Category Archives: Ascension
It’s the first time a Third-Dimensional civilization has ascended retaining the physical body.
The First Domino and the Greatest Show in the Multiverse: Towards a Collective Intention
April 21, 2023 by Steve Beckow
Keep your eye on the prize, it’s said.
Ah, but what is the prize?
The Ascension of Gaia and all her inhabitants, an Ascension so unique it has never been seen before in the multiverse.
That’s a prize worth getting behind. The deep state has done its worst and is rapidly being arrested. No nuclear war is possible so their dire threats are meaningless. (1)
Time for us to rouse ourselves and get moving.
We want and need a collective intention that can unite and motivate the world.
Before going there, let me establish one matter. The Mother and Michael have said to us that everyone here at this time is from the angelic kingdom.
Divine Mother: Let me be clear. There is not one being – human, starseed, hybrid or earthkeeper – that is not one of my Angelic Beings. And it matters not whether you belong to the Legion of Michael or the Tribe of Uriel, the Praisers of Metatron or the Truth Speakers of Gabrielle. It does not matter your colour, your hue. You are my Angels, birthed from my being – birthed not only from my womb, but from my heart. (2)
Michael put it this way:
Archangel Michael: To use your phraseology, there are no day laborers on Earth at this time. None. Now, do you realize what I am saying to you? That the mother who sits by the brazier burner in India or walks the Kalahari in Africa or dances in the street in Rio all have chosen to congregate on this magnificent planet, Gaia, at this time? …
So, yes. You have gathered from far and wide, seraphs, archangels, those from the Outer Forces, the Inner Forces. It is a gathering the magnitude of which you are just glimpsing. (3)
I also like how Gabrielle phrased it:
Gabrielle: You are angels in form dancing upon a planet which is an archangel. (4)
So keep that in the back of your mind. Now, what was the original intention behind Earth’s creation? Jesus summarized it:
“Often we have talked to you, and particularly my beloved Mother has talked to you, about the creation of this wonderful planet of Gaia and how it was created as a planet of Love and a planet of peace, my friends. …
“In the very creation and the essence of this mighty being called Gaia was the formation of a place, a physical experience of such diversity and incredible beauty that the angels would come and play here and know what it was [like] to have a physical experience of Love.” (4) [My emphasis.]
We are those angels. We’re intended to have a physical experience of the same love that permeates the rest of creation, just not the Third/Fourth Dimension until now.
“Love” here is not meant as sex or lust. The film Cocoon suggested what love-making in the higher realms we’re headed for might look and feel like – a blending of auras.
Apparently we angels here are among the Creator Race who first inhabited Earth and began to fashion terrestrial habitations.
Thus I suggest that our collective intention, once we’re funded by the Reval and G/NESARA and assisted by our star family, start with restoring the Earth, the vessel of Archangel Gaia, to its original state, as a planet of love where the angels can come and have a physical experience of love.
We can be doing that prior to Ascension and we can be doing that by simply sending Gaia love.
I also invite us to give equal attention to the fact that this form of Ascension for the inhabitants of all Third/Fourth-dimensional star systems in the multiverse is absolutely new. The second part of our intention is to contribute in any way we can to that novel and important Ascension.
The story of it will likely be told and retold and our personal testimony will probably be valued and sought.
What’s new about this Ascension?
It’s the first time a Third-Dimensional civilization has ascended retaining the physical body.
It’s the first time that a total population has had the potential to ascend together in that physical body. Previously Ascension has been individual and/or the body has been shed.
Other civilizations like Tralana and Halion have ascended together but not retaining the physical body.
It’s the first to see the ascending Third-Dimensional civilization become interdimensional.
Fifth-Dimensional (some say Seventh-Dimensional) humans, who’ve been prevented from travelling higher in the past, are about to receive the ability to travel throughout the dimensions. This is a huge development.
It’s the first into a new region of space shaped by this novel interdimensionality.
And it’s to be followed by further Ascensions throughout the multiverse, into this new region, with Earth’s being the first domino and the original model.
The Mother is creating something totally new. So our Ascension is largely unprecedented. And we’ve had a couple of failed ascensions to look back upon and improve on! (Many of us, apparently, were present then and want to get it right this time.)
The human mind and body probably could not take a sudden Ascension, without preparation, so our Ascension has to be gradual as well as sudden. It has to allow for preparation. and then experience (enlightenment) and then assimilation and preparation…, etc.
I personally am surrendered to the Mother and see whatever comes my way as her Will. So it really doesn’t matter to me what comes next on a cosmic level. On a personal level I’m not so detached; I’m working on it.
So much to look forward to.
Meanwhile, let’s individually get behind the intention of a successful and fulfilling Ascension for Gaia, an event unique in the multiverse and watched everywhere with great interest. We’ve paid for our ringside seats. Some of us are even performers in the greatest show in the multiverse.
Is it Ever Going to Get any Better?

