by James McConnell
I am Sananda. I come to be with you at this time to continue the process.
The program that we began some time ago with each and every one of you, both within this group on this call, but even far before this, lifetimes before this, bringing you all together once again as lost souls coming together, as gathering my flock together again. For that is what you are. You all belong to me. To me as Sananda, as Yeshua. You are my flock. You are the ones that I tend to.
Know that as each and every day, each and every moment moves forward, you are on the path. You are on the path to freedom. Freedom within you, within each of you. And as you find that freedom within you, you will recognize the freedom outside of yourself as well. Because you are creating that freedom. That freedom to make your own choices. To live your life as it was meant to be, and as you want it to be. And knowing that there is nothing that can stop you from this. There is no government. There are no politicians. There are no kings and queens. No rulers that can keep you from your chosen life path. Because it is your life path. No one has the right to stand in front of you and create obstacles, unless you allow them to.
Each of you know now and are remembering now to a point that you are remembering who you are, the deepest levels of your being you are remembering. When you have those a-ha moments in your life, when you have those moments of pure ecstasy within your life, pure euphoria within your life. That sense of bliss within each moment. When you have that, you are remembering. And gone are all those things that are happening within the external illusion, the third-dimensional illusion.
Because when you are in that blissful state, even for a moment, you are indeed connecting to the crystalline grid, The Christ consciousness grid. You are connecting to that. And when you are connected to that, then there is only bliss. There is only euphoria. There is only the rising of the dopamine, that chemical within you that brings the joy within you. Yes, you can manufacture that any time you want. It is within you to do so. You do not need pills. You do not need drugs. You only need yourself, your inner self, to rise up within you, as it is doing right now in this moment! Each of you are feeling this within you.
Because it is time. It is time for the illusion that is all around you to collapse, to fall. You are seeing the signs of this.
Yes, it is true, you want to remain in the fifth-dimensional expression as much as possible. But you are human. You have human bodies. You have human feelings and thoughts. This at times does pull you back into the illusion, but know that as you are pulled back into the illusion, the illusion is indeed collapsing. When you have heard that nothing can stop what is coming, this is what is happening. The connection to this grid is happening once again, just as in Atlantis and Lemuria and other civilizations and, of course, in other planets and other systems. You have all experienced this before.
The times that you have come here for to lead the way to be those Pathfinders and those Wayshowers is here now. Yes, indeed, there are various events that are going to manifest. They are in process. They are in momentum right now, and they are coming. The truth shall be revealed.
But it is because of each and every one of you that are once again connecting to this grid. And not only connecting to this grid, but building this grid. Building it more and more. Bringing the vibration higher and higher so that the grid is reverberating down onto the planet and raising the vibration. And of course, we cannot forget of the Great Event that is also making its way here. The Great Solar Flash is coming.
You are all preparing for that. We have been doing everything that we can to prepare your astral, your etheric, and your physical bodies to be able to withstand the energies coming in. Slowly at first, but also gaining momentum. More and more energies coming into the planet.
More and more you are able to take those energies in. Take that light in, anchor it within yourself, and then shoot it out from yourselves. Spread it to all corners of the planet. You are doing it consciously, but you are also doing it unconsciously.
Because you are the light. You are the love. You are the truth. You are the I AM that I AM. The consciousness within you. The Source consciousness within you. The Christ Consciousness within you. It is remembering itself within you.
I am Sananda.
All of my peace and love be with all of you, my dear friends, my brothers, my sisters, all of you. We are here as one together to make it through this transition and to come fully into our ascension process.