All posts by Nikos

FEEL MORE THAN FINE Founder ENERGETIC THERAPIST/PERSONAL TRAINER/REIKI THERAPIST AND INSTRUCTOR (Healthcare) Accomplished professional healer and energetic therapist with extensive experience in providing treatment as well as personal training utilising various holistic healing techniques. Commenced medical education but changed track and decided on pursuing an artistic career and became a dancer, a DJ, a restaurateur and model agency business owner; however finally reached the actualisation of self and pursued education in reiki personal training. Expertise in offering therapeutic services for clients by mainly combining music therapy and reiki. Rich experience in establishing and mutually achieving short- and long-term objectives ensuring better post-therapy life for clients. CORE COMPETENCIES ▪ Therapeutic Restoration ▪ Understanding Therapy Techniques ▪ Client Requirement Analysis ▪ Personal Training ▪ Nutritional Planning ▪ Exercise Demonstration ▪ Motivation ▪ Client Health and Safety ▪ Strength, Healing and Conditioning ▪ KEY SKILLS Therapy Intervention – Recognised for hands-on experience in providing therapeutic services to harmonise the body, mind and spirit for overcoming and resolving various conditions/issues of clients including health, money, relations, stress and fear, among others. Expertise in energising clients and helping them activate their inner healing power utilising a combination of techniques such as reiki, qui gong, pilates, yoga, cardio training, dance, tantra and therapeutic music. Client Management – Adept in identifying clients’ dilemma and empathising with their situation by discussing their past experiences and current problems. Significant experience in successfully delivering distance treatment at prearranged times for resolving issues of long distance clients and transporting the vibration energy flow through email and Skype. Program Planning – Outstanding track record of understanding client’s needs and developing detailed programs aimed at achieving defined goals. Skilled in creating structured programs encompassing therapy, exercise, conversation and diet as well as giving guidelines to clients to achieve a peaceful, joyful and abundant life. Interpersonal and Communication – Proactive professional with proficiency in English, French, Spanish, Greek and conversational Dutch and German and the ability to communicate confidently and effectively with clients as well as providing specialist advice and training on energetic therapy for clients from diverse cultures. KEY DELIVERABLES Clearly communicating the program and explaining the process prepared for clients. Undertaking client consultations including medical history and preparing notes. Pre-treatment, ensuring the client is as comfortable as possible either lying on a couch, or seated. Placing hands in a sequence of positions covering the whole body to guide energy and activating the healing process. Treating clients by applying the energetic principles of Reiki as well as performing distance treatment at prearranged times. Adhering to established industry guidelines and providing safe therapeutic recommendations to clients. Planning the routine by comprehending the needs of clients and designing nutrition as well as diet plan for the client, as applicable. Interacting with client and strengthening client relations. Adhering to all personal trainer policies and demonstrating as well as teaching exercises to clients and providing feedback on techniques used. Preparing self for treatment, raising own energy levels and attuning self. Researching, strategising special techniques and increasing knowledge to introduce clients to innovative wellness programs. Constantly motivating clients to achieve maximum gain utilising provided therapy. Maintaining punctuality and preparing for all appointments with clients or professional staff. Attending mandatory and optional staff training classes. Designing rehabilitation program to manage specific physical conditions, injuries, diseases and swiftly responding to emergencies, if any. Handling client grievances and swiftly resolving conflicts by negotiating an amicable settlement. CAREER PROGRESSION Personal Trainer and Energetic Healer Natural Mente Festival,Camping La Playa, Ibiza Jul 2011 – Present Personal Life Coach Feel More Than Fine, Ibiza May 2010 – Present Energetic Healer Consciousness Festival, Rimini Energetic Healer Workshop Interconnectedness, Amsterdam Healing DJ and Therapist Healing, Ibiza Master Reiki Reiki Healer level II Reiki Healer level I International Career DJ and Producer Personal Trainer and CardioFunk Classes Fitness 1st (Passage), Brussels Co-owner Model Agency Pure Star Management Vilnius and Paris Club Manager/Choreographer Cova Santa, Ibiza Restaurant Owner L'empire des sens Professional Dancer Classes of Dance & Cardio Fitness Instructor Fitness 1st, Brussels Commenced career as a professional dancer and simultaneously working as a DJ and music producer. EDUCATIONAL QUALIFICATIONS Certified Energetic Healer & Life Coach Certified Reiki Master Certified Personal Trainer Fitness 1st Belgium June 2013 Dec.2012 Mar 1997 Medical and Physiotherapy Studies University of Brussels, Brussels Oct 1988 – Jun 1993 Graduation High School May 1987 High Level Athletics as sprint runner Sep.1982 – May 1987 PERSONAL INFORMATION Date of Birth: 2nd Nov, 1970Nationality: GreekMarital Status: SingleDriving Licence: European Driver’s Licence References available on request

Dance Floor Meditation

Dance Floor Meditation:

In Gratitude to Be Here in the Now,Ask Your Higher Self,Guides, Angels,Archangels,Mother Father God to guide this Dancing Meditation.Inhale and Visualize White Light coming out from the nucleus of each one of your cells,Exhale and Visualize White Light around Your Whole Body,the town or city you live,expanding out to the area and country and all around Planet Earth.Continue expanding your Light around our Solar System,reaching Central Galactic Sun and Supreme Creator.You Are The Glorious Light of All That Is.Make this affirmation:IAM All That IAM,IAM Unlimited,IAM GOD,IAM!And slowly let your body follow the rhythm of the music celebrating this truth while keeping on repeating this mantra vocally or internally.Feel The Power of it.Let’s Dance!

”The goal is to unlearn ,NOT TO learn.There is no NEED to be worried over the performance or in relation to aesthetics, there is no NEED To fake,Each movement is right.The goal is not to be disciplined, beautiful, strong, confident, coordinated, as we so often taught in dance.In many ways, this dance is the antithesis of everything we’ve learned that dancing is supposed to be.
The whole being allowed to melt in the rhythms, allowING ITself to relax and let CRAZY wisdom guide EVERY movements.No dance experience is necessary, just the desire to move”



It’s going to be quite a show.

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We have the desire to see what you all are going to do when you recognize how powerful you are. We are excited to witness how you take yourselves beyond where you have ever been before, and we are absolutely thrilled to see that more and more of you are stepping into that power with grace and with joy in your hearts. The use of your power is something that does not need to take away anyone else’s freedom, or their access to their own power.

When you fully recognize this truth, you will see that the game that you’ve all been playing on planet Earth has been one based on many false ideas and beliefs. They are only false in the sense that they do no reflect the truest of truths, but they are true in the sense that you can activate them, and humanity certainly has. You certainly have been playing with that idea that in order for one person to have power, others must be disempowered, have less freedom, or have no freedom.

But when you all recognize that the power you seek lies within you, and that everyone can be empowered by Source, by the truth of who they are, that is when you will begin to live life in the way that you have always wanted to live it. You will access your unlimited potential, all of your abilities, and you will do so without fear. You will do so with the knowing that you would never abuse your power, and you will also recognize that you cannot abuse your power when everyone else is accessing theirs.

