Category Archives: Hollow Earth
Hollow Earth Land Masses
Earth has not been lost. On the contrary, it’s been saved by the Lightworkers who are emitting more and more Light daily, and the company of heaven who have dedicated their lives to raising Earth into the higher vibrations.
Zorra’s raising vibration technique.
Enlightened Radio Shows
Beautiful Truth from Zorra Hollow Earth.
Beautiful Truth from Zorra Hollow Earth.Enjoy.
Feeling The Now
Transcript: January 15 2017 Ancient Awakenings Call

This is Sananda. Wonderful to be with you again, as always.
As these energies are continuing to rise many of you are feeling the Now. Many of you are experiencing all those things which have been spoken of previously. These energies continue to rise and you continue to rise with them.
That is what this all about. It is all about energy. It is all about the vibrations and they continue to increase across the entire planet. Yes, they are increasing for you, the Lightworkers. They are increasing for everyone. Everyone is going to experience these waves of energy that are going to come exactly where they are at that particular moment. Wherever they are, at that particular moment, that is how they are going to experience it. Just as you are experiencing these energies in a different way than others might.
You, who have been acclimating to these energies, we have been working with you diligently. Personally with those in this particular group, with those associated with this group. Not only for those who attend this group in person, or over the phone. Also those who experience this group by listening to or reading these words, resonating with these words after, also benefit from this.
There is a DNA discharge that occurs after this. A DNA reconnection that is occurring as we speak these words to you. You may not be aware of this but it is happening. The energies increase. Your DNA changes. Your Pineal Gland is opening wide. Many things are going on behind the scenes within you now. We are speaking of what is happening in each of you.
The changes are tumultuous within you now. You may be feeling the sensations of stomach issues. This is normal. You have heard of this as Ascension symptoms. This is all a part of what needs to occur here. As you feel these symptoms, sit back and relax, let it be and know this is what is happening. Many of you are going to experience this more and more, but others are going to rise in the vibrations so much that these will not affect you anymore, whatsoever. You will not feel the aches and pains anymore. This is what you are experiencing as a result of these energies coming through.
Yes, a great deal of energy came through yesterday, your January 14th. You would have experienced much. Many of you felt this and many more did not feel this. You were wondering, “Is this another promise that that has been made and not kept?”
I can assure you, as Sananda, as all the Company of Heaven and all the Galactics and Agarthans who are working with you, all the things that have been spoken of are occurring now.
You are in the process of your own Ascension, your own individual Ascension. The entire planet has either Ascended or is in the continuing process of Ascension. There is what Gaia has spoken of previously as holding a place for you, the Lightworkers. You as the ones moving up in vibration, you as the ones who are moving up in your Ascension. Holding a place for you in the higher vibrations. To move into those higher vibrations. Even now you still feel you are in the 3D illusion, and sometimes you are, but many times you are not. Many times you are raised up in vibration and you can see the energies, you can feel the energies.
Many of you are seeing things you did not see before. You are peering through the veil because the veil is dropping; the veil is disintegrating as we speak. You will experience many things you did not think possible before. You spoke earlier of rainbows and other signs in the skies. But I tell you now that this is nothing compared to what you are going to experience.
When you look up in the sky and see clouds parted and you see the energy comes through. You will see these energies come through in many different colors, rainbows and many different types of experiences. Beyond your imaginations. As you look at these signs you will know that this is the moment of your shift. This is the moment of your transition.
Lady Nada has said, “It is not far off.” All have been saying it is not far off. That you are in the moment Now. In this moment Now you are going to experience changes that are even beyond your wildest imaginations at this point. All of us can share with you, we can tell you and we can prepare you. But none of us can prepare you for what is ahead.
Yes, there will be some rocky times for some people. Some will have experiences and wonder if this is the end of the world. Possibly for them it is. Many will experience changes and wonder what is going on? Therein, they will turn to you. You, the ones who have been acclimating to these energies. You who can explain and help them understand what is occurring. And yet there will be those times when they say, “Wow! You were right all along!”
You will turn to them at that time and not be in an ego state and say, “How can I help you?” or “How can I be of service to you? I am open to whatever you wish to understand now.”