by Vidya Frazier
This has got to be the question most people on the planet are asking these days.
There is so much turmoil occurring all over the world in so many arenas, and so many predictions about dire situations that await us as time goes on, we can’t help but wonder: Can it all truly ever be resolved? It’s hard to imagine that humanity isn’t simply headed for extinction.
And yet, there are those of us who are aware of the fact that we are currently traveling through what has been called the Transitional Times. We understand that this chaotic period on Earth has been predicted in numerous and diverse spiritual scriptures throughout the centuries and also in teachings passed down through indigenous tribes across the planet for a long, long time.
We know this is the period of time in which humanity is in the process of making a momentous leap into a much higher frequency of consciousness known as the Fifth Dimension.
We understand that all the disruption and collapse of old systems and institutions that are now occurring must take place.
We realize that, in order to make this leap, all the darkness – the control, the manipulation, the corruption – that has existed on the planet for thousands of years must first come to the surface to be clearly seen and dealt with. People have to wake up to it all and reclaim the powerful sovereignty the human species is capable of. In essence, it requires an extremely rapid spiritual evolution for humanity.
More Challenging than We Expected
Still, although we have certainly expected some disruption in the world to occur during these times, we perhaps did not expect just how rocky and challenging all of it might be.
We didn’t quite foresee how frightening events in the world might become. We didn’t realize the magnitude of what we are all likely going to be experiencing in this coming year. According to some experts, when all the disruptions are counted, we are about to enter the most chaotic period in recorded history.
In addition, did any of us really imagine how much we would each be challenged in our personal lives, as well? Or how much dedicated inner work in our individual awakening process would be necessary to navigate these times? Many are in shock in realizing how radical the changes within themselves and their lives have been. Many do not even recognize themselves anymore – sometimes in positive ways, but often in very confusing and frightening ways, as well.
We are Still Going Forward
Nonetheless, here we still are. All of us who know ourselves to be Lightworkers are somehow handling it all, in one way or another. Sometimes it’s on our hands and knees; sometimes it’s with great fear and confusion. But we keep going forward, don’t we?
We know we are alive here and now on Earth because we are meant to be here. We have within us what it takes to not only make the leap into fifth-dimensional consciousness ourselves, but also to assist others who are ready to make the shift, as well.
It’s important to remember this. We have strength and power and gifts deep within us, that are now revealing themselves, specially designed for navigating these particular times on Earth. We will surprise ourselves. As Japanese author, Haruki Murakami, has stated:
“Once the storm is over, you won’t remember how you made it through, how you managed to survive. You won’t even be sure whether the storm is really over. But one thing is certain: when you come out of the storm, you won’t be the same person who walked in. That’s what this storm’s all about.”
Yes, It Will Eventually Get Better
If you are still asking the question, “Is it ever going to get any better?”, try tuning in and asking your knowing Heart. You will undoubtedly hear the answer: YES, it will. The events in the outer world will eventually sort themselves out.
In fact, perhaps some of the predictions about disclosure and tribunals in the coming year may even finally come to pass. The fifth-dimensional frequencies on the planet are simply getting too powerful now for the lower frequencies to continue to exist here. It will just take some time. Certainly, it will take longer than we have been hoping for; but eventually peace and sanity — and a whole new fifth-dimensional world — will exist.
But what’s important to remember is that we need not wait passively for that time to come. We can continue on in our own awakening process, even amidst the continuing chaos in the outer world.
We can begin living as much as possible in fifth-dimensional consciousness in our own lives – and focus on creating islands of light wherever we find ourselves.
And, whether we realize it or not, it will be this action we take now that will help guide humanity toward the 5D world we all envision and yearn for.
Holding Space For Ascension.