So again, we are eager to see what that version of Earth looks like, and how humanity takes all of your genius and all of your compassion and couples those with the unlimited power that you are stepping into more and more every day. It’s going to be quite a show.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

The 4 Stages of Clearing

In my last energy update, I discussed the numerical signs and synchronicities that confirm you are aligned with and entering the 11:11 portal. Such signs included seeing 1111 on license plates, 11:11 on clocks, any repeating numbers, as well as ascending sequences, such as 123, 456, or 789. These signs indicate that your inherent spiritual impulse has been initially awakened leading you on a journey to return into full alignment with the light and embody your  soul as an anchor of 5D unity consciousness.

It is important to note, this process of spiritual evolution is an energetic rite of passage. It unfolds uniquely for each of us when we have evolved to a point of readiness and not a matter of reward or punishment of any kind. As this process unfolds, you play an essential role in helping it unfold with the utmost ease, grace, compassion, and joy. We cannot ever stop this process, although we are capable of slowing it down to an agonizing pace, until our choices match up with the inner wisdom of our soul’s essence.

Since we know the numerical sequences signify a preparation toward 11:11 portal entry, what are some of the symptoms that occur as you enter it?

The 4 Stages of Clearing

There are 4 key stages we pass through as we move through the 11:11 portal. Each one stripping away layers of the old carbon-based DNA, clusters of limiting beliefs, and clearing out imprints of outdated cellular memory. These 4 stages are actually emotional states that orbit our experiences, clearing out each layer of 3D debris, until we are aware of their highest purpose and can meet each one with respect, acceptance, gratitude, and honor. These 4 stages are: loneliness, boredom, frustration, and confusion.

From a 3D perspective, it is believed that circumstances in our outside world, such as people places, and things cause us to feel the way we do. From a 5D perspective, everything in physical form is triggering in us all the aspects of our soul’s evolutionary process to clear out and activate what each of us brought into this lifetime to resolve for our own journey, as well as a living contribution toward healing and awakening the collective consciousness.

Imagine: you are going about your day, feeling various patterns of confusion, frustration, loneliness, and boredom, only assigning personal meaning to the characters or circumstances in view, unaware how these specific feelings indicate an advancement out of 3D consciousness and into a new dimension occurring through the 4th dimension of time.

Dispelling Some of the Myths that Impede Our Flow

Let us take a moment to dispel a few myths to allow our entry into the 5th dimension to be as smooth and exciting as possible. Many spiritual seekers believe that processes such as these only happen to those who live on their best behavior. While it is true that fully aligned souls embody a frequency of empathy, compassion, vulnerability, and love that remains ever-present and unwavering once embodied and integrated, it is unnecessary to work so hard to be a certain way, as if your soul’s journey is an obstacle course.

As we’ve come to know, the way we heal the layers of conditioning and imprinting within ourselves is by being emotionally triggered. The purpose isn’t trying to be trigger-free and above our experiences, but to develop such conscious relationships with each feeling that anything we feel on the inside doesn’t cause us to lash out toward others on the outside.

As we shift from 3D to 5D consciousness, there may still be disappointment, heartbreak, grief, and sadness, but our inner pain doesn’t instigate us into projecting our pain onto others. In other words, as we evolve, our hurt doesn’t motivate us to hurt others. Instead, we are willing to take the time to go within, honor each feeling, as a milestone in our evolutionary process by breathing through each emotional wave and loving our hearts to the best of our ability.

Another myth is imagining we are supposed to feel good all the time as we evolve from one dimension to another. While there can be bursts of joy and moments of clarity and renewed passion, these act as sneak previews of how life will be, once we’ve fully integrated our new 5D crystalline DNA into physical form.

Its not that we have to be in pain in order to evolve, as much as pain represents a potent energetic expansion underway that we are often viewing from just a physical or emotional perspective. As we evolve, we still care for our bodies and seek medical care when necessary, while learning how each health scare, emotional outburst, change in life direction, and relationship represents the unfolding of a greater cosmic journey.

While there is always a deeper spiritual reason why everything happens, another myth is trying to quickly learn as much as you can, hoping to not repeat our most uncomfortable experiences. While we are destined to learn from each outcome to inspire higher forms of wisdom to motivate more empowered choices, it only occurs when we approach each moment with earnestness, authenticity, humility, and transparency. The Universe knows when an ego’s agenda is to manipulate the soul’s learning curve to avoid the anticipation of future pain, which acts as a tell-tale sign of the ego’s inner fight as it gradually surrenders through this process.

Another myth is believing you are capable of surrendering your ego, which only creates more of an inner battle between fragmented parts. Instead, you are the space of eternal light, whose unconditional love gives the ego permission to recognize that it is safe to let go of you and enter the doorway of light back to Source.

And, one of the biggest myths of all, is believing entry points into 5D consciousness require a grandiose external mystical experience to confirm its arrival. In both 3D, 4D, and 5D, the physical body exists within the existence of time and space. The difference being, in 3D, you perceive yourself as a person in time surrounded by space. In 5D, you are the spacious witness or inner observer experiencing life as a person throughout a journey of time. The body may be rooted in time, but the inner observer or spacious witness is beyond the dimension of time.

A Journey Through Time to Discover the Timeless

Each of your sensory experiences occur in time. Every outcome, sensation, or change can be correlated to occurring at certain measurable moments. All the while, the one on the inside who sees, feels, hears, and knows all that occurs in time is not existing in time at all. Ironically, it is a journey of time that helps awaken the recognition that you are the timeless within and throughout it all.

This indicates how the journey from 3D to 5D is adjusting to life at a higher altitude of consciousness, where we are no longer searching for the light, but the light within our bodies experiencing its journey of evolution from a more conscious and timeless perspective. Even if these words inspire any degree of frustration, boredom, loneliness, or confusion, it is purposefully happening by the Universe to help you clear deeper layers as you move through the 4th dimension of time and adjust to life from a 5D perspective.

Passing through the 4 stages of boredom, loneliness, frustration, and confusion to release outdated carbon-based DNA, limiting clusters of beliefs, and outdated cellular memories is a journey known as dark night of the soul. In my next energy update, I will outline dark night of the soul in explicit detail. For many of us, we’ve been in the depths of this process for quite some time and are now completing this process to adjust to 5D reality, much like learning to breathe at a higher altitude where the air is thinner.

Experiencing Psychic Burnout

When we are making our way out of dark night of the soul and entering the new altitude of 5D consciousness, we are likely to experience the profound exhaustion of what I call psychic burnout. From this space, energy is limited, sleep is disturbed, and motivation may feel at a standstill. During this phase of initiation, we may not seem to perceive much guidance or inner direction; unsure who we are, where to go, or what to do.

This is because due to the amount of clearing and expanding occurring during the dark night of the soul phase, our bodies needs to rest, recharge, and rejuvinate, in order to build up the inner chi energy to activate our new crystalline DNA. This is much like a newborn wondering who it is, what it’s purpose is, what it should do, and where it should go, unaware that it must grow through stages of infancy before anything else can be known or revealed.

Psychic burnout is a time to slow down the pace of our lives, especially slowing down the way we approach spiritual evolution. Instead of trying to race to the finish line out of fear of missing a window of opportunity or being left behind, we allow each moment to be as intentional, and deliberately aligned with our highest wisdom, as we move through time and space as authentically and openly as possible. It is a time where our immune systems are rebooted into 5D reality, as our adrenals get repaired to be uplifted by 5D light frequencies, instead of short circuited. Most importantly, it is where our subconscious minds learn to recognize 5D reality as familiar instead of foreign, which gives our nervous systems permission to welcome 5th dimensional experiences of unity consciousness into our awareness.

