, peaceful, miraculous Golden Age.
With blessings of Peace, Health, Wealth and Happiness for all – we are Goddess, Sovereign, Free,
this is what i saw when i went on this youtube link and even though i never post more political matters,i feel this is a sign to share with you what happens in relation to the Quantum Financial System,NESARA and GESARA.
It is all being implemented gradually in front of our eyes.
What happens when lightworkers wait for the RV to roll out? July 15, 2020
Me: Hi St Germain, can you please comment on something that I’ve had an issue with for a while. So many lightworkers are waiting for the St Germain funds, the universal basic pay, to roll out so they can probably start doing some good works in the physical, which is wonderful, but everybody, for years now has been lamenting the fact that it’s taken so long for this to happen.
We’ve seen bits of it as some people have had their debt nullified and others have received payments from the government because they’ve been out of work due to Corona/Covid lockdown, but we want to see the whole enchilada.
St Germain: Well, count me in for Mexican food! Me: LOL You came here for the food, too? St Germain: I did not partake of much of the food as I was living around the European countries, however, as I am not a big eater. However, I have had some Mexican food and found it to be quite tasty and they have many vegan dishes as well and this I prefer. Me: I see. St G: However, culinary discussions aside, you’re asking about the St Germain funds, the prosperity funds, the RV, the economic reset, all of these things. Me: Yes. St G: Yes, they are delayed, and very much so. Originally it was decided to roll them out in 2001 yet the collapse of the twin towers in New York delayed the onset of funding, and these funds were then stolen, and this had to do with the twin towers as well as the computers for these funds were then hacked in order to steal them. The computer systems were in the twin towers. We then received the funds back over the ensuing years and put them on our own Quantum Computer system rather than leaving them vulnerable to attack on earth. Energies were right at the time of September 2001 to roll out the funds (yes, it is an “11” – 9/11 adds up to 11, which is a divine number) and we were ready to go ahead. So many of you have no idea what actually occurred that day and that truth will be coming out as well. This tragic event that was created to steal the funds, however, it woke up many and for that we are grateful.
Me: I know. So many people changed their life’s course at that time. My cousin left her job and refused to work anymore. She said she couldn’t do it. St G: So in effect she refused to partake of the crooked system and preferred to live with less, a great financial decision. Yes, less economically dependent on the system. It is as if she sensed that her prosperity was coming and was whisked away, and so she decided to wait for it. Me: Yeah, strange, eh? But she’s one of my family and so I wouldn’t be surprised if she had psychic awareness and certainly soul contact. St G: With that, then we need to explain the St Germain funds to you. Yes, so many are waiting for their money. However, when you wait for something, you are leaving it in the future. Manifestation of anything decrees that it must be asked for in the present moment, not in the future. God does not recognize the future, the only moment is now. God does not work on linear time, He works on quantum time, and so must you if you wish to manifest anything, including the St Germain funding. Your artificial time system was created in order to control you and your languages have changed to facilitate this control. So you must overcome these shortcomings. With your artificial time system, you have learned there is no way to access the past and the future, which of course is nonsense. Because these are now moments, the way to do so simply is to recognize that time as being the present and you will be there. Having a great spiritual capacity is also part of this because when you don’t act in a fashion of higher consciousness, you will have few multidimensional capabilities. So in anticipating your funding, you are in fact, delaying it. To demand that money now with the expectation of receiving it now, will help you to gain more financially. Me: It’s worked for me. I’m not even waiting for the St Germain funds; I’m going ahead with manifesting my own abundance. St G: In fact, to bring on the new system, the economic collapse, means you must work with Creation to do so. So you must utilize creative principles, not the dependence you have used to manage your way through the Matrix. You are not dependent on the St Germain funds for your well being. If in fact you demand to know how to increase your abundance, you can tap into the system of universal law which runs parallel to your Matrix system, and jump systems. It is a question of knowing how. Your abundance lies there, not with the Matrix and not with your dependence on it. If you find you have difficulty with achieving more income, then perhaps you might look at how spiritually fit you are. Do you align with and serve God every day? The All? No? Then it will be more difficult because God creates all, including your abundance and the St Germain funds. When you continue to invest your energies into the false fiat system created by the Cabal, which you have lived in all your life, then you will continue to suffer lack of funds. To believe the dollar is more powerful than you are is a false belief. It is not. You are the most powerful and you can command a higher income for yourself. The dollar cannot. Talk of “the Mighty Dollar” is nonsense. You are mightier although many do not realize this. Those who work in their life’s chosen fields are already further ahead than those who do not. To serve God in the way it has been chosen for you to help those on earth is already more quantum than not. You must move away from the system in place and shift to the new higher dimensional system in belief and then you will see change come about more quickly. Nobody is at fault. It is simply a learning process. Believe in the QFS system, believe it is there to support you NOW, and demand to have your income increased. You will see changes occur. Invest your energies into the QFS system, and take them away from the old Fiat system you have always worked with. Refuse to earn money through the old Archon system and say that your money is coming from God through the QFS. Align with the new reality that is being created by people such as yourselves and walk away from the old system. Me: Thank you St Germain. St G: Oh, you’re most welcome. I hope this helps so many of you. Your guides attempt to show you all the time how to change your beliefs and attract abundance and prosperity. The fact that you have little monies or less than you’d like, is because you are invested emotionally and in mindset of the Fiat system. Believe in a secret computer, if you like, with a payload of wealth for all. Envision this. Know it is willing to pay you to relieve your suffering and believe it will do so as quickly as possible. Make sure you envision everyone else gaining the funding for themselves because selfish desire avails you of nothing. Wish for goodness for all, because that is Creation and that is the QFS system. Me: Thank you. Good advice! St G: We will speak soon, my dear. Me: Kiss kiss
This is just the beginning of the prosperity funds being activated.
