All posts by Nikos
You are all in this together, and when you can love unconditionally the worst in humanity because you have decided that you are love, that’s when you are ready to take humankind into the higher consciousness of the fifth dimension, and those of you who are receiving this message understand that at your core. And you are the ones doing the heavy lifting there on your planet. You are the ones who will continue to invite your fellow humans to the light, to seeing the good in others, to being in that state of forgiveness and compassion, and that’s what makes a difference on your world.
Those of You Who Are Truly Awake ∞The 9th Dimensional Arcturian Council
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We have been exploring the different levels of consciousness that are currently existing on your planet, and we have noticed that those of you who are awake are more than compensating for those who are living their lives in the dark, who are playing the roles of the villains. Now, we want to be very clear about what we are saying here. It is those of you who are awake and are focusing on the truth that you are Source Energy Beings, that you are Love Incarnate, who are the ones doing the balancing of the energies.
Those who are constantly on a witch-hunt for the villains of your planet are not balancing those energies at all. In fact, they are lowering their vibration while on that witch-hunt, and they are not examining themselves at all to see what these villains represent that also exists inside of them. But those of you who are living the truth that you are Source Energy Beings know that Source is all inclusive. And so, you are not attempting to root out the evildoers of the world, but rather, you are focusing on the good that exists within yourselves and within others.
You are seeing the good in those who may not deserve that perspective to be placed upon them, but you know what your role is as a lightworker. As a lightworker, you are there to shine light. You are not there to go into the darkness to defeat those in the darkness, and you know that. And this is a good time for this reminder to hit all of you who are truly awake, because the smear campaigns on your world are going to continue, and you will not know what is true and what isn’t for quite some time.
It is best then for you to stay in the light and invite others to join you in the light. Allowing more of Source Energy to flow through you is what will create this tipping point that many are looking for. You are there to serve that purpose. You are there to do your part, and oftentimes that means forgiving the villains, and even having compassion for them, so that you can stay in that Christ Consciousness. Christ Consciousness is not about excluding others, which is why all of these scenarios where half of humanity ascends and half does not makes absolutely no sense.
You are all in this together, and when you can love unconditionally the worst in humanity because you have decided that you are love, that’s when you are ready to take humankind into the higher consciousness of the fifth dimension, and those of you who are receiving this message understand that at your core. And you are the ones doing the heavy lifting there on your planet. You are the ones who will continue to invite your fellow humans to the light, to seeing the good in others, to being in that state of forgiveness and compassion, and that’s what makes a difference on your world.
That’s the only thing that’s going to tip the scales for humanity, that is going to change the world that you live on. And you will be saving yourselves in the process, because when you go down those rabbit holes of who is doing what in the dark, you find yourself in the dark. And that’s not where you belong. You are there to save. You are there to help. You are there to heal. And from what we see, those of you who are awake enough to receive this message are making good on that promise that you made to yourselves and all of humanity when you decided to incarnate there, and that makes us very happy.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”
This is also the time to stay in your joy, gratitude and appreciation. You are more receptive when vibrating a high clear, cohesive vibration generated by these pure emotions.
Peggy Black and the ‘team’ ~ Star Portals and Alignments
We are here celebrating with you and supporting you as you are being triggered by the intense, yet lovely, gift of energy from your galactic family. This gift is of the highest integrity and intention from the sacred realms of truth and love.
These intensifying energies being transferred into this dimension, as you have been made aware, are specific portals available for all, especially those who are ready to be activated. You might call these energy downloads star portals or star gates.
During these energy gifts, there is an alignment of dimensions, and the opportunity is presented for the veils between dimensions to thin. This is also the time to stay in your joy, gratitude and appreciation. You are more receptive when vibrating a high clear, cohesive vibration generated by these pure emotions.
We remind you of the importance of drinking much water and being sure that you give your physical body good nourishment, quiet rest as well as time outdoors. This is an opportunity to allow the frequency transfer that is being offered to be assimilated into your system. We remind you to be open and receptive to the gifts being given.
Each person reacts to and is affected differently by these energies of cosmic influxes from star portals and alignments. There are those who will simply think that they have the flu or that they have eaten something that disagreed with them. They will pass this off without being aware. There will be other humans who will sense that something has happened; however, they do not have any reference points in their belief system to include the truth.
There will be others who will simply resist; the minute they feel the energy frequency all their defenses will be put into place. They will ride these surges of energy in a total personal lock down. Those that resist will feel the most discomfort, their physical, emotional, mental and energy bodies will manifest the resistance in some manner according to the weakest point.
There are a multitude of humans who are aware and awake who will welcome this opportunity. They will see this as the gift and adventure that it is. Again, depending on their receptivity, each one will experience this dimensional alignment in a different manner.
These star gate offerings have been given to this planet since the beginning. Each time, there has been a shift; however small, however subtle, in the consciousness of humans.
We are observing the incredible evolution and expansion of consciousness happening in the minds of earth dwellers at this time. There is a waking, you might say.
The awareness that each human is multidimensional is being claimed by more and more humans. These star gates/star portals are simply offerings which will allow humans who are aware of their deep connection to the stars to expand into their grandness and their celestial presence.
We realize as many of you sit at the computer and read our stream of information and look at the solidness of the trees and the world around you, the idea that everything is in flux and everything is frequency and there is an open star gate seems a bit like a fantasy or movie.
Remember that physical reality is only one aspect of the Divine, it is the hologame.
Now we are suggesting that you stand in the hologame, in the comfort and familiar physical reality, and allow your consciousness to expand and include the possibility that there is a doorway open to other realms, and that you have a personal invitation to walk through. We might say you can skip, dance, run or even hop through these doorways.
We invite you to surrender into trust and to consciously request and ask for any assistance you might need. There are loving teams of beings ever ready to support and guide you and all others into this new adventure. The important key to remember is the willingness and the asking. State your intentions clearly and then surrender.
The celestial realms are most supportive of the transformation of consciousness that is taking place on your planet at this time. They are here to support this frequency.
The programs within your bio-computer and the data bank of your DNA are all being upgraded and activated. Celebrate this, and discover what this DNA upgrade means to you. Notice new abilities, awarenesses, clarity, and even understanding of cosmic truths.
Become aware of the new skills that emerge; the sense of knowing, the sense of connectedness, the sense of oneness. This is happening on a global level, and as it does, it is reflected and projected into the cosmic level.
Welcome the influx. Welcome the dimensional alignment. Welcome the sensitivity to the new frequencies bathing you and others.
- You are a warrior of light, here to anchor this new truth.
- You are here to call forth the new harmonic humanity.
- You are to witness these awesome star gates that are available for humanity to move to the higher dimension.
- You have been waiting for this moment.
- You have been inviting and envisioning these events.