I just spent another SUNday meditating 3 sessions of 30′ each to show humanity what can be done with Ascension with the rest of our global tribe…this has been going on since 2016…never stopped…feels like sacrifice…and in some ways it is. But let me tell you…the price to pay is very small in comparison to what i am getting back as Gratitude from Source. I can’t share with anyone what i feel. Each on their journey. And i can share with you that by doing that ‘sacrifice’ i know i am enough and doing enough for highest good for all. So i can relax and enjoy all the magic life offers in this now all the rest of the time😊🙂🥰
14h00/17h00 / 20h00 CET.
Let us intend stronger connection, Divine Light infusions, and Global activations as we unify through the field of Divine Love.)
Our Cosmic Origin: Ismael and Michelle – Part 2
Let’s Talk with Julie B., May 19th 2022 with Special Guest Gene Decode
Beautiful intel being shared here from around 38′ with Gene Decode.
As you align with love the truth of self all that is needed will be readily given because you will be in alignment with the whole of you.
Daily Teachings of the Masters
Tuesday, March 22, 2022
Deciding on love is not a small thing.
It is the high note of ascension.
It means that you are no longer reporting to the concept of the limited individual self.
As you align with love the truth of self all that is needed will be readily given because you will be in alignment with the whole of you.
A force that only a select few have mastered up until now.
This is the self mastery that you are here to bring to the collective.
The commitment to the masterful vibrational attunement of love.
Ascension From Human to Galactic Society (New Booklet From Me-Free Download)
I took some time to answer with simplicity few trendy questions:
What is Ascension?
What is the shape of our planet?
How to Ascend?
Co Creators of The New Earth.
Who is The Galactic Society?
You can Download here
many are feeling heart expansion that is beyond-the-beyond.
I whole heartidly agree with Sandra as being part of our online tribe doing our SUNday Unity Meditations since 6 years now. These past few days, the thing i am doing mostly is taking naps, eating less, physical activity as much as i can as body hurts as well a pain on the left back side on my brain…truly feeling the pouring of The Tsunami of Love of Divine Mother. Here is her newsletter this week :
Blessings Beloveds ~
I know you are feeling the subtle, and not-so-subtle, energetic shift building throughout this week.
Now we prepare for a strong, unified Equinox Weekend.
The geomagnetic event which ushered in this Gateway passage (March 13-20) last SUNday was one of the strongest yet. Flares continue; it’s a powerful Now.
I know many are feeling heart expansion that is beyond-the-beyond.
Some of these expansions cannot be comprehended through the body … but oh, the heart! The body weeps, purges, sheds, sleeps to integrate a brand new experience. DNA gets triggered to align with revelation. It is a lot all at once.
Welcome to the Equinox-Eclipses passage.
Brand new energies are here which dismantle how we created our reality; both personal and collective.
Gaia revealed her purified realms and new ways of creating to many in the last week.
Opportunity for Clarity and Connection: PRESENCE event on Saturday
I AM honored to host our quarterly webinar on Saturday, the last online event before the Crystalline Convergence in May.
The realms will look and feel VERY different, very quickly, through this March-April-May sequence.
This affects our bodies, minds and hearts. Emotional fields are particularly affected in this Now by the magnetic collapse.
Let us utilize this Divine opportunity for clarity and co-creation of highest outcomes for all.
Saturday’s event provides High-level Support for the Experience of realm-shifting energies:
– Coping with Realm Shifts and linear reality dissolvement
– Expanding the Heart Center for Boundless Compassion
– Aligning our fields as a conduit/bridge for Gaia’s emerging higher realms
– Body vehicle support: Attunements for the Emotional, Mental, and Physical levels
– Immersion in the Crystalline Field to receive the Equinox realm-shifting codes
– Discernment of harmonics and frequencies for more ease and grace.
Join me for a private online 2 hour immersive on the current energies, Mastery techniques, and alignment for true unity consciousness.
Saturday March 19
9AM – 11AM PDT (UTC-7)
Replays included.
$33 Registration at
SUNday Unity Meditations during Equinox
Equinox peak is during our second 30 minute session at 8AM PDT. All welcome to participate. Link below.
Let us show HUmanity what is possible for Ascension!
In Love, Light and Service,
Light Absorption. Making Ascension a Fun process.