“I went to the ATM at the Family Express and once I withdraw $200 out of my account, I looked at the available balance that was still left in my account. Apparently, my account had $8.2 million in it. I’m like what in the world is going on here?” said Firefighter Charles Calvin.
Coronavirus may be forcing governments to bring in some elements of NESARA (National Economic Security and Reformation Act.
To understand what NESARA is, we repost an article all the way
back from 2010. The outlines of the article are still … well, germane.
The acronym NESARA stands for “National Economic Security and
Reformation Act.” The Act was passed by the American Congress in the
year 2000 and never proclaimed, for reasons we will touch upon shortly.
As a program, NESARA can be viewed from several perspectives.
As a spiritually-directed financial program, it traces back to the
work of St.Germaine and three other ascended masters. That work began in
the Fifteenth Century and was designed to provide a new economic system
for the world during the present time of transition.
Sheldan Nidle’s Spiritual Hierarchy and Galactic Federation describe
the masters’ work and its development over the centuries. I cite that
passage at length:
“This time will … be heralded by an
infusion of great abundance. This prosperity will be due largely to the
endurance of our Earthly Allies and the brilliant strategies set in
motion, many centuries ago, by the Ascended Masters Count St Germaine,
Master Hilarion, Seraphis Bey and Saint Paul the Venetian.
“These Holy Beings were able to bring to
this realm a financial and monetary plan whose secret purpose is to
enable great abundance to rain down at the appropriate time. Although St
Germaine is ultimately responsible for its success, each of the
Ascended Masters we have mentioned has played a significant role in its
present-day preparation.
“Briefly, … the Ottoman Turks, the
Hapsburgs of Austria, the Bourbons of France and the Holy See conspired
in the past to create a system of banking and trust that has lasted
until this day. …
“The origins of their created Fractional
Banking System are revealed in the ancient treasuries of Rome, Persia,
India and China, and in the many empires of the New World. …
“By Europe’s Middle Ages, control of this
system had passed to the Pope and a series of allied Monarchs. This
group was grievously threatened by the rise of the Ottomans in the
Middle East, and by their capture of Constantinople. New arrangements
were needed.
“St Paul the Venetian and Seraphis Bey
were leaders in negotiating the new Secret Treaties, but only to prepare
the way for the final phase of their strategy. St. Germaine carried
this out beautifully, with help from the Master Hilarion. The outcome
was a World Trust for this realm’s Light Workers.
“Funds were to be disbursed with the
advent of Christendom’s Second Millennium. As that time approached,
however, it became increasingly clear that the Cabals who control your
world wished to avoid this payout.
“Therefore, a number of former members
who left these groups and secretly supported Count St Germaine’s
original intention, devised a way to defeat the secret manipulations of
their former dark Cabals.
“This resulted in the rise of our Earthly
Allies and an exceedingly complex strategy that took decades to bring
to fruition. The process began as a way to ensure that the abundance
promised by Count St Germaine was actually made available to Earth’s
Light Workers.
“At first, this amounted to a number of
Trusts whose true purpose was kept secret. A few decades later, it
concerned the bringing to light of a humanitarian project approved by
the IMF. Over time, this led to the emergence of a number of
governmental, economic and political coalitions, which were protected by
the Ascended Masters.
“They also encouraged Divine intervention
by the Galactic Federation of Light. This First Contact mission would
be allied, eventually, with those who so courageously had encouraged the
disclosure of Count St Germain’s World Trust. In 1998, this measure was
officially carried into effect by a series of secret agreements
promising that the UFO cover-up would cease when these funds were
“The outcome of almost a decade of secret
conflict waged between this global coalition and Earth’s many dark
Cabals culminated in the latter part of 2000. The remaining Dark Cabal
realized that it was imperative for them to seize the leadership of
Earth’s last superpower.