These higher frequencies of awareness and light are something that humanity has not had access to before.
This shift of consciousness will continue to flower in all areas of this planet. There will be a surge of creative expression and realization that will welcome the transformation of all that has been out of balance with humanity. The seeds of these potent cosmic moments will continue to offer upgrades, affecting humanity for years to come.
This is the beginning.
Realize that you and humanity have crossed a threshold into a new expanded unified field of conscious clarity. Welcome this reality; use your prayers and clear intentions as seeds of light planted in the fertile energy that is being offered. These cosmic moments offer the opportunity to activate all the very best that humanity can be.
Remember that everything you do, express, think or feel is affecting humanity, your entire hologame, and the many parallel universes. Be aware of your true personal power in all matters.
You are a multidimensional star being temporally dwelling in your physical form.
Give yourself the support needed to assimilate and integrate the gifts given by the realms of truth and light. We are here for you at all times. You are well loved. Be at peace, Beloved.
~ the ‘team’
©2022 Peggy Black All Rights Reserved. Notice is given that the creation of videos by people other than the author, channel and scribe is prohibited. You may share this message and distribute as long as nothing is changed, you credit the author and include this copyright notice and web address. FREE 88 messages available
New Earth #432hz (be the first to listen here, EP to be released soon)
Heal The Past, Script Your Future And Then Live In The Moment AAM Gems of Wisdom
It’s Playtime!
Dear Ones,
Up, down, and all-around seems to be your action mode now. You feel as if you are not necessarily in control of your life. At the same time, you like where you are. Contentment that feels out of proportion to all that is happening in your outer world. Your days fly by with not a lot of activity, and yet, your days seem short and, yes, active.
You are now jumping between dimensions and frequencies. Your mind might seem foggy or blank for a bit, only to discover that three or four hours have passed. Or you find yourself distracted or seemingly in two places at once.
You dare to jump between timelines and places for one of the first times in your eons of earth lives.
Even though you are neither here nor there, others attest to your physical presence.
In the not-very-distant past, you perhaps felt alone and lonely. Now you wonder what happened to your day.
Very little interests you, especially if it is a 3D activity. For your dimension or frequency jumping is more exciting than any 3D activity.
Perhaps you wonder why you do not remember dimension or frequency jumping. You will – just not today. You purposively negate these memories, for remembering them now might frighten you more than you can imagine.
This is practice time.
You are determining what frequencies or dimensions are most comfortable. That is not to say you will always remain in the same frequency and/or dimension, but instead that you are discovering your most comfortable place as you initiate your new being.
This practice phase is quite enjoyable because you are returning to some of the sweet spots you negated by being of the earth in any lifetime. You are combining the old with the new – for you have jumped dimensions and frequencies since your inception before time began.
A large part of your new being is incorporating your totality into your current being.
You are now strong enough to travel through dimensions and frequencies at will, for you are no longer weighted down with 3D expectations or lack of knowingness.
Once you removed your 3D beliefs of what you were incapable of, you allowed new earth skills to permeate your being, including those you accessed in other locations. So it is you float through your day as you attend to your 3D routine. A routine that has been reduced to the basics because you no longer have 3D shoulds and guilt to weigh you down.
You are a new being with interests that perhaps surprise you. But the most amazing piece is that you are no longer constrained by the 3D earth boundaries you were accustomed to for eons. You are free to explore two or more areas minute-by-minute. Something you have always been capable of – unless you were of 3D earth.
This lightness of being, this rapid shift during your day, is one of your new interest areas. An area that will become as familiar to you as grocery shopping is now. And a familiarity that will soon be more visible than is now true. For you are tired at the end of your day, even though you do not seem to have completed many activities.
While you are in your physical body checking your messages, completing your paperwork, cooking your dinner, gardening, or any everyday 3D activity, you are flying hither and yon, determining which dimension and/or frequency is the most fun for you. For your decisions are based on fun and joy, instead of shoulds. You are a new being in a new world opening more rapidly than you understand.
Imagine awakening as a child and your parents encouraging you to explore whatever you wish when you wish and informing you that household chores, school, or any other should is no longer important. So it is for you now.
You have completed your personal preparations for this life. Now play on the earth or in any dimension or frequency that feels enjoyable. Work, shoulds, have tos, and wishes are over. It’s playtime. So be it. Amen. To receive Brenda’s Blog, subscribe via Or, click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her “Blog & Subscribe” website page ( and click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation.
Copyright 2009-2022, Brenda Hoffman. All rights are reserved. Share this content with others, post it on your blog, or add it to your newsletter. But please maintain this blog’s integrity by including the author/channel’s name: Brenda Hoffman, and the source website link:
Your time draws near. We are getting close to our first big win…This week we ask you to focus on the administration currently in charge of the United States. If you prefer focus your loving energies upon the administration that currently governs within your own country.
Archangel Michael – Week 69 – Angelic Warrior Group
ugust 14, 2022
I am Archangel Michael with a message for the Angelic Warrior Group.
Your time draws near. We are getting close to our first big win. However this will not be our last challenge, not by far. There will be more challenges in future – more changes we need to make to reflect the truth of God’s love for humanity on earth. Many more challenges.
Your world must do an about face. And it starts with the mind. Spend more time learning to accept, spend more time learning to have compassion for others. Do not only focus on your own benefit but ask what would the world look like if all were to benefit. Eliminate within yourself any resistance you may have to seeing others thrive as well, remembering that you are all One with God and when others thrive, so do you. This is true equality, not the disparity that you are taught is your cross to bear now.
We have many still to rescue, those unknown faces that live within the bases, those unknown hearts you have never come to know. There are many on other planets who have been trafficked and many who did not survive who must be mourned by the others. There is much work to do and it must come from the heart now or it will not come at all.
This week we ask you to focus on the administration currently in charge of the United States. If you prefer focus your loving energies upon the administration that currently governs within your own country. If they have capitulated they will appreciate your support, but if they have not they will learn to fear the mind of the human as it is by far stronger than their own. This will lead to further changes in their plans and further capitulation of those already upon the fence. You will be aiding the Light forces in creating change upon planet Earth and we thank you.
I am Michael. I am your leader. I am your brother. We are Legion.
Youtube: SharonandIvoofVega
You Are Not Fully Informed Until You Do This ∞The 9D Arcturian Council
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are celebrating every moment of our existence, just as we celebrate every moment of your existence, because we honestly feel that existence is worth celebrating. You exist, therefore you get to feel love, connection, joy, excitement, abundance, confidence, and so much more. You must exist in that physical realm to feel those feelings exactly as you do. You truly are there to explore and to experience, and when you allow yourself to experience it all, and then allow all of the emotions to come up within you as a result of those experiences, you fulfill a mission. You can, of course, then help others, but you can only help others when you are fully informed, and you are not fully informed if you are not allowing all of your emotions to bubble up to the surface and be felt by you.
