I am Archangel Michael with a message for the Angelic Warrior Group.
Today we see much progress has occurred in many areas of the world. Countries are signing up for the new financial system and there is a caveat that they cannot be at war. Otherwise they stay on the FIAT system and continue in the lower timeline. This does not mean they disappear from the map – it means that these areas may be uninhabited when the world is created in the fifth dimension. These countries will only exist in the third dimension at the time of the Event. They will not go forward until they meet GESARA requirements.
So, on this note, again I ask you to meditate for peace on the capitol city of your choice this week.
We must go peacefully to the higher dimensions, otherwise ascension will not occur. Those who seek to fight or cause disruption will not ascend. The fifth dimension requires a peaceful mindset, not one of anger and strife. It is a vibration of cooperation and respect of all others.
If civil war breaks out in America, then those not participating or instigating will move forward. There are many others who seek to help quell rioting and outbreaks, but the way to stop outbreaks is to do as we are doing here in this group, not to use weapons in order to stop them. Before you consider picking up a weapon, remember your ascension process and whether it is important to you or if meting out justice is more important.
Me: Just a question, Michael, You have a sword and use the blue flame. How do you get to do that and nobody is allowed to here?
Michael: It is my charge. It is my task. I fight evil on behalf of God.
Me: Maybe people want to do that too – to fight evil on behalf of God.
Michael: My dear, I am assigned to this task to help. We have all the forces that God requires to fight evil so that the human can live in peace, to reap the benefits of all God has to offer them. To fight another, even if seemingly justified, is a mistaken conception.
Me: So the next time Portland erupts, just stay home, watch the telly and wait for angels to help? I don’t think they’re going to do that. There are people tasked with these jobs on earth and they’re called police and military forces.
Michael: So allow them to do it. The common man should not raise a hand.
Me: I don’t think that’ll happen.
Michael: They make their choices. Earthlings should consider non-violent choices from hereon in if they wish to ascend.
Me: Ivo told me that as well. He absolutely forbids me to have a gun. So that limits my choices because I’d like to go and live in the bush. Can’t do that without a gun.
Michael: Yes. You must become non-violent. Start using your minds to create a peaceful world, which is what we are doing here. You have no idea how effective these meditations are.
Me: Okay, but I don’t think some people will listen.
Michael: That is their choice.
Me: So you think in trying to defend their country from evil that they should be held in lower dimensions?
Michael: It is not a punishment, Sharon, it is the vibration you emit that is affected. What did Mr T say on J6? He said to leave now, and he desired peace for the people who had come to see him. We must choose the peaceful way.
Me: Okay. Thank you Michael.
Michael: I realize this needs explaining. But your guns are a problem for Light forces. You feel you are protected, in fact you are not. You have seen cities such as Paradise with cars and homes burnt but with trees untouched. These are not ordinary weapons such as the gun. Now we must use our own extra-ordinary weapon – the mind – to create change non-violently. This is the ascension path.
Me: Okay, Thank you Michael. Oh, one last question… what about your angels that are here on the planet. I can think of one who’s an ex-navy seal.
Michael: That is different. He is one of the warrior angels sent to incarnate upon earth.
Me: But he appears to be a human.
Michael: Appears to be. Yes. But he is an angel and he is a warrior. You are also a warrior by nature however you do not use a gun – you use your mind and your energy to fight your battles.
Me: So we should be cautious because there are warrior angelic forces here on earth here to do battle but other starseeds and earthling humans shouldn’t do it.
Michael: Yes, this is what I’m saying, Sharon.
Me: So he might have a different perspective on things?
Michael: He might indeed. And he shouldn’t mistake his own personal mission for the mission of others. He can lead others in non-violent campaigns such as I do here.
Me: Interesting. I can see then, why some people get frustrated at the lack of initiative others seem to have. There are warriors who are the go-getters, who are out there trying to create change, and others who seem inactive by our standards.
How many warrior angels are here?
Michael: Many.
Me: Interesting. I’ll have to start to look at everything with that in mind.
Michael: I am Michael. I am your teacher. We are Legion.
Category Archives: AA Michael
Mastering the Dense World of Duality and Polarity – July 2022-AA Michael via Ronna
Our efforts are paying off.-AA Michael via Sharon-
Archangel Michael
Week 60 Message
June 12 2022
I am Archangel Michael with a message for the Angelic Warrior Group.
Our efforts are paying off. As you see the subject in question, Brandon, has initiated an alliance with the U.S. Military.
What does this mean? It is good news, not the bad news it may appear to be. He is of course attempting to utilize this military for his own purposes but this will not be carried out. They will use him for theirs. They are the power, he is not.
With this in mind, please send more energy to Brandon and his administration, his supporters and co-conspirators this week. Perhaps we will see more positive developments coming soon.
I remain your servant, your leader, you are my power. We are Legion.
Archangel Michael
I am Archangel Michael with a message for our worldwide angelic group. As the angels are growing in proficiency they are beginning to see more, experience more of the other dimensions and are growing in unity, growing in proficiency, growing in benevolent intention. Work together with family and friends, and remember if you cannot meditate, say a prayer or simply send the intention of loving goodness to the target in question.
As for this week’s target this is a bit different. We wish to purify the entity known as Volodymyr Zelensky as his part in the Ukraine drama is important.
Please send him purifying violet flame energies. We ask you to sit in quiet, and bring in energy through the crown chakra. Upon doing so ask that these energies separate into the violet flame and see yourself sitting purified by this flame. Then have the intention of sending this violet flame energy to Mr Zelensky.
Mr Zelensky needs to turn in order to further the progress of the Light forces there. We are all focusing on this and ask you to do so as well.
I am Archangel Michael. I am your Light. I am your soul. We are Legion.
Many, many more shall awaken. Many, many more shall move off of the path that they are finding themselves on now, and moving toward the path that you are on. They also will be taking the road less traveled when they are ready for it.

by James McConnell
I am Archangel Michael. I come to be with you at this time, in these moments, as many things are changing across the planet.
Many of your brethren, many of your brothers and sisters, friends, and relatives do not know what you know. They do not understand that everything that is changing, changing for good. It is changing for the Light, even though darkness seems to be seeping out more and more to those that are not ready to see and feel the Light and know the Light. Know the truth. But the truth is indeed coming forward.
And as you continue to move on through your life through each and every moment going forward, know that the path that you are on is diverging.
You are diverging off in one path. You are taking that path of the ‘road less traveled.’ You have been doing that most, if not all of you life. You were destined to be on that road, on that path.
Yes, you have veered off from time to time. But now you find yourself fully on that path, fully on that path to ascension. Whereas the other path diverging off, where some of your friends, your brothers, your sisters, family members are, yes, diverging off into other directions, not following the path that you are following.
But that is okay, because they are following their own road, their own path, the one they must travel, because it is their path. Just as you are on yours, there are on theirs.
And they are learning the lessons perhaps that you have already learned. And it is okay for you to give them space, just as you want them to give you space. You want to be able to live your life as you want to live it, just as they need to do that as well.
So do not try to convince anyone that is not ready for it.
But if they show even an inkling of desire to open up to the various truths that are out there, then it is time for you to open up to them. But not until they ask for it.
Because if you attempt to give them information they are not ready for, they will just simply close off even more than they were previously. Just as you did throughout your life when you heard things to you that were untruth, that did not follow the path that you were on. And when you heard those things, you turned off to those messages.
They are turning off to the messages now. For they are continuing to be in their comfort zones, because that is all they have known. And many are not ready to awaken, and that is okay. Because in their time, in their moment, they will find the opening. Just as you found that opening, whether it was the harmonic convergence that many of you found yourselves awakening in those moments, as the entire race of man in various ways awakened at that time.
And, of course, in your 2012 time period when many, many more awakened, and are continuing to awaken now throughout this decade and into the 2020 decade.
Many, many more shall awaken. Many, many more shall move off of the path that they are finding themselves on now, and moving toward the path that you are on. They also will be taking the road less traveled when they are ready for it.
Diverging paths, that is what is happening now. And there is nothing, and no thing, that you can do at this point to change that.
Try and try as hard as you can, you will continue to find yourselves up against what you call a ‘brick wall.’ So do not even attempt to do so, unless they are ready for it. And again, more and more shall be ready to find the truth for themselves, to begin to research, just as many of you have been doing, to literally look for the truth.
Because they will find more and more that everything they have learned throughout their life has kept them in that comfort zone, and they are now ready to break free. Break free from the matrix, just as you have. Just as you have all taken that red pill, they too will be ready to also take that red pill.
So be patient. Be patient with them. But more importantly, be patient with yourself. And let everything continue to evolve. Let everything continue to come forth in truth, in Light, in love. Because that is the way of the new expression of the higher Earth, higher God-self Earth. Let everything continue to move along.
I leave you now at this time, in these moments, as things begin to more and more accumulate, more and more multiply.
Momentum is on your side.
Momentum is continuing forward.
Just let it do so. And know that everything now at this point is leading to a grand crescendo.
I am Archangel Michael, and I leave you in love, and peace, and oneness.
Continue on, my friends, continue on
Our task this week, then, is to send the 5D grid energy but please send it specifically to the area of Russia/Ukraine.
Week 55 Message
I am Archangel Michael with a message for the Angelic Warrior Group.
Recently we have been sending our loving energies to the Ukraine area of earth in order to avoid a war, but it has come to our attention that the 5D grid is now losing some energy.
Our task this week, then, is to send the 5D grid energy but please send it specifically to the area of Russia/Ukraine.
It is having a depleting effect on the grid and we need to bolster it up.
I thank you for your continued efforts.
I am Michael. I am your servant, I am your leader, we are Legion.
Sharon Stewart
The vibrations of love overcome all negativity.

