Each of you is a Sun in the center of your own galaxy, lighting and warming even the coldest reaches. Very soon, there will be a time when the brilliance of you will overlap with others and envelope any darkness remaining with pure love. ~ Creator
Transcribed by Jennifer Farley
All posts by Nikos
You will feel like you are returning home when you visit our system on a ship for the first time in this lifetime.
Returning Home to Sirius, the Pleiades & Arcturus ∞The 9D Arcturian Council Channeled by Daniel Scranton
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are very close to all of you who have opened yourselves up to us. Many of you want to know what your history is in our star system and what your history is with us, and we want to assure you that you have a present with us, a future with us, and a past with us, and the same holds true with our star system. You will feel like you are returning home when you visit our system on a ship for the first time in this lifetime. This will be the case for many of you when you go to the Pleiadian system, the Sirian system, the Andromedan system, and so on, because you have a history that spans eons of time and goes back much further than the beginning of humanoid life there on planet Earth.
You’re starting to piece together your own galactic history, and all of your experiences throughout the galaxy by connecting with beings and collectives like ourselves right now. This is a big part of what we are doing when we come through a channeler. We are inviting you to feel for the resonance that exists within you with those like us from other parts of the galaxy, and when you do resonate, you recognize that there is a part of you in us, a part of us in you, and you notice that the system that we come from feels like home to you.
You are so much bigger and more expansive than you have previously imagined. You have so much more to experience in regards to yourselves. You have so much to remember about yourselves. We want you to know that, and so do all of the other collectives that are coming through channelers all across the world at this time. Part of your awakening is your awakening to the truth of who you really are as galactic beings, as universal beings, and as Source Energy Beings. We help to illuminate one aspect of who you are to you so that you can feel that and follow that thread.
You can go home right now by reaching into your heartspace and feeling for the presence of Arcturus, the presence of the Pleiades, the presence of Sirius. It’s all inside of you. It’s getting activated more and more every day, and there will be more groups coming through more humans all the time, because there are many pieces to the puzzle that is you, and we are helping you to recognize that, but we are not alone. Therefore, we invite you to explore what others are bringing through. We are not interested in a captive audience.
We know that as you experience other beings from other star systems, coming through other channelers, you will experience more of your whole selves, and that is what we want for you. We want you to feel your wholeness now, rather than sitting around, waiting for ships to land. That day will come, but you are there now, and you are meant to live in the present moment, and in this moment you have access to so much more of your galactic self when you give yourself access to it, and we just happy that we can help in this process of evolution.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”
More, and more, and more, you need to continue to trust yourselves. Trust in your knowing, your inner knowing.-Sananda through James-
by James McConnell
I am Sananda. I am here to be with you in these times as yes, indeed, you are moving through the various vibrational frequencies, the various dimensions. You are traversing them, as one gave earlier in your discussion. You are moving freely through them because you have the awareness to do so.
How many across the planet do not have that awareness? Do not even know that they are in third dimension, or that there are dimensions beyond. So they would not know that they are traversing, just as you are. But it is awareness that is enabling you to do so, awareness as you have moved already from the third dimension, and the illusion within that third dimension, into the fourth and beyond into the fifth.
Many times you find yourselves in the fifth dimension, and even beyond that. Because you have those moments, those moments of immense joy and bliss within you, even if you do not know where that is coming from. But it is there. And in those moments you are in that fifth dimension and beyond.
The only thing that draws you back is the programming, the programming that continues to hold you back. The memories. The memories that encompass the programming. Can you just let go of those memories and that programming? It is difficult, but yes you can. But there are many tools that you have been given to work through this. But understand that nothing is holding you back except for yourself, except for your mind that continues to hold you back in at times within that illusion. Even though you know at this time that there is no illusion. That you have moved beyond it.
More, and more, and more, you need to continue to trust yourselves. Trust in your knowing, your inner knowing. Not the knowing that the ego or the mind continues to hold you to. Not that knowing, but the inner knowing. The inner voice that speaks to all if they would but listen. And when you listen, when you listen to that wee, small voice within you, you are fully aware of who you are. Then you find yourself free and freely within the higher dimensional frequencies of the higher fourth and fifth dimension.
Most of the time now, as one said earlier, you do reside within the fourth dimension and are traversing through it, no longer in the third dimension. But that is only for those that do not have the awareness. But you know, you know that you are free, free to move about as you wish. As long as you continue to understand that and believe that, and fully know that, then there is nothing, and no thing, that can hold you back any longer.
For you are remembering who you are. You have traversed these difficulties before in other times, other places. This is why all of you, all of you the Lightworkers and Warriors, the Light Community, this is why all of you have awakened and are ready to move on, ready to fully move beyond the illusion or the veil that is, indeed, no longer there.
So trust, trust in yourselves, trust in the plan, the Great Universal Plan, that you are all bringing about in every moment.
I am Sananda, and I leave you now in peace, and love, and oneness. And that you would continue to believe and trust in yourselves fully.
Dear Ones,
You likely have a sense of calm – as if you have taken a step back from the world chaos.
Such does not mean you will never again be confused or upset about world events; but instead, you are beginning to see the sun peaking through the clouds.
This is a time of great upheaval for the earth and those of the earth. You are feeling that earth turmoil at the same time you are clearing issues that no longer pertain to new you. A combination of unpleasant sensations that are a small indication of your Universal strength.
Many of you question the concept that you are a god. But because of your actions over the past few months, you are beginning to understand the phrase you learned as a child that God/the Universes “knows every hair on your head.” For you are sensing the pain and fear of others you have not met and never will. Sensitivities beyond what is expected of a 3D human.
Your responsibilities no longer include sensing everyone and everything. Even though those feelings are a natural skill, that skill is not productive in your new world.
You are not negating humanity or other earth beings. Instead, you are allowing yourself to focus on you. Your new Rubicon crossing is from caring for everyone and everything to acknowledging your needs. A concept that was touted as selfish in 3D but is a necessary element in your new world.
We, of the Universes, have discussed this concept previously. The difference is in addition to negating the caretaking of those in your 3D circle of friends and relatives, you are now doing so globally.
Letting go globally has been extremely difficult for you. Your recent exhaustion and/or bouts of rage indicate how complicated this phase has been.
You trained for eons to help earth through this transition. And as you did so, you enhanced your caretaking skills beyond what would be expected of a 3D earth being. Not only did you care for family and friends, you felt the weight of the earth and its inhabitants.
Love thy neighbor – especially those who looked and acted like you. Love and caretake your family no matter what your home experiences were. Encouraging you to acknowledge internally that everyone, including the earth, was more important than you.
Earlier in this transition, you discovered the need to allow family and friends to find their way. You are now doing something similar globally – causing your feelings of being a bad or selfish person to once again surface.