Cats and dogs sitting in the sun are our best teachers. Taking a nap in the sun and right after doing conscious breathing in meditation to absorb as much as much as possible Light directly from Sun is super empowering. The feeling of exhaustion that i was feeling half an hour earlier vanishes to be replaced by a a feeling of enormous inner strength felt in through and around my body. Ascension process changes our daily habits and i invite each and everyone of you to try this, even if there is no sun. This is one of the best ways that i discovered on my Ascension journey to absorb Light. Truly. Super.
The transformation of our carbon based cells to crystalin cells is what is asking for our attention and this is exactly the reason why more of the collective, if they choose to ascend within their physical bodies to become aware of simple practices like this. Ascension can be really fun if we learn to allow more Light to flow within just like our animal friends do.

Ascension Diet Series (Vlog 6:Food for Inspiration)
Ascension Diet Series (Vlog 5:BlissFood)
Ascension Diet Series (Vlog 3:Boost Immune System)
Ascension Diet Series (Vlog 4:Intermittent Fasting)
The Ascension Diet Series. Chapter 2 : PH Balance.
The Ascension Diet Series : vlog 1 :Introduction.
Navigating the Madness!
5D Reality is Already Here Do you Feel it?
Vidya Frazier, December 1 , 2021

A new Reality is emerging – a reality existing within a bandwidth created by the high-frequency waves of light that are now flooding the Earth like never before.
It’s a reality filled with joy and freedom and harmony, one in which you can create a life you’ve always yearned for.
No longer is this new 5D Reality simply a dream, a hope, or a vision of a better future: it is already here, now more available than ever, awaiting our discovery of it.
This new Reality may not be obvious to you. In looking around at the world at this point, you might think it’s crazy to believe in its existence. The world looks like it’s collapsing and out of control in so many different ways. But that is because this new Reality is not very visible yet in the outer world: it’s arising first within us.

Profound Changes within You
If you tune into your Heart, you may realize that yes, maybe it does exist — because something profound and powerful has been birthing within you for some time now.
You may find, that despite all the challenges and loss you’ve experienced in the last couple of years, despite the horrendous events occurring in the world, something new and exciting has been coming to life inside of you.
It may be a new sense of empowerment and inner freedom that has gradually developed. Or a feeling of greater clarity, or a sense of healthy detachment. Maybe it’s a greater capacity for love and joy – and a more profound experience of peace. Or some combination of all of these. Somehow, you find that you are profoundly different; a new, more awake YOU has emerged, very alive and aware.
You may not notice these new experiences all the time. You’re probably aware more than most people of the deep levels of darkness that are currently being revealed and played out in the world. Yet, despite this, and despite experiences of despair, grief, rage and confusion that come and go, you perhaps can’t deny that these positive changes have also occurred within you. All along, as you’ve found your way through all the confusion and toppling of beliefs and freedoms, these new experiences have likely happened, as well.