The vibrations of love overcome all negativity.
Beloved masters: Unfortunately, many Souls have become what could be termed spiritually bankrupt. For they have either used up their allotment of Adamantine Particles of Love / Light and are now so steeped in the lower frequencies of the Third / Fourth-Dimensional world so they can no longer tap into the cosmic river of life and draw forth the full-spectrum Light of the Creator. Or, since early childhood, they have not been able to attain the required level of harmonious frequency patterns to ignite their allotment of Adamantine Particles stored within their Sacred Heart.
Also, sadly, many dear Souls take with them into death the greater portion of their allotment of Creator Light. These are the tormented Souls who feel unloved and have led a life of suffering and often isolation or violence, created by a sense of hopelessness, feelings of self-hatred and inferiority. They often focus their hatred and frustration outwardly, blaming others and fate for their failures, while all the time being unaware that they are the source of their own pain and suffering.
Many of these precious ones chose to come forth on what could be called the lower spectrum of Shadow and Light. At a Soul level, they chose the overlay for the life’s drama they would experience because they wished to overcome certain imbalanced frequency patterns from the past.
However, it is important that you understand that many times the path they chose was, most likely, too much of a challenge, and so they fell back into the negative patterns of many fruitless lifetimes. Those who have the least freedom of choice are driven by obsession, addictions, and unconscious impulses. They are controlled by past negative influences that are very difficult to overcome and correct.
Remember, dear hearts, you are not judged by anyone but your Higher-self, and you will always be given an opportunity to overcome past transgressions. Self-forgiveness is the first step in healing the past and reconnecting to the power within. It may seem heartless and uncaring, but a Self-master will gradually end relationships with people who they no longer have a harmonious relationship. There should be no judgment, just a gradual letting go and withdrawal or severance of any energy cords of attachment. It is usually the other person who ends the relationship, for they can no longer receive the emotional energy support they require from the en-Lighten-ed person.
Beloveds, it is your Divine Mission to become a tributary of the River of Life, a channel for the Divine force of Creation. Stagnation begins immediately when you stop the flow of Adamantine Particles into your Sacred Heart. As you become a Sentinel of Light, your aura will glow and grow as you become illumined by the radiance of Spirit.
You, your home, your neighborhood, city, state, province, and country all have an auric field, whether it is bright or dim. The heart and Soul of each country must be revived. When unity consciousness is lost, the spiritual life force of a country begins to wane. Remember, everything that exists has an aura. The divinity and awesome power of the Creator is in everything!
Never forget, you are eternal and immortal. Your physical body is a temporary temple in which God dwells. The Sacred Heart is the temple of the Soul. Therein, is the Essence of life where true love resides, and where your awareness of Infinity begins. The Diamond Core God Cell within the Sacred Heart contains the Twelve Rays of God Consciousness, which are etheric crystal prisms of refracted Light called Rays that beam forth the Essence of Creation.
Death is a metamorphosis, a changing of the cloak of flesh for a cloak of Light. You have but one life and that life is eternal. You have assumed many roles while on your journey throughout eternity. However, you are as you were in the beginning within your Sacred Heart: a Divine child of the Supreme Creator. To become Christed is to realize the Divinity within, and then following, unerringly, the guidance of your God Self. In the higher realms your vessel of Light is pure, perfect, and indestructible. Envision a wholeness that has never been altered and has no imperfections.
Staying centered within the Sacred Heart maintains your connection to the higher levels of God Consciousness, and assures a steady flow of Creator Light, Love and Life. The Superconscious mind is a magnet for higher, godly truth. The desire body is a generating force within each person. You are dominated by either the ego desire body, which is controlled by the physical senses, or the spiritual, righteous, desire body that is controlled by the Higher Self. The subconscious, subjective mind is ruled by the conscious mind and past conditioning. It is programmed and reprogrammed through vibratory influences, whereby the lower, negative thought forms of the past have convinced you that you are sinful, weak, imperfect, and inferior.
Throughout your many past life experiences, you have created a powerful vortex of doubt, depression, fear, scarcity, and debilitating disease which led to premature death. These harmful thought forms have been repeated over and over again until they are firmly entrenched within each individual’s subconscious mind, as well as within the collective conscious belief structure, until they become the accepted reality of the masses.
Your Sacred Mind always knows the truth and it will eventually override the misconceptions of the conscious mind, which can be reprogrammed as you strive to clear the subconscious mind of negative influences. Your Sacred Mind is the direct connection to the God Mind. Moderation in all things results in equilibrium, balance, and a sense of well-being. Self-mastery leads to control of the physical emotions and the thought processes of the lower mind. A Self-master stands firmly centered within the Sacred Heart in the midst of chaos and change, holding fast to the wisdom of the Sacred Mind as it gathers strength and guidance from our Mother/Father God, an observer of the process as all illusion slowly fades away.
Ascension means attaining a clearer awareness of Self and accepting the fact that you are an extension of our Mother/Father God. As you delve deeper and deeper within Self, you come to realize your intimate connection with the Creator. Once you have felt the exquisite bliss of a heart-to-heart connection with our Father/Mother God, and you are able to draw fully on the Adamantine Particles of Love/Light, your yearning for love is gradually fulfilled. Your hunger for sustenance will also be satisfied and you will be given the strength, will and determination you require to joyfully complete your earthly mission.
Energy is generated through frequency patterns of attraction, rather than patterns of resistance or friction. Thoughts, words, and emotions have either a helpful or detrimental effect on the physical vessel, and also create a certain band of frequencies within your auric field and beyond. Thereby, your reality on the physical plane is created. The laws of the universe state that you must always experience that which you create. WHEN YOU ARE RADIATING THE REFINED FREQUENCIES OF LOVE ALL AROUND YOU, THE NEGATIVE FORCES WILL NOT AFFECT YOU.
My brave ones, It is vitally important that you strive to strengthen your self-determination and your desire for fulfillment. You must evolve from an “ego self-serving mode” to a “Soul-serving” state of consciousness. Your Soul is the part of you which is connected to the “Universal Whole.” You gain compassion the hard way through pain and suffering; “ego-driven”, or the easy way, through the process of reunion with your Higher Self; “Soul-inspired”.
Nothing can escape the radiation and magnetic influence of the rarified Creator Light / Adamantine Particles now permeating this Sub-universe, galaxy, solar system, the Earth, and humanity. The chakras are like electromagnetic batteries within the body. The vibrations of electromagnetic frequencies communicate to your many levels of consciousness. You must be harmonious with and attuned to the higher-vibrational cosmic teachings in order to integrate them.
The refined frequencies of Light and sound vibrate through your blood stream, cells, organs, bones, muscles, and tissues, thereby, enriching your sense of well-being. The lower frequencies of the Third- / Fourth-Dimensional environment restrict the flow of life-giving energy and increase the density in your four lower-body systems. Your Sacred Heart and Sacred Mind, along with your blood stream and Chakra Mind Centers, carry genetic encodings of your earthly lineage. And even more important, within your DNA are holograms and Memory Seed Atoms of your entire cosmic lineage and your Divine heritage.
Beloved bearers of Light, we ask you to view each test and challenge as an opportunity to release outmoded thoughts and vibrational patterns, which no longer serve your greater good. We implore you to view your life experiences through the filters of your Sacred Heart and Sacred Mind as you draw forth the Diamond Ray Particles of Life / Light and infuse them with your love before radiating them out into the world and to humanity. Together, in our own unique way, we are all experiencing this cosmic dance of evolution. And, through our joint effort and endeavors, we shall prevail.
I AM Archangel Michael.
Week 52 Message | Archangel Michael via Sharon Stewart

April 17, 2022
Archangel Michael Group
Week 52
Sharon: Hi folks! Well, we did it! It’s our anniversary. Congratulate yourselves and be grateful for Michael’s guidance and tutelage. Pat yourselves on the back as well! We’ve done so well.
Michael: I am Michael. You have created so much change, and yet you do not realize. We of the heavens do see the change you have created. Let me cite some examples for you now.
We have stopped a war event between the U.S. and Russia over Ukraine. This is still ongoing. We are transmuting the energies in the area to align with the Light.
We have helped the indigenous people of Australia to continue to stand against the darkness in that country.
We have helped to stabilize the artificial 4D timeline in order to allow many to jump off, if you will, onto the natural 4D timeline.
We have helped to infuse the 5D grid with more energy and this has helped to stabilize the entire ascension process for earth.
There is more. Please understand your efforts are working. Even if you feel you do not see results, understand they are working. For many areas of earth, events could have been a lot worse had your energies not been so lovingly given.
I did not ask you to help because I thought we would fail. I knew we would be successful.
So again, I ask you to send positive energies to the Ukraine. This will help to stabilize the area and will help to awaken those who feel a war is imminent. It is only imminent if you allow it to be. Look at the area of the Ukraine as a melting pot of energies and all the souls who are thinking about it are connected to that melting pot. Please submit your love to that melting pot and energies will be transferred to those of lesser heart.
I am Michael. I am your leader, I am your Light, we are Legion.
Again, my heartful gratefulness for your participation, angels.
YouTube: SharonandIvoofVega
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Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young ~ The Blue Team
April 12, 2022, trinityesoterics.com
By this point, you understand that both ebbs and flows serve you and create an overall system of balance; but we understand there are challenges with each phase. Did you know there are beings specific to each phase you can call on to assist you to harness the benefits and to ease any discomforts? We like to refer to them as the blue team.
The blue team consists of Mother Mary and Archangel Michael. Both are associated with the color blue ~ Mother Mary, with the lighter blue of the heavens, and Archangel Michael with a darker, more grounded blue. Isn’t it interesting that blue is also representative of the flow of water, which symbolizes the flow of your journey?