If someone told you that you were responsible for the well-being and feelings of all earth’s inhabitants, you would ignore them. Yet, you have been enmeshed in that seemingly unattainable concept since your earth’s entrance in this lifetime.
Most parents understand the need for their children to thrive without parental control. The past few weeks have been that phase for you – with the corresponding fear of, “What if the earth evolves beyond my control?”
You are slowly realizing you cannot – and no longer want – to control everyone and everything. You are tired. You are ready to retire from parenting the earth and everyone and everything of the earth.
This new earth and new you are topsy-turvy from every other earth life you experienced.
Caretaking, with ensuing power grabs, was key to a successful 3D earth life. To shift the earth beyond 3D, you needed to play your god role of knowing what was best for the earth. Then you needed to morph again into not caretaking the earth or its inhabitants.
You initiated that last phase by letting go of family and friends who refused to caretake themselves, and then, doing the same with the earth – a phase you are just ending. Allowing yourself to shine as a self-contained entity, knowing others are more powerful than they believe and that the earth has proved to be the same.
It is time for you to see and sense the sun. Those following you have accepted their heavy-lifting roles. Yours are over.
Relax. Play. Laugh. You have completed your challenging pieces. It is time to be a role model of contentment.
No longer do you need to experience sleepless nights worrying that your family member or the earth is incapable of self-care. You are done. You have completed those roles.
It is time for your new personal role. A role you have not accepted in any previous earth life – but one you experienced in thousands of other frequencies and dimensions. Enjoy. Play. Laugh. Your caretaking roles are over. So be it. Amen.
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Archangel Michael – Week 66 Message Angelic Warrior Group
Archangel Michael
Week 66 Message
July 24, 2022
I am Archangel Michael with a message for the Angelic Warrior Group.
As you see, this is week 66 of our group and this is a sign of the group’s strength and power. Sixty-six is a divine number indicating power and this group is growing in strength and fortitude.
This is a reminder to be grateful in life. Your path on earth is not an easy one. You have no idea of the ease of life because many of you don’t remember any lives abroad, you only think all life is as toilsome as your life on earth is. They are not. The secret is gratitude. Being grateful for what you are given, being grateful for what you are shown about yourself and others is all intended to keep you on the easiest path to walk on earth.
Gratitude is your connection to the heavens. It is your call to God, your call to say, “thank you for watching out for me, thank you for loving me.” It is your call to those who can hear you and who will reward you for stepping into your own powers of love.
In this vein, we are asking you to send your loving energy into the grid. It is so important that more people wake up as now new campaigns are being launched in order to make you fear and to keep you sick. Send energy to the grid and know that God is looking out for all. Some do not have the fortitude to carry on past this point; this is a campaign for the strong ones. Some have said, “We have had enough,” and wish to depart. It is sad for all of you but you must understand that not all souls have your strength of will, not all souls have the wisdom, the power and the love to continue. They are still learning and they are sacrificing themselves so that you can learn to be more powerful.
There is no separation, even after death. We are all One. The separation you know is the separation created by fear. Lose your fear and find connection to the All.
I am Archangel Michael, thanking you, and asking you once again to work with your divine energies to help those upon earth who could not do it.
I am Michael, I am your leader, I am the love of God, I am the power of God, we are all One.
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You are being attracted into the higher vibration and into like-minded vibrational people. So you may feel at times like an outcast. You may feel at times like you are isolated. Isolated from those of your friends, your family, your loved ones.
Archangel Michael Through James McConnell: Everything is Changing
I am Archangel Michael. I come to be with you at this time as many things are changing across your world. Not only in the external world, but within your internal world as well.
Everything is in flux. Everything is in motion. And vibration. Vibrational frequency is indeed increasing across the planet which is, in turn, extinguishing the old vibration, the old lower vibration which is bringing about change.
Everything now is about change in your life. Change, because you are moving with that higher vibration, and moving through the attraction process of light attracting light. You are finding that you are no longer comfortable in the older, or the lower, vibration. All of you know this.
You are being attracted into the higher vibration and into like-minded vibrational people. So you may feel at times like an outcast. You may feel at times like you are isolated. Isolated from those of your friends, your family, your loved ones. But this is to be expected. This is part of the change process, part of the transition that you are moving through. And you are all moving through this transition, some having more difficulty than others. But you are moving through it nonetheless.
And none of you, not one of you, needs to feel like you are not doing enough, or you are not doing what you are supposed to do. Because there is no ‘supposed to do.’ There is just doing. Doing what you feel in the moment, as long as it is following universal laws. And at this point, my friends, you are really not capable of not following universal law.
Certainly there are those in your world that are capable of that, that do not follow the universal law. They follow the law of themselves, of their own ego selves. But you are not following them.
More and more are following you now. You, the expression of collective consciousness that is you. And you are it. You are the collective consciousness. You are creating every expression of life moment to moment. You are creating the New Golden Age of Gaia.
So know that as you move through each day. As you move through each moment in each day that you are creating what is coming beyond this moment, creating the next moment, and the next one, and the next one. And the collective consciousness coming together to bring about the fall–the fall of the cabal. The fall of the forces of darkness here on this planet.
And yes, there is a battle going on. I, as Archangel Michael, and all of my angels working with me, and all of the Galactics that work along side of me, as well as all of you that are paving the way, showing the way, working together with me, both in your dream state as well as in your conscious state and your unconscious state. We are all working together on this to bring the end of the forces of darkness here on this planet.
And yes, indeed, you are going to see the fall of this cabal. You are going to see more and more signs of this as more and more truth comes forward, and more and more of those bastions of evil are destroyed. Because they cannot exist. Evil cannot exist in the higher vibrational frequency. It is not possible.
Know that you are moving into a new phase now. You have heard this previously, but I am reiterating this now. A new phase of higher vibration is upon you. You will notice it. You will notice it as you are moving through your day. And all of a sudden you feel a sense of bliss come over you, and you have no idea where it came from. It is just there. But you bask in the glory of this higher vibrational bliss. It is there for you. It is there to continue to hold you and bring you higher and higher, again, each and every moment.
For one day you will find that each and every moment of your lives will be in that joy, in that bliss. It is coming. It is destined. It is a part of all of you.
I am Archangel Michael, and I leave you now in peace, and love, and oneness.
And that you continue to be the warriors, the Warriors of Light that move in front of me and all of those that work along side of me.
You move ahead of us and continue to show the way.
For you indeed are the Way-Showers.
The Federation of Light via Blossom Goodchild | July 24, 2022
24th July
By Blossom Goodchild | The Federation of Light
Hello! So lovely of you to make a guest appearance in my video last week. Enabling so many to receive your High Energy Love. Thank you.
With so much Love, we join you once again, Blossom, yet, in this telepathic system we have come to know well. It is not always conducive with the Energies to ‘directly speak’ through you. Yet, such a Divine moment for ‘us’, when we do.