You can spread information that you come to know, or believe, is true, and you can feed someone at the level of their mind, but you are all there to go far beyond the level of the mind. You are there to expand from the heart and to use the mind to focus you in that direction. If you have only felt half of the emotions that you were meant to feel in this lifetime, you might think that you have a lot offer to humanity. And certainly everyone does, no matter where they are on their journey. But if you want to help people in a long-lasting and effective way, you will start by helping yourself. You will help yourself to unblock your emotional center and the flow of all emotions by feeling the ones that are most challenging for you to feel.
You can set aside time in your day to do this because you do want those floodgates open; you do want as much love, joy and peace as possible to flow to you and through you, and they cannot flow when there is sadness, anger and fear blocking the pipeline, so to speak. If you really want to be of service to others and help humanity to ascend, you must start with the very basics. You must start with what everyone intuitively knew when they came into this lifetime. Everyone knew that when they were sad, they needed to cry. When they were angry, they needed to let it out, and when they were afraid they needed to seek comfort and allow that fear to pass through them.
But something along the way became responsible for most individuals’ tendency to not allow all of those negative emotions to flow. And those emotions get stuck, and that leads to addictions of all kinds. It also leads to people not fully being able to access the love that they are, and you have people also taking lots of actions to compensate for those feelings that they do not even know are trapped inside of them, creating their reality with those vibrations.
That’s where you come in as the enlightened lightworker that you are. You come in to help them meditate, breathe, do yoga, get in touch with their inner child, and so many other aspects of the spiritual life that you have come to know. And ultimately, no matter what you are doing with a person, you are helping them to unblock those blocked negative emotions. You are helping them to heal so that they too can feel the love that they are and go out into the world and be who they need to be for humanity. And when someone lets the floodgates of emotion within them open up, that too is worth celebrating. And we throw a little party every time we know it is happening with any being within this gigantic universe of ours. Join us in the celebration, and join us in the flow.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”
We want to help you learn to focus the energy that creates worlds and to allow your dreams to flow to you in grace.
Messages from Ann & The Angels – 08/13/2022 • No pressure…
My dear friends, we love you so very much,
While we always advocate reaching for the best feeling you can find and being as positive as you can be, we understand that there are times when you just can’t find a positive thought. Sometimes you stumble into a well-practiced, deeply conditioned set of beliefs. Instead of possessing your own mind, you feel possessed by it. Take heart. There is a way out of those mental “spin-cycles.”
Start by being kind to yourself. Give yourself a hug. Talk sweetly to yourself. In our unconditional love, we would say to you at these times, “It’s OK that you’re angry. We love you. God loves you.” “It’s OK that you’re in deep grief. You love so much and want something so deeply. You’ll get there. You’ll learn to feel that connection with your loved one in time. Be easy on yourself.” “It’s OK that you’re jealous. You just want more and don’t understand you can have it yet.”
Dear ones, learn to soothe and accept yourself with unconditional love and kindness at those times when you just can’t find a way out of your own feelings. Self-acceptance is the way out. Love yourself where you are. Choose, choose to soothe yourself, and talk sweetly to yourself. Choose to give yourself a hug. Choose to wrap a blanket around you and take a nap. Choose to distract yourself with something healthy and kind. Then, as you begin to feel just a little better, or a little more neutral, reach for a slightly better thought, a slightly better feeling, and then again.
It won’t take long to spin upwards into a better vibration and even if you fall right back into those old feelings again, simply repeat the proces… again and again and again. In time new habits, new conditioning, and a new awareness that you need not stay stuck in bad feelings due to external circumstances will help you reach those better-feeling spaces more easily.
You are never being “tested” or “judged” by God or any of us in the heavens. You are being loved… always, forever, unconditionally, and without exception. Your loved ones in heaven know the challenge of being human and feel, therefore, understand you profoundly. The angels and the Divine see the purity of your soul, your courage for being on earth, and all the love you are reaching for. We feel you, and we love you.
All we teach and share is to support your joy, your happiness, your harmony, and your abundance. All we share is to help you find the space to receive what your heart desires. We are not trying to get you to measure up to any external standard, although so many of you have learned and integrated the notion that you must. In our eyes, you already “measure up.” We are not trying to keep you “out of trouble” with the Divine. The Divine is love beyond your imagination and sees you as nothing less. Instead, we live in this love. We want you to experience, enjoy, and share the truth of your beautiful soul while upon the earth. We want to help you learn to focus the energy that creates worlds and to allow your dreams to flow to you in grace.
Once you taste the beauty and grace of choosing love, there is no other option that satisfies.
This is why you feel good or bad. When you are vibrating at the frequency of love – which is your very essence, your most profound, and authentic nature – you feel good. When you don’t, to varying degrees, you feel don’t feel so good.
It is easy to blame the world of others for bad feelings. People do things that are so unthinkable they don’t deserve your focus. When you – either purposefully or accidentally – focus on unloving acts, it doesn’t feel good to you. It becomes your challenge to shift to a more loving focus. “Turning the other cheek,” as Jesus meant it, was not about turning the other cheek to be slapped again but rather about turning away. Turn away from the unloving behaviors. Turn away from the unloving words. Turn away from the problems, dear ones, and turn your heart towards love. Turn towards solutions. Turn towards the good in life. Of course, you cannot ignore the problems and challenges in front of you, but you did not come to remain focused on them. You knew you’d see them, desire better, and then use your will to focus on better as soon as possible because this is how you create a better world.
You see wars, and you want peace. Focus on peace, love, prayer, and joy in your own hearts and homes. Focus on the good people who are making love, not war – through their kindness, their prayers, their acts of charity and mercy, and their kindness to the children and elders. Focus on moments of pure, unadulterated, peaceful appreciation for anyone or anything. Then you will end the war between your mind and your soul, for your soul sees only love emerging. You will feel good when you look for love where love is easier to see. When you learn to see love anywhere, you’ll feel magnificent and free.
You see disease, and you want health. Focus on the feeling of vitality, what you look forward to doing when you feel better, and when the world feels better. Focus on the never-ending stream of well-being flowing to all of you all the time, waiting to correct any ills. Focus on the amazing intelligence in the body that is constantly informed by the Source. Focus on anything joyful and healthy and happy and then dear ones, you will experience greater health. Your soul sees only the stream of well-being capable of correcting any imbalance if left unblocked by fear, doubt, and denser vibrations. When you can acknowledge this, you feel better and better. When you see limitations, you don’t.