Really look and see. Have other abilities and skills also developed in you? Have new awarenesses opened up? Has greater spiritual awakening occurred?
Have you also experienced greater “magic” in your life, synchronicities that happen more and more often? Have problems that felt unsolvable somehow miraculously resolved themselves?
If all this rings true for you, and you focus on these positive changes that have somehow occurred within you, you can naturally shift into the 5D frequency and begin experiencing the promise of this new Reality that is now emerging — even amidst the crumbling of the old world that is happening all around you.

Creating Your New Life
In this new Reality, you can experience a feeling of joyous excitement in exploring the new 5D frequency that’s now available to live in. You can begin to experiment with the new energies available to manifest experiences of even greater freedom and ease.
You can more easily create a life of profound love and compassion for yourself and others, a life of excitement, adventure and fulfillment, a life in which a sense of quiet bliss is available, no matter what may be occurring. You can jump onto new positive timelines that weren’t available to you before. The ease that now exists in creating all this can be mind-blowing.
This is not a time for despair or giving up. Yes, grief may pass through you, anger may arise, and depression may still pull on you. But be aware of the weaker grip these emotions now have on you – how they can arise and then release much more easily, even without having to do anything much at all. There’s a natural flow occurring in which old energies are quickly releasing, and new energies are taking residence within you. Contemplate this. You’ll see that you don’t have to work so hard anymore to bring healing to yourself.

Islands of Light
What you can come to realize is that the new 5D Reality is a consciousness, a consciousness that can create an external reality for you in your own life.
And true joy can appear when you see how your new life, filled with ease and freedom and harmony, will then begin to flower and expand, so that you are affecting the lives of others around you as well. Indeed, before you know it, you can realize that you have created an “island of light” for all of you to live in.
At that point, you can then discover how there are other similar islands of light that are forming across the globe and how all of these islands are connected to each other, like a web of light. And, whether you know anyone living in these other islands of light or not, you can feel them in your Heart. You can sense your soul connection with them and know that not only are you not alone – you are actually among millions of people now awakening to this new level of 5D consciousness.

You can experience such joy in this realization, you might laugh out loud or burst into tears. Because it is beginning to happen – that dream we’ve all had for so long, that 5D vision of a new world in which all may live in peace and love and harmony.
It will take a while for this 5D world to fully manifest in the greater external world; much must take place in all those areas where control, oppression and hatred still reside. And it’s important to stay aware of events and conditions occurring in the world, and to take care of yourself and do what you are inwardly led to do.
But be aware: you no longer need to be part of that old world. You can be in it, but not of it. You are a powerful, sovereign Being and can begin living in the new Reality now and create the life you wish to live. And, in doing this, you’ll come to realize that you are helping to create it in the greater external world.
Feel that power within you to do this – it is already there!