Actually, you saying ‘us’, leads nicely into something I would be grateful for you to clarify. There is ‘material’ going around saying that THE FEDERATION OF LIGHT is not from the Light, because the word ‘Light’ is a way to draw us innocent Beings (?) into believing that you are when you are not and that you are a Phys Op. It is saying it is THE FEDERATION OF WORLDS that are speaking the Truth. Could you also, once and for all, please clarify why you choose to be called THE FEDERATION OF LIGHT … not THE GALACTIC FEDERATION OF LIGHT? And … … Go!
Thank you for your concern, Dearest Blossom. From our perspective, we would say this. What we are called by anyone … anyone at all … makes no difference to us. That is why we do not make a fuss when addressed by many’s confusion, to be THE GALACTIC FEDERATION OF LIGHT. It matters not … to us. However, what is of most importance to us, is that you find TRUTH and LOVE and UNDERSTANDING in the messages that we bring through.
If your Heart and your direct feelings connect with us … if you FEEL OUR TRUTH … then stick with us. For it is YOUR TRUTH. Should you feel uncomfortable in any sense when connecting … then leave instantly … for we are not for you.
As we have said many times, Blossom, we do not connect with you to prove anything to anyone. We come through to assist in the AWAKENING OF SOULS, so that the mission on Earth, to lift her into her rightful place, may be fulfilled.
That too, ‘to us’, is a triviality. Yet, yes. We prefer to be known as THE FEDERATION OF LIGHT.
No, we are not. We are THE OVERSEERS OF THE OVERSEERS and therefore, we would say … if we were to be assessed by positioning, that we ‘Oversee’ THE GALACTIC FEDERATION OF LIGHT.
Keep going.
Galactic meaning of Galaxies. Are we not all of/from Galactic heritage?
I don’t know. Are we?
We are certainly not of /from Earth, not one. All Beings originate from the I AM Energy. As for one’s positioning throughout time and spacing … souls may then ‘comedown’ from Star Planets, depending on their desire to do so. Not one soul is forced to be where they do not wish to be.
When you say ‘come down’ do you mean to Earth?
Yet, how did they get from the I AM Energy to the Star Planet in order to come down to Earth?
Through life’s creation, Blossom. Through expansion of Love itself, desiring to know more of itself, and it shall continue to do this forever and ever.
We would like to simply say again on this matter, that it would not matter ‘to us’ what we are called. One can either FEEL OUR TRUTH or not. It is wise, is it not, to listen to one’s own soul, rather than be ‘deterred’ or ‘swayed’ by that which another has to say?
How would one know, for instance, whether or not that ‘other’ is deliberately sending out confusing messages, in order for ‘Our Light’ not to be felt?
This is why we stress over and over again, to rely solely/souley on the self’s lie detector.
Sometimes, that is easier said than done.
Then think of a particular issue that you are unsure of, as being put on the ‘unsure’ pile. In time, you yourself will come to know the Truth of it as it is Revealed IN TRUTH for what it is … or isn’t.
Little point in wasting one’s Energy on trying to decide. The fact of the matter … with anything that is offered, is whether or not it resonates WITH YOU. Not anyone else … YOU. YOUR TRUTH.
Indeed. Over the years I have been sent so much that was designed to set me off track with you … and many times it worked. Yet, that no longer happens. I KNOW you to be MY Truth … I FEEL the LOVE of /from you. As I have said before, should it be that when I pop my clogs, it turns out I got it all wrong, well so be it. You still made myself and so many, find out who they are and helped them to KNOW themselves … so, what harm can it do!
We Trust … None!
Ok … moving on. As many know, I had the opportunity to try out the EES system*. I also have been gifted a medallion charged with the Zero point Energy. I think it is easier if I just copy here a question that was asked, as I could not pose it as eloquently as this gentleman has:
In one of your channellings, the FOL mentioned that prior to the ‘Event’ our crystals would become more noticeably activated energetically, as the crystals consciously wish to contribute to raising the vibration of the Earth. I was thinking that perhaps this may be an interactive process between light workers and the crystals. Do light workers, consciously and collectively start charging our crystals with this higher, bio scalar vibration, and thus strengthen and co-create a higher vibrational, unified energy field? Did the FOL know that we lightworkers and frequency holders be the ones to supply the charge to the crystals, but Dr. Michael had not had her creation presented to lightworkers yet? As you say the video went through the lightworker community like a tsunami and EEsystems has had many orders for medallions and healing systems. As the Earth is also a toroidal, zero point energy creating being, as we are, The bio scalar energy field once embedded in the crystals should be a match to that of the Earth’s.
Over to you chaps … I looked up toroidal … I then looked it up in Swahili, yet, still none the wiser!
We thank the gentleman for such an astute inquiry. It indeed, was known, even before the creation, that the creation of this EESystem would be created! There are many such healing systems that are to ‘Come to Light’ over time, which will assist THE WHOLE greatly.
At this KNOWING in time, the EESystem is a wonderful ‘tool’ to bring balance to each and everything that comes into its presence.
Indeed, one’s personal crystals can be amplified greatly in POWER and Service by being charged by the system or a medallion. The crystal itself then becomes charged through/as/of the same Energy … and used accordingly.
However, we are not saying that each soul must immediately purchase one in order to charge their crystals.
This of course can be done through the self’s POWER OF KNOWING, that what one puts in, one gets out. If you understand.
Become friends with your crystals. They are not just a pretty face!
Get to know them.
Talk to them.
Listen to them.
You will find they will let you know where they need to be placed and what their purpose is.
Treat them well.
Treat them wisely.
Above all … respect them. The large and the small.
They play a large role in this Game that is Being played on your Planet. From one the size of a pea, to one the size of a Starship.
And how big is that?
As big as it needs to be at any given time. Like everything … they are composed of Energy. Energy can be compact or extensively Vibrating out to a larger field within/of itself … Yet, it does not ‘take away’ that which it is, no matter the size. Are you following us, Blossom?
Pretty much.
There are presentations of artwork wherein ‘Future Earth’ or other Planets are portrayed. You will notice how they all have large crystal buildings etc upon them. They are of such importance. In a sense, they are as important as the trees of your Planet giving out oxygen. These ‘Knowledge containers’ maintain balance to all around them.
So, is it a case of larger crystals being more effective? The same in a way as the EESystem being stronger depending on the number of screens one has.
Blossom, Zero Point Energy is Zero Point Energy. However, the POWER emitted from a 24-screen System is ‘fuller’ would we say than a 4-screen System. The same we would say, for crystals.
HOWEVER … it is your BELIEF system that is the overall decider as to what effect anything has!
No one heals another. They plant the seed, the Energy, into the soul that is sick, to let them know that they are the soul’s only healer. The healing takes place only … if/when … a soul knows this as Truth.
