All posts by Nikos
What you are experiencing now is honing your skillset in a new dimension much as you did as an infant learning to crawl, walk, and run in the 3D world.
Dear Ones,
Perhaps you feel you are so deeply in a void you will never experience true earth joy again. For many of you have reached a stage of no longer fully participating in earth activities and not yet finding new joys. As if you are in a limbo that never shifts to full reality.
So it is you are almost starting to bemoan the loss of chaos that was once your 3D life.
You have likely chanted, meditated, and prayed to create that which seems most important to you now – all to no avail.
Even though you sense you are different internally, your life is not following the direction you anticipated when you entered this void – or as you discarded most of what was once important to you.
So it is your limbo is becoming frightening. A bit like those who give everything away waiting for the second coming only to discover that nothing changes other than they no longer have what they gave away.
Of course, there have been many junctures along this transition process when you felt a similar discouragement only to roar to life once again. The difference is you initially believed you did something wrong or displeasing to the Universes so your inability to create what you pined for was because of your wrongdoing.
As you became more sophisticated in this transition process, you realized you are the Universes making this phase more disquieting than many of the phases you pushed through. For you can no longer blame the Universes because you know you are the creator of you.
But then, why can you not create that which you so desperately pine for? What are you doing wrong?
You are doing nothing wrong. You are merely growing/evolving into your powers.
You have long dreamed of a magic genie who would provide all you wished for. Now that you know you are your magic genie, why can you not easily create that which you wish for?
Such is your current angst. Worrying that you did not do something you were supposed to do. Or that some hidden fear is blocking your creative processes.
A loud NO, to both concerns. You are exactly where you need to be. You can not physically jump from 3D to 5D and beyond without processing what you have become.
Your current void is a bit like an infant knowing that they want to walk from one parent to another, but needing practice to fortify their mind-body coordination.
You are capable of walking, even running just as is true for infants. You are merely in the practice realms – with a few falls and much determination.
Do not fret. This practice phase is short-lived and something you will forget once you come into your own as is true for all toddlers after learning to walk and run.
Even though this is a short phase, it is something you must complete so your mind, body, and spiritual beings are functioning as one. For creating that which you wanted in 3D would not now satisfy you. And that which you will want when your new being is fully integrated, is not yet available.
This is a short phase much like an infant completes from taking one or two steps to walking across the room.
You are not alone in your frustrations or fears. For many are experiencing similar feelings. Something you will ponder a bit only to forget until those who wish to follow you reach a similar point in the not-too-distant future.
You are the forerunners so you cannot be comforted by others, even us of the ethers for you do not completely trust us now. Any more than an infant fully trusts that a table will allow them to stand without falling if that infant’s parent pushes him or her to that phase before that infant is ready.
So it is we can only offer assistance about what is going to happen. Assurances not much different from those of an infant’s parents whispering to that infant that he or she will soon be walking.
We know your creative powers. Powers you do not yet believe you have and will not fully believe until you start creating.
But beyond knowing you all have such powers, we do not necessarily know what you are going to do with those powers. Just as a parent does not know what their infant, child, young adult, and adult will do with their walking skills.
Many of you are concerned that we are speaking of years of training and adjustments. Such is not the case, for you have already done the heavy work – being of the earth for this transition and shifting from 3D to 5D or beyond.
What you are experiencing now is honing your skillset in a new dimension much as you did as an infant learning to crawl, walk, and run in the 3D world.
You are learning what you are capable of with your physical being. A minor piece in this convoluted and difficult transition you have mastered beyond all hopes and dreams. So be it. Amen. If you would like to receive Brenda’s Blogs when posted, please click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her Blog & Subscribe page and then click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation.
Copyright 2009-2018, Brenda Hoffman. All rights reserved. Please feel free to share this content with others, post on your blog, add to your newsletter, etc., but maintain this article’s integrity by including the author/channel: Brenda Hoffman & source website link: LifeTapestryCreations.
You can release yourselves from the cycle of birth and death and reincarnation, and you can just be who you really are.
Your Light Bodies ∞ The 9th Dimensional Arcturian Council
APR 22 2018
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
You have transitioned yourselves so much already that you are not even the same beings that you were just a few years ago. You have come so far and evolved so much, and you are ready now, as a result of that evolution, to be allowed access to the light bodies that are within you, that are occupying the same space as your physical ones.
Here is what you can do with your light bodies. You can shapeshift. You can transform yourselves into whatever form you want to be. You can levitate. You can fly. You can bilocate, and you can teleport. So of course, you can cure yourselves of anything at all.
You would so easily find yourself healing that you would never fear harm to your light body. One of the ways in which you access this light body is by no longer thinking of your physical body as who you really are. When you stop identifying yourselves by your physical body, when you stop seeing it as who you are, you become less attached.
And when you are less attached to your physical bodies, you can access a truer representation of who you are. That is what your light bodies are. They are more accurate representations of the eternal and infinite consciousness that you really are. They are more expressive, and of course they hold more light.