Mother Mary is the ideal being to call on to assist you during lull phases. Lulls give you space to process emotions, to integrate, to release, to rest, to heal. Mother Mary’s unconditional love and soothing energy offers gentle guidance and reassurance to help you navigate a lull.
Archangel Michael is the ideal being to call upon during an action phase. Not only will he help clear the path forward for you, he will help you feel protected and find your courage to step fully into embracing the new. He will guide you seamlessly through the fastest, choppiest energies that make it difficult to keep your bearings. His great strength and sense of adventure are ideal to help you navigate a time of accelerated flow.
Do you see? Yet again you have everything you could possibly need to get the most out of every single phase you could experience. All you must do is be willing to ask for the assistance and accept the love and guidance. The supports are always in place for you to assure your success.
AA Michael: The Great Expansion of Consciousness and the Phoenix Eclipses April/May 2022
by Celia Fenn
CF: As we transit this powerful time with its conjunctions and upcoming eclipses, we are moving into a powerful new relationship with the Planet. We are building our Multi-dimensional Energy signature to engage with Nature and all life on Earth.
I share with you this channel from Archangel Michael that describes these wonderful new steps forward in our Journey on Earth.
“Beloved Family of Light, you are at this time experiencing a major expansion of consciousness that culminates on the 12th of April 2022. Those of you who have followed the path of Ascension have worked for many years to raise your frequency and expand your consciousness. This has allowed you to empower yourselves and to become soul embodied Masters of Energy on Earth. You have activated the original template of the Human Angel within your DNA and stepped forward to become the empowered New Earth Human.
This present expansion of consciousness that began in January of 2022 and culminates on the 12th of April, is the moment when you become aware that you are – in your Higher Consciousness and in Multi-dimensional awareness – an inherent part of Nature and of the Planet.
You become aware, Beloveds, that the same Divine Soul and Intelligence that is in you is also in all things on the Planet. There is no “separation” between trees, animals, plants, rocks and humans! They are all expressions of Divine Creative Manifestation and Divine Will. The idea of “Oneness” that is part of 5th Dimensional consciousness, means that you see the Divine Creative Fire within all things!
What does this mean for you, you may ask?
Well, as you expand your consciousness and do your inner work of balancing and empowerment, you also expand your Energy Signature. The coherence and harmony that expands outwards into your Energy Field from your Sacred Heart creates a field of Coherence that connects with and enhances the field in Nature.
Your organic coherent field connects with the organic coherent field in Nature, merging and creating a field of miracles and beauty. That is why, when you are open and connected to the field of nature, you are able to create and generate miracles in your life. The Divine Flow is magnified and synchronicity is accelerated. That is why being in Nature can be such a healing experience for you. When you are out of balance and energy field is distorted, being within a coherent field allows you to balance and heal your field through a process of resonant assimilation.
But, Beloveds, it also works the other way. When you are a Master of Energy and a Multi-dimensional Being, you can be a healing force where nature has been damaged and distorted. Your powerful energy signature manifests a creative field that can assist nature to return to coherence and harmony.
In this expansion phase, as you step up and step into your Mastery, many of you will understand that this is a part of your purpose. You will “hold” energy for the Planet and for Nature to heal. You will be Stewards and Keepers of the Garden of the New Earth simply by achieving and holding this coherent and harmonious energy within your Sacred Heart and within your Energy Signature.
You may be aware of being called to certain places on the Earth simply to be there and to hold a field of Love and Coherence for the Planet
This is also the Sacred energy of the Divine Mother at work, for where you walk flowers will spring up and trees will blossom! Beloved Ones, when the consciousness of the Peaceful Garden is within you, then it will manifest around you as your environment.
Your Inner Joy and Harmony will be reflected back to you by Nature.
Beloved Ones, this is a true blessing as you recognise that your creative energy as a Human Angel can spark Creative Fire in Nature too!
The Phoenix Eclipses
The partial Solar Eclipse in Taurus on the 30th April and the Total Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio on the 16th May will be moments when new Light Codes for the New Earth will be installed into the Planetary grids and into your Light Bodies.
The Phoenix is one of the symbols for Scorpio, and it signifies the creative transformation of death and rebirth. At this time, old structures will fall away and you will birth the new structures that will contain the energies of the New Earth, as individuals and as families and communities.
As individuals, you will create coherent and powerful Energy Signatures that will draw to you those who are your Soul Family and Tribe. Together, you will begin to create Family and Community structures of Love, Compassion, Harmony, Peace and Coherence. As you come together you will create support for the fields of others and of nature.
No matter how chaotic and disharmonious events may be on the lower levels of consciousness, you will be able to hold your field of Love, Peace and Harmony as a Coherent Planetary expression of Divine Love. You will truly begin writing the Story of Divine Love within the pages of the Book of Love that is the record of your adventures on Earth.
The Partial Solar Eclipse/New Moon in Taurus 30th April
The first eclipse of 2022 falls in Taurus. This is the part of the Galactic space ruled by the Royal Star Aldebaran, and the season in which the Sun transits Orion, Sirius and the Pleiades. Earth has many historical and evolutionary links to these star systems, and a spiral transit always renews connections and allows for new Light Code upgrades to be integrated. This year’s eclipse will intensify this process.
Taurus is the sign that allows you to focus on home, both personal and planetary, as well as finances. So, you can expect major shifts and expansions in these areas. It is good to be open and prepared for such opportunities.
The Light Council of Aldebaran is the Galactic body that oversees the shift in the timeline spirals, together with those of Regulus, Antares and Formalhaut. As you expand consciousness and open to your Galactic ancestral lineage, you will be able to play your part in receiving and integrating new Light Codes for the New Earth.
As the partial Solar Eclipse falls on a New Moon, you can also expect this to be a time of new beginnings.
The Total Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio 16th May
This Lunar Eclipse will be a deep dive and an intense experience. It may feel as though everything is crashing down and all structures are failing – and yet at the same time a miraculous birth is taking place. You are rebirthing for your place and space in the New Earth.
You may feel called to move to a new place, begin a new project or change your work. Whatever call you receive, it will move you closer to your Heart and your Soul’s passion!
It is important to allow yourself to “implode” and rebirth if this is necessary at this time. You may have already been in this process, so this Eclipse will allow you to clarify and complete the process.
The Scorpio Full Moon is also associated with the enlightenment of the Buddha, so it is a good time to allow the Golden Light of awakening to radiate from your Soul!
May your Energy Signature be Light and Pure.
May you be the Holy Grail that carries the Golden Light of the Christ Consciousness.
May your Sacred Heart be alive with Passion and Compassion.
May you Be the Sword of Balance and Truth.”
Please, release all of the negative emotions and open yourselves to receive Love and Light from the Cosmic Universal Consciousness. Now, you can manifest and create anything you desire, and just trust yourself that you are capable to be a creator. -Archangel Michael via Erena Velazquez-
April 2, 2022
My Beloved Souls,
I am Archangel Michael, and I want to congratulate humankind on starting to connect the dots on founding the truth behind the deceptions and lies portrayed for a millennial.
The plans of implementing New World Order are failing everywhere globally. The Darkness is losing the grounds despite their efforts to create fear by raising the prices and creating shortages in the necessities. Their goal is to create confusion and distract everyone from the focus on staying in the Light.
Please, don’t believe the misinformation portrayed by your media. The truth can’t stay hidden anymore. What you are seeing now, it’s the end of era of the elite, who mislead and deprived humanity from living prosperous and happy lives.
You are Light and carry God within you. Nobody can’t stop your evolution into 5D. Right now, only a small percentage of humanity is ready to move to New Age. This situation can change instantly, if the ones, who work behind scenes, are going to disclose finally the truth.
The time has arrived to introduce to general public, what has been occurring around the world. The ones, who are still asleep, need to be exposed to the real reality not illusion. The Cosmic Energies are very high on your planet, which are perfect conditions to help awake more people.
Only the truth can set everyone free. Please, release all of the negative emotions and open yourselves to receive Love and Light from the Cosmic Universal Consciousness. Now, you can manifest and create anything you desire, and just trust yourself that you are capable to be a creator.
Everyone on Mother Earth is a powerful being. The goal of the Darkness was to make you weak and doubtful about your origins. All souls came here from many different Stars, Universes and Galaxies to free this part of Milky Galaxy. Each day you are getting closer and closer to the day, when you are going to see the Golden Age.
Recent events in Ukraine exposed a lot of the truth, who really is the Light, and who is the Darkness. Follow the natural flow coming from the Cosmos. I, Archangel Michael, sending my Love and Courage to everyone. Remember you are not alone, billions routing for your planet. Thank you Universal Channel
You are almost there, be patient and loving to each other.