So, Dearest Souls … have a crystal cleansing kind of day! Make an effort to befriend them. Although when left on the shelf to be admired they still give out their Powerful Energy … like you … when put to work doing something of service … they shine!
Put them in your plant pots.
Put them around your food.
Put them in your pockets.
Put them on your pillows.
Give them the chance to do what they came to do. To serve you and The Whole.
Fall in Love with them and notice the difference in yourself as you interact with them.
Naturally, when meditating it is of great assistance to hold one in the palm of your hands, or place one on your Heart.
Give them a name, if you so desire. Let them become a part of your world as you will be in theirs.
Develop a relationship with them. You will be amazed at the friendship that is born from putting in the effort.
There will come a time when these ‘home-based’ crystals … receive their signal to ‘CHARGE’ and connect up with all crystals. Throughout your Globe … above the land and underneath it … those that are lying dormant under the sea … of great magnitude …
Like you, dearest souls, they wait patiently for their BIG MOMENT … when they can do what they came here to do. In the meantime, they continue to BE THEIR LIGHT … and with respect we would say, the only difference being … that they KNOW as individuals … what a HUGE impact they are making! We urge each one of you to KNOW the same.
We now feel it time to retract. Yet, not before mentioning the intense Energies that are filtering into your Planet and causing quite a commotion.
Continuing to reiterate from the deepest well in your Heart the Divinely given Mantra.
And I AM … extremely grateful to you … as are many. In Gratitude. In Loving service. I AM.
* https://www.eesystem.com/
Bip me up Scotty??? or are we here to ascend and remain on an ascending planet???
Are we here to be bipped up like in Star Trek or are we here to stay ? Personally i am here to stay and ascend within my physical body for the next 1000 years +. I know that in Hollow Earth our neighbours live for thousands of years. I refuse to go through the incarnation cycle again. I AM here to stay and observe and oversee the renewal and restoration of our beautiful planet towards New Earth.
So now i invite you to read these 2 posts and choose for yourselves what resonates more.
This is one of the reasons why the predictions about going somewhere else on spaceships are so silly to us.
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are very attracted to your solar system because of the potential that we can feel within it. There is the potential for so much more life on the planets and moons in your solar system, and many of you already recognize that there are other sentient beings who do occupy the planets and moons in your solar system, other than planet Earth. We want you all to know that there is already so much life in the fifth-dimensional solar system that you are moving closer and closer to every single day.
You are not even going to have to leave your own system to meet extra-terrestrial beings, hybrids, and to travel to new and interesting places. Therefore, we suggest that you all get as excited about visiting Venus as you do about visiting the Pleiadian star system. You are also going to discover that there is so much more to your planet, so much more potential there for experiences. And so, while many of you have gotten particularly excited about the possibility of traveling to other star systems, you should know that your planet and your solar system are going to be very interesting places to reside once you have completed your shift.
You are going to want to explore the fifth-dimensional Earth because you will be able to see and feel the fruits of your labor. Every moment of every day, you are putting out a signal, a vibration, that is all about co-creating a more beautiful and inclusive planet Earth, one that supports all life and where all beings live harmoniously. You will want to experience that when it all comes to fruition.
This is one of the reasons why the predictions about going somewhere else on spaceships are so silly to us. You don’t want to leave planet Earth because it has been rendered uninhabitable by humanity. You want to stay and continue to serve this beautiful world that has served by you for countless lifetimes. And that’s why you are not all picked up by spaceships and taken away. That would upset the balance, and you are there to provide the light and to anchor in more of it.
We recommend that you also anchor in more of the energies from within your own solar system, energies that are coming from those beautiful planets and moons that you hardly ever think about, because they are there to serve you just as Earth and your moon is. You are all part of a whole, and that entire whole that is your solar system is expanding, evolving, and ascending as its own collective. We are very excited to be there with you when you experience the fifth-dimensional solar system for the first time.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”
Recap | Ivo of Vega via Sharon Stewart
The Route to Personal Power is paved with setting boundaries that reflect your personal needs. – Sharon Stewart
The Eagles: “So often times it happens that we live our life in chains and we never even know we have the key.”
It’s not up to the Alliance, white hats – it’s up to US. WE will change the world. This whole world is created using our minds so change our minds, change the world. When we say “no!” we disallow those energies to continue to create the DS’s agenda. That’s why they need us to be mind controlled, so they can continue to create what they want, because they’re not creators, they’re not on the soul matrix. It’s metaphysical and it filters down to the physical plane – Law of Attraction, Law of Action. If you say no, you attract different energies and then you act upon those energies. There’s too much light coming in right now for the DS to win, you can’t judge what’s going to happen because the Light quotient is different. Even the Schumann Resonance has increased. You can’t predict what will happen now based on what’s happened in the past because the future is of a higher frequency – a different ballgame. Our Now is of a higher frequency.
The Alliance is taking out evil members of the DS and the GFL is dealing with draconians, demonics and reptilians etc. (the NAA – Negative Alien Alliance) in order to level the playing field for us. We can begin to make choices based on our own free will once the mind control and the agenda of the NAA is revealed to us and we have done the work to take our minds back. COBRA reported recently that the Chimera group was infiltrated by the GFL which leads me to believe they’ve infiltrated all these other groups as well and have caused them a lot of grief. Both sides use infiltration in order to gain their ends.
Right now you can argue that what’s being revealed to us is a no-brainer for many, not for all apparently. The problem is that people are still mind controlled. The higher energies help those whose DNA respond to them to overcome mind control; for others it’s still not happening. Perhaps later. Maybe not. It depends what they’ve contracted to do for this lifetime. Some people will not wake up in this lifetime. Yes, I know. I have a whole earth family who are vee’d. I feel your pain.
We have to turn around all of their campaigns to weaken us and to maintain control. Ways to do this will be revealed through the truth movement. That’s one reason they’re trying to censor us illegally.
New York has a public service announcement going about surviving a nuclear attack. They’re setting up Russia as the bad guys. They’re going to set off something to confirm this agenda but it will be them, not Russia, who makes the move to scare you. Maybe the FBI will catch “Russian agents transporting dirty bomb material out of the country,” or something like that. Just watch. Some pundits are fearing they’re release a nuclear bomb. I’ll be asking Ivo about that.
Archangel Michael’s meditations help us to keep this draining the swamp process more peaceful. Yes, there’s war in the Ukraine but we’ve been seeing some stellar responses from other countries who won’t side with the UN and who have joined the BRIC(K)S group which is a gold backed currency. Your dollar is high because that’s the only funding the DS has left as countries of this world turn against them. I love it!
If you need to find ways to save money against your rising dollar, perhaps you might be interested in my book called, “How to Stretch Your Dollar Further,” which is on at Smashwords this month for free. Thought you might appreciate a break and do some free reading. If you want to do some more free reading, I have two websites with piles of information for free on just about any galactic/starseed subject going.