You see limitations, and you want freedom. Focus on the areas in life in which you are free. Focus on what you can do. Focus on the fact that the creator of worlds and your angels can assist you in finding some way to satisfy nearly any desire, if not in the immediate moment, then soon. Focus dear ones on the magnificence of the natural universe and its free-flowing evolution. Focus on your freedom to dream, to go anywhere, and do anything in your mind. As you tap into this freedom, to avenues for external freedom will be revealed. Your soul can never see you as held in limitation or bondage because it knows your power to create. When you feel this way, you feel good. When you see limitations, you don’t.
Dear ones, you are powerful beyond measure. The power of your focus is immense. This is what Jesus meant when he said, “If you have faith the size of a grain of mustard, you can move mountains.”
If you had total belief in the love that flows to you and through you, you’d revel in thoughts of peace, and then peace would flow into your life and emanate outward to those around you.
If you can enjoy the thought of being in a healthy body, or the feeling of anticipation as you dream about what you will do when you feel healthy and wonderful, then you have already begun to allow your own healing. If you can contemplate the miraculous way your cells connect to the power that creates worlds, and begin to feel even the intiest bit of relief you are already beginning to recalibrate your body to its natural state of harmony and health.
If you can focus on the delicious feeling of being free to create, your external world will reveal ways to become more externally free.
When you can’t find good feelings, be kind to yourselves. When you can’t find the positive, then love yourself where you are. Sometimes you feel so hopeless that a good tantrum releases some pent-up energy. If you allow yourself a healthy, private rant, you may feel better. Sometimes feeling a little better isn’t a feeling great just yet, but it is a little better. Allow yourself the evolution into love. Allow yourself to love yourself where you are, and then look for the next best feeling. Be kind to yourself. Accept yourself. That is love. That is a better feeling.
You are never judged. You are always loved. You are always supported in even the slightest bit of a loving vibration that you emanate. We are always here, laboring in love to assist you, heal you, help you, and love you in all the ways that you desire. Your attunment to love, little by little, is what lets it all in. In your willingness to simply accept yourself where you are, you allow love in. As you reach for even kinder feelings, you allow more love to flow into your lives.
Be kind to yourselves. Be accepting of yourself, no matter how you feel. Choose to love yourself even when you can’t find a positive thought, and then reach for ones that feel a little better, one bit at a time. You are always, and eternally, unconditionally loved.
God Bless You! We love you so very much.
— The Angels
When you create and intend using the emotions that attract you, you create a positive spin of manifestation and timeline creation. When you look at what you want to achieve, you move from creating with energy to creating with bricks and mortar, which is slower, more dense, and, ultimately, less satisfying journey.
Jennifer Crokaert ~ Ashian: Jumping Timelines and Lion’s Gate
Jennifer: Greetings!
Ashian: We extend our blessings and love to you all. You are in a sacred time. The Lion’s Gate portal is the Galactic new year, it is a reset and an evolution.
The practice of making ‘New Year’s Commitments’ reflects your inner knowing that a New Year marks an evolution of spirit. When living consciously, each New Year is an expression of your soul’s evolution through a cycle of twelve months. This is a mini cycle, a bite-size piece of time that allows you to notice how your journey has deepened and progressed; based on that, you intend for your coming year’s evolution.
New Year’s resolutions are a 3D reflection of that involution ~ reflection on the past and letting it go ~ and evolution ~ looking to the expansions you wish to create and experience. Within then without, creation then surrender. It is a constant cycle.
Your 3D resolutions are often very hard, physical and perhaps naive, because they are divorced from their true power and meaning. Resolutions, in their highest expression, are statements to ground and anchor the expression of You that you wish to harness and experience in the next 12 month cycle.
Rather than ‘I will go to the gym daily,’ perhaps what you are really intuiting is a desire to sense the power and freedom of your body, or to experience self confidence within… the underlying emotional expansion you are seeking will often make itself most obvious in the physical, so you focus on the body (and the gym) instead of the emotional experience (freedom, confidence…) you wish to experience.
What is your deeper wisdom? What is the higher expression of you that is seeking to manifest from within?
As you choose which expressions of self you wish to create and experience, you draw to yourself streamers; timeline energies that bring into your manifest reality all the experiences that will assist you in the manifestation of the ‘next greatest version of you.’
As you progress through your year, you may expand beyond the experiences you chose, or move in a different direction. There is always adaptability in your chosen streamer, or timeline; ‘wriggle room’ you may call it. But when you ~ or the collective ~ expand beyond the in-built wriggle room, you jump timelines, and this brings me to the point you wished to address.
J: It does! I was on holidays and the room I was staying in had two locks and two keys, one in silver colour and one in gold colour. When I entered the room the first time, I noted to the silver key opened the silver lock and the golden key opened the golden lock. So far so good!
I was out all morning on my birthday and when we went back to the room, I went to open the locks. I tried and tried but they didn’t work. Finally, I tried using the silver key in the golden lock and the golden key in the silver lock: it worked. What?!!
Did I jump?
A: Indeed you did! And Happy Birthday, belatedly!
J: Thanks!
A: There are often small, innocuous details that indicate a timeline jump, and this is an excellent example. The human collective is currently jumping many timelines as the energies are assimilated and embodied.
J: Does that mean we are progressing faster than expected?
A: While the outcome was always known, how humanity would choose to live it out would create different timeline opportunities. The projected timelines were based on an ‘average expected rate of expansion,’ and there are different experiences that ‘must happen,’ but the way they happen, the how, the when and the why they happen is different on different timelines.
As a parallel, you are getting everything ready for your son’s new school year; you could have all the uniforms and paraphernalia calmly ready several weeks before he starts back, or you could go in a mad dash on the last day before school starts, creating stress and anxiety in both of you. So it is for humanity as well.
J: Yes, that all makes sense. Thank you.
A: So, to conclude, we wish you all a very joyous New Year. Focus on the experience you wish within, not the ‘things’ you wish to have on the outside.
When you create and intend using the emotions that attract you, you create a positive spin of manifestation and timeline creation. When you look at what you want to achieve, you move from creating with energy to creating with bricks and mortar, which is slower, more dense, and, ultimately, less satisfying journey.
J: Thank you so much, and blessings to you all for your New Year.
Copyright © 2022 Jennifer Crokaert You may also like to check out my YouTube channel!
Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young ~ The Healing Properties of the Sun
Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young ~ The Healing Properties of the Sun
If you are a person who is energetically affected by the solar flare activity of the sun, we suggest you practice getting ten minutes of sun on your bare skin every day. You can also leave water in the sun for a short period of time to receive its benefits and then drink it as a tonic. By doing both you absorb some of the sun’s energy which allows you to shift much easier with it.
The sun’s rays also offer many more healing properties than you realize. Of course, too much of anything is not wise or recommended, but allowing yourself to take in small amounts of the sun’s energy with the intention to receive its healing can benefit you in many ways.