So you will feel better about being physical, because you will still be physical when you fully access your light body. But here is the thing – you won’t think of yourselves as physical beings. You will think of yourselves as consciousness that can take form, and that is very liberating. You can release yourselves from the cycle of birth and death and reincarnation, and you can just be who you really are.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”
Channeled by Daniel Scranton
Source: Rainbow Wave of Light
iLive iLove iCreate
Angel apps
You live in an unbounded universe, rich with potential and possibility. You are connected with the power that creates universes and runs them, in all their harmony and complexity, with simple loving intent.
When you think about it, the magnitude of human problems and challenges, no matter how great they feel in a single lifetime, are minuscule compared with the challenge of making sure the planets and galaxies don’t collide.
The same power that harmonizes entire ecosystems loves you in ways you cannot possibly comprehend. This Source wants to help create greater love and order in your lives too. However, you were given the gift of free will. You are not robots, lovingly controlled by the Source, compelled by your design to live in order and harmony, as with all of nature.
You are beings made in love’s image and likeness, gifted with the ability to not only live according to your original design, but also to create “new universes” within your own lives. If you, like nature, lived only according to your original design you would live beautiful lives, but then again a leaf cannot become more than it was designed originally to be.
You can.
Sadly the human race has forgotten its incredible nature and power to create. So many live with an “app” running in the computer of the human brain that we might easily label “iTryiSurvive.” You interpret, file, and judge life’s experiences as good or bad, right or wrong, useful or useless, when in reality life IS and you get to dance with it in a creative way. You do what you can to get by.
When you seek safety and survival, rather than exploration and creation, you limit Love’s ability to assist you. When you allow your fears and resignation to limit your dreams, you narrow the field of infinite possibility down to only what you know. We are here to help you gently awaken into a greater reality – a reality where you run a different “app” in your brains, one that we would call “iLive-iLove-iCreate.”
Let us look at a concrete example. So many of you want more abundance. You look at your life and don’t know how you’d work more, create more business, or make more money. You think about bills or dreams you can’t afford, and your brain starts to run its conditioned “iTryiSurvive” app.
You obsess about who you can ask for money, where else you can work, or what you can sell. You do your accounting over and over, focusing on your lack. iTryiSurvive takes all this input and tells you, “Sorry there is no way you can create the money you want. You might as well surrender to the fear of losing what you love or the resignation that comes with knowing your dreams will never come true.”
However dear ones, what if you allowed yourself to run “iLive-iLove-iCreate!” then you would say, “Well right now I don’t have much. Today I can’t pay the bills or fund my dreams, but that’s OK! That’s yesterday’s creation that is made manifest today. Today I will create more.”
Rather than obsessing about money, you know you live in an unbounded universe. Money is only a tool. What do you really want? You want peace, security, or the fulfillment of your dreams. You allow yourself to “tune into” that feeling of having the bills already paid and living in peace.
You allow yourself to “tune into” that feeling of having your dream come true. Suddenly, as you live your life in gratitude and love in the present moment, “iLive-iLove-iCreate” which has been running quietly in the background of your mind, gives you ideas, draws you into helpful situations, brings you helpful people, and guides you straight into the life you want to life.
You are beautiful creators dear ones. Aim the power of the universe where you want it to go by focusing with delight on your beautiful creations. Disable the “iTryiSurvive app.” Survival is already built into your operating system! Instead start to imagine you are running a better one… iLive iLove iCreate!
You are very powerful beings.
When Your Light is Challenged By Those Close to You.
Bliss Woman
Women of wisdom Women of power Women of strength Women of grace Lioness of courage She who spins weaves and cuts the way She who occupies sacred space She who spins weaves and cuts the way She who occupies sacred space Stand up Shiv Shakti take your stage Stand up Shiv Shakti calm their rage Stand up Shiv Shakti turn the page Take what is yours Claim what is ours Woman take one and all of your powers Woman of peace, take war from the world. Woman of silence, this song is yours. Woman of glory, woman of mercy. Woman of love, woman of love. Lioness of courage. She who spins weaves and cuts the way, she who tells the heavenly story. Stand up Shiv Shakti take your might stand up Shiv Shakti take the flight stand up Shiv Shakti take God’s light. Take what is ours, claim what is yours. Woman take one and all of your powers…♥
Multiple UFO’s Perform a Stunning Disclosure Event
Offer your vibrations constantly and consciously, and see how quickly the universe responds.
Relaxing into Life is a powerful opener and clarifier of energy.
The Spiral of Creation
Blessed Being, as always, it is a precious moment when we meet in your awareness. It is your awareness that shapes this world, just as it is this world that moves you into more creation.
You are in a powerful time of amplification as the movement around you brings rapid change. Yet, as you relax into this movement, you discover the power of your inner realm. This time calls you to clarify and empower your inner realm.
It is the natural way of Ascension.
Your Infinite Creativity
The spiral is the core of all structures that you observe and create. It is the core of physical structure and the core of subtle structure. The spiral form is shaped like an hourglass that starts wide at top, gets tighter in the middle and wider again at the bottom.