Russia isn’t trying to scare you – it’s trying to rid the world of the Deep State. Putin would be playing the “rescuer” role on the triangle right now. The Deep State is blaming Russians and Christian American’s right now, as well as Trump. Those are their scapegoats. And folks, I keep telling you there are two types of people: Power over others who play the blame game, and power over self people who take responsibility for their own behavior. Power over others people are manipulative and controlling while blaming everyone else for everything they cause. They are low vibrational beings who never once point their fingers back at themselves in anything they do.
The DS is trying to appear to be your rescuer while in actuality they are in the perpetrator position on the triangle. This is why they have a constant propaganda of lies focused around the people they’re scapegoating as the villains like Trump – because they have to make someone else look like the perpetrator while in fact, they are themselves. Your government is on the victim triangle, positioning themselves as your rescuers when in fact they’re on the triangle alright – but they’re in the perpetrator position. It’s not for nothing I’ve written a book on how to get off the triangle and stop playing the game – that book was written in anticipation of this big show down with the DS!! Your life experience is micro of the macro of the entire global experience. Whatever lessons you learn in your daily life can be applied to understand the DS. This book is also free this month on Smashwords.
Those who are understanding Bye Bye Biden’s every move are NO LONGER VICTIMS, they can understand the DS because they either overcame or never had a victim mentality. Perhaps they have been a perpetrator all their life and can understand someone who thinks like they do, or they are just assertive people with good boundaries. This is why I told you all of this stuff all these years and people said, “You have a problem with certain types of people, don’t you?” Yes, and you’re wearing a mask, watch CNN and got vaxxed, didn’t you? I DIDN’T!! WHY NOT?! Because I don’t have a victim mentality anymore. Compliant people don’t! They still think like victims. They’re in the DS’s desired position on the victim triangle. If you think the only reason I’ve been telling you of my progress in this fight to reclaim my power is “because I don’t like certain types of people,” then you’ve entirely missed the boat.
I tried to tell you and hopefully I woke you up to understand how they play the game that keeps you in a victim role. It’s all about trying to manipulate you into believing their lies, same thing the perpetrators in your life have. Like lying abusive parents, lying ex’s who just were in it for the sex or the money but who said they weren’t, like friends who’ve lied to you to get you to pay for their nights out but tried to convince you they had your back. Fakes, phonies! It’s the same thing. I LEARNED ABOUT THE DEEP STATE BY WATCHING MY PARENTS. They taught me about lying and manipulation and that authority can’t always be trusted.
COBRA just did another interview on the Event and even though that’s not really my specialty – I was put here to help starseeds to wake up – that was my primary reason for channeling – I found what he said interesting. I like COBRA’s work but some of what he said doesn’t seem to agree with what I’ve been told. We all have questions and there’s a lot of confusion about this.
COBRA’s take on the Event is the “Noah’s Ark scenario” where people will be space lifted to another planet to live. So that indicates he feels that something will happen to earth that it will not be inhabitable. Let’s face it, a strong blast of solar energy might just wipe out some of earth’s magnetic fields, which are faltering anyway, and this will definitely create a crash of our electrical systems. All will go down. His take on the Event is definitely more catastrophic than what I’ve seen. I’ve seen more of a reset back to nature and people living simply as the Lemurians did.
COBRA answers the question as to why the GFL doesn’t intervene on the surface (but take note they’ve been underground with me, and some are here disguised on the surface as Alliance members. Obviously they’re trying not to be caught and have the ability to do so. (See my page https://sharonandIvo.weebly.com/Et Visitors the Liberation of Earth)
Q. About the recent years’ MASSIVE spread fires all over the world: why is that the Galactic Confederation is unable to put out those massive fires by advanced tech?
A. OK, there are 2 factors here:
-first, the Galactic Confederation does not intervene on the surface of the planet directly, because that would trigger toplet bombs which would be much worse
-second, part of the answer is, there is a lot of the primary anomaly near, next to the surface and the Galactic Confederation does not yet completely handle that much anomaly with their technology
In the same vein, I want to mention a lie told by someone many follow that the Pleiadians were firing at our power lines. They weren’t, and it’s for this reason above. You need to stop following that guy. Some of you know who I’m talking about.
The Alliance, on the other hand, have different powers than the GFL.
Ivo: He’s correct, my love. This is why we don’t directly intervene. That and the fact that we would sustain injury being shot at by your people who believe that all life external to this world is hostile. No, the hostility is in your own mind and projected outwards. There are low dimensional species of life in the galaxy and some have come to roost upon planet earth, however at the time of the Event where many people rise to fifth dimensional vibration, they will not be involved with many of these species any longer.
Me: Not all of them?
Ivo: There are still negative species in 5D. However only a fraction as many as there are in the lower dimensions.
Me: COBRA states that at the time of the Event there will be a mass evacuation. This is your “Noah’s Ark” scenario with the ark being a spaceship. Presumably COBRA is anticipating that the earth will be unable to sustain life or at least life as we know it. That wasn’t my interpretation of the Event.
Ivo: This is one option, my love. Staying on earth will be possible in the timeline you’re now on. Why? Because, yes, the Event will cause damage but the damage will be repaired and life will go on. What will change with the enormous blast of Light energy is that all demonics will be removed from the planet, all of the negative aliens currently living on earth will die. Why? Because they cannot stand Light of that intensity. Humans, however, can. Some will be warned and go underground in order to survive the Event as they will choose to stay on this planet. The DUMBs are now being prepared for this.
Others will choose to be space lifted to another planet in the Pleiades and continue there – as new Pleiadians.
Me: What about the rapture happening at the time of the Event?
Ivo: Yes, it can happen but these people must be free of their desire for belongings.
Me: Why?
Ivo: Because they will be left behind.
Me: So they’re just going to find themselves on a green patch of 5D earth with no belongings and no way to help themselves?!
Ivo: There are already settlements in 5D and ours will be one of them. They can come to us. We will go out and search for them at this time.
Me: So there are many options. Some people will just die before all of this happens.
By the way, COBRA estimates the Event will happen around 2025, so three more years.
More from COBRA:
Q. Regarding the animals: Where will they be evacuated and REHOMED?
A. First, they will be evacuated on the ships, many of them will be transported to the planet in the Pleiades star system where humanity will live and some of them will go to other planets where they will be able to have a pure, pristine natural environment.
Q. Post EVENT, will some of them be returned to the NEW EARTH?
A. Very few select ones, yes…most of them no but some of them yes. (Yes, Ivo did mention this, that only some species of animals will go to 5D. That’s because the animals we know now are either of third or fourth dimensional souls groups. They’re just “not made” for the higher dimensions.)
Q. Will we be able to take our pets with us during the EVACUATION and further WHEREVER else we’d chose to go after the Earth goes through the EVENT?