You might also experiment with the energy the sun offers you at different times of the day. You may find it purifying very early in the day, energizing mid day, and calming later in the day. The sun has always been there to assist you in a myriad of ways on your journey. We highly recommend you take the time to explore this wonderful resource and the different ways it can serve you.
“Why am I still here? Why do I have to go through this?”
Sananda Through James McConnell: In the Midst of the Great Changeover
I am Sananda. I come to be with you at this time, these times that are changing rapidly.
For you are in the midst right now of a great changeover. Not quite the Great Changeover that will accompany The Event, or the Great Solar Flash, but the changeover that is leading to all of that which is taking you out of the old third-dimensional expression, or that illusionary expression, and taking you into the higher fourth dimension and fifth-dimensional expression of your creation.
For you are the Creator, just as you have created. As a collective, you have created the third-dimensional expression sometimes as the Light Workers, and sometimes as the dark workers in times past. But together you have created this illusionary expression of the third dimension: created the cities, created the villages, created all of the land around you, created everything here within this illusion. But just as you have created that, you are now creating the new expression of the Golden Age of Gaia.
You are creating that.
And all is coming together as it needs to. Because as you continue to create the new expression, you are leaving the old behind. And more and more, Gaia is letting go of the old, making way, making room for those to expand beyond the old third dimension, expand into the fourth and fifth dimension, and even beyond that, still holding a place for those that are yet asleep, those that are yet to awaken.
But awaken they shall. Just as you have awakened, so too shall they. In their time, whatever their time frame is, they will awaken as well. Whether it is in this lifetime or lifetimes to come beyond, even on other planets, other systems. They will find their way, just as you have found your way.
But you were always destined, you, being the Light-workers and the Light-warriors, You were always destined to be here now in these moments. You, the Chosen Ones, the ones that chose to be here, and then were given that opportunity. And an opportunity it is.
Even though you look around yourselves and wish you weren’t here any longer. We know that many of you do that from time to time: “Why am I still here? Why do I have to go through this?” But the answer is always the same: you are here to go through this. You are here to be a part of this, to bring this into fruition. For without you, there could be no fruition. There could be no crescendo. There could be no finish line. But because of you, you have created the opportunity for all of this to come forward, all of the truth to come forward and be revealed.
And it is now in these moments being revealed. For those in the shadows are being brought out of the shadows and being shown for what they are, that they do not hold the truth, that they have kept the truth from the collective consciousness of man. But no longer can they do that. Their time is up.
The experiment is over. It has been over for some time. But they, those of the dark forces’ expression here on the planet, have done all they could to keep the experiment going so that they could be the ones in control. But no longer are they in control. Because those of the White Hats, or your Alliance, or whatever you want to call them, the Forces of Light, are fully in charge.
Even if it may not show that to be as you look at it from your physical eyes, but if you open up your third eye and are able to see what those around you cannot see or are not ready to see, but you see it. You see it for what it is. You see it for the Light having already won this battle, and even the war.
For the war is over here. They only continue to hold that illusion of war and battle. But if you do not see the battles, if you do not see the war, then it is not there! That is all you need to know.
For you are creating the new expression. You are creating the new world without wars, without battles. As long as you, the collective you, continue to see it, the New Earth, in that way, then those that attempt to hold on to the Old Earth are not able to do so.
For your mind that has held you in that illusion is now being replaced by the heart openings within all of you. And as the heart opens up and lets love come forth, love conquers all. There is nothing that can hold back love. Not fear, not hate. Nothing that can hold back love. Just as there is nothing that can hold back the light. The light of love.
This is your expression, my friends. This is your life. This is your time. And together, all of us together, we can move forward into the higher expression here that was destined for this planet as you are fully moving through your ascension process. And as a collective consciousness, you are moving together in this ascension. Together, ascending as man within the light of love.
I am Sananda. And I lave you now in peace, and love, and oneness. That you would continue to go forth and share and spread the light of love within you to all corners of the planet as you are able to.
You are entering the time of the genie: “Your wish is my command.”
Sophia ~ Creation: How it Works Right Now
It is the One. There remain things unsaid that need to be said.
Thank you. What are these things?
There are topics to be reconciled with your view of how life appears to you. It looks the way it does because of your pre-set expectations as well as your pre-determined plans. You have set up life for yourself in order to facilitate the completion of your life’s mission. This you will do at every turn.
You will work with what is presented before you, or what shows up in front you, every time. This is how it works. This is the mechanism of creation in full throttle.
You are a creation machine. There is never a moment where your creation motor is turned off. With every thought and each reaction, you are creating. It is a function of this life.
Creation doesn’t happen to you. It erupts as a conclusion of your every movement. You choose a movement, a direction, a word, a response, a thought, an action – and the resultant response is creative. It becomes a by-product and moves on to fuel further creative endeavors.
I speak now of this so that you may begin to fathom the complex intricacies that design each creative act. It is all constantly and persistently being altered by eight billion souls.
The One is all of it.
The single voice that erupts from mankind has eight billion components. All of those components made manifest because of free will.
Free will is a constant.
Do you begin now to see the vast nature of the human response? To predict such a thing is only possible in the broadest of terms.
Timing is the stumbling block for you to see beyond, in order to retain faith.
What can be felt, sensed and even seen is the build-up of energy leading to some inevitable conclusion.
The birth of a baby is a good example. There are no guarantees as to the exact moment, yet what is a sure thing is that there will be a birth.
While most of your creative actions are not quite so visible, in regards to cause and effect, as childbirth – they operate in a similar fashion.
It is for this reason to introduce responsible creation.
It becomes as vital to your life as birth control.
The energy now for manifestation is off the charts in its power.
You are resting in a world ripe with creative potential.
Pay attention.
When you notice events and results happening around you, think back to your thoughts and actions leading up to them.
Primarily your words.
Remember – First there was the word.
It is the start of physical creation.
Reconsider the necessity of re-hashing negative outcomes, results, conditions or responses from the Universe. What is repeated with words will repeat.
What is repeated with words will repeat.
You are entering the time of the genie: “Your wish is my command.”
Pay attention.
This is the start of life on your new earth. It is the beginning of visual evidence for the power you’ve held all along.
Only now, the very atmosphere supports your intentions rather than thwarts them with its own.
You’ve taken the levers of control into your own hands.
Realize their power and remain aware of their presence always.
You will create magic.
You are in for such a treat.
That is all.
Thank you.
As you move forward into the new energies, many of you will find yourselves more and more energetically sensitive.
Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young ~ Choosing the Supported Path
The unfoldment is a supported path. If something feels wrong to you, going ten steps further into that energy is not going to suddenly make it feel better. In fact, it will only get more and more uncomfortable until you listen to what you already know.
So often, we see you have the awareness that something isn’t a match for you, but you continue on in the same direction because you want to please others; you think it is something you should do, or that if you just try hard enough you can make it work.