The spiral shape is the same as the infinity symbol. The infinity symbol represents the spiral in two dimensions. The continual movement of life.
The spiral energy is an important energy because at its core, it teaches you that you can go with the flow andyou can direct the flow. Duality connected. This is different than controlling the flow.
What you are now experiencing, in this time of amplification, is an increase in the spin of the spiral energy. This spin is affecting you physically, emotionally and mentally. You can observe this in your weather and your news stories. The mental and emotional aspect within everyone is being spun in a way that is either separating to self or connecting to self more.
Love is the energy that aligns and connects Life. As you are loving your self and loving Life, you are creating a strong bond within that amplifies your focus. The power of loving yourself is that you become much clearer in loving Life. Life is fail-safed toward Love.
Life wants you to flow your energy into Life. That is how Life continues. You are Life. Love shapes the future with its clear resonance. Take that power—because Love never overpowers. Love creates resonance.
Own Your Creativity
This time(space), as the spiral energetic amplifies, is calling for those strong enough to flow their energy more boldly into the world. Trust that you will flow action when the movement is clear and calling you forth.
This period of intense flow will stir you to action very clearly or it will pull you back to find your center.
From your center, action becomes clear.
It is the equivalent of the spiral flowing so tightly in the middle that both sides (above and below) are touched. There is a clarity within this connection and direction becomes clearer. Until then, you must go with the flow of the spiral—observing, healing, choosing anew.
You will know when and how action is appropriate, even if you don’t have all the details. You will have a compelling from the vast aspect of you. There will be a smoother flow with your action.
Allow yourself more peace to discover appropriate action. Allow yourself more peace to move through all aspects of creation, even the ones that aren’t as easy or satisfying.
Relax Into Creativity
Allow yourself time to relax into connection with your experience. This will help you find clarity.
Relaxing is the equivalent of enjoying your flow. Is this not the way of relaxing?
But you have been taught that to create you must work hard, and yes; your participation is required. But as you relax, the energy of joy amplifies your experience, your capability and your flow.
When you relax, you open your energy field and allow more of your connected selfto create with you. This blends thephysical (1% of you) and non-physical (99% of you).
Relaxing doesn’t mean no action. In contrast, it is smoother action.
Relaxing is a spectrum of participation that may be fast-paced or slow, it may be intense or easy, it may be frustrating or funny. But underneath all of that experience is an openness to your inherent capability.
Things seem to speed up when action is calling you. Things seem to slow down when patience and integration is needed. This is the spiral flowing. Allow and enjoy both, and you are relaxing into the natural flow. You have a choice of how to flow that energy. Life surrenders to you. You are that powerful.
Do not fear your choices because you have an invisible aspect of yourself that is infinite, connected to all of Life and knows how to communicate with you. It has been doing this your entire Life.
It (your Higher Self) understands clearly the best path for the future you are wanting to create. You can resist it; however, it is difficult to do so. Soothe yourself into a clarity of connection that will provide the appropriate path for the future you are creating.
As you relax, the Higher Self can communicate more easily with the physical self. As you relax you are allowing an opening of your energy field that creates a resonance of peace and neutrality. This opening creates a connection with the new.
Your own neutrality is a powerful ally in creating clarity and strength that serves your future. You are creating a future that is resonant with peace. You are creating a future that is resonant with your joy and desires.
Go with the flow of what you are experiencing. When it gets intense, nurture yourself to go inward more. This is what the intensification of the spiral calls you toward. Inward can sometimes mean connecting in the moment and sometimes connecting in the past or future to heal your thoughts and emotions.
Connect in a way that benefits your strength in the moment. This connects you with your loving power, which is what changes the future.
Create with Resonance Before Action
Your peace in the present moment is the most powerful transformer of your Life. It has a resonance that creates the new. Action that stems from your peace will direct you to interact or direct you inward as appropriate.
Relaxing into Life is a powerful opener and clarifier of energy.
To do this, begin with observing the present moment. Connect with the potentials that are being created. Here you begin to layer your multidimensional, infinite nature into your present moment. When you are more consciously connected to your Higher Self, you are able to connect beyond linear time.
It is as simple as observing potentials.
Empowered beings are connected to the present moment andstrong enough to see beyond it to build the future.
From that place of observing potentials, remind yourself, “I know the future is changing. I know the future is building in a way that is more resonant with my Love because I am creating it. I am being it.”
Healing Your Resonance into More Empowerment
When the physical experience is overwhelming and you have no flow, focus inward. Take some deep breaths and ask yourself, “What is this opportunity giving me?”
It can give you more clarity, strength and a clearer desire of what you would like to create. It can give you replenishment because it is a time for patience, not action, while form builds (even if just in the subtle realm). It can give you new inspiration or support.
There is a benevolent reason why flow is not occurring easily at the moment.
Take the benefit. Shift your resonance by shifting your subtle bridge—your thoughts and emotions.
This small shift in your focus begins to align youwith a new potential.