A. OK, basically each individual human being will need to make their own choice about the evacuation and the pets will be evacuated on their own accord and if there is a higher purpose then they will be reconnected, the current approach that is on the surface of the planet will be changed because most of the animals will choose to live in natural environments. The emotional bond that was created between the animals and humans will remain but most aspects of that connection will be gone.
So he’s saying that your pet will decide whether to continue the relationship with you if there is a higher purpose. Merlin is coming with me because there is a higher purpose to our relationship. But many of the animals we currently have will want to go back to a natural environment. But all animals will be considered, no one will be left behind.
Q. How long post liberation will we still use money for?
A. OK, at the moment of the EVENT there will be a reset of the financial system, then the financial system will be slowly phased out, then completely gone at the moment of the POLAR SHIFT and the FINAL EVACUATION.
Me: I see money being switched over before that time, it’s already happening now. He says money will be phased out and gone at the moment of the Polar Shift. I assume the polar shift will happen in 3D/4D, not 5D.
So it looks like what COBRA is saying is the Event is what the Alliance is waiting for, not the return of Mr T to office. Yes, it’s confusing.
Ivo: We are waiting for the Event, my love. It has been predicted to have occurred many times already now, since 2012 and for the last ten years. But it’s been slow in coming because earth has to be prepared for The Event, the bible calling it the Rapture. The DS is well aware of this phenomenon and working to secure the minds of the people to keep their timeline alive. They require human energy to be able to stabilize the timeline so they can continue to live.
But they will not be able to survive the Event. They will all die.
You understand the necessity of changing over the financial system to a new system, of course.
Me: Yes.
Ivo: Then you understand that this encompasses the disempowerment of the DS and the Event will simply be the kill shot if you will. Everyone desires trials and such, but it is the Event which will determine whether the evil one lives or dies and this is God’s decision.
Me: So when he says that money will be phased out at the time of the final evacuation, if this evacuation removes all people from the planet then it’s an oxy moron – there won’t be a financial system because there won’t be any people on the planet. So I assume he means people will be left on the planet, which is what Ivo’s talking about. And they’ll return to a more simple way of life in the 3D/4D and in 5D we move on to new technologies and more spirituality.
Ivo: This is correct, my love.
Me: I know this will raise a lot of questions. If you have questions go to our Rumble account and follow us there, and ask your question in the comments. There are no trolls on Rumble so I do read the comments.
Now what about this polar shift? Yes, I’d heard of it. Earth tends to tilt on its axis. I should think after being blasted by solar energy that earth would tilt a bit more. And this would create new landmasses but volcano’s would erupt and I think he says earth would go into another ice age. It sounds catastrophic but man has survived it before and this time they’ll have help if they want to stay and live through it of course.
Ivo: Of course.
Another question:
Q. Approximately how long post liberation will ALL Earth humans have new, young, healed bodies?
A. Most humanity will be evacuated and after being evacuated they will go through a certain alignment and healing process on the Motherships and then they will have youth, healed bodies. Most humans will have quite dramatic healing before the EVENT but I would say the final transformation will happen on the Motherships.
Me: I’m also understanding that, oh I get it, yeah that makes sense… I’m the guinea pig here again. I get to go up on the mothership hopefully this year. Ivo has indicated he wants to age regress me in a med bed or something of the sort so I’m 30 years old again. That way he can alleviate all my health problems as well as giving me another 30 years to complete my mission on earth, only it’ll be 5D earth now. So that’s what I’m to do: Be one of the first to undergo this process COBRA is talking about and then move on to 5D when I leave the ship.
By the way, not all of you will be undergoing this process. Some of you will just go home at the time of the Event. Job finished. It depends on what you’ve contracted to do for earth’s liberation. Others will go to 5D, others may stay on the lower timelines and help there perhaps through successive lifetimes.
Yes, they started the question with this: Due to the many delays for Liberation…. and there have been many delays as I understand it, and many of them have been in preparing the earthling minds.
Ivo: This is the case, my love. Some of you stubbornly hold onto lower timeline thoughts and beliefs as your security blanket, when in fact they are your poison.
Me: The bird feathers its own cage, doesn’t it?
Ivo: Yes, we thought perhaps you would take to these new ideas more readily but many of you fight them.
Me: We still have reptilian DNA and we hold onto this old stuff because it suits that aspect of ourselves. Plus there’s a lot of mind control going on, a lot.
Ivo: Yes. I believe that society would have more readily accepted many of the “new age” ideas we propose to people during the 60’s when the hippies were impacting the world. It was a gap we made in your timeline with our energy and there were many at that time who did ascend and leave 3D earth. It was possible for some even at that time, but not for the masses because they believed life was good then and they held on to their position. You tend to defend your own captivity.
Me: It was planned that way, though.
Ivo: It was. However we believe we have it now. Many people born now are of a different mindset, not all but many. And they are seeking a better life because of the degradation of society the DS has created.
Me: Yes, ridding the world of the middle class.
I like COBRA’s answer here:
Q. Due to the many delays for Liberation, will there be some sufficient time between liberation and EVENT for unawakened humans to process all the shocking new reality and suppressed disclosures?
A. There might be or there might not be but the time is running out so people will be exposed to quite accelerated process which might be quite overwhelming for many beings because most of humanity has chosen to neglect and deny so much. But we cannot wait for the masses anymore, the transformation needs to happen…it will be a bit shocking for many but there is no way around it anymore.
Me: I know they tried to avoid shocking people. Ashtar had spoken of that. But like COBRA says they can’t avoid it now. People will be shocked out of their complacency. They need to be.
Another question:
Q. About humans’ current soul mates partners…will they split after event to reunite with their respective twin flames?
A. OK, here, each individual being will make their own choices, so some of most awakened beings will reconnect with their twin souls, some of them will still keep their connection with their soul mates and some of them no, so it will be very individual.
Me: I know where I’m going. No partner on earth to worry about and I’ve minimized my relationship to just about everybody. No strings attached, I’m outta here! Woo hoo!
I think you all have to understand that you have a choice here. So I know some of you aren’t understanding this and you’re starting to panic. I’m going to tell you: STOP PANICKING. There’s nothing to worry about. You will be taken care of. It’ll all be sorted out. As the time draws near you’ll be told what to do next. For now, you’re still in a holding pattern and it’s life on earth you have to deal with – making sure you have enough food and money for instance.
Another question:
Q. Will there still be another planet similar to EARTH conditions where there will be suffering, wars, etc?
Me: Like we’ve said, this is evil’s last stand. He confirms this here. There will still be negativity in the galaxy as there always is in the dualistic dimensions, however I believe they’ll be on more limited planets. Earth is a free will zone, the last place you want to put negative beings on because they had carte blanche to do anything they wanted. All planets have to be created in such a way to maximize the ascension experience and earth was taken off that and put in such a low negative state that ascension was made impossible for many. We’re ending that now.
