Before posting this channeling i want to add :Divine Mother Give Gas!!!Thank You!!!

Hi chaps. So, I am going to keep this as bright and sunny as I can. A month ago, you said the Announcement you have been speaking of would be before the US elections. You are down to your last week now and of course, my buttons are being pushed as to whether or not this will take place, at all?
Welcome to you, Blossom, and to those confident in our words to KNOW THAT WE ARE WHO WE SAY WE ARE … AND WE MEAN WHAT WE SAY.
Ok. Then for today, I will neither hinder nor hamper and allow you the benefit of the doubt, as we do have ten days and, well, anything could happen!
Indeed Blossom. In a nutshell, it is to be that those who confide in us … those, who like you, are ‘hoping’ for the change … will not be disappointed.
Oh, I have no doubt the change is happening. I just question your timing because let’s face it, you’ve thrown me some real spinners in the past. Yet, here I am … still!
So, shall we then, look at this?
I’m all eyes!
In terms of that which we have offered over the last 15 years in which we have engaged in conversation … it is less than the digits on one hand that you have questioned … is that correct?
A lot more, yet, other matters got sorted [out] for me.
Do you not consider that to be acceptable?
Nope! Because the two things in question were HUGE! The 2008 incident and the Pillars of Light in 2011. Now, folk can say all they like … and so can you yet, for me, if the Announcement isn’t revealed before the elections … well … let’s walk in my shoes for a moment … what would you do?
Dearest Blossom, we do not feel it appropriate to answer that. Maybe ask the same question should that scenario occur?
So, by that, you are saying that the Announcement is to come within the next 10 days?
We are.
How can you be so sure?
Because we know what it entails and what it involves and it is necessary to take place BEFORE decisions are made.
Ok. I shall keep going on this. You see, our time and you, with no time, doesn’t always seem to tally regarding particular events and TRUST is a very delicate issue amongst the closest of friends, which after 15 years and all we have been through, I consider us to be.
So, do you TRUST us, Blossom?
As Divine Beings of Light, yes. Regarding your accuracy on time frames … not so sure. I was so bold when you said about an announcement and the 2nd lockdown and the Five Phases. I told myself to TRUST and TRUST I did.
And in Truth … I TRUST WHITE CLOUD deeply, so if it was that you were a bit of a ‘diversion from the Truth’ as many over the years have suggested, I feel sure he would have ‘warned me’.
So, shall we just wait and see then?
What else is there to do?
Trust a little deeper in order to relieve your anxiety?
Let us ask you this … if we were there in the room with you right now … would you Trust us more?
Because you would be speaking words out of your mouth, not working with me in this telepathic form.
Yet what would make you believe that what we say is the TRUTH … just because words were coming out of our mouths?
Because I would have you there, first hand … and pick up on your Energy. There you see … I knew what we were leading up to!
Indeed Blossom … Our Energy. Our Energy of Truth and Love. Do you not feel this when we are ‘thoughtfully’ speaking with you now?
Yes. Yes, I do. Like White Cloud, you have only ever shown Love. Never once have I ‘felt’ one iota of anything other than compassion and understanding and giving of your wisdom to assist us.
So why is it different if we were in the flesh?
You really want me to answer that?
Yes … please.
Because … it just is.
And now we shall play ball with you as you do with us. We would say … not a good enough answer.
Ok … because if you were sitting here telling me all this …
Yes …
I would know it was coming from you and not … me … or … some mind-controlled microwaves making channeller’s out to be ‘oddballs’ and totally full of ‘air’.
So, is it then that you are questioning who we are?
I will be if there is no announcement before 3rd Nov!!
Blossom, our beloved and mystifying soul who we know only desires to make sure the TRUTH is given, as White Cloud has also said … we are not fortune-tellers.
Then why give us a time frame for an Announcement, etc?
Would you find it hard to take if we said because you pushed us to do so?
Nope. I can take that. It’s True. We down here are so desperate to know what the **** is going on … underneath it all, behind the scenes. We need the hope to continue on. I know you know, how many write in saying they are on the verge of giving up because they are so tired?
Yes. We know of this and those in other realms do much to try and assist on an individual routine to help such souls.
So, you see … yes … we have spoken of a HUGE ANNOUNCEMENT TO COME and of a 2nd lockdown … and of Five Phases … because it is on the cards. We are not making this up out of thin air to satisfy you.
We are succeeding in many ways of Enlightenment and Encouraging so many to awaken, which after all, is ‘Our’ particular mission.
Yet, you DO KNOW of what lies ahead in terms of changes and what is to come about? Because it is part of the Divine Plan … Correct?
Blossom … we thank you for your inquiries and perseverance for we know many feel as you and have questions that are so similar to yours.
WE … THE FEDERATION OF LIGHT are not in form … unless required. We do not use words for they are inadequate … WE USE ENERGY AND FEELING.
Isn’t it who we all are?
Excellent observation! Indeed, it is. Yet, as you know … there are many, many levels, frequencies, and Vibrations in which LOVE AND ITS ENERGY can reside.
And it ‘aint Vibrating too high down here right now, that’s for sure!
Yet, Each One of you are changing that … that’s why you are ‘there’!
Yep. My heart can get that. So, back to the ‘not’ being fortune-tellers yet, knowing what’s going on?
We KNOW the outcome of this ‘Drama’. We do not question it for it is not questionable.
YOU KNOW THAT … do you not?
With respect, only because You and White Cloud have told us. One wouldn’t have an inkling going by the state of affairs down here.
Do you believe us on that particular matter?
Yes … eh … maybe … eh … yes … perhaps. Yet, is it because I WANT THAT HOPE … because if we didn’t have that … we are certainly doomed!
Where does your hope lie?
Am I supposed to say ‘ in your words?’
Say what is TRUE for you. Where does your hope lie?
In the strangest KNOWING, deep within. In the weirdest acceptance of BEING HERE for a reason. Yes, you have said this, yet, there is a KNOWING that is inexplicable. It’s like a sort of secret within me, and the recognizing of such ‘somewhere’ in my Being.
And so, if the announcement was not to happen in the following week … and we are not back-peddling … we are speaking hypothetically … would that KNOWING of your mission disappear?
Probably not. Yet, I would not be a happy bunny! Let me prepare you for that right now!
We come to guide you … because we Love you.
We understand you want us to return to the matter in hand.
Yep. Let’s go for it, shall we? Like Big time? At this stage in The Game … are you still happy to say that a Huge Announcement will be given out before the US elections?
We will repeat … It is on the cards.
Yet, not written in the stars? Don’t even know what that means, really.
We are also unsure, yet take it to believe ‘not concrete?’
Yes, I guess so.
Let us say then … the road has been prepared, and the tar poured. All is in place yet, awaiting it to set.
*!^+? OK!
What parting words would be most appropriate today?
Eh … try… … … Nope! I have none either.
Far out! That’s unusual! Yet, came through so clearly. Meaning, I believe … ‘God’s blessing on your journey/ new adventure’ … type thing.
Correct … WE LOVE YOU.
And I/we love you … In Gratitude In Loving service. I AM .