Archangel Michael
Channeled by Erena Velazquez
AA Michael Message: The Law of Positive Return April 2022
Question: Timing of RV, Med-Beds, Timeline split, Solar Flash/Ascension? 3-31-22
by Dancing Dolphin Apr 1, 2022 |
Timing of RV, Med-Beds, Timeline split, Solar Flash/Ascension? Arch Angel Michael, Commander Ashtar & Mother Mary *Also introducing Dr. Joy Love sharing her Solar Flash vision & guidance at end of messages* Received Saturday, March 26, 2022 DANCING DOLPHIN: What’s happening with the RV, Med-Beds, Solar Flash/Ascension, Timeline split? I asked my contacts to provide a message for Lightworkers if they had something to share on this topic. I asked for clarification only because I realize that we cannot get timing on these events. This was a verbal message and I transcribed it later, over a few days. I also asked Metatron to be my Gate Keeper for protection and to allow only one Being in at a time. Thank you, Amanda Ellis for this great idea! METATRON: Arch Angel Michael is first. ARCH ANGEL MICHAEL:Greetings, Lightworkers! This something that need not be talked about. It is not important to anyone’s spiritual growth to know the future. It is only relevant for those who have not done the work, who have not purged themselves of malignancies, of dark thoughts and deeds; those who are not focused on the light. These are the only ones who need this type of information…meaning that you and your Lightworker friends who are indeed already ‘high above’ the rest have no worries. Because no matter how it plays out, dear hearts, you will all be taken care of! I realize that it has been very difficult for the Lightworkers. You have had a hard time your whole lives. You have used your shields and protected yourselves as much as possible, but many arrows still pierced your hearts. Those with closed hearts and minds felt threatened by your willingness to step outside the norm, your curiosity, and your bravery. They were jealous so they taunted and ridiculed you. I say to all of you—kudos for standing your ground!! Even if this cruel treatment made you go silent. You still stood your ground and continued your pursuit of the truth, of the light and of spiritual knowledge. You were true to your Soul. So, kudos to all of you! Congratulations! Bravo! You are a special group! Lightworkers and Starseeds, you’re doing an outstanding job! If this so-called timeline splits at this very moment, you have no concern. Those of the lower vibration will go their way and you need not worry what happens to them. They have chosen their path. You have chosen to search out the light and to gain knowledge. Those of you who have planned to become Humanitarians, you are prepared for that positive outcome. So, if the RV happens–you are prepared and ready for your Redemption Appointments. You will share your heart about what you wish to do, then let the chips fall where they may. If the “solar flash” (Ascension) that you have heard about arrives first, you will be gently guided on a new path. Those of you who are ready for your next leap will be ushered on a path towards that outcome. Your Soul and Higher Self have absolute choice over what you want to do! This is not something that is done to you. I will not go into details about that, but just know that everything will be done for your highest good. So, I say this with the most love and respect to all of you: I wish you to be at peace and not to worry about what may happen.If these so-called Med-Beds are coming or not is not important; because either you will have them when the RV occurs, or you will not need them because of the Flash/Ascension. So, you are fine! And even if some of your family members or closest friends chose the “other” path, you will be at ease with that because you know that they made the choice that is best for their Soul direction. Be at ease, dear Ones. I love you all more than you can know, and I am very happy to speak with you tonight. This is your Arch Angel Michael. I will sign off now. (Thank you, AA Michael!) METATRON: Next up is Ashtar, he would like to say something as well. COMMANDER ASHTAR:Hello, dear Lightworkers of Gaia! This is Commander Ashtar, and this indeed is my title. We know that there are multiple storylines floating about Gaia within various circles. Possible outcomes and many timeline projections are being shared on your internet. And that’s exactly what they are—projections. I want to explain a bit about “how things happen” for humans on Gaia. We (Ashtar Command & the Galactic Federation) came to Gaia many years ago at Mother & Father’s request to assist Gaia with her and her people’s Ascension. Gaia herself is an Arch Angel, a very evolved Being full of love. She stepped into this role of becoming a planet and taking it from darkness to light. Through billions of years Gaia held steadfast while things happened that were unexpected and countless civilization rose and fell. She stayed the course with love and patience in her heart. Many of you on the planet now have been here since right after Gaia’s creation. The call rang out and you volunteered to assist with this grand experiment we call “Project Gaia.” You, through your various “Soul Sparks” (you may call them past or future lives) worked tirelessly by planting seeds of light on Gaia and in the hearts of mankind over thousands of years. Your Soul Sparks have lived lives on Gaia, on other planets and even on our ships. Dancing Dolphin has met two of her Soul Sparks who both have served in the Galactic Federation at different times; in different capacities and who hail from two different planets. So, we all are family dear Ones, all family, and we’re all working on this massive project together! The Project is to bring Gaia back to the light. To bring Gaia (and all her peoples) up, up through all the steps of Ascension, from the dark to this light. Some of you help us with this in ways that you aren’t consciously aware of. For example, you come up to our ships as your body is sleeping. Your Soul travels via Astral Projection to participate in meetings with us. You are our “Boots on the Ground” and give us reports on what’s happening on Gaia from your point of view; for example, how people are thinking and feeling around you. You provide us with information that we use to help make certain decisions. HOWEVER–and this is VERY, VERY, IMPORTANT! What happens with your Timelines, whether the RV, the Med-Beds or the Solar Flash comes first is not controlled by us! The HUMAN COLLECTIVE CONSCIOUSNESS OF GAIA is controlling what is happening. You all give feedback through your subconscious, and you all decide together what happens. Whether the RV goes, whether this or that happens, even down to weather or wars. I know some of you think that it’s “God” that does this, but this is an INTERACTIVE EXPERIMENT, and YOU ALL ARE IN CONTROL. We assist. So, if most humans on Gaia feel that “this is taking too long” or “this is going too fast, we need to slow it down” then that is what happens. You all decide together, and we assist in carrying out your directions. Regarding things like splitting timelines—we can assist with that, but we do not interfere. It is your collective call! Mother and Father don’t interfere either. So, I cannot tell you when Med-Beds are coming or if the RV or Ascension will happen first, etc. I can’t tell you because I don’t know. You all collectively decide that! OK? You decide it together. Understand that it is your Higher Selves that are making these vital decisions—not your 3D or 4D minds. Many of you in your 3D or 4D minds may be saying “I can’t stand it anymore! It’s horrible here! We must go now!” But your Higher Selves who are wise and a little bit removed will say things like “We’re not ready yet, not ready to jump. We want more people.” This last example is what has been occurring in the last 10-15 years as you have been rapidly approaching your Ascension. You may not like to hear this, but you also collectively decide if something like a pandemic would be beneficial in the long run. Meaning, look how that has changed everyone’s lives in just a very short period. It woke many people up by taking them out of their daily grind. Many people were forced to change the way that they worked and lived. Families were able to spend more time together and the result was a change in perspective. Humans took stock of their lives and decided what was important to them. As a result, there are many positive outcomes that were realized even with the tragic loss of life; and you ALL decided that. There were those who instigated this course of action by creating the virus but collectively you allowed it to happen. And I will add that you allowed it to happen with the least number of casualties possible. It could have been a billion times worse, but you all controlled that. OK? I am trying to give you a clue on how powerful you are! Individually and as a Group. This is a very interesting and fantastic question, Dancing Dolphin, and I’m so glad that you asked it. I’m aware that some of you who are awake and conscious have been practicing group meditations. I’m hoping that you all realize how powerful you are together, how you can control your future together! You choose what you want to happen and make it so. You (individually and collectively) can do that! State your intent, visualize what you want and so it is! Keep focusing on what you want. Don’t listen to all the other storylines floating about. That doesn’t do you any good. That pulls you out of your power because then you begin to question, flip-flop and worry needlessly. Step into your power and stay in your power. All the powerful energies that have been coming into Gaia are lighting the way for you all. They are making it possible for your intent to become more focused and manifestations to come with ease. The timing of the Spring in the northern hemisphere is not by accident. It is a magical time of renewal and rebirth for Gaia and for you as well. You are stepping forth into your new reality. Join together, consciously create what you want, and you will have it. Including, if you wish, helping those who are in 3D to wake up gently with their highest good in mind. You can imagine that. I wouldn’t say manifest it because it is their choice. But you can imagine it happening and you can help them. And that’s what you all have been doing. You have been doing all of this to help all of those who are still sleeping. So, I would encourage you, if you wish, to include these 3D people in your visualizations, imaginations, and your hopefulness of what the future may hold. Some these people who are on the verge of leaving 3D and going into 4D; they have become more empathetic and compassionate. We see, we understand, and we hear you speaking in our meetings, and we tap into the collective unconsciousness. We witness all the suffering, depression and angst that is going on. The lockdowns were extremely difficult for everyone and now people are worried about a nuclear war. I will say to you, a nuclear war is not going to happen, it is not allowed to happen. PLEASE don’t worry about that! However, this fear of that can be turned into something good. In the same way that the fear of the virus helped people to wake up and realize that they shouldn’t take their lives for granted and that life itself is precious. Humans have been so focused on survival; working just to buy food and have a place to sleep that they forgot about living—through no fault of their own. Remember—Humanity on Gaia now is the Guiding Force of your destiny. THE ONE WHO DETERMINES YOUR FUTURE IS YOU! YOU ALL! Your Collective Consciousness! There is no need to look outside of yourselves. That’s what I wished to tell you. YOU HAVE THE POWER, so make it happen how you want it. Create the world that you want! We have been so pleased as we watched you all come together to stand up for your rights and freedoms and for the disenfranchised. We have been so blessed to watch this and are so proud of you! And in the same way, we know that you can do this! You absolutely have the will to create your own beautiful world in exactly the way that you wish it to be. We cheer you on constantly! The Company of Heaven cheers you on! We are your biggest fans, dear Ones. You are the rock stars, OK? (laughs), or comic book heroes, that’s who you are! I will leave you all with these invigorating and empowering thoughts. You are not at the whim of some god-like being or out of control alien invaders. YOU ARE THE HEROES! That’s the way it works. That’s the way it’s set up, that’s what’s happening. I am closing, but I want to add this: things change quickly. You know the phrase “nothing’s set in stone”? Yes? Well, please remember that a switch can be flipped very quickly. Meaning that if enough of you reach a certain level, something can happen instantly. Your constant input, manifestations and your intents are extremely