You Were Born to Create
You are in a time of intensification that is seemingly moving so fast. This timespace is like the point in the spiral that is tightening and tightening as it meets in the middle of the hourglass. It feels like you are being pulled to the middle and also being pushed outward.
If your physical action has no easy flow, focus inward. Relax. It is time for the use of the subtle emotions and thoughts. Allow that natural flow of releasing the physical responsibility.
Honor the power of your subtle energy. The impact is much greater than the physical resistance that you may try to create. Use the universal laws of nature as the spin is intensifying, and let go of the physical resistance. Let go of trying so hard. Utilize the power of your subtle energy.
Often you have been taught that control is from the outside and that you must respond to that or suffer. This is not the whole truth. Your awareness has power. Your subtle energy has power. Your physicality also has power.
When you are grounded in the present moment you are using the full spectrum of your being to transform your Life in many directions. Yet you only need to focus within. The key is having patiencefor the subtle to build in physical form.
Being in the present moment helps you discover the power of your awareness.
Have patience to trust yourself and Life. Discover empirically that you create your own reality.
Relaxing into Life provides you with the patience to allow the subtle to build. It takes practice because you have been taught to focus physically. Now you are using more of your subtle power.
You are creating a powerful experience of Life where the subtle energy within each of you is honored. This powerful time is calling you to focus and choose Love in your Life. Boldly say yes and boldly say no.
Choose Love even if it isn’t the easy choice in the moment.
You are blessing Life with your focus. Honor that power. Own your power and utilize it. It will become more fun as you use your imagination to build the future that you want to experience. Relaxing is fun. It is more powerful than you have been taught.
You have great power. The gift that you give to Life is immense.
You have such power that Life shapes to you.
Honor the beauty that is within you. Honor the power that flows through you, it is the same power that build worlds. It is in You.
Eeshah, Ehmah, Ehtah. It is a great honor to meet in your awareness.
24 Strand DNA Activation.
Saint Germain’s Invocation for activation of 24 Strand DNA.
Affirm by talking out loud and feeling into these words:
I call upon Mother Earth and Archangel Uriel, the Fire of God the Light of God, the Archangel of Divine Wisdom in the North, and the Ruler of Elements of Earth. I project gratitude, Love and Light, I project my being, my energies, my thoughts deep into the magma of Mother Earth, yellow, purple, orange in color, asking for the assistance in bringing the energy of the creative magma up through my feet, up to my root chakra or coccygeal Plexus, into my second sexual and sacral chakra, the Plexus of Creation. I call on Divine Creative Source and Archangel Jophiel the Beauty of God, the Archangel of Creative Power and Illumination, The Guardian of the Tree of Knowledge with Archangel Uriel. I reach and project gratitude, Love and Light, high into the heavens, calling forth the golden-white light from Source Energy, bringing down the golden-white light through my cerebral chakras, down through my heart chakra adding love from my heart, and down to my sacral Plexus or creative center just above the pelvic bone. I call forth Archangel Zaphkiel, Keeper of the Orange Flame of Creation, the Angel of Ecstasy and Compassion to bring the creative energy of the orange flame into my sacral Plexus, with the intent of creating 24 strands of perfected DNA. For the Celebration of our Existence I call in the Star Children, Keepers of the perfected 24 strands of perfected human DNA, with the intent to manifest the 24 strands of DNA in my Sacral plexus, the second sexual creative chakra and in every cell in my body. As I place the 24 strands of DNA into every cell in my body, I intend to perfect my body, bones, blood, lymphatic system, nerves, organs, hormones, glands, proteins, telomeres, organelles, carbohydrates, arteries, veins, immune system, adipose tissues, cell membranes, mitochondria and every other cell in my body at a quantum level, manifesting the perfection of the original humans. I reform the 24 strands into 12 double-helix, connecting 2 strands each, into rotated, connected, perfected, spiral, double-stranded DNA, with perfected telomeres at the ends acting as little antennae, transmitting perfection from the quantum field and Source Energy, into each and every cell of my body to rejuvenate and revitalize my body to a perfected, eternal state of health and fitness. I braid these 12 double helixes into 24-stranded rope DNA in every cell in my body, making me strong, invincible, indestructible and impenetrable to all the toxins, petrochemicals, nanobots and radiation and all forms of low vibrational energy. My 12 double helixes connect me to the quantum energies of all other celestial realms. I am now connected and integrated to all my Divine Interdimensional Beings in the Multiverse. I AM now an enlightened Being of Love and Light ! So BE IT! So It IS! I AM!
You can create what you want if you accept the rule you do so in joy.
Dear Ones,
Your new need is to play in the sunshine. A concept that seems silly to most of you for you have slogged your way through uncomfortable pieces for so long you cannot imagine what playing in the sunshine all day, every day might mean.
So it is you have reached your new learning plateau.
It is likely that your thoughts have become more cheerful despite your outer-world not being much different from what was true a few weeks ago. Yet, you are beginning to realize you no longer feel the dread, the fear that has been part of you for so long.
You are beginning to flex your new you muscles with thoughts that your life is not as bad as you once envisioned – even excitement about your changes.
