Helping to rebuild schools and restore the happiness and well being of all Children.
Hope Orphans is a Children charity in Iganga, Uganda lead by Naigaga Naume.
All donations go directly to those who are most in need.
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With over 40 years of experience in conflict zones, natural disasters and response to food crises, Action Against Hunger is an international organization specializing in hunger and its underlying causes.
From their March 2021 newsletter about Syria:
As the world marks the 10th anniversary of Syria’s brutal civil war, 80% of the population has fallen below the poverty line, and millions are unable to access adequate food, shelter, water and basic health services.
The conflict has taken a tremendous human toll and forced families to make impossible choices.
As skyrocketing food prices and widespread fuel shortages deepen the crisis, more and more families are turning to coping strategies like removing children from school so they can work, selling assets and livestock to cover immediate needs, and purchasing food on credit – endangering livelihoods and limiting options for the future.
Child marriage, another consequence of economic and food insecurity, has increased by 25% in some parts of the country.
Action Against Hunger has been present in Syria since 2008.
Last year, our programs benefited nearly two and a half million people.
A woman surveys her vegetable plot, grown from seeds provided by Action Against Hunger. Photo: Action Against Hunger, Syria
Here are some of the ways we’re working to respond to immediate needs and support long-term solutions for communities affected by the violent conflict.
“We couldn’t believe we were finally getting water after seven hard years without,” says Amina, whose village is finally connected to the water network.
In addition to providing emergency assistance by trucking in water where it’s needed, Action Against Hunger is working to repair and rehabilitate essential water infrastructure including pipelines, irrigation systems and pumping stations to ensure a safe water supply in communities like Amina’s.
“I was able to save money this year not having to buy these vegetables from the market,” says Om Ibrahim, showing the eggplants and zucchinis she has cultivated.
In response to widespread food insecurity resulting from Syria’s plummeting currency and rising inflation, Action Against Hunger is distributing seeds and fertilizers so families can grow vegetables at home, helping ensure adequate nutrition and reduce the financial burden of buying food on the market, where prices have risen by over 250%.
“About two years ago, I witnessed a horrific explosion near my home,” says Mariam, a frontline healthcare worker. “I did not know where to seek psychological aid, despite my urgent need, as I suffered from frequent PTSD episodes.”
A decade of war has taken a severe toll on the mental health of the Syrian population.
In response, Action Against Hunger is providing Psychological First Aid Training to female health providers like Mariam.
The training has allowed her to speak out about her own struggle and support other survivors of traumatic events.
After 10 Years of Conflict, 60% of Syria’s Population Struggles to Feed Themselves
10 Years Conflict Syria – Action Against Hunger Canada
As Syria marks its tenth year of conflict, 13.4 million people – 75% of the country’s population – are in need of urgent humanitarian assistance, a 20% increase from 2020.
The cost of the basic food basket has increased by 250% in the last year and is beyond the reach of many families.
Action Against Hunger is one of the few international organizations that has been able to operate in Syria since the beginning of the conflict.
The organization calls for action to break the vicious cycle of mass hunger caused by the ongoing violence.
Additionally, while emergency assistance is still desperately needed, it is not sufficient to meet the recovery needs of the population.
The organization urges investment in lasting solutions that go beyond immediate aid distribution to rebuild water, agriculture, and employment systems.
“Many people have reduced their number of daily meals to two, buy food on credit, or have sold their livestock and belongings to raise money to feed themselves.
It’s a massive phenomenon in the country, especially in Idlib and Aleppo in the northwest, which demonstrates the close links between war and hunger,” explains Nasr Muflahi, Country Director of Action Against Hunger in Syria, from Damascus.
With the country’s currency plummeting in value and inflation soaring, the population – exhausted after a decade of conflict – is developing extreme coping mechanisms.
“We are seeing many children dropping out of school to work and a dangerous increase in child marriage,” Muflahi adds.
The population cites access to food as the current number one need, closely followed by employment, livelihood and shelter.
The shortage of fuel further exacerbates the humanitarian crisis: “the running costs of agricultural machinery are becoming unaffordable for many farmers, and laborers are having to reduce working hours to line up for hours at gas stations.”
Syrian women will be decisive in the country’s future
“An end to the Syria crisis will only be possible with the full and active inclusion and participation of the millions of women affected by hunger and conflict, who have remained resilient and determined despite ten years of war the and countless risks to their safety they have suffered and continue to suffer,” says Eiman Zarrug, a member of Action Against Hunger’s team in Syria.
“They have lost loved ones and livelihoods, time and time again, yet do not give up,” continues Zarrug.
“They become the breadwinners, find ways to work, earn an income, and ensure they take care of their families at the same time. An end to this crisis is only possible if women are at the heart of the peace process.”
Syrian women are also more likely to suffer from hunger and malnutrition than their male counterparts.
Anemia among women and malnutrition among pregnant women are among the issues of greatest concern to Action Against Hunger.
“More than half a million pregnant women do not have access to adequate health services, and anemia that results from lack of micronutrients will have a major impact on their babies’ health at birth. Many of these consequences will be irreversible, limiting their children’s ability to learn and grow,” explains Chiara Saccardi, Head of Action Against Hunger for the Middle East Region.