important to focus on throughout your day. Even if you are busy at work, stop and imagine the world that you want as often as possible. Keep feeding your positive intent into the mix and that’s how it’s done.Thank you for your time. I thank you for listening. I am pleased to come speak with you tonight about this because it’s extremely important. And we love and support you all! We’re here to help. Reach out to us if you want to talk. There are many, many of us on the ships who would love to talk to you all. Many of you have Soul Sparks on the ships and I know that they would love to talk with you. Sleep well! Live well! You are powerful beings, more powerful than you know and we love you. Yours, Ashtar.Thank you, Ashtar for coming to speak with us tonight! I felt your strength and conviction as you were speaking. We are grateful for your message. METATRON: Last to speak is Mother Mary. MOTHER MARY:Dear Dancing Dolphin, this is your Mother Mary, the one who you think of as the Mother Mary, I AM an Ascended Being. I wish to come in quickly to say that all the Ascended Masters are watching over all of you. We’re sending you our love and strength–extra courage for those who need it. All the support that you need—we are sending it. We know how many are suffering at this time, and we encourage you all to hang in there as long as you can. I agree completely with what Arch Angel Michael and Commander Ashtar have said and I wanted to add that all of us are behind you all! We are giving you our love and support. We are proud of you! We are confident that you will be successful in whatever outcome that you choose. We encourage you to gather together! Gather in meditation, gather in pure thought, and state your intents as often as possible. You are indeed powerful beings!I send you my love. I am very pleased to speak with you all on this night.Eternal love, Mother MaryThank you, dear Mother Mary for closing the messages tonight with your love and support. We are grateful. Thank you, dear Metatron for serving as my Gate Keeper. I AM grateful for your assistance. _____________FLASH VISION & GUIDANCE FROM DR. JOY LOVELast week, Dr. Joy Love had a vivid dream in which she received a vision of the Flash and asked me to share it with you all. In the vision she was driving in her neighborhood and the surroundings looked like early Spring where she lives. She suddenly felt what she described as a magnetizing energy wave come over her and she was compelled to lay down. She got out of her car and laid down on the road and briefly lost consciousness. She’d seen other cars and drivers around her, and they were all doing the same, so she wasn’t worried about being run over. People were calm. Later she came to and got up into her car to lay down on the seat to be more comfortable. This vision gave her the feeling that this event is coming soon. After waking up and in the days that followed, Dr. Joy Love began to get guidance regarding the Flash. She feels that we should be prepared to be down for 3 days or so. Here are additional tips from her: 1. Dress comfortably, go lay down when you feel compelled to. 2. Remember your pets and plants! Put food and water out for pets and a place for them to potty. Water your plants. 3. If you have a battery clock and a small notebook and pen, keep them by your bedside to keep track of days passing as most will want to know what day it is when we come to. 4. Perhaps keep fresh water and a snack nearby also. 5. She sensed that our bodies know what is going on and we will not soil ourselves in bed (or where-ever we are laying down). 6. Clean your kitchen and freeze things that may go bad in a few days, such as bananas. 7. Keep some healthy snacks and ready to eat type meals on hand so when everyone wakes up you can feed them quickly. 8. If you wake up before others do, please check on your family, neighbors, friends and all their pets. Contact information: https://ko-fi.com/drjoylove _____________ Please feel free to share! |
This Week Focus on Sending Our Love to expose the Khazarian Mafia Worldwide -AA Michael through Sharon-
Archangel Michael
Week 46 Message
I am Archangel Michael with a message for the Angelic Light Community.
We are now all familiar with the fact that there is a war occurring in eastern Europe, in the Ukraine and there are many reasons for this war, not the least of which is that Vladimir Putin has decided he’s had enough of the DS tactics and is now fighting back.
Mr Putin has sent in troops to secure vulnerable areas such as Chernobyl and he has bombed facilities that were being used against his people in Russia, otherwise he has done nothing to irritate the people of the Ukraine. However, the news is saying otherwise. These are false flags or actual attacks on the Ukranian people by the Deep State and UN forces but are being presented to the world as Mr Putin’s evil.
It is not. We must help in revealing to the world by increasing the Light in the Ukraine. This week, however, will be a bit different in that we will be targeting the Khazarian Mafia, in whatever way you may sense them, be they in Khazaria, Switzerland, Antarctica or America, we are targeting all of those responsible for this heinous attacks on the Ukranian people.
Simply state that you wish your energy of love to go to the Khazarian Mafia responsible for this attack on Ukraine and your intention will guide your energy. You may be able to see faces, you may not. Perhaps you will see their demons, perhaps not. Regardless, simply send your loving energy. The energy of love empowers love and disempowers evil. Our intent this week is to disempower and destabilize these evil people. Understand that many world leaders are complicit in this attack.
Khazaria is the main station of these evil beings, and to have an attack on its homeland would be devastating for them. The Ukraine is part of what was Khazaria. Mr Putin is tired of his proud people suffering at the hands of these criminals, and so he will bring them down.
If your desire is to destabilize the efforts of the media in your country which is also complicit in this attack, then feel free to do so as well.
We would like to destabilize this attack on many fronts and there are many ways to do it. Choose whichever you feel most comfortable with.
A suggestion to you: If you can gather with friends and family to send your collective Light as one, then please do so. These meditation circles are very powerful and combine the energies of all involved.
I am Archangel Michael, I am sovereign, I am God, I am your truth bringer and the Light. We are Legion.

Beloved masters, allow us to return to some basic but vitally important concepts and teachings: Once more, it is time for you to answer the new Clarion Call. It is time for you to step to the fore and say, “I AM READY”. It is time for you to discard the remaining remnants of the disguises you assumed for the earthly drama you chose to play out in this lifetime.
You have been playing with the concept of empowerment of Self long enough. It is time to reach out and take the Cloak of Light that is waiting for you, a garment that contains all the knowledge, attributes and qualities of mastership that you left behind when you embodied in your denser physical vessel.
You encumbered yourselves with overlays of negative, self-limiting concepts and thought forms from a multitude of past lives in order to face and conquer your greatest enemy, FEAR. We have explained many times before, ‘fear is the absence of love in some measure’. All negative emotions, impulses and beliefs such as anger, guilt, shame, unworthiness, low self-esteem, resentment and so on, stem from a sense of being cut-off from the life-giving love/Light of our Father/Mother God.
You learned to project these feelings outward to those around you in an effort to recapture that feeling of warmth, joy, safety and empowerment that the pure love of the Creator instilled within your heart center. Over the many past Ages, you gradually forgot that all the emotional sustenance you will ever need is supplied via that vertical shaft of Light that connects you to your Divine God Seed Atom and ultimately the Creator.
You began to project emotional cords of attachment toward those around you, which have resulted in a tug-of-war battle in many forms between individuals, male and female, families, cultures and nations. This has created an emotional war in which there are no winners, only losers, for no one can derive from another that which will conquer the debilitating enemy called fear.
You are in the process of finding your way back to the love of the Sacred Heart, which is unconditional love. Love with conditions became the norm as humanity sank into the density. From these negative thought patterns all other self-limiting concepts sprang forth and became your truth. Any wonder you have been at war with those around you, for you have been fighting a losing battle within yourself for such a long time.
Now is the time to reverse, release and restructure your present reality ─ a new reality that encompasses all the lessons in mastery we have given you over these past years. We have given you effective ways to monitor your thoughts and still the mind in order to reprogram your sub-conscious and conscious minds with higher wisdom from your Divine Self. We have taught you how to balance the multiple-minds of your chakra system so that, once again, they are working harmoniously, one with another.
As you experience peace within the mind, you will also begin to experience joy and bliss within the heart, for they are inexorably connected. It is time for you to release all those concepts that do not support your highest, most-empowering vision for the future, for whether you believe it to be so or not, each and every day you are becoming more powerful cocreators.
Just as in the drama that is being played out on your planet today, there was a time in your ancient past when you, too, stepped forward, saying, “I am ready to serve.” You left the beauty, safety and comfort of your homeland and journeyed out into the unknown. You spent many thousands of years, as you count time, in preparing yourself for your mission and you were tested over and over again to see if, indeed, you were ready.
You took an oath and agreed to allow yourselves to be diminished in Light, wisdom and power to whatever degree was necessary by fragmenting your wondrous Self, over and over again, in order to fulfill your assigned task. Your loved ones wished you well and watched you go with great sadness but also with pride welling up within, for they knew that you were going forth on a great mission; a mission mandated by our Father/Mother God. They knew that you would be away for a very long time, and they also knew that you would forget them; however, they would never forget you. Now the members of your spiritual family are sending you beams of Love/Light from home − loving messages telling you how much you are missed and that it is time to return. Indeed, it is time for a spiritual reunion of monumental proportions.
The cosmic trumpet call for the battle of extreme duality to end has sounded, and it is time for you to return to your true estate as a full-fledged Emissary of Light for the Creator. A new assignment is being offered to you, an assignment that requires that you reclaim a grand portion of what you left along the way on your descent into the material realm of reality. Remember, as you spiral forward and upward into the higher realms of Light, you are also being reunited with your Spiritual family.
The battle between the Light and shadow-side has really been a battle amongst yourselves. As the many Fragments of expression were brought forth into physical embodiment, you all began to believe and affirm that yours was the right or true way; that your customs and traditions were the best; or your religion and rituals were the ones favored by God. Humanity created the broad spectrum of Light and shadow in which the pendulum of truth and power would broadly swing back and forth over these many past Ages.
In reviewing your past, it is obvious that there are never any true winners in a war, only shifting power and different kinds of problems or inequities. Humanity has not yet learned the art of empowerment through positive, assertive action, which seeks justice for all. The wars you are fighting now are a result of seeds of hate and fear that were planted thousands of years ago. And, until humankind accepts the truth that you are all brothers and sisters in Spirit, there will be no true peace on the Earth ─ an Earth that is steeped in and hindered by Third- and Fourth-Dimensional vibrational patterns of fear and limitation. When the Earth and humanity ultimately are lifted into the refined frequencies of the higher Fourth- and Fifth-Dimensional frequencies, there will be peace on Earth ─ war will be a vague, distant memory of the past.