You are at a stage in which not much can alter your positive approach to life.
You continue to be surrounded by others who declare your wrongness or disbelief that you remain joyful despite all, but their thoughts matter to you less and less. A bit like your mother bemoaning a rainy day while you the child are in complete delight jumping from one puddle to another.
So it is you are diverting your attention from your 3D woes to the sunshine that has always been a part of you but veiled to allow you to fit within your 3D world.
Now that you are a ray of sunshine even to yourself, others will question your honesty, your personhood.
In the past, such questioning would require you to step down from your sunshine thoughts to the dire predictions of “Just wait, until the other shoe drops. What do you have to be happy about? Let me tell you how miserable my life is because you can’t possibly be happy once I tell you.” And on and on with statements and attitudes, you learned to decode into fear, anger, and angst. Similar to, “If I’m (she, he) not happy, no one can be happy.”
Such is no longer true for those of you who have reached your sunshine plateau. For even though you recognize the pain of others, you allow them to take their power, to shift their life instead of believing that becoming sad or mad with them will change anything or anyone other than you.
In the past, you believed that commiserating with those in pain would somehow make their lives better or different. You felt you were strong enough to carry their pain and fears – because you were in god/goddess training. So perhaps you woke up in joy, but by mid-morning, a friend or relative announced some unpleasant feeling or action encouraging you to commiserate with them at their level. Knowing how strong you were deep within your being, you added their pain to yours carrying their load for them before you were strong enough to do so. A habit that perpetuated itself lifetime after earth lifetime.
It is only now you realize that carrying the fear load of others did not help them – and you were not created to do so. The role you are now beginning to address is to shine your light – not continuing fear by believing you are strong enough to care take everyone.
Much of the past few weeks has been about you discarding that caretaking belief. For as you become stronger in your new you, you know that others are becoming stronger also.
The energies blasting the earth recently affected all. So it is that others are beginning to acknowledge their strength. Which is neither here nor there for you, for your role is not to carry them on your back, but instead to lift them up with your joy. A joy that is personalized for you – not for society, the world, your friends or family. What gives you joy is your role during this plateau phase.
Of course, we have long discussed that you must move with joy. Now you are beginning to see the results of that concept in ways you did not understand when you felt your role was to care for the world.
As the joy rises, others have the choice to join the joy game or wallow in pity and fear. A choice that most earth beings have not yet discovered or even imagined. You are their fairy godmothers and fathers. For you are the ones with the sparkly wands telling others they can create what they want if they accept the rule that they do so in joy.
So it is your world is evolving, one fairy godmother or father at a time. Such is your true role. It does not matter how you activate that role for loving your dog is as important as creating a new life.
What gives you joy is your role for now and forevermore. You will change the world with one magic wand joy after another, displaying possibilities to others instead of commiserating with their fears.
Commiserating was never your role. You merely accepted the role of caretaker and thus victim believing you were strong enough to do so. Much like a novice skier feels there is little to learn once they have mastered the bunny hill.
For eons, you accepted the mantle of fairy godmother or father even though you were not yet capable of doing so. Confusing yourself and others and creating the karma you finally exited earlier in this transition process. You added layers of fear that were not necessary to your learning process. As if you, an Olympic skier, had to ensure all others were skiing at your level or you were a failure. Creating fears within you that were not necessary or even justified.
You were brave enough to clear those fear pieces in this lifetime. Now it is time for you to truly become a joy sparkle godmother or godfather in the brightest, most joyful way possible knowing the energies floating about are enough for all to grasp if they wish to.
You are not the caretaker of society, nor anyone for all are strong enough to care for themselves – if they wish. For you are adjusting to your new role of sunshine joy. So be it. Amen. If you would like to receive Brenda’s Blogs when posted, please click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her Blog & Subscribe page and then click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation.
Copyright 2009-2018, Brenda Hoffman. All rights reserved. Please feel free to share this content with others, post on your blog, add to your newsletter, etc., but maintain this article’s integrity by including the author/channel: Brenda Hoffman & source website link: LifeTapestryCreations.
Now you can hold space for yourself.
Each and every day you are projecting thought forms, feelings and intentions which will influence and construct your reality of tomorrow.
Each and every day you are projecting thought forms, feelings and intentions which will influence and construct your reality of tomorrow. If you do not like what you have created and what you are experiencing at the moment, change your attitude and your thoughts to a higher frequency and watch your world change for the better.”
Archangel Michael/Ronna Vezane
More Harmony
Mike Quinsey’s Higher Self Message,
April 13, 2018
13th April 2018. Mike Quinsey.
With the awakening that is slowly taking place, people in general are waking up to the way they have been deceived by the Press. They are also becoming aware of the extensive censorship that is used to keep them permanently in the dark regarding home and world affairs. Gradually the truth is slipping out and in time it will be vastly different and impossible to conceal it from the people. Ahead there is a different time coming when you will only be able to tell the truth. As the vibrations continue to lift up, there will be more people that are able to discern it who along with the newer generations will have a voice that will be heard and not easily dismissed.