I have recently undergone upgrades to my transmission to specifically heal psychic burnout, so I can help you accelerate the process of arriving into 5th dimensional consciousness and re-activating your inner gifts and new reality with joy, compassion, and ease.

A Doorway to Unity Consciousness

To move fully out of dark night of the soul, pass through the phase of psychic burnout, and enter a new reality of unity consciousness, please join me in Encinitas this weekend for the most life-changing group healing weekend of my tour so far. If you thought the Vancouver, Boulder and Omega weekends were incredible, you won’t believe the awakening processes I’ll be sharing next weekend. I will also be transmitting these frequencies in Portland for my September 3-day Soul Convergence. For the first time ever, I will be outlining life in the 5th dimension, and teaching you how to live in 5D — years before humanity ascends as a whole.

If you are unable to attend my Encinitas group healing weekend, please watch from the comfort of your own home via livestream with free replays of the entire weekend for up to a month. I’m also excited to announce those attending my Portland 3-day soul convergence in-person will get an MP3 recording of the entire event for free.

Registration for both events, including livestreaming, can be found at

This is truly the most exciting time to be alive and it is my honor to use the power of my healing transmission to radically transform your journey, so we can each experience the absolute bliss and holy perfection of our soul in human form. We cannot look at the political landscape or even the mentality of the world to know how much evolution is taking place. We can only look at ourselves to recognize the process underway, while learning how to be the most loving, patient, and faithful ally to our own awakening process.

Our brand-new beginning is here. This is where we step into our highest purpose of being and have a lot of fun along the way.

Love Revolution Unite!

All For Love,
Matt Kahn




Patricia Cota-Robles

JULY 30, 2018

Humanity is experiencing the final critical stages of preparation prior to the activation of the pre-encoded consciousness codes within the DNA of the Millennials and the children. This activation will take place August 11-16, 2018, as the threefold Eclipse Series we are in the midst of is brought to fruition. During this time, the monumental influx of Light from this rare Eclipse Series will be assimilated into the Core of Purity within cellular structures of every person on Earth by his or her I AM Presence. This greatly intensified Light is also accelerating the frequency of vibration within the Elemental Kingdom and Mother Earth.

Our Father-Mother God are assuring us that in spite of the chaos we are witnessing in the outer world everything is unfolding in Divine Order. During this wondrous, but often tumultuous, time it is critical that each of us stay centered in the Divinity of our Heart Flame and remain focused on the Light. We have been preparing for lifetimes to do this. We all have within us the skill and courage to BE the Light in the face of any adversity we may be confronted with or that we are witnessing at this time.

In our last newsletter our God Parents revealed that within the silence of every person’s newly recalibrated Heart Flame a Cosmic Tone is now sounding. The Divine Intent of this Cosmic Tone is to awaken within each of us the KNOWING that we are ONE and that there is no separation. Our Father-Mother God said this is by far the greatest need of the hour. During our Free Seminar in Denver, Colorado on July 15, 2018, we focused on this holy endeavor.

That seminar took place three days after the first of the three part Eclipse Series we are now experiencing. On July 12, 2018, we were blessed with a partial New Moon Solar Eclipse. That influx of Light paved the way for the events that would unfold during our seminar.

We had a wonderful gathering of dedicated Lightworkers who physically attended our Free Seminar in Denver. We were also joined in consciousness by thousands of Lightworkers from around the world who selflessly projected their Light and Love into the Chalice of our Heart Flames. Together we infused new frequencies of Light into our Planetary Grid of Transfiguring Divine Love which will allow our Father-Mother God and the Company of Heaven to amplify the Lightwork of every person on Earth one thousand fold every single day. During the 2ndphase of the Divine Plan for our seminar, the Lightworkers served as the Open Door for a great expansion of the Cosmic Tone now reverberating within every person’s Heart Flame.

The next phase of our Father-Mother God’s newly initiated Divine Plan will occur during the 32nd Annual World Congress on Illumination August 11-16, 2018. This event is being held within the Portal of Light at Diamond Head in Honolulu, Hawaii. This is a Global Activity of Light that will be God Victoriously Accomplished through the unified efforts of our Father-Mother God, the Company of Heaven, the Lightworkers who are gathered in Honolulu and the Lightworkers around the world who have the Heart Call to join with us in consciousness for this unparalleled opportunity to assist the Millennials and the children.

Our Father-Mother God want to remind all of us that during this vitally important phase of the unfolding Divine Plan nothing is happening by chance. Your I AM Presence has magnetized this information into your sphere of awareness because you have been preparing for lifetimes to be an Instrument of God during this Cosmic Moment. Your I AM Presence will guide you unerringly through these life-transforming days. Pay attention and listen to the intuitive guidance surfacing in your conscious mind. We will all be in our right and perfect place. No one’s part of this Divine Plan is any more important than another person’s part of the plan.

In addition to your personal Golden Thread of Life which your I AM Presence will be helping you to weave into the collective Chalice of our unified Heart Flames, the Company of Heaven has given us guidance on how you can add your magnificent Light to the World Congress on Illumination in Honolulu from wherever you are on this blessed planet.

As the World Congress on Illumination unfolds each day, our Father-Mother God and the Beings of Light in the Realms of Illumined Truth will guide us, step by step, through the various facets of the unfolding Divine Plan. For this reason, we do not have a lot of information in advance about the specific Divine Ceremonies that will take place.

We will work in THE ETERNAL MOMENT OF NOW throughout the week, so whenever you are able to join in consciousness with us will be right and perfect. It does not matter if you are joining with us at the exact same time. When we are focused in the Eternal Moment of Now, we are ONE in perfect synchronicity.

The momentum of Light will build from the opening ceremonies on August 111h through the closing ceremonies on August 16th. Your Divine Intention is what matters. Know that if you intend to be the most powerful Force of Light you are capable of being during this miraculous facet of the Divine Plan, you will be. Trust yourself!

Thank you for your heartfelt desire to assist Humanity and this precious planet. Your Light and Love are needed and will be gratefully accepted by Mother Earth and ALL Life evolving upon her. I truly appreciate you and the Light you are adding to the world.

We are now being held within the Sun Cycle of Leo which represents the Heart of a Lion. For millennia August 8th has been celebrated around the world as the Opening of the Lion’s Gate. On August 8thevery year a Portal of Light above the Pyramid and the statue of the Sphinx in Giza, Egypt opens to full breadth. As the Light of God flows through the Lion’s Gate every year Humanity is blessed with frequencies of Light intended to empower us with the “Heart of a Lion.”  This year as the Portal of the Lion’s Gate is opened our Father-Mother God will assist the I AM Presence of every person to empower the Cosmic Tone reverberating within our newly recalibrated and balanced Heart Flames. Please take some time on that day to be the Open Door for this Blessing on behalf of all Humanity.


On August 11th we will experience the final Eclipse in this threefold Eclipse Series. This will be a New Moon Solar Eclipse. On that day, we will have our Opening Ceremonies for the 32nd Annual World Congress on Illumination. If you are in Honolulu or the surrounding areas, we would Love for you to come and weave your Light into the Chalice of our unified Heart Flames. The Opening Ceremonies are FREE and open to the public. You are welcome to join us and bring your friends.