That is why it is so important for you to join the Legions of Light who are endeavoring to create a new Earth where peace and harmony will prevail. Each of you is much more powerful than you can ever imagine, especially if you have integrated and are using the tools of mastery we have offered you. Each time you visit your Pyramid of Light and Power, thereby filling yourselves with the Divine elixir of Love/Light from the Creator, you bring back with you into the physical realm more of that wondrous energy. You radiate it forth from you and it filters out as a gift to all those around you. Slowly but surely, you are magnetizing to yourself and into the Earth the building blocks of Light, which you will use to recreate the dreams and projects you have envisioned in the higher realms.
Beloveds, will you surrender your emotional pain to us and allow us to show you how to return to emotional peace and harmony within? Will you allow us to help you replace old limiting thoughts with new empowering concepts of mastery? Are you brave enough to script your vision for the future and place it in your Pyramid of Light, asking for the highest outcome for all? Are you willing to release any attachment to the outcome? As you align your will with the Creator’s Will, you will be amazed at the sense of freedom and the assurance of rightness you will feel, for the desire of our Father/Mother God is always for your highest good.
Mental harmony comes with reprogramming old negative, limiting thoughts which are judgmental, rigid and controlling. Mental detachment comes with wisdom ─ an understanding and faith in the Universal Laws. As an Emissary of Light, you will seek to live by the highest moral standards through virtuous conduct, and with a burning desire to see justice for all. Emotional and mental health and physical well-being are a result of learning to live in the sacred space of the heart while staying attuned to the wisdom of your Higher Self.
As you learn to function within the stillness of the sacred moment of Infinity or the Still Point of Creation, magical things begin to happen to you and around you. You begin to create an energetic force field around you that is impenetrable. Your body is constantly renewing itself via the thought forms and energetic patterns you radiate. Change the self-limiting patterns and negative thought forms to those of positive, expansive vibrations, and you will change your body, your reality, and ultimately your world.
Are you willing to expand your thoughts to encompass a new reality? Are you willing to expand your boundaries as to what is possible to create and enjoy in your new reality? Are you willing to claim the prosperity and abundance in all those things that you so desire? Are you willing to expand your mind and your vision, as you reach upward and outward, to incorporate all the wondrous new concepts and inventions just waiting for someone to claim, integrate and create them?
Look back at the progress of humanity over the last 100 years or so. You have made astounding progress in all areas of physical existence. We tell you, dear friends, it is nothing compared to what is waiting for you in the here and now. A quantum leap in evolution and human consciousness is taking place, and those who are preparing themselves for this advancement are the ones who will set the pace for what is to come during these next important years on Earth.
We have told you that our Father/Mother God is now taking an active part in the process of reunification. There are wondrous new colors beyond anything you can conceive that are redefining the Rays as you know them. This is because new frequencies patterns are being added, as well as new qualities and attributes as they become Rays of refined Universal consciousness.
The First Ray of Divine Will/Power to Create has become the Royal Ray of the new creative process now in progress. It blends the esoteric (spiritual plane) color of blue for truth and valor with the exoteric (material plane) color of red for power and forward thrusting action, making it magenta in color with a sparkling, luminescent overlay of Creator Light.
Some time ago, we told you about the new Rays or Sub-rays of individualized expression from the Creator Mind. You are truly becoming Builders of Form, along with the mighty Elohim, as you learn to wield the cosmic tools of Creation. As you claim the gifts of the First Ray, you have the ability to integrate into that Ray, for your use, those attributes you feel you most need, in their highest and best form. As you claim the gift of the Royal Ray of Divine Will, please infuse it with compassion, benevolence, clear vision and purpose, with a desire to create harmony, peace and abundance for all people on Earth, not just the few.
That is why we have spent so much time teaching you about the aspects, attributes, qualities and virtues of each Ray in both their positive and negative forms. How will you know what needs to be changed if you are not cognizant of what is available, and to also become aware of how you are presently using the energies? The wondrous energy of new Creation is swirling and spiraling all around you. All you have to do is turn inward and reach out to take the new cells of God Light that are being showered down upon you.
If you are daring enough and willing to do the work, you may tap into the higher frequencies within your column of Light in order to bring down the more refined and powerful Memory Seed Atoms of pure cosmic unmanifested potential. These gifts are waiting for you in your Pyramid of Light and Power. All you have to do is stay centered within your Sacred Heart with pure loving intention, and a desire to assist in returning the Earth to the paradise it was in the beginning. You must also be willing to state, “I AM READY to, once more, become an Emissary of Light.”
We promise to Light the way and clear the path for you as we come ever closer together on our journey into the bold, new future of tomorrow. May you bask in the knowledge that you are a beloved child, a White Fire Memory Seed Atom of our Father/Mother God, and you are eternally loved. I AM Archangel Michael.
Transmitted through Ronna * Sacred Scribe * As transmitter of this article I, Ronna Herman Vezane, claim the universal copyright in the name of Archangel Michael. Personal sharing with friends, or posting on websites and in publications is permitted as long as the information is not altered, excerpted or added to, and credit of authorship and my website address is included.
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please send your energies to the city of Angels and leave your angelic mark upon its soil again.

Archangel Michael
Week 43 Message
Me: Just a reminder folks that COBRA and Sisterhood of the Rose are having a worldwide full moon meditation on Wednesday the sixteenth. Check out our Archangel Michael group meditation page for details or check COBRA’s website which I will post below.
Archangel Michael: I am Archangel Michael, your servant in love. I am here today with a grand request to make of you and this request is that you should dare to stare evil in the eye, face to face, eye to eye.
Today is the day of the Super Bowl in the United States. Many of you are aware of the nefarious activities that are associated with the Super Bowl event and we desire to have it stopped. Teams are standing by to intervene, however your expression of God’s love and light sent towards this place of Hell today will very much help them.
The Event takes place in Los Angeles, as do many other DS activities, so please send your energies to the city of Angels and leave your angelic mark upon its soil again.
I beseech you to help today and for the rest of the week as activities will continue to play out afterwards.
I am Archangel Michael, your Patron Saint, your servant, a leader of the Light. We are Legion.
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Michael’s Message |
WISDOM TEACHINGS FROM ARCHANGEL MICHAEL * FEBRUARY 2022 RONNA VEZANE / SACRED SCRIBE ACTIVATING THE CRYSTALLINE MEMORY SEED ATOMS OF THE FUTURE ARCHANGEL MICHAEL: Beloved masters, you are now in the process of reuniting with yourSTARSEED SOUL FAMILIES. You are ready to begin to form some of your many TRINITY SOUL UNITS − consisting of those Souls who have activated and are consciously using all three God Rays of Divine Will, Divine Love, Wisdom and Divine active Intelligence – units composed of 3, 9, 12, 24 and 144 beloved Souls. Many of these Soul groups are in the formation stages on the physical plane. You, the vanguard, are now in the process of creating these wondrously empowered Spiritual units. You are the brave spiritual pioneers who will become inspiring examples for humanity. You are also the ones who will provide the initial MEMORY SEED ATOM CODES of Creator Light – the new Divine Blueprints for the emerging CITIES OF LIGHT on the Earth Plane. In addition, there will also be many Soul Groups, comprised of people who have never met on the material plane, formed within the new FIFTH-DIMENSIONAL, UNITY SACRED-TRIAD PYRAMIDS. These reunions and joint missions will be even more powerful and meaningful than the ones formed in person. Yes, my brave Warriors of Light, the long foretold era that you have all yearned and striven for is upon you. We of the Realms of Light rejoice in your victory. We stand steadfastly beside you as we all journey forth together to assure that the Divine Plan for the New Age is fulfilled. You are loved most profoundly, I AM ARCHANGEL MICHAEL. RONNA: Dear friends, the time we have been waiting for is finally upon us. The “null zone” we have been in for some time now is over. It is TIME FOR ACTION.We are strongly and clearly being given an important part of our new Divine Mission for the Age of Aquarius. I have never felt Archangel Michael’s loving energy so forcefully. He is emphasizing that during these critical times of transformation, we must take action now in order to ease some of the tremendous stress upon our Mother Earth, the Devic Kingdom, and the elements of nature. It is vitally important that you understand why our actions and participation are so critical. We are the ones who must bring in and anchor the Creator Light that will activate the new Divine Blueprint — beginning with the activation of the CRYSTALLINE STRUCTURES DEEP WITHIN THE EARTH, WHICH CONTAIN THE WHITE FIRE SEED ATOMS OF THE FIVE HIGHER GALACTIC RAYS OF CONSCIOUSNESS. Also, we must consciously begin to work with the great Devic and Elemental Kingdoms to transmute and clear all of the powerful, destructive negativity that humanity has been spewing out into the ethers. If we do not, there will be even more destruction via powerful fires. hurricanes, floods and earthquakes. Universal Law states that we must experience that which we create, and it is humanity that has created these powerful “weapons of destruction.” Archangel Michael has told us much over the years about how great crystalline structures were strategically placed deep within the Earth’s surface when it was first formed. These great clustered spires contain the Divine Blueprint programmed by our Father/Mother God for each sub-cycle of the seven great Cosmic Ages for humanity’s sojourn within this Sub-Dimension. Our Earth, humanity and all sentient Beings are now integrating and processing the refined frequencies of the Five Higher Rays of galactic consciousness. The blueprints for Seven Rays of God Consciousness for our solar system have also been upgraded to incorporate the first three sub-levels of our Fifth-Dimensional consciousness. Just as we, the STARSEED Light workers, have been consciously activating the semi-dormant crystalline structures and the Violet Flames within the great earthly caverns for many years, it is now time for us to begin the process of activating the CRYSTALLINE MEMORY SEED ATOM programming for galactic consciousness, which is contained within these great sentient crystal structures. We also have programmed MEMORY SEED ATOMS within our SACRED HEART and our SACRED MIND. Without even being aware of it, over time, some of us have gradually been activating these precious Seed