Category Archives: Ascension Guidance
Is it Ever Going to Get any Better?

by Vidya Frazier
This has got to be the question most people on the planet are asking these days.
There is so much turmoil occurring all over the world in so many arenas, and so many predictions about dire situations that await us as time goes on, we can’t help but wonder: Can it all truly ever be resolved? It’s hard to imagine that humanity isn’t simply headed for extinction.
And yet, there are those of us who are aware of the fact that we are currently traveling through what has been called the Transitional Times. We understand that this chaotic period on Earth has been predicted in numerous and diverse spiritual scriptures throughout the centuries and also in teachings passed down through indigenous tribes across the planet for a long, long time.
We know this is the period of time in which humanity is in the process of making a momentous leap into a much higher frequency of consciousness known as the Fifth Dimension.
We understand that all the disruption and collapse of old systems and institutions that are now occurring must take place.
We realize that, in order to make this leap, all the darkness – the control, the manipulation, the corruption – that has existed on the planet for thousands of years must first come to the surface to be clearly seen and dealt with. People have to wake up to it all and reclaim the powerful sovereignty the human species is capable of. In essence, it requires an extremely rapid spiritual evolution for humanity.
More Challenging than We Expected
Still, although we have certainly expected some disruption in the world to occur during these times, we perhaps did not expect just how rocky and challenging all of it might be.
We didn’t quite foresee how frightening events in the world might become. We didn’t realize the magnitude of what we are all likely going to be experiencing in this coming year. According to some experts, when all the disruptions are counted, we are about to enter the most chaotic period in recorded history.
In addition, did any of us really imagine how much we would each be challenged in our personal lives, as well? Or how much dedicated inner work in our individual awakening process would be necessary to navigate these times? Many are in shock in realizing how radical the changes within themselves and their lives have been. Many do not even recognize themselves anymore – sometimes in positive ways, but often in very confusing and frightening ways, as well.
We are Still Going Forward
Nonetheless, here we still are. All of us who know ourselves to be Lightworkers are somehow handling it all, in one way or another. Sometimes it’s on our hands and knees; sometimes it’s with great fear and confusion. But we keep going forward, don’t we?
We know we are alive here and now on Earth because we are meant to be here. We have within us what it takes to not only make the leap into fifth-dimensional consciousness ourselves, but also to assist others who are ready to make the shift, as well.
It’s important to remember this. We have strength and power and gifts deep within us, that are now revealing themselves, specially designed for navigating these particular times on Earth. We will surprise ourselves. As Japanese author, Haruki Murakami, has stated:
“Once the storm is over, you won’t remember how you made it through, how you managed to survive. You won’t even be sure whether the storm is really over. But one thing is certain: when you come out of the storm, you won’t be the same person who walked in. That’s what this storm’s all about.”
Yes, It Will Eventually Get Better
If you are still asking the question, “Is it ever going to get any better?”, try tuning in and asking your knowing Heart. You will undoubtedly hear the answer: YES, it will. The events in the outer world will eventually sort themselves out.
In fact, perhaps some of the predictions about disclosure and tribunals in the coming year may even finally come to pass. The fifth-dimensional frequencies on the planet are simply getting too powerful now for the lower frequencies to continue to exist here. It will just take some time. Certainly, it will take longer than we have been hoping for; but eventually peace and sanity — and a whole new fifth-dimensional world — will exist.
But what’s important to remember is that we need not wait passively for that time to come. We can continue on in our own awakening process, even amidst the continuing chaos in the outer world.
We can begin living as much as possible in fifth-dimensional consciousness in our own lives – and focus on creating islands of light wherever we find ourselves.
And, whether we realize it or not, it will be this action we take now that will help guide humanity toward the 5D world we all envision and yearn for.
Holding Space For Ascension.
I just spent another SUNday meditating 3 sessions of 30′ each to show humanity what can be done with Ascension with the rest of our global tribe…this has been going on since 2016…never stopped…feels like sacrifice…and in some ways it is. But let me tell you…the price to pay is very small in comparison to what i am getting back as Gratitude from Source. I can’t share with anyone what i feel. Each on their journey. And i can share with you that by doing that ‘sacrifice’ i know i am enough and doing enough for highest good for all. So i can relax and enjoy all the magic life offers in this now all the rest of the time😊🙂🥰
14h00/17h00 / 20h00 CET.
Let us intend stronger connection, Divine Light infusions, and Global activations as we unify through the field of Divine Love.)
Our Cosmic Origin: Ismael and Michelle – Part 2
Feel More Than Fine : Service to help anyone be happier.
I am reminding you that i am available to give personal coaching 1:1 on demand through skype or telegram call.
The price is 111$ per hour and when you send with the code : Feel More Than Fine you get 50% discount. (=55$/hour)
This offer is available for the month of May and June 2022.
If you need some support or you know of someone that needs support, feel free to send email at : .
This service is available till the moment we begin with our large scale projects. That is why it is always safer to send an email with a request for assistance.
Thank You