Q. What dimension will the NEW EARTH be in, right after the SOLAR FLASH (EVENT)?
A. The vibrational frequency will be aligned to the 5th and higher dimensions
Q. Has the EARTH experience been able to show Cosmos at large that things are in need to be managed in a very different way from now on, than it was until now?
A. Yes, definitely, actually this was and still is a big lesson for all of the Universe
Me: Yes, they goofed. They misunderstood the evil. Hard to do that when you’ve never been evil and have ascended through the positive polarity only. Starseeds now can offer help to the GFL and the councils through their current life experience. We’ve lived it.
Ivo, What about nuclear bombing of New York?
Ivo: We’re preparing for this, my love. It will be close but it will not happen.
Me: Poor Americans. The shit they have to go through. Man!
Ivo: The people of earth have had many challenges and they have had many opportunities to set their hearts straight on their feelings regarding many topics such as nuclear war, even. This has been a reset of your minds for some, and for others a confirmation of your beliefs. You are entering a new age where for once you have a choice again, you have control again and all will be righted for you by the Galactic Confederation who oversee this galaxy.
Your rights will be given to you again and you will learn how to live with them and to respect the rights of others.
Me: That’ll be nice to see.
Ivo: You currently live on a world where boundary violation is normal. Selfishness is normal. No consideration of others is normal. Insistence on getting one’s way is normal. You will have to unlearn all of this and begin to learn to be human again because these are reptilian ways of life, negative reptilian ways of life.
COBRA’s whole interview is here. He’s always talking about the Event and following him might be of interest to you. Don’t worry that his name is a type of snake. It’s a short form for “Compression Breakthrough.”
July 11th, a new interview.
YouTube: SharonandIvoofVega
Visit Sharon and Ivo’s bookstore: Implant Communications books
On sale now at smashwords.com – Ashtar Sheran on the Storm. https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/1123006
Get your copy of our new book, “Ashtar Sheran: Your Future on Eden” today! Your download is available now, at: https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/1010871
If you talk endlessly about something and never take action to move toward it, we highly recommend you get curious about why that is.
Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young ~ What Lights Your Path?
If you talk endlessly about something and never take action to move toward it, we highly recommend you get curious about why that is.
Are you afraid? If so, what of? Are you worried you will fall into ego if you are successful? Slow, conscious steps will not allow that to happen. Are you worried your life will change? It will, and it will change for the better as all change is designed to take you into a fuller expression of yourself. If your soul has been beckoning you forward in a direction it is because it will create positive expansion for you.
Are you worried that you don’t have what it takes? Again, small conscious steps will assure your success. Are you worried you will get too much attention if you do? It is safe for you to be seen and recognized for your efforts. In fact, your taking action may very well inspire others to step into their dreams, too!
As humans, your mind will often tell you that your efforts must be all or nothing. Your inner wise one knows empowered change comes from integrating energy a bit at a time and allowing the unfoldment to take it from there.
Why not start to love yourself forward toward that dream in small steps that are easy to incorporate? Before you know it, those steps will accumulate into a momentum that will carry you forward with comfort, grace, and ease.
Do you see what we are saying? It is absolutely within your capability to move into the experience of your dreams and have it be an enjoyable process to do so. The real discomfort comes from not listening to your heart and denying where your soul has been trying to lead you all along because your truest desires exist to light your path and help you find your way forward into your highest, most satisfying life expression.
When something is bothering you, take a breath, drop into your heart, and ask one simple question, “Dear God, what do you want for me now?
My dear friends, we love you so very much,
In every heart there lies a wealth of knowing. Deep within you are all the answers you would ever seek. What is the next step in your life? Why are you here? How can you relate to others who don’t relate too well? All the answers lie within dear ones. Far more powerful than your search engines or your computers is the Infinite mind to which you all have access.
When something is bothering you, take a breath, drop into your heart, and ask one simple question, “Dear God, what do you want for me now? The answer may come as simply a quality the Divine wants to share with you – peace, relaxation, love. It may come as a message of love. It may come as a simple thing for you to do that would feel wonderful. “Dear God, Dear Divine Source, what do you want for me now?”
The Divine wants nothing from you, and everything for you. Mankind has created the notion of a demanding deity. The Divine wants you to know the love that breathes life into you. It wants you to relax into that love, and aim that love with your thoughts toward what you wish to create. The Divine wants you to have the most harmonious, loving, and kind experience of life. The Divine wants you to feel inspired, passionate, connected… and when you do not, the Divine loves you still the same. The Divine always wants to guide you along the kindest, most loving path.
You were not put on this earth to suffer. Suffering comes from disallowing love. You were not put on this earth to find one “right” way to be. All ways are right for the soul living them. Even in the deepest, darkest moments, there is a longing for more – a reaching, however awkward toward love.
You don’t have to suffer to desire the experience of love. You don’t have to have an agreement to have the experience of love. You don’t have to do anything, earn anything prove anything, or justify anything to experience love. It is given freely, yours for the taking, or rather tuning to be more accurate. Love is the vibration that lives within and sources all creation.
You are in the middle of a huge shift in human understanding. So few of you were taught that a slow, steady, ignoring of one’s own heart, even in the tiniest ways can gradually lead to suffering, or that a torrent of self-deprecation can bring it on quickly. So when you’re suffering, be it with the stress of getting to work on time, or the death of a dear one, don’t beat yourself up. Love yourself first. Be kind to yourself. Soothe yourself as much as you can for in this reaching for love you allow healing, you allow grace, you allow guidance.
The way out of any suffering – be it minor stress or an agonizing life event – is to choose one kinder thought, one more loving or soothing action, and one more moment of allowing yourself to feel good after the next. You can take a breath and appreciate the beautiful day. You can temporarily take a moment away from the stress and enjoy a good song on the radio. You can momentarily shift from grief to a happy memory of your dear one, for love and pain cannot exist in the same nanosecond although it is very common to swing back and forth quickly.
With every tiny bit of kindness to yourself, you allow love to return you to a kinder state of being. In every small moment of appreciation, you contribute to the greater good upon the earth.
Dear ones we know there seem to be big problems on the earth. As we see it, these conditions have always been part of physical reality throughout time. For centuries, there have been human misunderstandings and so there have been wars. For centuries there has been a disallowing of love and therefore disease. For centuries the fires, floods, and earthquakes have simply been part of your mother earth’s cycles of cleansing. You see these things more easily now with your incredible technology. You can, if you wish, use technology to share the advances in love. There are people all over the world doing so much good – cleaning up the oceans, loving populations of animals that were contemplating extinction because their experience on earth was no longer pleasant. You can use your technology to send messages of love, hope, and inspiration.
You can, dear ones, use all things – be it technology or your own minds – to allow, share, or disallow love.