This is when your body will step in and do everything it can to get you to redirect. Your discomfort is like a dear friend doing whatever they can to get you to pay attention and change course!
As you move forward into the new energies, many of you will find yourselves more and more energetically sensitive. As you deepen your trust in your own abilities and give yourself permission to be the empowered leader of your own life expression, you will not need to wait until you get really uncomfortable before you listen to what your inner wisdom has been telling you all along.
You will start to respond to much more subtle energies and that, Dear Ones, is exactly what will make your path forward far easier and more direct than ever before.
Take some rest, and relax by feeling the elements of the Earth…The biggest step for you is to dare to surrender to the forces of both Earth and Heaven.
The Voice of the Earth | Pamela Kribbe
Dear people, I am the voice of the Earth, and I bid you welcome.
I carry you, and in love and surrender I flow through you. I live within the cells of your body. You express yourself through me, but I also find expression through you. I enjoy being with you and to experience life on Earth through your human consciousness. I would like you to dare to surrender to me; to dare to give yourself over to your body, your feelings, and the flow of life that is there within you. That is my wish.
Feel the power of my love for you. You are my child, for I bear you as a mother. I want you to experience and accept me as a supporting energy in your life, but to not do that through your head and the thinking processes that you have been taught. In its essence, my energy does not work in a determining and directive manner, but flows with a rhythm that is natural and spontaneous. Whenever your soul connects with me from a letting go into life, we then dance and experience life together. You then connect your soul’s energy, your cosmic heart, with my earthly energy in a connection that flows from above to below, in full surrender to the great forces of life, both cosmic and earthly, and without the intervention of the head with its mental processes.
This is the new human who will appear on Earth, the human being who recognizes and experiences both their earthly and cosmic roots, and feels as one with that experience. What is to happen now in the world is for people to connect with both their cosmic origin and their earthly life by way of the body that bears them.
Take a moment to regard the human body as a gateway for cosmic energy to flow into the Earth. This week you all have been in different caves (in southern France). These are physical gateways for cosmic energy to enter into the Earth, as is your body such a gateway. Your body is composed of the powerful and fundamental energies of the Earth elements, which have as their basis: solidity, stability, and peace; yet at the same time your body contains an energy gateway, an opening for the inspirational rays of light to flow from the Cosmic Sun into the Earth.
Your body needs to be anchored on and in the Earth; to be entirely rooted here. And your body also needs nurturing, not only physical food: bread and water, but ethereal food as well: the feeling of being one with nature by connecting with trees, plants, and animals; feeling the sun on your skin, floating on refreshing water, breathing fresh air, and feeling the heat of a fire. All these elements – my elements of water, fire, air, and earth – are just as much spiritual energies as are those of the teachers, masters, and angels whom you revere. My spiritual energies are here among us, and through the earthly elements I provide, you can unite with them.
These earthly-spiritual energies are everywhere on Earth. See around you the flowers that grow in the field, and the plants and herbs that provide you with what you need as human beings. Embrace these energies of the Earth and feel my power – this is your Home! And whenever you are able to feel earthly and rooted, and you dare to nourish yourself with everything you need, physically and energetically, then the gateway opens for the light of your soul. That gateway forms a connection with this earthly world, and allows this world to flourish by infusing it with cosmic light.
Feel for a moment what is needed in your own life in order to achieve this interplay in the best way possible. Start by feeling through your body that earthly foundation in yourself. Feel your body to be anchored in me. Here in this setting (southern France), where nature is wild and free and has been cultivated and modified as little as possible, you can experience more easily the pure flow of the energy of Earth. Your body recognizes and responds to this energy and you do not have to do anything mental to make that happen. Simply lie on the grass and admire nature and the energy comes to you spontaneously.
Feel the Earth energy flowing into your feet, and how your body regains a more full and solid feeling. Feel the peace and tranquility of the rocks beneath you, with their ages-old covering of soil. This earthly energy is there and it bears you because you are part of nature, just as are the animals, the plants, and the stones, the water, and the air. Just as are they, so also are you an important part and component of nature. Embrace and accept the reality and beauty of this fact.
This fact also means that when you return to your home from this visit and you are back in your everyday life, you will remember to feel what it is like to be connected with the Earth, and with the calm that you need. Take seriously the rhythm that comes from your body and do not to let yourself be diverted by the many demands that come at you from human society. They do not bring you to where you have to be; they lead you away from your essence. Take some rest, and relax by feeling the elements of the Earth. Cherish these earthly elements and nurture yourself with them. Only then can the gateway open for your soul-light to truly manifest in your daily life.
Make a connection now with the light of your soul. You have felt what it is like to be rooted and connected with me, the Earth, and you have felt what it is like to receive in your own body the spiritual forces of the earthly elements. Now imagine what cosmic force, what soul-light wants to enter into you. Visualize it descending from Heaven, from the sky above you.
Feel your own sun-light, the strength of your soul, and receive that in your heart. Feel it shine in your heart! And see how the Earth energy receives and responds to that light within you. How delicious it is to experience this radiance!
The earthly and the cosmic are energies that respond to and need each other – they are not opposing energies. The Earth energy in your body becomes revitalized and filled with joy and is inspired by the cosmic light that you are, and this union of energies takes earthly form through you. The cosmic light wants nothing more than to be here, and to flow out through the cells of your body, so as to help the Earth be fruitful and give birth to the new.
You are so welcome here – I need your light! Physically, as the Earth, I cannot live without the light from the Sun, and energetically, I also need your cosmic light. And that can only flow into me when you allow yourself to be received by me; when you trust me and feel at home here. See how both energies are now joined in you: your cosmic star-light joined with your body, the earthly anchor. Let them embrace each other and let them together flow through your body.
Here then is the mating and union of both the male and female energies; the energies of both giving and receiving; the Sun and the Earth. Allow these mated and unified energies to flow over and through you in ever widening circles; not only in your body, but throughout your entire energetic field, your aura. Allow these energies to renew you and to remind you of who you truly are: a playful being of light; a living being present here temporarily to interact joyfully with my energy on Earth. Experience again the intimate union of both the Earth energy and the cosmic light that you are. Welcome and incorporate that feeling of intimacy, and take it with you as you return to your homes.
Now, for a moment, look at your everyday life from the perspective of that feeling of the intimate union of energies. Just feel intuitively, and without thinking about it, that you are there in your home. See if you can find one part of your life there that you would change so you are more in balance with your true nature. What can you do for yourself, physically or emotionally, through which you would feel more nurtured and experience more tranquility, relaxation, and inspiration? Then promise yourself to give this to yourself. Make more space in your life to nurture yourself in both earthly and heavenly ways.
