Tag Archives: QuantumFinancialSystem
Quantum Financial System,NESARA,GESARA,Free Energy Update.
Quantum Financial System & Projects.
The implementation of the Quantum Financial System happens gradually as we speak all across the globe.There are many signs out there confirming what i just stated,i could post many youtube links, however i do not feel that any of them is 100% accurate if we see things from the filter of forgiveness and The Unity of Humanity.So,instead of posting any video to prove my statement,i will rather focus on speaking about creating the new and how do i see things moving forward in the coming months and decade.
The truth is that all needs to come to the surface to be seen by all before we can truly move forward as one humanity.This does not mean in any way that the rebuild has not begun.It is actually happening also as we speak from those of us who have been working diligently in finding our purpose and mission that serves the highest good for all.There will be many different areas where each and every one who is focused in projects will be able to support and assist depending the excitement we feel about finding solutions in any area of life.
Let me share with you the priorities We are focusing right now with all my partners
Basic Universal Income and Universal Health Care For All in Greece and as many as possible countries is at the Top of our list.
Children :Personally i am part of 2 Non Profit Organizations one in Dakar,Senegal :Feel More Than Fine Africa focusing on helping abandonned children ,taking them out of the streets and assisting them and one in the Netherlands called Real Audio Wizzards which is about finding innovative ways to educate children with more playfulness and less boring ‘study’ time.All children want to play more and we will be aiming in finding ways to assist them with being careful listeners of their passions and desires.
I am also founder of Feel More Than Fine in Brussels which is about Ascension Guidance and Holistic Life Coaching:all the posts you find on the website are within this field which i believe is the reason of our existence and something that more and more are becoming aware of,the intention is that all 8+ billion people on the planet realize their connection with their God within and All That is with ease and grace focusing on the joyful aspects of life as this is reason each and everyone of us is here.The arrival of the prosperity funds will help us create a space where we will be able to assist more in becoming aware of their Ascension Journey ,bringing in Celestial Chambers for Healing and Rejuvenation and creating new jobs to help people help people.
Then comes our communities in Ibiza Spain and in Belgium where i have spent a big part of my life.We have a project named Veganation that is a restaurant that gives free vegan meals based on free will donation in Belgium that we forsee growing all across the globe.
Then we also have technology called Electra that produces Free Energy.So far the Greek Government did not give compliance,we feel this about to change sooner than later.The aim is to replace all coil generators with this technology.
Then we have many small local charities that we feel are the perfect place to begin to offer support on the specific task of each charity.
Now,take all this and multiply it with millions of people finding ways to use the prosperity funds and you have a beautiful tapestry of creation that goes in line in fulfilling Divine Mother’s Plan towards The Golden Age of Aquarius that we are now officialy in. Nothing can stop this ,Heaven has declared that Victory of Light is a fact in the higher dimensions,it may take a while till we see tangible physical manifestations and i can already testify to you that i already see this taking place.The best is here and the ‘bestest’ We have no idea how good this is going to be,for sure much incredible than we dare to imagine in our wildest dreams.
Now having said all that,please watch the following youtube ,use discernement and feel with all your heart if all this is true or not.This explains why Q has been taken down from twitter too btw
Feel More Than Fine
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Quantum Financial System/NESARA/GESARA Update.
Synchronicity always speaks to me:

this is what i saw when i went on this youtube link and even though i never post more political matters,i feel this is a sign to share with you what happens in relation to the Quantum Financial System,NESARA and GESARA.
It is all being implemented gradually in front of our eyes.
Enjoy your pop corn.