That will be your mission now. And your missions are about to begin. Some of you have begun working with this. Some of you are about to be sharing what is coming from your Higher Self. The various guides and mentors working with you will begin to share this. You will receive this in dreams. Your dreams are going to become very important if they have not already. They will be very explicit. Very much “feel” to you in those dreams and you will waken from those dreams and wonder, “Was that real? Or am I now in the real awakened state?”
You will wonder about this because there will be very little in the dividing line between the two. As the dream becomes real and real becomes the dream.
I ask you now, as the Lightworkers, as those who go out and share the Light, I ask you now to continue to work with the Light. Continue to increase the Heart vibration as it continues to increase within you. I ask you to understand and know who you are.
There will be many more announcements coming. Many more messages that will be given you over the next several weeks as you continue to move ahead with these vibrations. The time is short now, my friends. The time is very short before all the understandings and promises, all of this becomes real to you. At this point now it is for those who have eyes to see and ears to hear. But soon it will be for all to see and hear.
I am Sananda. I love you deeply. All of my peace and love be with you now.
Until tomorrow, my Beloveds,

Anne and Ginger
Few articles, geopolitical overview with links from 3d to 5d.
Update from the Galactic Federation of Light and the Spiritual Hierarchyfrom Planetary Activation Organization You are on the verge of receiving global prosperity and the initial operations that are to give you a new and wondrous financial system, as well as gold-backed currency. In the past, the dark ones have made this task difficult for us to carry out. Nevertheless, we have broken through their physical and legal barriers. |
12 Chicchan, 8 Chen, 13 Caban Dratzo! The forward motion of the Elders’ plan to safely introduce the global RV continues. Meanwhile, the dark’s counterpunches are in place as well, confirming that special security is more than justified. Because of what is transpiring, we have set up safety points to counteract and defeat the heinous goals of the dark. The first much-needed monies are in the process of being delivered to their destinations. These initial successes show just how well formulated are our plans for defeating the dark’s evil designs. This whole complex set of special strategies is proving just how effective our joint defenses truly are. Using these successes we intend to create ongoing tactics that can defeat the well-equipped forces of the dark. Hence, we are very close to a justly earned triumph over them. We are allocating the time remaining in this Gregorian month to complete the rest of our complicated plans. These are to allow us in due course to complete a massive arrest of the dark leadership, and finally to put an end to their nefarious goals for our defeat. Certainly, the end is approaching for the dark old order that ran this surface reality for nearly 13 millennia! A general purge of the current American republic is under way. In truth, it was founded in 1871 and is the play child of the American autocracy. It is to be toppled by the true, de facto NESARA Republic. The completion of this project remains unclear. We are told that the current incoming administration is to declare this republic, but we remain unconvinced of this and are laying out a blueprint to see that this does indeed occur. We have therefore concentrated on assuring that this goal stays on track and becomes a manifested reality. To that end, we are carefully observing this new administration to ensure that it still plans to announce the new republic. Once this does manifest, plans exist to spread a global alteration that is to modify how this worldwide geopolitical system operates. Until then, we are watching attentively to sense what is really developing in America. We intend to do whatever is necessary to transform the way your present reality works. We are determined to achieve total victory! |
Our operation is built around producing on this surface land an environment that can be conducive to first contact. That environment is to swiftly accommodate a multitude of personnel trained to bring each of you to the very brink of full consciousness. We have watched all of you for more than a decade and understand what you need to reach this pristine state of mind. This mentoring is a very complex process and we are fully aware of how best to interact with you to achieve the required results. We estimate that this mentoring can take months to achieve. Hence, we understand what type of interaction is best to reach our basic goals. You each have within you a set of internal monitors that is also preparing you for your next evolutionary step. What you need is a proper set of mental pushes and exercises that enable you to move higher and higher in consciousness. Therefore, simply follow directives given to us by Heaven. This process is to equip you for your three days in your Light Chamber. As you can see, this process involves propelling you another series of steps forward from where you are now. You are on the verge