You will change nothing if you do not take the time to really and truly listen within.
How can you experience anything other than what you have patterned yourself to experience unless you drop those old patterns of thought that you are still currently running and allow yourself room to create new thoughts and feelings that enrich you.
COME ON. Stop Fooling Yourself.
You change your thought first and then gather, explore and magnify the feelings you can currently generate that are associated with this new thought into a present moment experience that you can enjoy even though what the thought intends has not fully manifested yet.
You can’t just wait for your healing to feel wholeness.
You can’t wait for your abundance to feel wealthy.
You can’t wait for the mystical moment to feel awe.
You have to feel awe for the mystical moment to occur.
You have to feel love for the new relationship to show up.
You have to feel empowered in order to feel success.
You have to feel wholeness before your healing can be continuous.
You have to feel abundant before your wealth can actually appear.
When your brain and your body change to look like the event has occurred, THAT IS WHEN THE EVENT WILL FIND YOU.
You have to actively engage with your new thoughts daily.
I So Love You
PS You have new circuitry (crystaline based neurons) waiting right now in our head to be fired through your conscious (5D) Creative thought generation. They require brand new thoughts that are repetitively activated. Thoughts are your PLACEBO for your new state of Being in your body and Creating your experience.
Watch your self talk and consciously begin to change everything that you are telling yourself both in quality and quantity that from your new perspective is absolutely untrue. Watch the Miracles begin to arise.
It is a daily, hourly, minutely commitment and REMEMBERING to YOU Being YOU