Atoms. We have also been performing the service of assisting in the activation of the MEMORY SEED ATOMS within those dear Souls who are ready for this precious gift, as well as for our blessed Earth. However, as active Champions of Light and bearers of the new Divine Blueprint, it is now time for this process to be understood and actively used, with intention, by all of us. MEMORY SEED ATOM CRYSTALS AND ADAMANTINE PARTICLES WITHIN THE EARTH RONNA: While in deep meditation, Archangel Michael told me that there are historical and scientific MEMORY SEED CRYSTALS stored within great subterranean caverns in strategic places around the world. These etheric SEED CRYSTALSare in the same caverns as the Eternal Violet Flames, and both have an integral part to play in our present ascension process. The various Sacred Sites and holy places around the world have, most often, been built over or near one of these great caverns – or where there is one of the great crystal clusters and spires. You will also find portals to the inner Earth near some of these special Sacred Sites. When we are guided to visit one these special places, we may experience a most wondrous event of which we are not even aware of at the time. If your intentions are pure, and your Energetic Signature and Soul Song resonate at a higher Fourth-Dimensional level or above, you will automatically activate the appropriate Memory Seed Crystals stored within the cavern below the Sacred Site you are visiting – for quite possibly, you have performed this service before; perhaps, many Ages ago or quite possibly in a more recent past life. In turn, you will be gifted with an activation of some of the White Fire Seed Atoms stored within your Sacred Mind. These will most likely be Memory Seed Atoms, some of which hold advanced information that you will need in the future; or Memory Seed Activation Atoms, which will trigger the activation of a particular talent; or perhaps Healing Memory Seed Atom, which will help you overcome some affliction or release a troublesome, addictive habit. Throughout the Earth’s history there are stories of masters and great Beings who accomplished amazing feats, won great battles, created many magnificent edifices and performed amazing miracles through their own, seemingly, super-human efforts. What has not been known, heretofore, is that these great Ones knew how to draw forth some of the Memory Seed Atoms from the great caverns within the Earth. They had the capacity to draw forth a full measure of the First Ray of Divine Will Power, along with an added measure of Creator Particles of Light, and also Life from within the storehouse caverns deep within the Earth. It is important that you understand that a good portion of the Adamantine Particles of Light allotted to the planet were stored within these great caverns when it was first created. The balance was stored within the Earth’s Sacred Heart Core. Every planet, galaxy, sun, star system, Sub-Universe, and Universe within the Omniverse have repositories of Adamantine Particles of Life/Light – and so has every Soul ever created. Just as we must activate the Adamantine Particles we carry within, and the ones we draw forth from the unlimited supply of Creator Light, we must also activate the Adamantine Particles stored within the Earth through our loving intention and action. We are now moving into the vibrational patterns of mastership, and we are being offered special gifts, talents and specific dispensations to assist us in assuming our role as World Servers. A NEW CLARION CALL has gone forth for those of us who came to Earth as members of ARCHANGEL MICHAEL’S LEGIONS OF LIGHT. We are being called together once more in order to complete our current earthly mission. We have spent many lifetimes and endured tremendous trials and tests ─ in order heal our past and harmonize our physical vessels − so that the MEMORY SEED ATOMS that were encoded, so very long ago within our Sacred Hearts and Sacred Minds, could be activated. These were keys and codes that have assisted us to complete the GROUP DIVINE MISSION we were assigned by our Father/Mother God of this Sub-Universe. SHINE ON, dear friends. Love and Angel Blessings, Ronna Transmitted through Ronna * Sacred Scribe * As transmitter of this article I, Ronna Herman Vezane, claim the universal copyright in the name of Archangel Michael. Personal sharing with friends, or posting on websites and in publications is permitted as long as the information is not altered, excerpted or added to, and credit of authorship and my website address is included. https://www.starquestmastery.com/ Read Messages Online English: https://www.starquestmastery.com/blog-1 Japanese/日本語: https://www.starquestmastery.com/japanese Spanish/Español: https://www.starquestmastery.com/spanish Swedish/svenska: https://www.starquestmastery.com/swedish |
here is little coaching from Archangel Michael for those of you who prefer to speak of what occurs in the dismantling of the old matrix.
here is little coaching from Archangel Michael for those of you who prefer to speak of what occurs in the dismantling of the old matrix…especially when truth comes out for all to see about the 8 million children kidnapped annualy and adrenochrome etc. please keep this in your heart and minds, we are moving into New Earth and on New Earth there is no vibration close to hate or revenge of any kind :
Archangel Michael: Now there will be indictments and there will be justice, fairness, but the key to creating Nova Earth is not about punishment and retribution.
Steve: Right. But it is about protection, is it not? The public need to be protected against mass murderers and Dick Cheney and the people at the CIA are mass murderers. They kill kids in schools. They kill in open business areas. They explode bombs. They down airliners. We need to be protected from them, don’t we?
AAM: Be very discerning in your judgments and in your condemnations of others. If you continue – and I don’t mean you; I mean the collective – if the pattern of imprisonment continues, of shackling, rather than re-education or redirection, then that is the paradigm that will continue upon this planet. …
Steve: Why are we not putting a stop to that?
AAM: What makes you think we are not? (AAM, March 28, 2019.)
Also Matthew Ward:
Love is the key to everything! Please keep this foremost in mind when the ones still hidden behind their dark deeds are identified. Do not dim your light by focusing on punishment for them, but rather think of them as what they are, weakest links in the chain of Oneness, and send them the healing energy they need to uplift themselves and strengthen the chain for all souls.( Matthew’s Message, Sept. 9, 2011, at https://www.matthewbooks.com/september-9-2011/.)
Source : https://goldenageofgaia.com/2022/01/20/a-note-on-today-and-lightwork/

You will survive and learn how to thrive. Hold that in your heart for you know it is true. This week’s task is a simple one: to practise holding this thought within your heart. With this thought in place in your heart and mind, send out positive loving vibrations to the earth in general or any areas that you wish specifically. -AA Michael via Sharon-
This is Archangel Michael with a message for the Angelic Warrior Group.
Your world is heating up, literally. Volcano’s are being erupted, wars on borders are being threatened, and Taiwan is still under attack. It stands to reason that many eruptions will occur as a result of these practises, however what is required is calming.
Love goes forward at this time, violence and chaos still seeks to rule but you cannot allow it to. Keep your focus on peace and tranquility and do not allow yourself to be scared by current events. However, understand that avoiding any news of them is fear – this is flight of the fight flight and freeze response. Understand as you read news of current events that they are being conducted in order to bring peace to the people of the earth, ultimately. Have faith in this.
Yes, this is a time for faith. Humanity will go forward and transform itself in the process. You will survive and learn how to thrive. Hold that in your heart for you know it is true.
This week’s task is a simple one: to practise holding this thought within your heart. With this thought in place in your heart and mind, send out positive loving vibrations to the earth in general or any areas that you wish specifically. But hold that thought true in your heart.
I am Michael. I am the Lord, I am the voice, I am the servant of all who battle evil. Be with me now as I lead you to a glorious future along this road of much learning.
We are Legion. We are the Light. We are One.
Tomorrow please remember to help with the COBRA/sisterhood of the rose calming full moon meditation at 11:48 p.m. UTC. There is a UTC converter on sharonandivo.weebly.com on the Archangel Michael group page where you can determine what time to meditate along with the rest of the world.
open your hearts and allow GOD to work through you.-AA Michael through Sharon-
Archangel Michael
Week 38 Message
I am Archangel Michael, here with a message for the Angelic Warrior Group.
Allow me to answer your question, Sharon, please. Her question was, “What does Noah’s Ark have to do with this now?” And you realize there is a connection.
God has been patient with humankind. He has watched and helped you through your learning, He has guided you and walked you through some of the worst catastrophes that could be created. But there is one species of humans that refuses to learn, and this is the earthling. For many reasons, in fact, earthlings have tried to get to higher realms, over and over again, you have tried and you have not succeeded. When the era was over, you were given another chance, because that is what God is about: forgiveness and he forgave you your inability to return to Him. He seeks always to find ways to open up His Light to you; it is if you can see it that is the problem.
There have been many Noah’s Ark’s incidents, where the animals were taken on board a ship, not a water vessel but a space ship in fact, and were preserved in order that the catastrophe that humanity would create for itself would not affect them. Yes, the rains that came at the time of Noah were created by humanity. You still do not realize that the negativity of your weather is due to your own negative energies. Is earth in fact due for another period of grave weather? It is indeed! The energy of the planet responds to the energy of the people.
God did not bring the rains. The people did.
Gaia has divorced herself as much as possible from the third dimensional earth, the earth still so many live upon. This earth will see much sorrow in coming years, and this is because you create that sorrow. You have brought all of this upon yourselves, and as many of you have noted, it is time to face up to what you have created now, and learn to change yourselves through it. Those who will do so will see God’s Light. There will be weather changes because the weather responds to your mindsets; there will be many changes in your systems and that is because these changes are created by you.
So how do you focus? On rain or shine? Which is your choice? Where do you hold your heart despite the gloomy outlook you may see before you now? That is what He asks of you. Do you hold Him in your heart or do you hold what you see as the reality in your heart? Do you have faith in His love for you or have you forsaken all, including divine love?
It is always darkest before the dawn.
This does not mean you do not deal with reality. In fact you do, because you are the creators of it, therefore you must live and experience it as well. All that you create, presumably has been created by you to enjoy but many of you do not know this. You believe some other factor as being the creator of life and you are a victim of its dictates. This is misuse of universal law. You are the creators, and you were given many opportunities to create a world of wonder for yourselves but you did not. However you experience your reality, go with God in your heart. Do not forsake Him, do not say this is a Godless world because He is with you if you will let Him be.