of receiving global prosperity and the initial operations that are to give you a new and wondrous financial system, as well as gold-backed currency. In the past, the dark ones have made this task difficult for us to carry out. Nevertheless, we have broken through their physical and legal barriers. The present delays are no more than the deep caution that ensures that each necessary step is to be completed successfully. This additional slowness in response is reaching a point where a less precautionary set of steps is actually required. Thus, we have urged our liaisons to ask those in authority to speed up deliveries. This slow and deliberate funding of currency is a process that initially was seen as an event to be swiftly carried out. It is our intention to efficiently move these global payouts through to completion so that the required new governance can truly be manifested! |
Namaste! We are your Ascended Masters! On this day we come, filled with joy, concerning what continues to occur on your world. The long-promised prosperity inches ever closer. All concerned with these blessed events are happily informing us that, despite its apparent slowness, the series of planned delivery dates are soon to be realized. The Agarthans tell us that all is in readiness for what is presently expected of them. We intend to make suggestions to speed up this special process. The divine goal is to isolate and prevent USA, INC from continuing much longer. We instructed our various Sacred Secret Societies to tell every member to stay dedicated to the rise of the NESARA Republic and the celebratory debt jubilee that accompanies it. Humanity is to be freed of its false alliances and to bask in the return of its freedom and personal sovereignty, and the end of its manipulation. We wish to bless all and see that the Light truly has returned. What is unfolding, Blessed ones, is a struggle between those who wish to fearlessly complete this divine project and those who intend to achieve this sacred obligation only when the remaining demand for proper security is provided at a level deemed safe. These events need to be fulfilled at a rate that allows the divine time schedule to move forward promptly. We have among our allies a group of dedicated beings who are able to ensure the total security of this most complex operation. We understand just how all of this can manifest. Heaven tells us the dark cabal needs to be completely isolated from us. Therefore, a quick series of global arrests is immediately called for. In addition, new and trustworthy governance is essential. Quick implementation of the NESARA Republic is also crucial. We ask for a sacred trust, fully realized and manifested for all to see. |
This surface reality is to change, my blessed Ones! We are pledged to implement a time for your freedom, your sovereignty and your prosperity. In our minds, things need to proceed more dramatically. The majority of those who know what is really transpiring need to be given a big sign that the “same old thing” is burnt out. Take the time to explain and prove that a monumental C-H-A-N-G-E is taking place around this world. Key announcements of this changeover must be publicly proclaimed. We Masters have seen how such a “Public Theater” can actually breathe new life into a blasé landscape. It can also turn the forced, dimwitted nature of this process into a transformative shift both awe-inspiring and truly wondrous. Therefore we ask that this process become more colorful, alive and poignant. This is all that is needed to bring an end to the lifeless and tyrannical oppression of the old ways. Adonai! Adonai! Today, we continued our report to you about events around this globe. We thank all for making it possible to bring in a new reality. These magnificent alterations of our world only now are beginning to unfold. We ask all to join with us in manifesting this resplendent new realm! Know, dear Ones, that the countless supply and never-ending prosperity of Heaven are indeed yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!) |
Archangel Michael’s New Year’s Gems:
#10 of 11 TRANSCEND
Peace, Prosperity and Freedom Are Certainly Yours!
Archangel Michael’s New Year’s Gems:
#10 of 11 TRANSCEND
Peace, Prosperity & Freedom Are Certainly Yours!
Archangel Michael:
It is Archangel Michel. Transcendence is the act and condition of choosing and resting in the Light as the Light in the midst of any and everything that is arising around and within you. To Transcend is to choose to be, feel, think and give love, always, regardless of circumstances or conditions. The Masters of Transcendence on Earth are the generous and beloved animals in your lives. We will use their example today to comprehend and to do as they do: ALWAYS CHOOSE NOW TO TRANSCEND.
Che’ Kumara
Che’ is pure love with arms, legs and paws. Che’ is famous for his phrase, “Love wins.” In all circumstances, Che’ loves. He is an accomplished healer who often works with Sananda and the Arcturians. When someone needs healing, Che’ will stay with them putting his paws in various healing configurations for hours upon hours. Che’ is always kind. Sometimes, Che’ likes to appear as a wise Yoda dressed in a fine wise-man’s coat and curling shoes. Che’ is a Master Snuggler, who creates exquisite balance for and with the one he snuggles.