During this Activity of Light, we will unify our Hearts with the Company of Heaven. Together we will form a powerful Chalice of Light through which the Light of God will flow during the entire World Congress. This will assist us in accomplishing this facet of our Father-Mother God’s Divine Plan victoriously.

Opening Ceremonies will begin at 7:00 p.m. on
Saturday,  August 11, 2018

We will be meeting in the TAPA TOWER at the Hilton Hawaiian Village
Waikiki Beach Resort

I hope to see you there.

In Loving Gratitude,
Patricia Cota-Robles

Era of Peace
a 501 (c) 3 nonprofit educational organization
Phone: 520-885-7909, FAX: 520-751-2981,
Era of Peace,  PO Box 41883,  Tucson, Arizona 85717

This article is copyrighted, but you have my permission to share it through any medium as long as it is offered for FREE, it is not altered, and the proper credit line is included. Thank You.

©2018 Patricia Cota-Robles




Your loneliness will be short-lived for you have added a joy button to your being that attracts like souls and detracts, unlike beings.

Dear Ones,

Each of you is a unique individual existing under the totality umbrella. So it is you are beginning to experience your uniqueness in ways you never before experienced while of the earth.

Many of you are lonely. Not because you are truly alone, but because you did not step outside social boundaries in your previous earthly existences. So you wait for approval that will never arrive.

For you are transitioning to the rebel status required for a unique being. In time, that rebel label will be honored – but not yet.

So you feel alone and odd. Much like the fable of the ugly duckling who discovered he was a lovely swan.

You might contend that some of your political leaders are displaying uniqueness. The difference is that most have not extended their uniqueness to the umbrella of totality. So it is they are unique, but without the heart, you have consciously mastered.

You will know who your co-harts in this new world are by the feelings of rightness when you are with them despite their different callings or actions. If their actions are from the heart, you will easily accept their differences. If their actions are from their mind without heart, you will find it difficult to be with them.

So it is you are deeper into your heart than you thought possible a few days ago. You no longer need others telling you who is right for you, you will just know. But by adding the ability of just knowing you remove many people from your interactions. Hence your loneliness feelings.

Many of you believe such is not a reward but a punishment.

Instead, one of your initial evolution pieces is the ability to understand people without words. To sense from deep within you that those who speak the “right” words might not mean them. And those who speak the “wrong” words might be more filled with love than you realized.

Words are becoming superfluous for you are beginning to sense beyond words. Almost as if you x-rayed into their beliefs and thoughts.

Such might mean you have more surface relationships or you ignore or refuse to interact with them. It does not matter. You are a unique individual beginning to search for those interested in adding additional skills to their skill set.

Your loneliness will be short-lived for you have added a joy button to your being that attracts like souls and detracts, unlike beings.

Do you remember when you started a new job, you were attracted to some of your co-workers but not all? Or when you moved to a new community, you became friends with some but not all of your neighbors? So it is now. But this attraction is different for it is based on inner-sensations instead of commonalities such as children of a similar age.

Even though your new connections will not necessarily be as now expected, these connections are deeper than those of the past for they are based on inner feelings.

Many of you wonder how you can detect these inner feelings. A question similar to your teenage daughter asking how she will know when she’s in love.

Even though you perhaps hope such connections will be forever, such is not to be for you are now excited about flitting from one sensation to the next. Your new connections will jettison both of you onto the next crossroads of creation.

For you are now so focused on your path that nothing or no one is more important to you. Such a statement likely frightens you for you are already lonely, and you want some stability in your being, some sense of belonging to earth in a loving fashion.

The shift now happening is not localizing your love or abilities, but expanding them globally. That concept might seem frightening now, but once you are in full swing of inner-directed activities, you will function with joy as you flit from experience to experience using different skills, time frames, dimensions, and qualities.

You are not a ‘stick in the mud’ personality. A portion of your 3D lack of joy was your need to fit in a tiny box of shoulds. Now you fly into new adventures and connections daily or in your sleep state.

Perhaps knowing that you will no longer form deep and lasting relationships is a frightening thought for that is what you clung to in your earthly existences. Your energies are now directed to what gives you joy. Even though that might mean a few lasting relationships, you are designed for adventure and love – which you will find when you look within.

Perhaps such predictions do not seem loving. They are in terms of who you are now. For you must interact successfully with cells of different types, just as is true for the human body within the womb. If some of those cells refuse to interact with a variety of other cells, that infant is born with physical or mental difficulties. So it is you are returning to the womb of sorts to interact with any who will further develop your new being only to leave them with love as you move to the next cell pod.

Think of bumblebees. Even though they deeply love the flowers they interact with, their role is to return to the hive with information about flower locations and to help create honey.

Your role is similarly focused. So even though you will meet many of the heart along the way, your role is to forge ahead on your path. Something that might seem odd at first, only to discover that 3D connections mean little in comparison to your new Universal cell connections.

You are now searching for others of like nature. Not to complete you as was true in 3D, but to push you further along your path. Those connections will be stronger but short-lived for both of you will focus on your new you need instead of 3D needs.

You are changing the earth. Such cannot happen if you confine to your life to the few people who have always been in your life. Now you wonder about the happy gardener who finds joy in displaying flowers for all to see. Those who support that role will appear as needed. For that gardener will be the like the flowers bees pollinate. So be it. Amen. If you would like to receive Brenda’s Blogs when posted, please click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her Blog & Subscribe page and then click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation.

Copyright 2009-2018, Brenda Hoffman. All rights reserved. Please feel free to share this content with others, post on your blog, add to your newsletter, etc., but maintain this article’s integrity by including the author/channel: Brenda Hoffman & source website link:

You also need to give yourselves reasons to expand and become more of who you really are, and the best ways to do that are to not create the reality that is most pleasing to you and to not always get what you want.

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We have the perspective on your progress that we wish you could share with us. We want very much for you all to be as happy with where you are as we are for you. We would love to see more of you measuring your progress by the amount of love and compassion that you feel for others and for yourselves. When you first learned about the truth that you create your reality, many of you began measuring your spiritual progress by how much your reality then matched your desires for it.

But, of course, there’s more to the story. You also need to give yourselves reasons to expand and become more of who you really are, and the best ways to do that are to not create the reality that is most pleasing to you and to not always get what you want. This is how you give yourselves opportunities for unconditional love, self-love, compassion, and unconditional joy.

If you didn’t first give yourselves opportunities for those experiences, then how could you have them? And you see, when you are not living your perfect dream life, and yet still loving yourself, feeling joy, forgiving others, and accessing compassion for those suffering far worse than you are, then you know that you are right on track. You know you are making the leaps forward in your ascension.

You see, once you are fifth dimensional, you will be able to create whatever you want, whenever you want it. But for now, you still experience the illusion that you’re not creating it and you’re not experiencing it. This is not a test. You are not being tested by Source. You are Source, and you giving yourselves the opportunity to know that more fully and completely than you could if you just waved your magic wand and made everything in your life, and in the rest of the world, exactly as you want it to be.

Find that unconditional joy within you, and you will demonstrate to yourselves exactly what we are telling you here and now. You will demonstrate the truth that you are doing so very well on your spiritual evolution journey.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

It’s time for you to receive the thanks from those like us in the higher realms who are so happy to be partnered with such beautiful, awakened beings.