Finally, I would like to ask you to feel the great forces that welcome you in this life. From beneath your feet, receive the nurturing powers of the Mother, the Earth, and from above, the loving arms of the Father who protects and cherishes you. Feel this totality of forces from above you and below you, and allow that union to happen. Just let go of the excess thinking and doing; know that you are carried by greater forces that love you, that want the best for you. Relinquish control to them and allow yourself to be swept along by a great energy wave.
A new world awaits you, and because you surrender to that energy flow, you become one of those who prepare and give shape to the new world. It is happening; there is so much that is evolving now on Earth. The biggest step for you is to dare to surrender to the forces of both Earth and Heaven.
I love you; feel my hand in yours – you are never alone.
A Message for Lightworkers & Humanitarians from Dancing Dolphin 8-9-22
Greetings Lightworkers & Humanitarians!
We have endured much these many years together; it’s been rough at times for sure. However, the trials of our journey through this testing process have not been in vain. The waiting and repeated disappointments have tempered the steel of our convictions to be strong and yet pliable for the next adventure. We traversed this process with strength and courage and have been assisted by the Higher Realms as well.
We may not have felt worthy at times and many of us still do not. But we were indeed chosen to experience this GREAT SHIFT and we made the decision to participate also. It was not a decision that we made lightly. It was pre-planned and contemplated before we even came back to Earth. We all chose to be here for this grand moment! Many, many other Souls wished to be here too, but we were specifically chosen after volunteering for this mission.
We do not take this mission lightly. For we have all battled countless lifetimes of hatred and fear to get here now. The experiences we’ve had along the way were preparing us all for what lies ahead. We will be strong, kind, compassionate and full of love. We will share our gifts with the utmost care and consideration. We are of the Earth and come up from the ranks of those who have experienced lack ourselves. This experience will help us to eradicate lack with a swift motion, a flick of our swords. Soon after, we will then be able to lay down our swords and let them rest.
The time is now that we are to step into our new mission and start our lives from scratch! We have been hiding in our cocoons for years now. Gathering our strength and recreating our bodies, minds, and spirits. It is time for us to break out of our cocoons and breathe new life into the New Earth. We indeed are the meek of the Earth, but we are also mighty. We use our Mighty I Am Presence to connect with our Creator, Mother and Father God; the Company of Heaven, Our Galactic families, Gaia and all her Kingdoms and all other Lightworkers and Starseeds. Together, we can do anything!
Our Soul Sparks are here too, and they give us strength and courage. All the lives and times we have experienced are here now, connected to us. We claim our wisdom and talents from all the lives we have lived. Past, present and future time doesn’t exist. We are all connected in the NOW. NOW is the time for us to manifest this New Earth!! Together. Let’s bust out of our cocoons and spread our wings. Allow them to drip dry and then take off together. Shall we? Will you join me?
You are my brothers and sisters, and I am honored to be here, standing tall with all of you!! When I look out over our gorgeous home of Gaia, I see your lights shining brightly. Yes, we have been keeping them dim as we struggled through these changes. But now, let’s step out and blast our love and light for everyone to see.
We will gather together in the future, make no mistake! There will be grand events worldwide where we can share love, hugs and talk about our projects. We will discuss what we are creating in the New Earth. And in so sharing, we will continue to inspire others to listen to their hearts. Then, we will bless them with our gifts and nurture their creative spirits so they may bless others.
Our metamorphosis is now complete! It’s time for our new lives to begin. Are you ready? Don’t worry, we’re in this together and we are supported and loved more than we can comprehend. I’m honored to be here with you, dear brothers, and sisters of the light! Namaste!
With Love & Light,
Dancing Dolphin Diana
Please feel free to share!
This is a new world where dreams becoming a reality is the new norm…In truth, you will likely play with your dreams for a time, testing your new creative skills, or as a reward for your patience waiting for this time…You will soon discover that 3D dreams may fulfill part, but not all of you. After satiating yourself with what you thought you wanted or needed, your creations will be more unusual. Creations that combine new you with the Universes.
Dear Ones,
Perhaps you are traveling or moving to a place you did not expect. Maybe it is a new romance or friendship. It does not matter for new is in the air. What was is no more. What is arriving is shifting from the vapors to clarification in your new world.
Such might not seem likely given your former 3D life in which most shifts required years, months, or weeks to clarify. Your current shift is more like “Of course.” instead of “I don’t know.” Even though you have likely been creating this new experience for decades, your knowing that such is a reality will be almost instantaneous.
You will know that this new something is right without anyone needing to reassure you or define this new something for you. It just is. Processing is no longer necessary.
So you will feel like celebrating and not celebrating at the same time. Your celebratory thoughts will be something like, “Can you believe how wonderful this is?” And the need to not celebrate is that you always knew within you that such would be part of your new life.
This is a new world where dreams becoming a reality is the new norm.
Maybe your new reality is a bit different than you envisioned because that dream was initiated in a 3D world or while you were of 3D.
In your 3D past, you perhaps moved to a new home while mourning your former home. Even so, in a few years, you were no longer interested in returning to your former home. Such was a 3D process you experienced before knowing what you needed within.
The difference now is the lack of that 3D process. It will be right for you from day one. Something that might surprise your friends and relatives. For in 3D, change was always a process.
Your choices will be more apparent – and likely, rapid. “This is right for me because…..” No longer will you need to consider the concerns or wants of others. Or need to create those 3D pro and con lists. You will just know. Not because you are such a different person, but because your 3D filters no longer exist, filters that fogged your want lists with concerns about the rightness for others as much as yourself.
This is the new world you created.
Some of you may be concerned that your creations and/or actions will be too hasty. That you will select this then that. You might. Maybe you will need to feel like a child in a candy store for a bit. Or maybe you will immediately determine what one item or person you need. It does not matter for your creation skills allow you to play with your dreams.
In truth, you will likely play with your dreams for a time, testing your new creative skills, or as a reward for your patience waiting for this time.
This new you creation phase is no different than any other phase. Even so, you will likely feel your first creation is a long-held dream that finally came true.
ThreeD earth focused on money and power. Such is no longer true for new you. But not a few of you will create those items just to test the reality of your new world. Creating a beautiful yard or discovering a new friend may not seem unusual enough for you at first.
You will probably be surprised with your first creations, knowing that the results are not wrong, but wondering why those creations were ever important to you. And you will likely believe you only have one or two wishes like your fairytales until you understand your creations are unlimited.
You are a new creator being of the earth.
That which you create initially might not fulfill your dreams. So you will try another creation and another. Even so, those first few creations will seem unbelievable to you – and perhaps others. As if your dreams are limited, which is no longer true.
In 3D, you felt fortunate if you had the perfect job, you and your family loved and respected one another, and you found appropriate housing. Luxuries like exotic vacations were merely frosting on the cake.