On the land where Che’ lives, there is a portal which is overseen by the Ashtar Command. This portal allows beings who have a density lower than the 5th dimension to come and speak with with the humans healers who live there. The visitors may come on two conditions: 1) Their Galactic Federation Security Team approves the purpose of their visit, 2) The visitor(s) accept the visit protocol training required from the Galactic Federation Security Team.
Che’, being a highly trained and skilled associate of the Galactic Federation of Light, made an agreement with Ashtar that he (Che’) would be the alert system to his human family for whenever visitors come. Che’ has carried out this duty with extreme excellence. When the visitor arriving in the portal is friendly, Che’ gives a soft notification bark. When the visitor is not friendly, Che’ lets his human family know of the arrival with a sharp, piercing repetitive bark. Once the portal is closed, energetically cleaned and re-gridded, Che’ always does a final check to ensure that all is well and as it should be. What a help Che’ is!
Che’ has been known to emanate so much love that many wild animals have been drawn to the house to feel this mighty love, so now Che’ often goes to the edge of the property to send love far and wide to the people and animals of Earth. Che’ is a world level Transmuter and a member of the Lead Inter-Species Earth Transmuting Team. He works both on a global scale, transforming dense energies back into Light and on a personal scale, profoundly assisting his human family by helping to keep the heavy energies from overwhelming them. Che’ is a hero.
Little Lady BamBam
BamBam is such a unique and amazing being. She is admired greatly by her human family and by us in the Company of Heaven for her inner strength, tenacity, spiritual constancy and unrelenting love. BamBam has explained to her human family that she is an “Energy Super-Scrubber.” Both in the house and on the property, BamBam does hours of perimeter check and dense energy cleaning. Nothing of low-density quality may remain on BamBam’s careful watch! During times of intense spiritual work for the family, BamBam will forgo rest in order to ensure that the surroundings remain energetically pristine. She is an expert at helping to clear humans as well as land. It is wondrous to imagine how so much might and devotion comes through such a soft tiny body.
Besides her many gifts and duties, BamBam has a very challenging Mission. BamBam is here to assist the Animal Kingdom, beginning with the big cats (lions, tigers, leopards, etc.) to transition from aggressive hunters to their true gentle nature. This has been an extremely challenging Mission, yet BamBam never gives up. Through repeated efforts and deep contemplation, BamBam is overcoming what some would call “instinct” by making conscious loving choices that one-by-one override any dark or dense programming and/or experiences in her body, species and Kingdom. BamBam helps her human family understand how humanity has contributed to the imbalances which have resulted in many animal behaviors. BamBam is wise. Her Mission is overseen by the Great Lady Sekhmet.
BamBam’s love showers over you like a waterfall. When she decides it is LOVE TIME, then forget doing anything else! For 30 minutes or more you will be required to engage in aggressive snuggling such as full body rubs and snugs. It is best to just surrender and get down on the floor with her, so that full on love may be exchanged. Then, when it’s over, it’s over, and she’ll let you know when the next session is. When BamBam is feeling cuddly, she likes to gather drier sheets around herself for comfort. During times like this, it is possible to get one of her famous no-touch kisses. Just ask politely for a kiss, and she might lift her head to give you one. Her kisses send healing and love energy through your entire body, leaving you will a feeling of joy and peace. You may respectfully approach BamBam on the Inner Plains through consciousness and request such a clearing and healing for yourself. BamBam is our hero.
Oh little Firefly! Firefly is a special gift from Mother God. She carries some of Mother’s energy, and her story is a stunner!
Firefly came to her human family only a year ago. Before then, Pebbles was living in the body Firefly now lives in. Pebbles was born as BamBam’s sister. Pebbles was (is) such an elegant and divine Soul. When she had completed her Mission on Earth in this lifetime, Pebbles left her home to travel Home…her family was so proud of her, yet they missed her terribly. She does still visit. Ten days later, the bedraggled body of Pebbles turned up at the door with a new Soul inside! The surprised family gratefully welcomed the tender new little one into their home. The human family was told that the little one’s name was Nancy, but that she would prefer to be called “Firefly” because that is what Mother God calls her. All hearts melted.