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We have the ability to sense when you all are taking a gigantic leap forward, and we are having that feeling right now. And you can give the credit to what’s happening in your skies, but you deserve all of it because you have made yourselves available to the energies that you have been receiving.

What we see in most of you who are awakened is a desire to take the rest of humanity to a higher level. We see your willingness to pull humanity up and carry the weight on your shoulders. We see many of you processing emotions for the other members of your collective, and most importantly, we see you wanting to be of service.

When you hold that desire to be of service, there is so much more energy available to you because you have so many co-creators in the non-physical who want to work with willing partners. We are so pleased to see how these partnerships are formed, and we are proud to say that we are partnering with a large number of you who are reaching out to us. The momentum that is nudging you forward now is going to take you to the next minor event, but all of these minor events add up.

And you are accessing more of the love that you truly are just by being willing to be the leaders in this movement, a movement that involves the evolution of the human collective consciousness. Your service will, of course, be rewarded, but we know that you don’t do it for the rewards. You do it because of the compassion and the love that you have within you, and you allow that love and compassion to take priority over your thinking minds.

It’s time for more of you to acknowledge yourselves for the wonderful work that you are doing. It’s time for you to receive the thanks from those like us in the higher realms who are so happy to be partnered with such beautiful, awakened beings.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

You can change your own life by focusing on all that is good right here, right now.

My dear friends, we love you so very much,

We have good news! You get to choose your news! You get to choose your views! Will you focus upon the worlds ills, deceits, manipulations, greed, and problems or… will you choose to set your sights on all the good that happens all around you, every day.

Every morning the birds are singing. Every day, there are people helping one another and quietly going about their very loving days. There a people working to create a more environmentally friendly future. There are people working to grow and cook healthier foods. There are people assisting those in need. You are alive, breathing, and have a roof over your head…

Why waste your time giving the darkness your attention?

Some of you will argue with us. You have been deeply programmed to believe that your outer world has power over you. This is an almost universally accepted misconception.

You feel you have to “be aware” of what is going on “out there.” However dear ones, we reassure you that the way the universe works is purely vibrational and what you set your sights upon is the reality you will experience more and more with each passing day. Shift your focus, shift your life.

The concept is simple. However, because you have brains that have been programmed  to “watch out”and “be informed” it may take some time and effort to shift your focus towards better realities.

You can start in small ways, until you develop the ability to focus more consistently on thoughts that make you happy.  Focus on all that is working in your lives, all that is good, and all that is there to appreciate and enjoy.  No matter what your heath, finances, or state of mind, there is always something to be grateful for. There is always something good to notice. As you shift your attention more and more to the good, you will begin to experience it. As you shift your attention to the abundant universe you will experience it. As you shift your attention to the loving human beings, you will find more and more of them.

We are not asking you to pretend the dark is light. We’re not asking you to say bad behavior is Ok or that you’ll tolerate it in your life for another second. We’re simply saying (in metaphorical terms), “Don’t dignify the devil no matter who it comes through.”

If your news is dark, turn it off. If someone is spouting off with anger and you can’t get away, point a hand to the ground and let it drain off you then turn away without another word. If your bank account (or lack of it) has you in abject terror, look for evidence of an abundant universe. One apple tree can supply an entire neighborhood! People share all the time. “Seek and ye shall find. Knock and the door shall be opened.”

In truth “what is going on out there” is yesterdays news!  It was created by the vibration of your collective consciousness in the past.  It is a dead energy – an out-picturing of what “was.”  It has nothing to do with what “will be.”  Your vibration in the here and now is what dictates your future.

What is going on “in here” – within you right here and now – is creating your tomorrow.

Choose to focus upon that which gives you delight and joy. If you see something you do not like, immediately use that to focus on what you would like. You don’t like the deceit, manipulations, and greed in the world, so imagine a reality where people feel safe to be honest, and abundant enough to live in integrity. You don’t like unkindness so imagine a world where people treat one another with love and respect. You don’t like feeling lack so focus on what it would feel like to feel abundant.

These so-called “fantasies” are blueprints for your future, and open you to receive guidance that will help you get there!

Dear ones, we have only one news “channel” in our hearts and it is always “Good news.”We have faith in you. We know that even a small fraction of awakened human beings focusing on a bright, happy, abundant and kinder future can affect the whole world.

You already have!  What has one been hidden is being revealed to be healed. We see the children coming in with a passion for creating a better world. We know that no matter what things look like now, you and your world are evolving into a much greater and more beautiful light.

You can change your own life by focusing on all that is good right here, right now. As you do so, you give yourself, and the world, the gift of a new and brighter future! 

God Bless You! We love you so very much.
— The Angels

Source code distribution during SUNday Unity Meditations

Blessings Beloveds ~

Full Moon eclipse blessings to all. We are flowing with Solar logos codes in this Now. Cosmic shifts in progress ~ stay attuned to your highest timeline choices. We will focus on Source code distribution for the pure organic experience of Ascension during the SUNday Meditations.
Join us in creating palpable New Earth shifts for all on SUNday at 8:11am, 11:11am and 5:11pm Pacific Daylight Time. Breathe, center yourself and meditate on Peace, Harmony and Ascension for 33 minutes.
Let us unite to serve the highest interests of all concerned. Gratitude for inviting your friends, Tribes and loved ones to participate in this co-creation.

Blessings upon all of creation for this unique passage. Gratitude, Love and Strength to all in Divine Service. Here we glow!

In Love, Light and Service,

New Sound Journey: FREE DOWNLOAD and Message


Continue to ground yourselves and connect with each other. This is the best part of your journey. This is the part where you get to reap the benefits of everything that is happening. And make no mistake; it’s all happening for you and because of you.

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We have been excited for quite some time to see how all of you would receive the energies of this most recent lunar eclipse, and we are pleased to announce that the human collective has in fact grounded a tremendous amount of high frequency energy in these past twenty-four hours. We are particularly thrilled to see how you all prepared yourselves for this minor event.

We know that many of you are excited about the major event and the shift, but we also want you to see how important it is to manage the energies of the smaller events, so that you can take the amount of shifting that is available to you. This is not an easy task, what you have in front of you. It is a monumental leap forward, and you are doing wonderfully well with assisting yourselves and each other.

We love to see you all sharing these experiences and sharing your experiences of these events with each other. We can see how the wonderful energies are being utilized for the betterment of all humankind. We see you all holding space for the human collective, wanting what is best for everyone, and seeking out that peaceful, harmonious existence there on planet Earth.

It is essentially love that we are talking about when we say that you are receiving these energies and those energies that hold a high frequency. Love is what created this universe. Love is what holds it all together, and as you experience love for each other, for yourselves, and for the planet, you bring about these changes at the very core of your consciousness.

There is more light and love coming all the time, so continue to expect to receive waves and waves of these high-frequency energies. Continue to ground yourselves and connect with each other. This is the best part of your journey. This is the part where you get to reap the benefits of everything that is happening. And make no mistake; it’s all happening for you and because of you.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”





Beloved masters, the Creator’s breath is the fuel of existence, and you are the flame it feeds. It is important you understand that you are developing your individual SUNLIGHT, which is a reflection of your own God Essence. 