You must all band together because there is safety in numbers. Yes, grouping with others of like mind, perhaps P groups in your country, will help you to stay safer. The more informed you are, the safer you will be as you will be able to take appropriate action.
We will continue with these meditations in order to reduce the severity of what is to come. 2022 will be a year of great change. Much will be revealed to the public, and the entirety of what you call life will be changed.
Many of you will turn to God and blame Him for what has befallen you. This is an abdication of your responsibilities of divine creation, something that has plagued earth for many eons. He has given you the ability to create your own lives, your destinies and goodness for others yet it has come to this sad state. As I said before, earth attracted this darkness. And now you see where it is taking you – to a place of godlessness.
He waits to see what you will do next. Each and every one of you, do you pledge your heart to Him now? Do you pledge your livelihood to Him? Do you ask His help in bringing Light to you, your children, your city and the rest of the world? He is doing this with those who have asked, but now please open your hearts and allow Him to work through you.
Be not angry at those who are still in ignorance. We realize it is difficult when you understand but they do not. You are a collective and you all must hold Light. For some this Light has gone out, or it glows dim now, and for those you must pray the hardest. Do not judge them, do not blame them. Pray for them, those who seek to take this world away from its God-given bounty.
And this week, we again will ask you to flow your Love into the fifth dimensional grid. Also, please send your love to someone who has gone against all that you now know to be the path that would save humanity. Send your love to one who you call an enemy, and bless them with all that you would want for yourself.
It is time for earth to finally heal. He has decreed that you will make the change that has been so long in coming. Many many centuries of trial and error and now you are positioned to get it right; to finally ascend as a race. We are here for you, always. Hold us in your hearts and let no ill will in.
I am Archangel Michael. I am your guide, I am your champion, I stand behind you when you are challenged, we are Legion.
Me: God! He just has me bawling every time he speaks like this. Wow! The energy that comes through me is incredible!
www.sharonandivo.weebly.com Youtube: SharonandIvoofVega
What of your own determinations and preferences?
A Message to Light Bringers – January 7, 2022
This week’s guidance from the Ascended Masters, Galactics, Earth Elements, Fae Elders, Angelic legions, and Archangels known as the Collective.
Greetings, friends! We are very pleased to have this connection with you today.
Today our writer asks a question of Archangel Michael, who is amongst us here in the Collective:
COR: Greetings, Lord Michael!
ARCHANGEL MICHAEL: Greetings, dear one!
How may we be of assistance?

COR: From what I understand, you are on the ground now, working in the physical, along with your Legions of Light, and with those of the Ashtar Command who are Earth-based.
COR: My question is, What is the best thing for Light Bringers to do at this time, as we see plans coming forward now to erode what few freedoms are left to humanity?
State and federal governments are pushing the Jab agenda no end. In New York, they don’t want to allow children into public spaces without proof of their having gotten the Jab.
There are presences in New York state government also trying to pass state legislation that includes denial of medical care to anyone who refuses to take the injections.
This is purely to increase tolerance for lack of freedoms and medical tyranny in a few states here and there—in the name of safety and security—with the longer term plan of rolling out those restrictions and demands in all 50 states, and across the world.
In Austria, plans are to require all persons to take the Jab, or face fines or imprisonment, with Germany not far behind. Australia and Canada also taking extreme measures.
Meanwhile, people are still becoming ill, whether they’ve gotten the Jab or not, so their rationale is wearing thin.
If you were a human on the Earth right now, and seeing these measures happening, what would your response be?
ARCHANGEL MICHAEL: For one, be aware that you are viewing your position as being one of response, and in some ways, reaction.
We would get the upper hand in this situation very quickly, friends!
You are not here purely to respond or to take your cues from an expansive power structure that has claimed influence and control on the planet for so long, that your brain’s neural pathways are set to bow to their determinations and preferences.
What of your own determinations and preferences?
What of the influence of your Light, and the Light of millions of empowered souls on the planet at this time?
And the new brain and new physical construct that humanity is now experiencing!
Set your own program in place, based on higher Love, and your increasing command of energetic co-Creation.
Create it as something that bypasses their outmoded methods easily.
This is not resistance. It is a higher creation than that.
COR: And so, how on Earth would we do that?
Literally—how do you do that while on the Earth, right now?
ARCHANGEL MICHAEL: You begin deciding what kind of Earth life you would most celebrate for yourself.
Then extend the invitation to all around you, and all of humanity by extension, to do the same for themselves.
And most assuredly, you are choosing a form of living in which all persons are valued.
All have a voice, and honor their own path, and that of all others.
Now, you will be wondering, must I honor the path our former controllers, whose agendas, as irrelevant as they are now, and whose levers of control and influence, as insipid and ineffective as they are, nevertheless represent on ongoing insult to humanity?
COR: Excellent question!
ARCHANGEL MICHAEL: And we would say, Yes.
But not to the point where you feel they decide for you how you will feel about life, how you will respond to these threats of a loss of freedom and choice.
Or how you view your own co-Creative power, which is getting stronger by the minute.
Why is it, do you suppose, that they are working so hard to pass these measures so quickly, and in so many places around the world?
They know their day is done!
They have called out to other presences in the Universe to build them up against the continuing building of human soul expression and Ascension, yet this is in vain.
All of you connect increasingly now with your soul’s Light, and the higher Light and transformative energies of the Great Central Sun.
As they say, there is no stopping you now. Though yes, they feel they must try.
COR: I feel like asking, How close is this going to get, this race?
Will it feel like we’re not going to make it some days, those of us wanting to protect ourselves from the nanoparticles and the other adverse effects of the Jab?
And the dark agenda overall.
ARCHANGEL MICHAEL: It may feel that way at times.
Yet our point is, is that your starting place?
Watching the “news” and taking in the propaganda? Believing the emotional effects of the lower energetic transmissions as if they were “gospel truth”?
Is that how you start your day, or your energetic signature?
COR: Hopefully, no!
ARCHANGEL MICHAEL: No indeed. You know better than that, all of you.
COR: So we build a sort of mental/emotional and energetic fort around ourselves with positive thought and expectation?
With chanting mantras and meditating, and spending time in Nature?
And then we greet all this from the co-Creational stance of, “I do not allow this. I AM resonating with the New Earth frequencies, and we are collectively co-Creating human sovereignty on this planet, for all time.”
ARCHANGEL MICHAEL: All right. This a beautiful and high intention.
Yet we would change the “I do not allow” to “Humankind now creates our own higher forms of reality.”
As you say, “I AM,” say, “Therefore, I AM and WE ARE resonating with only those frequencies of the New Earth,” and so on.
COR: So that we’re not speaking in resistance, or feeling to be in resistance to what is happening.
ARCHANGEL MICHAEL: There will be some who create resistance to what is happening, and that is their role and their path at present.
Yet we encourage the majority to create from the positive space of holding clear the vision and the inner feeling—the inner reality—of that which they desire Earth life itself to mirror from them.
So in other words, you have for millennia mirrored the energies of that which was injected into you energetically and mentally by the old power structure—actually, a disempower structure, both for themselves and for humanity.
COR: Yes. We sort of printed out into 3D life whatever they typed into our hard drive, you might say.
ARCHANGEL MICHAEL: And so now—all has shifted.
If you will grasp that you create your own life and own experience—if even only a relatively small percentage of you hold that energy within you—you will bring your planet with you on that journey.
COR: That sounds like a miracle!
ARCHANGEL MICHAEL: It will feel to be one, in some ways.
Yet it is as natural as the leaf sprouting from the tree branch in spring.
This is how your Universe functions, and we heartily encourage all to realize the choices you have by grasping that particular creational law of this Universe.
Why would you ignore such, dear ones?
Why would you give up your chance to create something so beautiful, so empowering, so freeing and celebrational, that you will hardly recognize that world, once you have created it?
COR: Yet I feel like it could take a long time!
ARCHANGEL MICHAEL: No. It need not. Indeed, it cannot.
COR: Because we don’t have much time?
ARCHANGEL MICHAEL: You don’t need time!
So release all stress that you are fighting the clock’s hands. That too is an illusion.
All time is an illusion. Come out of that now.
The more powerfully you feel your magnetism to that freedom which you so much desire, the more time is immaterial.
Why? Because you are already there, dear ones.
As you grasp your power, you are already there.
COR: A slight side question—what do we do with the suffering martyr paradigm that so many are falling into mentally, due to that pattern having been established in past lives?
Write out whatever you believe or intuitively know happened to you and others in those lives.
Get it out of your system. Then smile at it.
Say, “Thank you” to yourself and others for that experience, which showed you yet another streak of color in the tapestry.
Yet that dark thread is not more important than other, Light experiences.
It need not prevail now, in any way that is determinative in your current life.
COR: Thank you, Archangel!
Your words have inspired and assist us, lord! We are full of thanks and great appreciation.
I know you are on the ground, working constantly to assist us.
ARCHANGEL MICHAEL: With so many millions of others, they could not ever fully be named.
Yet you know their presence; you feel their support.
And so—be of good cheer, fellow Light warriors!
All is well, and shall be most well.
You know this, having heard it so often—
You are never alone.
COR: Namaste, Lord!
We will see you on the bridge of the New Jerusalem!
ARCHANGEL MICHAEL: Indeed you shall!
[Bows deeply] Namaste, friends!
Copyright 2022, Caroline Oceana Ryan
If you repost, please maintain the integrity of this information by reprinting it in full and exactly as you find it here, and including the link to the original post: https://www.ascensiontimes.com//post/a-message-to-light-bringers-january-7-2022.
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