You will soon discover that 3D dreams may fulfill part, but not all of you. After satiating yourself with what you thought you wanted or needed, your creations will be more unusual. Creations that combine new you with the Universes.
So it is that we, of the Universes, welcome you new creator beings into your new world. What was is no more. And what will be, you are beginning to create. We observe you in love and amazement, knowing you have shifted from 3D fear to a new you in one lifetime. Courageous, creator beings all. So be it. Amen. To receive Brenda’s Blog, subscribe via Or, click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her “Blog & Subscribe” website page ( and click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation.
Copyright 2009-2022, Brenda Hoffman. All rights are reserved. Share this content with others, post it on your blog, or add it to your newsletter. But please maintain this blog’s integrity by including the author/channel’s name: Brenda Hoffman, and the source website link:
Archangel Michael – Week 68 Message, Angelic Warrior Group
Archangel Michael
Week 68 Message
August 7, 2022
I am Archangel Michael with a message for the Angelic Warrior Group.
I have a message for the Angelic Warrior Group today and that message is one of peace. Again, this week we must focus on peace on earth as those who seek war are beating their war drums again. As you may know this is a repeat of World War 2 where the same parties owned and funded both sides of the war. They simply are trying to declare war against you, the People, and this is where you must stop them. Do not participate and please send your calming energies to China and to the U.S.’s current government. Please also send your loving energies to Nancy Pelosi, not because she is lovable for she is not, but because your love weakens her and weakens her resolve to try to continue this charade they call democracy.
The people are suffering and this path has been chosen by those who are not wise enough yet to see the true reality. With this majority still in compliance around the world, the angelic warriors and all others are on the front lines trying to forge ahead while the back legs are not walking. The world’s population is being stretched out in two camps – diametrically opposed, and this is what the dark ones want for earth – for to continue conflict requires two sides. This is why you all must unify in higher consciousness and what we of the angelic realms have striven to do for so long.
We see a turning point is coming, a point in which there will no longer be doubt and the front legs and the back legs will begin to walk together in unison. The dark ones’ full hand will be revealed, including the aces they have held up their sleeves and in doing this the entire world will become aware, wise to the trickery they have been subjected to.
It will be a tense moment for all as the entirety of what you call life will stand in the balance. It will be a moment where you all will be forced to choose for good or for evil. This moment is coming. I beg you to prepare for it. Know where you stand and stand firm in your conviction.
I am Archangel Michael. I am your teacher, I am your guide, we are Legion.
Just a reminder, folks, there’s a worldwide full moon meditation on August 12 this week which for most of us is on Friday.
Youtube: SharonandIvoofVega
Messages from Ann & the Angels – 08/06/2022 • Embracing the Divine Child
My dear friends, we love you so very much,
Play with us for a moment here… Imagine living your life as an innocent child. For a moment, set aside your worldly concerns and either remember or if your childhood did not permit such freedom, imagine living this way…
Imagine waking up, eager for the adventure of the following day. Perhaps you were doing something you enjoyed before bed and you can’t wait to wake up and get your chores done and play again. Perhaps you have the promise of going on an outing that you are looking forward to and you’re not sure if it is tomorrow or ten days from now since time isn’t a concept you’ve fully mastered. Perhaps you are thinking of all the fun things you can do in your life. You may have school and school work, but you just do it and you breeze through it while looking forward to the rest of the fun you have imagined.
Perhaps you look at someone very angry and different from you and you watch them with a sense of wonder. “I wonder why they’re so mad? What’s wrong with them? Are they OK?” Perhaps you see someone crying. “I wonder why they’re so sad. I want to give them a hug. It’s going to be OK.” You’re fresh from heaven. You know the truth. Perhaps, someone you love died. You miss them but you know they’re in heaven and you talk to them in your mind.
Dear ones, this innocent wise one still lives within you. It is the authentic you at your very core. It is the pure, unadulterated, innocent, wise, knowing, trusting, spirit within you. No matter who did or didn’t acknowledge this bright beautiful core of your being, it exists. No matter who abandoned you or controlled you, it exists. No matter who cherished you, advocated for you, belittled, ridiculed, shamed, or abused you, it still exists – untainted, innocent, pure, wise, and waiting for you to bring this beautiful light of God within to the surface.
We hear you. “I was abandoned.” Many of you were abandoned by human beings – some physically, and many emotionally – but you need not abandon your own pure and beautiful spirit. “I was abused.” Yes, we see this. Many of you were treated in unthinkable ways by those who lost their ability to think and feel from their spirit years before you were born. You need not abuse yourself any longer by denying the purity and grace and beauty within. “But I was stolen from, robbed of my innocence.” Dear ones, we understand that others who felt impure have convinced many of you that you are not pure, but that is a lie!
Even if someone has defiled the temple of your body, the spirit within is pure, holy, unadulterated, and innocent still. You may have forgotten. You may have been convinced by those who were convinced of their own lies. You may have been conditioned and trained to please the belief systems of others, and nonetheless, this pure, wise, innocent, holy being exists within, patiently waiting for you to acknowledge its presence.
Take a moment. Breathe deeply. Allow yourself for a moment to relax into the knowing that there is a pure, wise, innocent, and holy being within you. This is no less than the spirit of the Divine – in the form of your unique, precious, and very individual soul. This is your core essence, the true you as an individual. This is the part of you that although you may have forgotten it, it has not forgotten you.
This is the part of you that is pure light and will never abuse you but waits patiently to surface, knowing that as soon as you stop abusing yourself it will arise within. This is the part of you that can never abandon you and never will, although you can temporarily forget and thus “abandon” it. This, dear ones, is the you that you want to re-connect with or connect with more deeply because this is the you that is unfettered, unbounded, and knows no limits on what is possible in life. This is the you that dares to dream.
Take time to connect with this part of yourself. Take time to ask, “Spirit within, innocent one, dear core of my being, wise one within… (or whatever name you choose) come to the surface. Rise up within me. I love you. I am here for you. I will not abandon you a minute longer. I will not criticize you when you come up within me, offering suggestions that delight even if they seem unachievable or impractical. I will not negate your purity, your innocence, or your wisdom. Rise up within me, and guide me. I love you. I know you are the truth within me. What would you like me to know right now?” Then wait. Breathe. Wait for the pure, innocent, wise, loving being within to tell you – present-day you – what it wants you to know. Then, be open to receive the pure, innocent, wise, loving guidance from your true self.
Do this often dear ones, and your life will start to change. The Divine child wants you to enjoy life and embrace every moment with a sense of adventure. The Divine child rests in the security of God’s love. The Divine child does not think to judge fact, fiction, or form. The Divine child loves to love…and dear ones, that is the true, deep, real, wise, innocent, loving, you.
God Bless You! We love you so very much.
— The Angels