* * * * * * * * * *
Check out my latest book:Ascension Lightworker Guide:A Handbook for Weary Souls
If you want ascension to be completed on December 21st, then focus on that reality and on what that reality feels like to you, and don’t worry about what anyone else says…Focus on your vibration right now, and ask yourself where it is, whether it’s as high as you want it to be, and if not, close your eyes and breathe for a while. And that’s the best advice that you’ll get during this month of December.
December 2021 is Here…Now What? ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are very fortunate to have connected with those of you who respond to us and our little transmissions. We know that we got to many of you just in time, and we have heard from many of you that this connection that you feel with us and that you know is true has been life altering. We do our best to keep you all on the straight and narrow, operating from a higher vibration, and in that place of positive expectation, because you are determining what happens next. Nothing is written in stone. You will ascend because you have decided to. Not even that was predetermined for all of you; there were options that you could have taken and didn’t.
But now that you are locked in to ascension, you are the ones determining how you are going to do it and how it’s going to feel along the way. We know that when we have your attention, you are not focusing on what someone else is telling you will happen, and we sincerely hope that our messages tip the scales for all of you and help you to realize that no one can tell you what’s going to happen in your life and on your world. They can speculate, and they can try to influence you to think like them, but they cannot make it happen, and they cannot look into a crystal ball and tell you what the one true future holds.
Now, you are in the month of December, and you have the Solstice coming up, and our recommendation is that you make that date be what you want it to be, not what someone else tells you it is about. If you want ascension to be completed on December 21st, then focus on that reality and on what that reality feels like to you, and don’t worry about what anyone else says. You don’t even have to agree with us when we say that it’s too soon and that you’re needed to be a part of this collective that is ascending. We don’t need you to believe in what we tell you, and we know that as we empower you to become more conscious about what you are creating, we have fulfilled our mission.
We want to see you happy and in peace; we would love to see you operating from the highest vibration possible, and the rest is up to you. You are being given the keys, always, and what you choose to do with them is entirely up to you. You are Source Energy Beings, and Source knows that all creation is not only valid but useful. It is informative, and it leads to more creation and more creation, which is what Source wants. If you can look at all creation right now in the same way, then you can let go of all resistance to it. You can allow a greater flow of energy to you, and you can be a part of a conscious ascension where you are in the driver’s seat, not some modern day Nostradamus.
Continue to focus on where your power lies, which is within you, and it is specifically in your ability to vibrate, not in your ability to think or do. Focus on your vibration right now, and ask yourself where it is, whether it’s as high as you want it to be, and if not, close your eyes and breathe for a while. And that’s the best advice that you’ll get during this month of December.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”
The incoming codes are releasing “locks” on your creative and sexual energy and helping you to align with your true original template of free and flowing creativity…This is a time to just be and to take good care of yourself.

Celia Fenn: Lunar Eclipse
As we move into the early phases of the partial Lunar Eclipse, which culminates on the 19th, tomorrow Friday, the energies are sure intense!
These Lunar Codes in Taurus are hitting into the Body and the DNA. People are experiencing physical pain in the body and exhaustion.
This is because the Taurean Eclipse Moon Codes are activating in the Sacral Chakra area and the Throat Chakra area.
Many people are reporting joint pains and especially in the hips and lower back.
The incoming codes are releasing “locks” on your creative and sexual energy and helping you to align with your true original template of free and flowing creativity.
Over many thousands of years, humanity has experienced a state of enslavement to economic systems that has “locked down” the Sacral chakra and limited our creativity and our financial flows.
These incoming Codes are unlocking and opening the flow.
This creates the physical pain and old pathways are closed off and new pathways are opened.
The same is happening at the Throat Chakra level.
The capture of the creative energy meant that we were not able to express our Soul purpose as all our energy was given to “survival” in a false economy.
Now, as we reclaim our creative power and energy, we can stand in our Power and express who we are as Souls.
This powerful new flow can cause muscle pain and spasms in the shoulders, upper back and neck area.
This is a time to just be and to take good care of yourself.
It will pass by the week end and you will feel more relaxed and more balanced.
Meanwhile, stay calm and centered and rest as much as you can.
Breathe deeply, drink lots of water and connect with your Higher Guidance for information on what you personally need to transit this powerful Lunar Eclipse Portal
Love to everyone!
Schumann Resonance through the roof!
This shows us that even bigger changes are happening as more Light is pummeling the planet…First we receive, the inner changes happen as we assimilate the light and then it reflects in the outer both individually and collectively. Now many who don’t know this, can be easily irritated / angry but you who read this can make sure to set the intention to be loving and kind no matter what arises. I invite you to get enough rest, sleep, drink water abundantly and be easy in yourselves and of course doing the inner work , breathing consciously makes the symptoms easier to accept and heart remains more open to receive cause it is all about learning to be a good receiver.

Schumann Resonance Today ⚡️ Power 💥 62 💥 75 💥 80 – Disclosure News Italia