Firefly was coming into life for the opportunity to heal violent trauma at the hands of those who are supposed to be protectors both for herself and on behalf of all children: animal and human. She went into a cocoon-like state for many months before emerging. The Pebbles body is a little big for her, so it often looks as though she is wearing baggy sweatpants instead of fur. She is so cute because her Light is so bright and gentle, like Mother’s. She has captured every hearts. She is an extremely important member of the family!
Firefly is a “Sonic Wave Healer.” She can emit waves of exquisite energy that fill the room and heal everyone it in. Firefly is very gentle and generous and talkative. Don’t even try to have a family meeting without calling to her first or you will hear about it! Her opinions and offerings are always interesting and helpful. She talks and she sings! She makes angelic sounds in song. It is very very special. It is easy to cherish Firefly because she is pure Goodness and reminds us of all that is True and Real and HOME. Firefly is our hero.
Have you considered the profound dreams, goals, Missions, Life Plans and Service of the animals in your life? They are the embodiment and example of transcendence. It is their joy to be so. To transcend is not to become better than something or someone else. It is not to conquer. It is to be the humble and true ambassador of God, of Godness, of Goodness – no matter what else seems to be transpiring.
Hail mighty ones!
I Am Archangel Michael.
(channeled by Christine Burk 1/10/2017)
Please refer to Patricia-Cota Robles important New Year’s Message – the shining inspiration for Archangel Michael’s New Year’s Gems messages!
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Message #1 GLORY
Message #2 CONSTANCY
Message #4 HARMONY
Message #5 SACRED
Message #6 CURRENCY
Message #7 Action-of-Light!
Message #8 TRANSMUTE
Message #9 TRANSDUCE
Message #10 TRANSCEND
Please post all of this message, including links, without alteration – including electronic voice application – when reposting. Thank you. This Story Ends in Glory! – The Can-Do Gals
Thanks & love to Dinar Chronicles! LINK
All shows and messages are FREE or by donation.
The Year For TRUTH.
The year the dark ones are gathered up and sent to Saturn.
The year for disclosure.
The year for reunion.
The year for the release of prosperity funds.
The year for the release of free energy devices and replicators.
The year for the release of healing technologies that heal and restore us to any age we wish, quickly, easily and painlessly.
The year for TRUTH.
The year for celebration and renewal.
The year we meet again with our galactic brother’s sister’s friends and family.
The year this woman gets her flying ship! (Enough dreaming and pretending my human made automobile can fly. Girl is ready to fly her ship again!)
The year I can talk about this with anyone and everyone without being given “the look”.
The year for transformation.
I am ready and intending.
I hope you are too.
Mainstream News Not 3
-Free Will Taken Away From Those That Are Power Over Others
Listen to Zorra’s call here:
–Swissindo Fund Rolled out in stages
By sopiyan sopiyan on 5:16 PM
Swissindo Advocate says fund has been rolled out
A while ago there was a conversation among Swissindo officers by virtue of WhatsApp in regard to Swissindo fund being invested in stages amounting to 2 trillion Rupiahs. The following is the conversation mentioned above. We will find out later what action will taken by the relevant banks and whether or not the follow-up shall be officially issued by virtue of BI Governor Circular Letter:
[26/12 09.37] |
Yunasril |
Accordinig to the information, the fund have already paid in to each bank in stages totalling 2 trillion IDR. This is due to the prayer and fight of Swissindo’s volunteers, officials, and members. |
[26/12 09.38] |
Ani Forest |
Thank you, Pak Yuzar! |
[26/12 09.39] |
Yunasril |
The account is now in the name of UNS. |
[26/12 09.39] |
Mas Paijo |
That’s superb, Pak yunas. Merdeka!! |
[26/12 09.40] |
Is is what was being mentione by Romo (Bapak)? That’s cool. |
[26/12 09.41] |
Yunasril |