To clean up politics will not be easy and a complete clear out of those who refuse to let go of the old ways may be necessary. Politics has tended to be corrupt and barely supports the rights of the people. The situation is far from helped because of the actions of the Illuminati, who for many years have illegally directed funds to themselves to pay for their military activities. Of recent times they have had many sources of their support cut off, and are finding it hard to continue funding their extremely costly activities. Along with the continuing arrests of their members, they have become weakened and struggle to keep all their needs fully funded.
However, as you have already been told, those working for the Light have well prepared for the inevitable time when politics will be cleansed of all those who have used their position for their own benefit. In the new vibrations there is no place for those who only serve self, and they will be replaced by those who put the people first. Politics has to change so that it is truly representative of the New Age that represents “compassion”. Things will change for the better, and much is being held back until the Illuminati and their supporters are no longer seen as a threat to the future.
Never lose heart as the time of changes inevitably causes some chaos, as the old ways are upheld by those who will not let go. However it will be to no avail as the New Age has brought with it a different way of life that brings more harmony and less disruption. People do not normally like change preferring to keep that which they are familiar with, but none will regret having to see or experience things in a different light. Your future has been planned for a very long time, and every effort will be put in to ensure there is a transition that is smooth and efficient. There is much to do so it will inevitably take more time than you probably imagine, but in spite of the delays the preparations are well in hand. The aim is to have things ready for you so that they can be applied very quickly once it is the right time to do so. From time to time you will almost certainly hear of what is planned for you, and it will be all good news.
The truth of your real history is gradually coming out, and you will find that it is somewhat different to what you have been taught. The development of Man is now open to question due to so many different types having been found. The manner in which they were isolated during their evolution, shows a distinct intention for them to develop completely separated from other groups. You are being led to find the truth regarding your history, so that you have a true appreciation of it, and its importance is too great to be hidden away for much longer. Looking at your world as a whole you are now quickly realising that its development bears many signs of extraterrestrial influence and help. In all phases of human development they have been present, and guided you onto a path that is intended to keep you on track according to the plan for your evolution.
The last cycle was a tremendous test of your staying power and ability to keep centered when nothing but chaos existed around you. Many souls could not see any future ahead of them other than continual aggression and confrontation, yet they persevered and gained sufficient strength to lift themselves up. Many put their faith in God and in so doing found the strength to carry on when all seemed lost. God is always within every single soul, and you have a God cell that will always be with you, and you are immortal and have everlasting life. In your Bible it is explained as Man being made in the image of God, so you will understand that you have the potential of becoming a God yourself. After all, you have almost certainly heard of the stories that tell of souls being sent out from the Godhead to experience, and later to return to it with the benefit of what they have learnt. Can you now see why you are referred to as Gods in the making.
At the moment you are only just stepping upon the path back to the higher dimensions from whence you came, and it will be your first taste of what is to come. No words can describe the absolute bliss that you will experience in the purity of the Light that is your real home. You may not recall it, but as you return to the Light it will have a familiar feel to it. So never give up or despair as you have everything to look forward to, and you will be pleasantly surprised to find what the future holds for you. Ascension is of course your present goal and another step on the path back to where you started from. Your difficulty has arisen from being cut off from the truth of your being, but it was necessary to keep you focussed on your goal. Now you are free from those restrictions, and you can choose which path to take; you will have those who guide you on hand with their advice should you need it.
You have been kept in the dark for so long that you will have a lot to take in, but it will prepare you for the next stages in your evolution. Life is about experiencing and learning so that you are on a continual path of development. You are by no means the first soul to tread this path and certainly will not be the last. You have freewill and a say in your life plan but will be helped to make such decisions so as to ensure your time is not wasted. Nevertheless, you can take on as much as you wish, or as little but a wise soul will heed what advice their Guides give them as they can always see the bigger picture, and probably know you better than you know yourself.
Keep your focus upon the goal you have set yourself, and know that you always have help on hand should you need it. You are always protected except in karmic situations where you may have lessons to learn, but in the New Age you have not brought forward old karma, so tread carefully and avoid making more. You are all in a situation where the need for karmic lessons will be immediately dealt with. The more you lift up with the Light, the less you will encounter negativity. So keep calm and focussed upon your goal and you have every chance of success.
I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. This message comes through my Higher Self, my God Self, and every soul has the same connection to God.
In Love and Light.
Mike Quinsey
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The Golden Key
The Art of Letting Go ~ Father God, 11 April 2018.
Updated: 6 hours ago
The only way you’ll get rich is by working hard for your money.
You are powerless in the face of your physical disabilities. You must have done something ‘wrong’ in your past life to deserve being born blind, deaf or mute.
You are unable to grow back lost limbs; unable to heal unhealthy organs; unable to heal your body of all serious diseases such as cancer. Your bodies age as you get older and then you get sick when it’s time to die. It is impossible for a 60-yr-old to reverse all signs of aging and physically appear like a 30-yr-old.
You are unable to instantly travel from one location to another halfway across the globe via the power of your mind.