The human intellectual thought process must evolve beyond the limitations of language. There is a vast wealth of information awaiting humanity via inspiration. You must develop your intuitive abilities in order to receive the wisdom of the Divine Blueprint for the Aquarian Age, which is now being RAY-diated from our Father/Mother God via the Twelve Galactic Rays of cosmic consciousness. It will not come from outside you. It will well up within your own Sacred Mind and Sacred Heart. You must reach up and grasp it, for it will not come down into the effluvia of the Earth planes and seek you out.

Mature spirituality is not an unconscious experience. You must develop a self-sustaining Divinity, whereby you are constantly breathing the rich Pranic Breath of Life / Adamantine Particles of Creator Essence, so that you may receive spiritual sustenance from the River of Life via the Eighth Chakra, your Soul Star. The empowering Breath of Infinity opens the pathways that lead to the multidimensional levels of Creator consciousness. You must broaden your inner perspective as you gradually change your way/mode of thinking and perceiving. The Spirit of the Creator cannot be isolated. Spirit permeates everything in existence to one degree or another. You must expand your consciousness to incorporate the vastness of Creation.

Are you ready to accept the fact that the Heart Core of our Father/Mother God is the focal point and the basis of all religions? It is not the dogma, superstition, rules and restrictions, but the love, power and perfection, which result in the ability to create and enjoy worlds of beauty, balance and harmony. When the mind and heart of God become manifested within you, you become a Facet of theCollective Messiah.  It is the creative fulfillment of your destiny.

You are a Spark of the Creator – a manifested Divine Facet of consciousness – a Still Point within Creation. You either enrich the world you live in or you help to contaminate it. How bright and warm is your Sacred Fire? Does it blaze brightly and warm the hearts of others?  Or is it a feeble flame, not even strong enough to warm your own heart? “Cold-hearted”is not a term associated with a true Bearer of God Light. You may journey through the shadow lands with those who helped create them, or you may walk with delight in the radiance of God Light.

All of you are familiar with the Twelve Rays of God-consciousness, which you are currently striving to integrate and claim as your own. However, there has been a very important facet of Creation that has been withheld from the masses until now. All manifestations in the Omniverse are composed of organized Energy from the Heart Core of the Supreme Creator. There is a Master Creator Core of Cosmic Consciousness, which contains an allotment of the Full Spectrum Essence of the Supreme Creator.

The Father and Mother God of this universe were endowed with a portion of these Creator attributes, qualities and virtues. This is the primary source of Creator Consciousness within this universe, and all is balanced – all is equal – all is harmonious.  Before the God Rays of our Father/Mother God were radiated out into the great void, there were an incalculable number of powerful Supreme Creator Rays sent forth out into the cosmic void. These Creator Rays becamegreat regions of spacewith different Light densities and time-consciousness memory cells, which contain infinite Divine schematics of material world possibilities. There are membranes of Lightthat create barriers so that there is a firm demarcation between each Sub-universe.  These Light-line barrierscannot be penetrated or crossed without special Divine dispensation – that is until your personal Soul Song resonates to the refined Light frequencies which are harmonious with that particular level of God-consciousness.

Some of these great Creator Raysare much wider than others, and separating them are a number of thin membranes of Light which contain time cell encodings within pyramids of Light. There are living pyramids of Light/life within every energy field and dimensional space of Creation.  Creator Light pours forth from the pyramid-shaped treasuries of Light to be used by the Elohim and the Builders of Form in making new creative designs as mandated by our Father/Mother God.  Each star in the galaxy is a node of energy vibration. Also, each person functions as a living star capable of receiving and conveying harmonic frequency vibrations according to his/her level of consciousness.  As you are now aware, these frequencies are called your Soul Song. You are a point of Light, a vibrant Spark of the Divine. This universe is composed of one giganticCelestial Soul Song.

From the Heart Core Essenceof our Father/Mother God, the Essence of the Son/Daughter Cocreators was made manifest. These wondrous Beings are stepped-down refractions of the power and majesty of our God Parents – just as our Father/Mother God are a stepped-down refraction of the Supreme Creator.

From the Essence within the Master Core of Cosmic Consciousness(mentioned above), there were a specific number of Sub-universes created within this universal whole with both feminine and masculine attributes, virtues and qualities of Divine Light in perfect equality and balance. However, when the major portion of the Sub-universes was created, the predominant forces of the creative process were allotted to either the masculine or the feminine attributes of Creator-consciousness.  In half of the Sub-universal Divine Blueprints (plans), the Father/Son qualities of Divine will, power and purpose, the mental/outward-focused attributes of the Creator were emphasized, while the Mother/Daughter attributes of compassion, nurturing, intuition, inward-focused qualities were in a support position.

There are also an equal number of sub-universes with the Mother/Daughter qualities and virtues in the leadership role, while the Father/Son attributes take the secondary position.  Have we not told you that this universe could be called a universe of great and unique diversity?  It was created as a univers-ityof learning for you, the StarSeed of the Omniverse. Essentially, however, the indeterminable diverseness and magnitude of Creation were designed so that the Creator could experience unlimited variations ofITSELF.

This sub-universe has been primarily a Father/Son universal experience from its inception.  Our Mother God and the beautiful Goddess qualities have always been present, but not in the full glory and Essence of her Beingness. It is now time for the Mother/Daughter and the Father/Son aspects of the Creator to return to equal partnership. This is the wondrous evolutionary process now in progress within this entire universe and within all its creations.

You, as seekers on the Path, must be initiated into the Pyramidal functions of Light before you can be advanced to the next level of evolution – the next consciousness time cell. Human creation is only a small part of a much greater and grander creative process. That is why we have placed such emphasis on creating your personal Pyramid of Light in the Fifth Dimension. It is also why we have given you instructions in great detail as to the various pyramids of Light available to you, and the important part they play in the ascension process.

You are called StarSeed for a reason, for as you return to Self-mastery, you will initiate the process of creating Crystalline Seed Life Memory Codes, a new evolutionary process to be used in the next forthcoming Golden Galaxy. This process is a part of the Wheel within the Wheel Creative Process, which we will reveal to you in the future. In the meantime, we ask you to study what we have revealed, and to endeavor to get the universal schematic we have created firmly within your mind so that you will understand the next phase of the wondrous cosmic events that are unfolding before your eyes.

My brave ones, we know there can be much pain, discomfort and fear as you move through these accelerated processes, which are causing the dramatic changes now taking place throughout your world. Know that together we will overcome all adversity. Our mission is to open the way for any dear Soul who expresses a desire to return to harmony. Know that each of you is making a difference. When you doubt, need inspiration or strength, come into your Pyramid of Light and we will give you courage, lift you up and inspire you. When you feel lonely or unloved, move into your Sacred Heart center, and we will be waiting there to fill you with the radiant love of our Mother/Father God. I AM Archangel Michael.


QUESTION:“Some people seem to come into this life with obvious gifts: healing, psychic abilities, etc.  How does the average person know what his / her gifts to offer mankind truly are, when they are not obvious to them, other than a burning desire to be of service in conjunction with other Light workers?”


Dear hearts, there are very few people who are aware of their creative or spiritual gifts early in life. There may be an interest or desire in learning or perfecting certain talents; however, everyone I know has had to experience many facets of life, as well as many trials and tests, in order to gradually, over time, develop their talents. Although I had some spiritual experiencesat various times throughout my lifetime, I did not develop an intense desire to seek spiritual wisdom until I was in my late fifties. The gifts gradually come forth as you seek to balance and harmonize the many Facets of your Being. A Facet of your Higher Self is always waiting to connect with you or take up residency within your Sacred Heart, and with each download of your Soul Self, more gifts, talents and wisdom will be available to you.