“Thus, they developed a policy that
resembled a scheme they had employed in Germany during the 1930s [i.e.,
9/11, designed to imitate the consequences of the Reichstag Fire]. They
hoped that this policy would enable them to block the disbursement of
funds. They also hungered to engage in a perpetual war that would allow
them to complete the dismantling of this superpower’s Bill of Rights.
“At first, their policy seemed to
succeed. However, their spitefulness resulted in a violent reaction that
increased our Earthly Allies’ ability to counterbalance the power
amassed by these last Cabals. Now, this Coalition has used your Planet’s
most recent, illegal war in Iraq as the intolerable, final act that
will break this last Cabal’s hold on the reins of power.” (1)
Viewed as a modern development, the roots of NESARA can be found in
the response by the Supreme Court to banking foreclosures against farm
property which the Court found to be illegal.
In the course of reviewing these practices, the Court went further
and ruled that many other contemporary banking, taxation and governance
arrangements were unconstitutional. For that, James Rink’s article
appears to be a good source. (2)
As a legislative initiative, it took its name from the National
Economic Security and Reformation Act, passed by Congress in 2000, as
implied in Matthew Ward’s comments:
“The NESARA legislation is being processed within the laws of the God-inspired original US constitution.” (3)
“Because the United States determines to
such a large extent what happens in your world, NESARA was devised in
accordance with US laws rather than any other country’s.” (4)
NESARA was due to be announced on Sept. 11, 2001 at 10:00 am, but the
cabal blew up the World Trade Center buildings at 9:00 am to prevent
it, as Matthew briefly alludes to.
“The dark forces are fighting tooth and
nail to prevent even the awareness of NESARA, much less its
implementation, and, at this point, delaying the announcement that must
by law precede enactment of the widespread provisions is the only weapon
left to them.
“They have been successful thus far in
achieving delays by many means: assassinations of influential people who
favor initiating the provisions without delay as well as others
actively working toward this end; death threats to the families of light
workers and to the workers themselves; double-agents within the ranks
of the light workers; and terrorist assaults. The US internal terrorist
act of September 11, 2001, was the most dramatic of these tactics.” (5)
The gold which backed the new currency was stored in the WTC towers
and stolen by the cabal. Building 7 was the center of operations for
9/11 and was destroyed after the operation was complete.
Viewed from the widest possible angle, NESARA is a spiritually-inspired and -guided arrangement, as Matthew indicates.
“NESARA is legislation of the United
States government that was designed by high light beings in conjunction
with spiritual beings on the planet as the LEGAL means to usher in the
era of peace, love and harmony on Earth.” (6)
“Some consider NESARA to be political and
economic in nature while others view it as spiritual because of the
high-level light beings affiliated with it. NESARA is both. When people
are severely oppressed by political and economic conditions that foster
impoverished living circumstances, lack of health care and education,
monopoly of natural resources, slave labor, unjust laws and courts,
starvation, and tyrannical regimes, offering ‘soul food’ isn’t enough.
“When people are preoccupied with mere
survival requirements, giving them only spiritual messages is not going
to bring about the global reforms they need to rise out of their misery.
That is why the provisions of NESARA are monumental in scope, embodying
sweeping reforms for Earth that will begin as soon as the legislation
is officially announced. When people become aware of the reforms, they
will be motivated to participate according to their capabilities.
“As in all other aspects of polarity
still existing on Earth, NESARA is at one extreme and the dark forces
that … the members themselves call the Illuminati are at the other.” (7)
NESARA is designed to erase poverty and all its attendant ills from
Earth during a transitional period preceding Ascension so that the
planet’s sovereign citizens can focus their attention on planetary
transformation, as SaLuSa indicates.
“The changes will not be imposed for the
sake of it, but are part of our plan to bring you the comforts and
protection, that will lift your experiences to a new level and bring you
joy and happiness. Following that you will be in the right frame of
mind to apply yourselves to the business of preparing for Ascension.
That is the ultimate goal.” (8)
After, Ascension, this planet is destined to be weaned from the use
of money, as SaLuSa points out: “Ultimately you [will] reach a stage
where money has no place in a society that is founded upon sharing.” (9)
Matthew confirms that the time will come after Ascension to drop the
use of money:
“In Earth’s Golden Age, the trend will be
away from money and toward systems of sharing and bartering—the light
intensity in souls will let those means of remuneration for services and
conduct of commerce become as satisfying between nations as between
individuals.” (10)
was felt that there was no sense in implementing NESARA before the dark
forces had been removed from power. Otherwise they would use their
control of government to seize people’s funds.