You can only get rich or get ahead in life if you are young and physically attractive, well-educated, wealthy and possess the ‘right’ skin color.
God needs to be ‘worshiped’ and glorified.
Stay Focused on the process and you will create miracles.
The Star Children
The Akashic Records
The Akashic Records: What Are They and How Can you Make Use Of Them?
“Today we would like to focus your attention upon the topic of the Akashic Records. There are many questions surrounding the Akashic records and it is our intention to share our perspective in hopes that it may help to answer some of these perplexing mysteries in this regard. We will be touching upon not only what the Akashic Records are as well as how one may access these records consciously.
Many more of you at this time are becoming aware of your infinite power to create all that you desire to experience. As you are evolving you are also regaining the knowledge that has remained “hidden” in plain view. The Akashic records are essentially the record of All That Is, all that ever “was” and all there will ever “be”. This is what many find so perplexing. How can there be a record of what will be if it has not happened yet? How can there still be free will? Ahhhh what an intriguing question and this is where our discussion will begin.
We will first request that you keep in mind that “time” as you know it is an illusion, it is not actually “real” it is only perceived in the reality which you currently exist. However as we have expressed many times before, from our perspective time is simply a marker. It can be used much like you use the page numbers in a book. You are free to scroll back and forth in whatever manner you desire, the page numbers simply allow you to find the experience you are choosing to focus your attention on. This in a sense is how we prefer to utilize time. With that analogy in mind, it may be easier to contemplate how all of existence is happening simultaneously, rather than in a linear line formed by a past, present and a future therefore, from our perspective, the past, present and future are simply different perspectives of the same now moment; as now is the only “time” that actually exists.
Although the Akashic Records are a record of all that ever was, is, and will be, it is also continually changing, shifting, and evolving. We realize that this may be difficult to comprehend because of the agreed upon belief in linear time. We are attempting to simplify what seems to be a very complex topic into something that can still be understood with the agreed upon temporary limitations which you have taken on.
The understanding that the Akashic Records are changing, shifting and evolving with all of you is key to understanding how history, past events, future events and life paths can and are continually altered. We are using past and future tense in order to help you to better understand our explanation. When you change an ingrained belief, learn a life lesson, master a challenge or grow and evolve in consciousness you are essentially changing all other versions of “you” as well. This knowledge is then recorded in the Akashic Records for all others to then subconsciously access so they may also benefit from if they so choose.
These records are constantly changing and evolving with every choice that each being makes. The reality that would most likely have manifested can and often does change with the shift in choices, and decisions that are consistently being made.
From our perspective the “past” is just as probable as the “future”. This may seem perplexing to you due to your perception of time however the choices that you make today do in fact affect the past, present and future. It is just that your minds are not currently focused on perceiving any other “past” than the one you remember experiencing.
Upon the transition from the physical to the non-physical world, every soul is offered the opportunity to access the Akashic Records consciously to review the life which they “just” lived. In some sense it is similar to watching a holographic movie of your entire life; although this movie “recorded” every thought, person, belief, experience and decision that was ever made in your life to help you to better learn and grow from what you experienced. Now imagine that these records are not recording just one of your lives, but all of them. Now imagine that these records record not only all of your lives, but every soul in every one of their lives on every world. This is how immense these records are. It is the totality of all that is.
In a sense the Akashic Records can be compared to a giant universal library, where all souls can gain access to the universal knowledge of every soul to further learn and grow from. As we stated earlier these records are continually being “updated” and evolving with the experiences that continually “upload” into the records. When one being learns or creates something, the “recipe” is then available for all others to access and further build upon that knowledge. This is how All That Is continues to grow, learn and evolve. The Akashic record essentially allows every being the ability to consistently innovate upon what has already been discovered.
Many are now wondering where are these records stored? They are everywhere and yet they are nowhere. Let us explain. Space is yet another illusion which you have temporally agreed to perceive, however like time, space also does not actually exist from our perspective. We say that they are everywhere because these records are encoded in each one of your cells, each strand of DNA of every being, and yet it is not physical. It is not a place, but rather a state of mind or vibrational reality. All beings have access to these records, there are no exceptions. All that stands between you and gaining access to these records consciously is your vibration, resonance, and rate of frequency.
You may gain access to these records consciously by setting your intention to do so and being ready and open to receive it. This can be referred to as channeling the information from the higher realms. Certainly every being within existence has this ability, however many have allowed this muscle to atrophy and as a result many find it difficult to connect with the higher realms.
A quiet mind and a focused state of receiving are essential to opening yourself up to channeling information from the higher realms. Through intention and practice all beings can regain this ability. We encourage you to call upon us and we will gladly connect with you if it is your desire to do so.
We hope that we have in some way served you.
In love and light, we are your Angelic Guides”
Click here to download your Free 35 minute channeled message to learn “How to Manifest Anything You Desire”
You are more than welcome to browse the Angelic Guides website for all the materials generously posted for free. For more advanced practical knowledge and/or personal guidance please check our shop/store for more guidance…
– Dr. Taryn Crimi
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Humanity is ready for contact.