Bapak asked this information be informed to all. This is the victory of our voluntees – fighters for Swissindo.. Bank employees were all shaken with fear, numb and dumfounded when seeing that the invested fund was so huge….. |
[26/12 09.41] |
Yunasril |
Yay! I heard it straight from the horse’s mouth — BJB, BRI, Mandiri, and BNI… |
[26/12 09.41] |
Mas Paijo |
What Great Almighty God! |
[26/12 09.42] |
Yunasril |
Debt has been erased! YunasrilVoucher M1 will soon be rolled out! |
[26/12 09.43] |
Mas Paijo |
Can I share it Mas Yuzar? |
[26/12 09.43] |
Yunasril |
At your service Bunda Ani. Thanks to the insistence of 5 Continents. Thank you Bunda Ani. |
[26/12 09.43] |
Yunasril |
Yes, you can! |
[26/12 09.44] |
Yunasril |
Do share it in the group…..This is for the joy of all people in the world. |
[26/12 09.45] |
Mas Paijo |
Amen amen, oh my God. |
[26/12 09.51] |
Abdul Malik |
Amen, Pak Indra and Pak Yuzar. Thank God. Thou have answered the prayer of our people. Amen Oh my God – the creator of the Universe. From North Sumatere Swissindo Officer (Abdul Malik). |
[26/12 09.54] |
Ani Forest |
Wow wow wow!!! I just talked to Bapak! MERDEKA! |
[26/12 09.55] |
Ani Forest |
Thank you, Pak Yuzar! |
[26/12 09.56] |
Harris Baginda |
Peace be upon you. Thank God. I do hope all are happy and create happiness with God’s fortune. Amen. Peace be upon you |
[26/12 09.57] |
Yelfian Kepri |
Thank God…..Slow but sure the light has showed the way to our INDEPENDENCE |
[26/12 10.13] |
Harris Baginda |
: Peace be upon you. Let Honorable Bapak Sino decide. It should be true for all. We are all the same. We the people are equal before Almighty God. We will soon discover the people who want to dominate others. Let’s cool down,patient in awaiting Honorable Bapak Sino’s decision. |
-Free Energy Device Available For Sale In Croatia from March 2017.
-Cobra Call December Interview.
Cobra is a Pleiadian contactee and has been in contact with the underground for over 35 years. He has been told to remain anonymous by The Resistance and has ongoing communications with beings from Planet X that assist The Resistance Movement. As an earthly representative of the Agarthan network and the light forces, he strives to prepare humanity for the up and coming event horizon.
-Archangel Michael:“Thy will be done for the greatest good of all,”
What A Ride.
2016 has been quite a ride confirming with every day passing by the amazing strength that lies within every human being, that we are in fact unlimited as we learn to surrender to the ascending waves of divine intervention.We have learned that we are powerful transmuters of all energies around us, that we were, are and never will be alone and that the pure awareness that Each One Of Us Is in fact The Light That Lies Within In Each One Of Us:”I Am The Light,The Light I Am” described here in a beautiful and fun way.
We have been witnesses of some truly shocking apocalyptic facts confirming that most ‘conspiracy theories’ were in fact closer to truth that anyone could imagine and showing how far we have been mislead as humanity which has been enslaved over 13 millennia and kept in quarantine serving the interests of a ruling elite that have been puppets of unseen dark entities .
Mainstream media and governments have been lying to all of us just about everything and still today as i am writing this they are still promoting negativity ignoring HUGE positive changes that took already place.They are talking about Berlin ‘terrorism’ event which is another cabal attempt to control through fear just like Paris or Brussels incidents and they do not mention the fact that 100,000 children have been liberated from dark forces in L.A. California that were planning to rape,torture and take their lives in their satanic rituals.Just this detail is already enough to show how much the fiat money has been used against humanity.This is also the moment that ‘fake news’ came to surface since so many alternative news were exposing all those who lie , those who lie tried to disrupt the flow of divine intervention with the intention to create confusion without success as The Light brings all to the surface and returns as a boomerang to hit those who have conceived these intentions.