Choose love dear ones, as often as you can. Choose it one moment, and then the next. When someone angers you first love yourself and be kind to yourself. Refrain from the need to justify or defend your position. You know who you are. God knows who you are. We know who you are. Then, choose love again. How might you be kind to yourself? How might you stretch a bit further and “forgive them for they know not what they do?” Do your best. If you can’t choose to love another then “turn the other cheek” and look to someone or something you can love.
Think of choosing love as a game. How often can you choose it in the smallest ways throughout the day? Can you appreciate a tress in your neighborhood? Can you take a delicious whiff of your coffee, tea, or smoothie and pause for a moment to enjoy the wonder of it being there, from a source far away, in your hands, delighting you now? Dear ones, there are so many ways, so many tiny ways, that you can plug into the vibration of love. The more you practice, the more time you’ll spend there.
Whether or not you are attuned to love, we love you. In our eyes, you are already good, already loving beings, already birthed from and returning to, love. It doesn’t make you any more “good” to stay in love. Your soul is already good. It does, however, give you a wonderful experience of life, and it does motivate you to experience more love, express more love and create a life filled with love.
No matter what the world is doing no matter what others are doing; no matter who agrees with you or not, you all deserve this love. You came worthy. You are worthy. There is nothing that could disconnect you from this worthiness.
“Dear God, what do you want for me now…. ” Ask. Trust. Relax into this love and enjoy a more loving experience of life.
God Bless You! We love you so very much.
— The Angels
Mastering the art of allowing and surrendering.
This is such an amazing time to be alive, witnessing the unfolding, even if most often than not it appears that nothing is really moving forward out there. To be aware that the shift is internal and to remain in this open space of appreciation without seeing any outside changes is the key. To not give in negative thinking rather remain in the present moment, aware of the smallest to the biggest detail, depending where focus is placed. I look at a flower and focus all my intention on it, feeling the life in it. Then looking at the clouds, fully immersed. And as i do that an even greater feeling of joy invades my being. So simple and at the same time so effective. So Present. Feeling empowerment through being present. Magical and at the same time so new that the mind might want to go back to older ways of doing things. Yet even when i try to do so i feel immediately a big difference between being in the now and thinking of past or future. The key here for me is to feel into future creations and allow them to be attracted to me through enjoying their specific frequency in the now. Like feeling satisfaction, elation, bliss etc not because a condition is fulfilled rather being in that space unconditionally, relaxed, at ease.
That is what i call Mastering the art of allowing and surrendering.
In appreciation of All That Is.
I AM The Flow, I AM.
I AM the witness of my created Reality I AM.
I celebrate!
Nikos Akrivos
Fulfilling Your Affirmation by the Andromedans
A New Life | The Creator via Jennifer Farley
A New Life
JULY 21, 2022
(The Creator Writings)
When an expectant mother feels the first waves of labor, she does not focus on the painful moments. Her mind automatically goes to the end result, a new life full of possibilities and options. You are the expectant mother of your own reality ready to give birth to all your dreams. Do not focus on the painful moments…they will pass. Look forward to your new beginning and all that is waiting for you. ~ Creator
Transcribed by Jennifer Farley, ThetaHealing Instructor/Practitioner
Ascension / QFS / Lion’s Gate Energies Update. (Calibrating to The New)
Mini High Vibes Dancing Workshop
Take few deep in and out breaths, call upon Your Guides and Angelic Teams and get into Dancing for the next 30 minutes with this 432hz tunes High Vibes tunes or so and right after blast the planet with Love all around wherever is needed. After that, lie down and allow body to rest for at least 15′.
Have an AWESOME THURSday and weekend!!!!!
We Party Sober!!!
High Vibes Sounds Summer 2022 #432hz
Back to basics! Centre on your breath. Use your breath as your gateway point to accessing your Higher Self, your intuition, your knowingness.
Jennifer Crokaert ~ Ashian: Do YOU
Jennifer: Greetings!
Ashian: And blessings to you all. We bring forth so much love for you, to you, through you at this time. There is so much afoot at present, seismic shifts are occurring in every sector of every country and all of it ~ all evidence to the contrary ~ is dancing in alignment with Highest Good of All.
J: That’s wonderful news.
A: It is the greatest blessing to have been granted the honour of embodying at this time, because it took the hardiest, strongest souls to hold the light through such intense darkness.
Now the dawn is emerging, what has been understood to be ‘up’ is found to be ‘down’, what was ‘good’ is ‘bad’, what was ‘wrong’ is ‘right.’ How do you know where to stand? How do you hold your balance when everything is swirling around you and the energies are flying through your body, your emotions and your psyche like a sandstorm?
Back to basics! Centre on your breath. Use your breath as your gateway point to accessing your Higher Self, your intuition, your knowingness.
From that point of stillness, you access your wisdom. You begin to see what is stuck in fear, rejection and greed from what is infused with kindness, compassion, gratitude, generosity and expansion. You will know; and if you don’t know the answer, it’s not yet time.
You brave Light workers, you have all the tools and all the knowingness, which reveals itself as and when it is needed, so as not to overwhelm you.
Notice your inspirations ~ what you, Jennifer, say ‘dropped in’ ~ notice your daydreams. Truth does not shout, only fear shouts because it has nothing else to substantiate it. There is no weight behind it, no resonance of truth within it, no outcome of peace emerging from it.
All the skills you have been practicing for decades, this is their moment. This is YOUR moment, our beloved Sparkles of Light.
You are the blessing.
You inspire others simply by being the way you are. Allow the courage in your Self to expand. Enjoy your ‘you-ness’; the unique divine expression that you are, as you be, say and do YOU.
Copyright © 2022 Jennifer Crokaert www.jennifercrokaert.com Be sure to check out my YouTube channel, where I post vlogs related to the blogs
Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young ~ Greatest Challenge/Greatest Gift
If you are experiencing an ongoing challenge or theme in your life, you also carry the full potential to master that theme. In fact, that is exactly why you are experiencing it. You want to see that you can also come out the other side of that challenge in a new, more empowered way. You chose the theme because it is on your to-do list to master it, and you are ready to do so.
Let us give you an example that might make it easier for you to understand because it won’t feel so personal. Think of a video game. When you are playing a video game, there is often a great challenge for you to get through before you move on to the next level. You come up to the challenge because you are ready for it. Going through the challenge opens the next level for you.
You don’t see it as punishment or unfair, you simply see it as your next challenge to master. You also know with complete certainty that you have developed the skills to do it. It never enters your mind that you can’t do it. You realize you must be able to get through it because there are more levels to explore beyond it. And you also know the next level comes with new skills and tools, and new areas to explore and enjoy.
The same it is with your life. The challenges allow you to know yourself better and discover the capabilities you have and to move forward in a new, empowered and expanded way. And what is so wonderful is your growth and experiences serve not only you but also the whole and are exactly what is driving the shift that is occurring on your planet. You are intrepid pioneers of empowerment and we are with you every step of the way.