What to eat,shall i eat?with all the Ascension energies pouring through, there is little room left for choices of food as far as IAM concerned.If i eat any cooked foods,i feel my body needs extra energy to digest them which makes me kind of sleepy and not at the high top i like to be vibrationally, as it is in this state that i deliver and can be my highest version of all that i can be,do or have.So,while keeping my diet to a minimum high vibrational whole foods,i like to have fun with what i eat,it is all about joy and satisfaction, right?right.There are plenty of recipes to be found on the internet,to keep tummy satisfied and also remain high vibrational all day and night long.
Of course food and drinks,is not everything,meditation and exercising the body, being in nature and always always being aware of the now moment brings us with ease and grace smoothly to the next upgrade of Energies.Yep,it is an ongoing thing and we got to make Ascension normal by making sure to live a holistic (fun laughing dancing) lifestyle as we enter 5D-New Earth Reality which btw it is the only way to enter into that state/dimension.Joy is everything.
Meditate with Joy and laughter and dance here
Will everybody be able to ascend in their bodies?all 7 billion people?my deepest wish for all them that it may be so,we ‘ve been praying collectively and keep on doing so,thanks to the amazing work of Patricia Cota Robles that you may find here i see the Light taking control in everything and for sure things are much better now than only few years, months and weeks ago even if what it seems to be out there is the exact opposite.It all makes sense from a higher perspective when one realises that older cells carrying memories from the past are being released bringing forward all kind of no longer needed memories and one of the best ways to deal with them is to burn them into the Violet Fire of Saint Germain.You may find information how here.
Use these powerful affirmations daily and any second they are needed.
There is only God operating here and anything that is less that is not of the unconditional unlimited love of Mother Father God is not allowed to penetrate my/our field 3 x.
IAM my IAM Presence and IAM with The IAM presence of All Humanity.
Transmute ,Transmute by the violet fire all causes and cores not of God’s desire,
IAM a being of cause along, that cause is Love,the sacred tone x3
So here comes the cherry on top of the cake
Raw Vegan Snickers:
For the chocolate
- 1 cup organic coconut oil (melted/liquid)
- 1/2 cup organic raw cacao powder
- 1/4 cup organic maple syrup
For the caramel
- 1 cup organic medjool dates
- 3 tablespoons organic maple syrup (or raw organic honey for non-vegan)
- 2 tablespoons organic peanut butter (or almond butter)
- 1/2 teaspoon pink himalayan salt
- 2 tablespoons organic coconut oil
- 1 1/2 teaspoon organic vanilla extract
For the filling
- 1 cup organic peanuts
Step 1 Place the caramel ingredients in a food processor and process until smooth (stopping to scrap the sides).
Place the chocolate ingredients into a medium sized bowl and stir until smooth.
Put a thick layer of chocolate on the bottom of your mold, muffin cups, etc.
Put a layer of caramel mixture (patting down with your fingers).
Add a layer of peanuts (gently pushing down into the caramel).
Add a final layer of chocolate to completely coat the top.
Place in the freezer for approximately 30 minutes or until hardened.
Store in the freezer until you are ready to eat/serve (they will melt at room temperature).
www.thehealthyfamilyandhome.com The Healthy Family and Home
Recipe inspiration: Original Snickers Bar (SNICKERS® Brand ®/™ SNICKERS and the SNICKERS Parallelogram are registered trademarks of Mars, Inc. ©Mars, Incorporated)
Recipe source: https://www.damyhealth.com/2012/10/raw-homemade-snickers-bar/