We had Brexit,we had Trump and now we are having Frexit :
Secret Space Programs and The Industrial Military Complex ,terms that any Truth Seeker should know about,are exposing what has been happening without humanity’s awareness since the middle of the last century.David Wilcock is a Lightworker that does an amazing job on uncovering truth and you can have a listen to his show here:
The Prosperity Funds destined to support Humanity’s and Gaia’s Ascension through NESARA /GESARA have been blocked countless times by people working for the cabal.The most evident was the 9/11 Twin Towers incident in New York which was the main reason that over 75,000 people died , creating fear on the way:the first 2 floors were containing all the information necessary to help Humanity towards its leap.Humanity has learned since and this time everything is being secured with extreme caution reaching perfection while understanding that before The Celebration we have first to clean The House.And this is achieved with Peace for Real.Peace is now real with Aleppo and Mosul being liberated and with Ukraine signing the Minsk agreement.
2016 a year that finishes with amazing news such as The Healing Computer able to heal just about everything.
We have low cost free energy tools such as The Magrav systems from Keshe for Home and Car use saving up to 90% costs.We have low costs Pens and Belts to alleviate any pain.I have myself been even experimenting with combining techniques to heal severe cases of Diabetes in case of my father.
We also have Electra,Free Energy Machine able to supply a whole city and replace the destructive plants destroying our Gaia!No information given in this moment,i confirm that I have seen the machine and it works.Cities that are willing to take serious action towards Free energy please contact
We are just at the beginning of an amazing adventure that will bring each being ,that chooses to recognise The Light Within Out of Free Will,in rejuvenating and be completely restored in crystal chambers to live an ever ascending Life in Joy of 1000 Years!
Live Long and Prosper as our Star Trek friends say.
And May All Your wishes aligned with Your divinity become True!
Thank You Mother Father God,Thank You Archangels,Thank You Angels,Thank You Ascended Masters,Thank You Galactic Brothers and Sisters,Thank You Animal Kingdom,Thank You Elementals,Thank You Pacha Mama,Thank You All Sisters and Brothers on the surface of the planet working to bring out The Message,Thank You All Heroes Know and Uknown that dared to give your lives in search for Truth,Thank You To All of you Who Are Intending For The Highest Good For All,The Highest Good For All,The Highest Good For All,The Highest Good For All,The Highest Good For All,The Highest Good For All,The Highest Good For All,The Highest Good For All!
Feel More Than Fine 2017!
It Is The First Time Ever That A Population Made It On A Surface Of A Planet.The Experiment Has Been Successful!REJOICE! (All planets including Earth are Hollow and Populations live inside) It is part of our Ascension as Humanity on Earth. That Is Why Every Human Being Deserves All The Peace,Love,Freedom,Joy, Prosperity and Abundance One Can Imagine As We Are Waking Up To The Fact That We Are Gods & Goddesses.
As you are going about your daily lives, from moment to moment, you can choose what kind of person you wish to be.
We are most joyous to connect with you here, today, and we send you our utmost Love from the heart of Telos.
As you are going about your daily lives, from moment to moment, you can choose what kind of person you wish to be.
Why is this so important?
When you begin to contemplate your being and existence this way, you’ll begin to create your reality from within.
You’ll begin to set the tone for your way of life.
Just for a moment, we invite you to describe the kind of person you’ve always wanted to be… no matter the circumstances.
Would you like to be a kind, uplifting, inspiring, joyful, loving, collaborative, harmonious, creative, spiritually growing, ascending, generous, abundant, visionary, leading, supportive, healthy, youthful, vibrant, glowing, loved, revered, supported… [fill in your own] person?
How would this person walk and move?
How would this person talk?
How would this person interact with others?
How would this person react?
How would this person go about work?
How would this person go about all areas of life?
As you begin to write this down, you’ll might notice a shift in the way you feel.
As you’ll remember what you wrote throughout the day, begin to move, talk and react the way this new person would.
When you are doing this for 21 days, you will notice a very positive change in your life.
You are taking back your power and become in charge of the way you feel on an ongoing bases.
Dear Ones, you had the power all along to create your reality and experiences,
Now, you are in the process of learning to remember this fact more and more and any of your created illusions begin to fall away.
You are the creators of your reality.
Welcome home.
We send you all so much love…
You are carried on the wings of Angels, to bring forth The New Earth.
Know in your heart, that you are always surrounded by your Angels, Ascended Masters, Guides, Galactic Families of Light and yes, also by your family and friends in Telos – and always will be.
Dear Ones, we are walking with you on this journey and you are loved beyond measure – always.
I am your brother Adama of Telos.