It takes work, dedication and tenacity; however, I can attest it is well worth the effort.  We are on Earth to be cocreators with our Father/Mother God. The gifts of Spirit are available to each of us, but we must do the work and turn inward and reach outward to attain them.


^^       First, it is important that you eliminate those things in your life that you do not like while you are seeking to develop your talents and find your passion. If you do nothing more than become a Beacon of Love/Light, so that you may shine the radiance of our Father/Mother God out into the world, it is enough.

^^      An important part of your earthly mission is to develop and perfect the gifts and talents you bring forth to experience in each lifetime. There will be an emphasis, a desire or preference to perfect certain underdeveloped talents and abilities.  However, you must make the effort and take the time to become accomplished in each chosen endeavor. Occasionally, a person who is well on his/her way to mastery will incarnate with certain genius abilitieswhich he / she has perfected in previous lifetimes. This is happening more and more frequently with the old Souls who are incarnating during these accelerated times of transformation.

^^   There will be some negative traits or addictive habits which will be emphasized so that you may release, modify or refine them; thereby, you return to balance and harmony so that you may begin the process of Soul expansion and Self-awareness.

^^       There will be things you do not like or that you will have strong opinions about – things you do not approve of which can cause discord and make you unhappy or uncomfortable.  Some of these will be things that you cannot change, and therefore, you must accept them and endeavor to make the best of the situation or condition.

^^      However, the most important life lesson is to strive to engage your Soul Self, and to begin the journey of reunification with the many Facets of your Divine nature; all else will follow.

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Transmitted through Ronna/Sacred Scribe * As transmitter of this article I, Ronna Herman Vezane, claim the universal copyright in the name of Archangel Michael.  Posting on websites is permitted as long as the information is not altered, excerpted or added to, and credit of authorship and my Email and website address is included. It may be published in journals, magazines or public print with permission from:

You will want to treat yourselves especially kindly and make sure you are hydrated. You will want to rest and relax as much as possible, because you are not just witnessing an event in your skies. You are also receiving more of the high frequency energies that are continuously bombarding your planet.

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are happy to see so many of you in your place of expectation and excitement. We know how excited you get when you have a major occurrence in your skies, and the eclipse falls into that category. So you are preparing yourselves for something magical, something rarely seen, and more importantly, something that you can feel. Those of you who are awake are also sensitive, and you can not only tap in to the excitement of the human collective. But you also tap in to the energies of your celestial bodies, and you feel their love and the intention that they hold for you.

So of course, you can expect some emotions to come up around all of this as well. You can expect lots of changes, especially in the physical and emotional realms. You will want to treat yourselves especially kindly and make sure you are hydrated. You will want to rest and relax as much as possible, because you are not just witnessing an event in your skies. You are also receiving more of the high frequency energies that are continuously bombarding your planet.

You are accessing more of the galactic history that you have all been a part of. That’s the major download that’s coming with the eclipse. It is the memory of past lives that you have spent out there in other star systems, and even parts of your galactic history that you were not incarnate for are going to be downloaded into your fields, to be accessed whenever you are ready.

Some of you will access these memories in dreams, others with a clear knowing of something that you did or something that happened in one of your lives in one of the other star systems. And some of you will experience trauma and emotions coming up. Of course, the bright side of this is that you will also have greater access to those aspects of yourself that lived in those past lives, in the other parts of the galaxy.

And as you access their energy and the information about those lifetimes, you access more of you. That’s what this journey is always about.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”


Here’s Why It Is Completely Fine To Cut Out Family Members From Your Life

In my opinion, there is nothing more challenging and heartbreaking than having to end the connection and distance yourself from a loved one.

Family ties are some of the strongest bonds anyone has in their entire life. Whether you are family by blood or family by choice, everyone has certain people they consider to be family.

Family is supposed to always be there for you and you never expect your family to hurt you. However, some family members can be more destructive and damaging than anyone else.

When this sacred bond is broken, it can leave a lasting wound. The truth is, some people are simple too toxic for you to be around and you need to move on without them.

Don’t be ashamed for deciding to put yourself first. Never put your physical, mental, or emotional well-being on the line just because someone is “family.”

So, how do you know how to spot a toxic family member? Pay attention for these five warning signs!

1. They feed off drama.

Have you ever decided to turn to family member for some advice or shared some of your deepest fears with someone you trusted? You expose your vulnerabilities in hopes to receive some sort of assistance in a time of need.

Then you find out they have completely betrayed you and now everyone knows your secrets. This is the ultimate betrayal, especially when it comes from a close family member or trusted friend.

2. They judge you.

Constructive criticism is extremely healthy and a required part of every relationship. However, repeated, aggressive, and degrading criticism can affect a person’s self-confidence on a very deep level.

Family members that are overly judgmental and controlling are definitely toxic and you have no need to feel bad about removing yourself from their presence.

3. They are only there for you if it somehow benefits them.

A toxic family member will only decide to help you if they have something to gain. Normally, they will come to you for advice or assistance, but as soon as you give them what they need, they will choose to distance themselves from you once again.

What happens when you need their support and love? They’re no where to be found. They know how to manipulate you.

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4. They go back and forth between positive and negative comments.

One moment they’re praising you and supporting your efforts and the next they’re insulting you and judging every move you make.

They can’t tolerate it when you ignore their efforts, so they do everything in their power to regain control of your attention. It is nearly impossible for them to give up their manipulative behavior.

5. They often use a nefarious manipulation technique, referred to as gaslighting.

If you know someone who claims that they never did or said something when you and everyone else around know that’s a lie… you are being gaslighted.

Gaslighting is a technique based on planting seeds of doubt in the mind of the victim in an attempt to make them feel helpless and question their own sanity and memory.

Chances are, you might have a family member that matches the description above. If so, they are a threat to your mental health. Toxic relationships, even with family and friends, can have a major impact on your overall wellbeing.

Just because you have identified a toxic relationship, that doesn’t mean you should give up on that person. There are many things you can do to make a toxic family member more tolerable.

However, the best solution will always be to remove them from your life. It is not always an easy task, especially if that toxic person is a parent.

If the situation has escalated to a point where it has become impossible for you to be happy, then you have no choice but to eliminate that person from your life.

No matter how beneficial removing this person from your life might have been, there will still be feeling of guilt, loss, pain and doubt about the decision.

You must be willing to make this sacrifice in order to protect your emotions. Sometimes you have to experience pain to protect yourself. You will also need time to recover and heal.

Remember to always take care of yourself! If you found this article helpful, please don’t be afraid to SHARE it with your family and friends on Facebook!


Colorado’s first rural complex for the homeless opens at full capacity

Soon all of us will/may be funding these complexes all over the globe.

Colorado’s first rural complex for the homeless opens at full capacity

Tracy Harmon, Pueblo Chieftain, Jul 16, 2018

CANON CITY — A homeless 40-year-old mother of two young children had tears slipping down her face the first day she walked into her new apartment.

“It’s the nicest place I have ever lived,” said Tanya Reese, one of the new residents at Journey Home, an apartment complex for the homeless which opened last month. “I can afford it — the stress is off me — and I don’t feel defeated any more.”