According to Matthew, the dark forces tenaciously held onto control of the top rungs of all human institutions.
“[The Illuminati’s] tentacles reach the highest levels of
governments; banking establishments; all media outlets; churches;
multinational corporations; royal families; educational, medical and
drug, law and justice systems – NOTHING of influential nature on your
planet is free of Illuminati control.” (11)
Matthew describes their stake in the matter:
“This powerful cabal has long recognized
that to retain their control of Earth’s people, they must keep them in
ignorance and fear and for millennia that has worked well for those
currently in power and their dark predecessors. Now they are realizing
that it cannot work for them much longer, and they are sparing no tactic
to hold onto their fast-ebbing control.
“They rightly see NESARA as their total
uprooting, because once the program’s reforms are implemented, the
control of the darkness will crumble totally.” (12)
Many people wonder why the galactic and spirit coalition do not force
the cabal to accept NESARA. They may not appreciate the requirement
imposed on the coalition that it respect free will.
According to God’s laws, the coalition is bound, until the arrival of
a divine deadline, to allow even the Illuminati to exercise their free
will, including in respect to NESARA, as Matthew explains.
“By Creator’s law, souls’ free will must
be respected except in the case of nuclear detonations in space. That
includes the free-will choices made by members of the dark forces to
hold up and weaken—preferably doom—NESARA.” (13)
Another source of confusion arises from our belief that the
coalition’s plans are predestined and therefore fixed. But Kryon informs
us, “there are things that we call wild cards. That is to say,
potentials that nobody thought about.” (14) Matthew describes the
situation facing the coalition:
“We can tell you what is fomenting behind
the scenes regarding the truth about the global economy, but because
Earth’s energy field of potential is in such wild commotion, we cannot
discern what information will emerge first or the order in which other
facts will follow.” (15)
The coalition must allow for free-will choices; therefore their plans
must respond to our actions, which means that they must be changeable,
as SaLuSa tells us: “We continually adjust our plans according to the
changes on Earth.”(16) “On a week-to-week basis so much could happen,
and it is why we are unable to be more precise about the coming months.”
However, SaLuSa does make one prediction regarding timing. On Jan. 1,
2010, he said that “if we were to anticipate where you might be by the
end of this year, we would expect to have seen governmental changes and
the first signs of the abundance program taking place.” (18)
Prior to 2001, it was planned to announce NESARA before disclosure.
But by 2010, the order had been reversed, as SaLuSa indicates:
“Disclosure … must [now] precede the Abundance programs.” (19) My
understanding is that the galactics had underestimated the degree of the
Illuminati’s intransigence. Persuasion has consistently failed and the
galactics have finally determined that they might have to “force the
issue.” Says SaLuSa:
“[The Illuminati’s] capitulation would be
welcomed, but they are not of the nature to admit defeat. In the end we
may therefore have to force the issue, as our mission must soon start
in earnest. Force is not a word we like, but it does not mean the use of
physical force but rather like your chess game, it will be checkmate.”
We have seen that NESARA can be described from several different
vantage points and its exact date of implementation remains unknown. As
an economic measure, it is intended to be temporary and transitional. As
a spiritual measure, it is intended to inspire Earth’s population with
what is possible, which Ascension will fully reveal. Once NESARA comes,
it will relieve Earth’s population of poverty and toil and allow them to
devote themselves fully to the ultimate task of planetary
(1) Spiritual Hierarchy and Galactic Federation, April 15, 2003,
Galactic Federation of Light: Updates Archive 1997-2007, at
SaLuSa also gives a very short version of the same history:
“The changes to ensure your promised
future will be the fulfilment of all that has been planned, and are
overseen by St. Germaine and a host of heavenly Beings. It has been
brought into place over millennia of time, in anticipation of the end
times. It was foreseen that the low vibrations on Earth would attract
the dark Ones, and what would result from it. Therefore plans were made
to remove them as soon as the Light became the dominant energy and when
their power was diminishing.
“That time has arrived and with the
levels of human consciousness increasing so quickly, there is now a
higher vibration that is awakening people to the truth. St. Germaine is
the Founder of a world trust fund that was set up a long time ago. It
will be able to support a new financial system and enable a fair
distribution of wealth. St. Germain’s message is that you should let
Love and Light be your guide as you take your path to freedom, and know
that the heavenly hosts are with you all of the time.” (SaLuSa, Aug. 30,
2010, at https://www.treeofthegoldenlight.com/First_Contact/Channeled_Messages_by_Mike_Quinsey.htm.)
(2) James Rink, “Partial History of the True National Economic
Security and Reformation Act,” at