Dear Ground Crew:
Here’s my April 4th message from Apollo: “You are living in many different worlds at once. The days of yesteryear are passing making way for the new. You are creating it all at once. It can feel awkward since the firm footing of the material world is eroding from under your feet. It is challenging to stand firmly by but it is necessary. The true security is within your heart and the trust with Prime Source. The waves of love are impacting you whether you are aware of it or not. They keep flowing in and raising your consciousness and expectancy for a new world. Let the past go. Grieve if need be, but know it was an experience to get you here to this critical point of openness to something so much better. You are bathed in love.”
We are bathed in love. We have the entire focus of the Light Alliance including the Galactic’s and the Masters from creation working with us for our ascension. We can bounce from the 5th dimension and higher where blessings and bliss touch us with as taste of our future world. Then we can get pulled back down with tests and the demands of the third dimension like taxes, bills, insane situations, fear, people with blatant self-interest, rudeness and crudeness, lack of love, and separation. When these energies impact us, we can get discouraged and lower our vibrations if we let them become a part of our reality. At times, our jobs can feel like “mission impossible” yet we wouldn’t be here if we didn’t have faith in ourselves and what we are doing. It is a very important project in which we are involved. It is beyond our ability to comprehend.
As humans we love to ask “When?” with our flagrant impatience pertaining to when the Event will occur. We get caught up in our heads and lose track of our hearts. Surely your hearts realize the incredible shifts that we are in and we know that things are different. The earth is changing and so are we.
Some of the lightworkers are still getting attacked from the dark forces. It can happen through bizarre occurrences and through people who may not know they are being used by the dark. Sometimes I think it is the universe showing us that we need to take things lightly and how important it is that we clear these attacks, attackers and situations completely. Distractions that take one off of their path is one definition I have for dark attacks. We have to re-focus on something that can be disturbing and scary until it is resolved. The more we are aware of this behavior the more quickly we can resolve it.
Much is being required of the lightworkers these days. One big factor is resilience. How quickly can we recover from the vestiges of the third dimension? What do we need to do to take care of ourselves? Who can help us? Who do we have to talk to and process about what just happened? How do we get more assistance from the Masters, Archangels, Angels, and Galactics? What can I do to improve my telepathy and to be heard and be responded to quickly? How can I improve my empowerment? What new gifts am I willing to receive? How much time am I spending doing my inner work, prayers and meditation? What are the big pieces of healing that are coming up for me with old painful patterns needing to be cleared. How much am I listening to my guides. How do I become quiet and get out of separation?
Little do we know how much work we are doing in the dream state. We are working diligently at night when we are sleeping also in the day time. If you begin to feel heavy headed it may mean you need to take a nap. You might be getting called into a meeting where you are needed. Take lots of rest because the body is changing. It requires different food, lots of good water, body work, supplements, herbs, and protection from the energies of what is going on around you and on the planet. It can be overwhelming.
For certain, we are becoming increasingly aware of everyone around us and how we have been matching their energy. I don’t know about you, but as a healer, I always want to help everyone. I am giving up on that intention. We can only help people who choose to receive our help and who are ready to let go of being stuck. We can’t rescue people or they won’t learn their lessons.
Have any of you noticed there could be a lot more Galactics here with us? I keep seeing very tall good-looking men. It’s almost like they just landed here. They are becoming more visible and that makes it fun. I am sure the women are here too but I have not seen as many of them yet. We welcome them and look forward to working with them.
How to Prepare your land to be a Contact Dish
A friend sent me the following information about how to prepare the planet for Compression Breakthrough. “The Light Forces have asked me to instruct the surface population to change the surface of the planet into a Contact Dish. (March 18, 2018)
“If you own a property that has a small flat area big enough for a small Pleiadian saucer craft to land, you can silently say the following decree:
“In the name of my I Am presence, I decree and I command a landing of a Pleiadian ship on the land that I own, and my physical first contact with the Pleiadians from that ship, as soon as possible in the best possible way. “
“It is very important that you NEVER say this decree aloud and that you never speak about your decree to anyone, otherwise you cannot become part of the Contact Dish project. By not letting anybody know if you did the decree or not, you are protecting your own contact sequence with the Pleiadians from physical and non-physical Cabal interference that could prevent it from happening. But by all means, you can share the instructions for Contact Dish with the awakened part of the human population.
“7×7 meters / yards is the absolute minimum for a small Pleiadian ship to land, 30×30 meters is optimal.
“Needless to say, Pleiadians are positive beings of Light. If you are not sure about that, then Contact Dish protocol is not for you.
“Combined free will of thousands of people making this decree worldwide will send a coherent contact signal of pulsating Light into the energy grid of the planet and to the Pleiadians. It will effectively turn the whole planet into a Contact Dish. The critical mass needed for this to happen is around 12,000 people. This will be an indication for the Pleiadians and the Galactic Central Race that the awakened part of the human population has reached a spiritual maturity that equals 0.75 on the Kardashev scale:
“Humanity is ready for contact.”
By Valerie Donner.