Located at 250 Justice Center Road, the $7 million 30-unit complex, comprised of 22 one-bedroom apartments and eight two-bedroom apartments, is the first homeless housing complex built in a rural Colorado community.

“In 72 hours we filled all the apartments,” said Dee Dee Clement, director of Loaves & Fishes ministry which oversees the apartment complex as well as the homeless shelter and food bank across the street from it. “I don’t know that we would ever get another one, but I could easily fill another 30 unit complex.”

Reese, a former Pueblo resident who had returned home ended up in Canon City after she was not able to get help in Pueblo.

“I was not technically a resident because I had left Pueblo and they don’t have the means to help everybody, so I ended up here in Canon City and it all fell into place,” Reese explained.

She went to Loaves and Fishes for help and heard about Journey Home, so she decided to apply.

“I usually run to my family to help me, so I’ve never done anything on my own. I am 40 and finally doing something — I learned I can do it,” Reese said.

Not only did she get a place to live for herself and her children Justine, 11 and T.J., nearly 2, she secured a job at the Canon City McDonalds.

“The rent is based on your income and number of people in your family and the utilities are all included,” she said.

When Reese realized she would have a safe and secure home plus all the furniture and household items she would need, “I just cried. The community came through big-time,” she said.

Clement said a local team came up with a list of needed household items for each apartment and asked members of the community to “adopt” an apartment at a cost of $350 each to supply items such as pots and pans and dishes for new residents.

“Within four days all the apartments were adopted and people still wanted to help. So we got a big fancy grill, supplies for the community area like a coffee pot, computers for the computer lab from the school district, exercise equipment for the exercise room and local artists donated artwork,” Clement explained.

The building even has a life-skills classroom and a meeting room, which is open for use by the public.

First Stitches, which has stores in Canon City and Pueblo, galvanized local quilting groups and were able to donate a new quilt for each apartment. On the way are five sewing machines which Clement said can be used to teach residents to sew and, perhaps even, create something they can sell to generate income.

For resident Jimmy White, 68, and his dog Tank, 13, a tiny Chihuahua he jokingly describes as, “48 ounces of fury,” living in the new apartment is a vast improvement over the 17 months they spent living in his van. He ended up homeless when his roommate who was renting him a room was evicted.

“I had two dogs that didn’t weigh 20 pounds put together but no one would rent to me so what are you going to do? I lived in my van,” he said.

“I could not park anywhere for long without someone calling the police. I always had to keep moving and I’m too old for that crap,” he said.

For the first time since he got divorced 25 years ago, he has a place to call his own. Now down to one dog, he and Tank can live comfortably off his Social Security income.

“Tank loves it here just like his daddy. I pay 30 percent of my income for rent and I can pay my car insurance, gas for the van and my cellphone and still save a little,” he said.

The retired design and draftsman even has room for a table where he can tinker with his hobby of designing and building tiny models of barns, windmills and other whimsical creations.

“When I came here I could not believe it. I am pre-diabetic so I have improved my diet from living on the street, I sleep better — it’s great having my own place,” he said.

White said people like Clement and Central Colorado Housing specialist Amanda Allen, “have been just great.”

Clement said by following the Housing First model, the ministry helps the homeless with shelter first then it allows their focus to change to other issues such as employment, dealing with mental health issues and strengthening family ties.

Clement said when she heard of Gov. John Hickenlooper’s housing summit she organized a team that included the Department of Human Services, Sol Visa Health, the Central Colorado Housing Authority and Loaves and Fishes with the goal of trying to bring homeless housing to Canon City.

Clement said “people didn’t think it could happen — they told me these kind of complexes don’t get built in rural communities but, maybe I am naive but, I thought, I’ve got to try.”

After 15 years of working with the homeless, the past three with the goal of opening Journey Home, she has succeeded with a big boost from partner Cardinal Capitol Management, which stepped up to the plate to fund the project in exchange for state tax credits.

The public is invited to celebrate the Journey Home grand opening at 2 p.m. July 24. The event will feature a program, refreshments and tours.


The Final Critical Steps of Preparation

The Final Critical Steps of Preparation

At this moment, we are being held in the embrace of a rare Eclipse Series that is assisting Humanity and Mother Earth through the final steps of preparation prior to the activation of the consciousness codes within the DNA of the Millennials and the children.

Please join us for this critical facet of our Father-Mother God’s newly initiated Divine Plan.


patricia-cota-robles-2Patricia is cofounder and president of the nonprofit, educational organization New Age Study of Humanity’s Purpose, which sponsors the Annual World Congress On Illumination.

Patricia was a marriage and family counselor for 20 years. She now spends her time freely sharing the information she is receiving from the Beings of Light in the Realms of Illumined Truth. This is accomplished through her weekly on-line radio program, website, webinars, books, CDs, DVDs, e-mail articles, and the free seminars she offers throughout the United States.

The Divine Intent of these Celestial Sharings is to give Humanity greater insight, encouragement, clarity, and understanding, as we progress through these wondrous but often challenging times on Earth.

Please visit her website at to subscribe to her free newsletter and to learn of many no cost offerings and products created to support awakening.

To Listen Replay Please go to the following link.

Patricia Cota Robles Live


You are much more powerful than any planetary phenomenon and when you go within nothing can affect your vibration and being.

Hello,these past days i have been witnessing extreme energies touching everything around me and for those who are not doing any meditative work on them self it has been very hard indeed.These are the moments that we need to keep our vibration high enough and not identify with what we see,proceed in F.E.A.R mode :Face Evidence And Rise. And so today i am going to share my experience with you:Feeling the energies getting stronger especially with the Full Moon Eclipse tomorrow,i felt it is time to isolate myself,find Mother’s Love within,you know this warm feeling of Peace and Serenity where you become aware that All Is One and That We Are The Creators of Our Reality.And so i took my bike and went for a 4 hour cycling in nature and meditation.The fresh air in my lungs and the prolonged exercise helped me raise my vibration to a much higher level than usually.On the way back,it started to rain.It was this beautiful warm rain,very refreshing for the local temperatures now in North of Greece.And so,at some point being completely wet,i made a stop under a tree to dry myself and i sat there for a while just watching the empty space between the trees.It felt like a deja vu.I felt like being in the past in the period of Roman Empire.The rain,the smell of it and of the trees,the purity of the air and some memory from most probably past life coming through.These kind of Deja Vu,keep on coming also in my dream states,sometimes it is more futuristic,more playful,more fun and sometimes more dramatic.And so what i always do,when i feel that there is a drama being played out i call upon the Angels and Archangels ,especially AA Michael with his blue sword and i blaze the violet fire of Saint Germain to release once and for all memories or experiences in daily life that no longer serve me.I see the whole space where i am staying being into violet and blue fire,keeping away all negative energies once and for all.I hope this sharing helps you a little more to keep your vibration high tomorrow and in August as we enter The Lion’s Gate and many meteorites rains are taking place that are really affecting greatly our consciousness.And all this can be received in fun way,just like i do with ease and grace or more in a dramatic way just i observe many around me.Do not participate in their dramas.Be a Beacon of Light and just send them Love and Violet Fire.That is truly being in service for The Highest Good for all.And always keep in mind that You are much more powerful than any planetary phenomenon and when you go within nothing can affect your vibration and being.

Love,Light and Blessings,