“In addition to child marriage, women have suffered from increased domestic violence and sexual harassment which multiply exponentially in conflicts.”
Syria needs to look ahead
The needs in the country today are radically different from those of a decade ago.
Now, even as we continue to deliver emergency aid to meet immediate needs, Action Against Hunger is deploying and funding recovery programs to restore water networks, schools, and hospitals and focusing on solutions to improve food production.
“Water trucking and food aid rations can no longer be the solutions.
It is neither sustainable nor dignified for people after ten years.
It is time to address the rehabilitation of a country exhausted after a decade of war, facilitating the safe return – and I emphasize the word safe – of nearly five million refugees in neighboring countries and more than six million internally displaced people,” says Hélène Michou, advocacy coordinator for the Syrian crisis.
Action Against Hunger is also urgently advocating for an immediate waiver of the international sanctions on humanitarian aid, which would facilitate the transfer of funds from abroad to banks in the country
Action Against Hunger has been working in Syria since 2008.
Our assistance reaches 2.3 million people in 14 governorates, deploying food aid, providing shelter, and supporting livelihoods and mental health. Since the beginning of the conflict, we have been instrumental to ensuring that the most vulnerable people have access to safe drinking water.
After 10 years of conflict and hunger, here are the key facts:
13.4 million people are in need of humanitarian aid – twice as many as in 2011.
9.3 million people are food insecure, meaning there is no available food or no sustained access over time to healthy food. 2.2 million more people are at imminent risk of becoming food insecure.
The cost of a basic food basket, which includes commodities such as rice, bread, wheat, lentils, sugar and vegetable oil, has increased by 250%.
6.1 million people are internally displaced and five million refugees have fled the country. More than 90% of refugees are in neighboring countries – Turkey, Lebanon, Jordan, Iraq.
Visit the Action Against Hunger website to learn more about the evolving situation in Syria.
Hello brother,Greetings from Mbarara children’s orphanage centre,Due to internet and social media shutdown in Uganda 🇺🇬 since 12th this month we have no communication with friends who donate to us and we are totally struggling to feed our kids,We request you kindly to stand with us and to share our message to many whom we are failing to contact,God bless you.
If you wish to support the centre,please send your donations through worldremit here:
Mbarara Orphanage through World Remit :
Uganda,City :Mbarara.
Name :Beinomugisha Keneth,Airtel and Warid Pesa Mobile Money Account.
Tel.+256756334741 Mobile Number and Mobile Account Number
Today is my b’day and since the main intention of Feel More Than Fine Africa is to have as many as possible children be safe and sound i would like to invite you to make a donation to this charity as a present to God from your heart knowing fully that what you give,comes back to you 10 times more:’‘All the money that i give is blessed and comes back to me multiplied so i can give more and more!”
You need to use Worldremit to do this.
Here are the details :
Worldremit :Block 10 plot 330 Nakulabya bukesa Kiyindi zone Uganda +256782473440 MTN mobile money Kampala Uganda
Feel More Than Fine Africa– Project Management :Mamoudou Yaya.
He says:
In my village of origin it is 45 ° in the shade, it is a strong
heat wave. The only solution is to reforest with a view to remedying the
situation. I appeal to all goodwill to acquire funding to carry out the
project and help humans.
The principle is simple. We are recruiting young people as part
of what we will call “green employment”. They will travel through
villages to reforest trees in homes and in all arteries. Then they will
take care of the follow-up and the maintenance. The collaborators will
be the Water and Forests Department and the Ministry of Employment and
Youth. The pilot phase could start in July or August during the rainy
season in Senegal.
Estimation of project :
20 million €.
Donations are welcome at our paypal account :info@feelmorethanfine
Host Lenny Henry announced the grand total after an evening of entertainment and guest appearances from fans’ favourite celebrities on Red Nose Day.
He said he wanted to raise the highest total ever by midnight – but delayed revealing the total until 14 minutes past the hour.
Despite not reaching 2017’s £76million donations there’s still plenty of time to go above and beyond the total.
“Earlier tonight we challenged you to dig deeper than ever before and try to raise £60million at 14 minutes past midnight,” said Lenny.
“Have we done it? Big drum roll…”
Lenny then started screaming “oh my God” as he read out the total to the screaming crowd.
Toasting to the charitable success, 54-year-old Lenny sipped on a cocktail delivered by Joe Suggs dressed as James Bond.
He added: “Thank you so much everyone for an incredible effort.”
Lenny’s co-host Clara Amfo thanked viewers who had donated, saying: “You have absolutely changed lives” before adding: “If you haven’t donated yet, there’s still time to do something incredible without moving from your sofa.”
The annual charity event had presenters ranging from Paddy McGuinness and Emma Willis to Zoe Ball and David Tennant as they urged viewers to donate.
But she returned tonight – giving fans hope she will be back next series.
Meanwhile Johnny Vegas had everyone crying with laughter when he emerged on stage with the cast of Channing Tatum’s Magic Mike live at London’s Hippodrome Casino.
The comedian ripped open his shirt to reveal a fake toned tummy as he danced live on stage with the muscular men.
Poking fun at himself, the 48-year-old rolled around on the floor and spread his legs as he showed off his “seductive” moves.