Ashtar: “Come Fly with Us to Help Raise the Consciousness!”
Ashtar On The Road Conference Call – April 25, 2017
“Greetings, Beloved Family! Well! If you didn’t know it before, feel the shifting that’s going on right now – it’s exponentially increasing in every moment, in every nano-second as you measure time. And this is no accident! This is exactly the way that it needs to proceed. Momentum is to be continually increasing, like the dominoes falling, picture that – the veritable cascade of falling dominoes all over the World – not just in the United States of America, and we want to make that very clear.
“Yes, we chose to show a ship in conjunction with the Statue of Liberty and there will be pictures of that, because that is symbolic of where Planet Earth is going to. It’s not just, you know, ‘give me your wretched, your poor, etc., etc.’ – just words that sound lovely but don’t really have meaning. We’re talking about putting the Truth into those words! We’re talking about the Statue of Liberty becoming a Worldwide symbol, or representation, of the High frequencies of Freedom and Peace and all that springs from Love.
“And we’re talking about it beginning within each and every Heart, and going out through the community and eventually joining, so it’s not a gridwith bright Lights anymore, and if you want to visualize it, picture that grid filling in so that there are bright Lights everywhere – not just connections between the Lights. How does that look? Is it not absolutely beautiful? Because that, Beloved Ones, is how we see Planet Earth as it reaches the first of many – but the first real significant destination in the Higher vibrations!
“Now, we see it because it’s already happened. It’s multi-dimensional, you know. And so it is that on the Higher levels it’s already a done deal, as you might say. But we do understand that you have the limitations of the human perspective. That is still very real, and a part of your reality. What it is for you to do is to rise up and out of that, and as you do that, then, of course, you can take the World with you, as its consciousness rises!
“Now, even when consciousness is High, there have been some dips and drops. We want to talk to you about your perspectives. There are different – let’s just say locations of perspective from which you can view or assimilate information about what’s going on in the World. And this is wherever you want to place your focus in every moment, so it changes and shifts!!!
“But now, if you want to view what is going on in 3D, we really advise you to look at it from a Higher perspective, because if you don’t, as you know, it is easy to get drawn in to the low energies. For instance, you see a story of some violence and what does that do for you? Well, if you’re in the High perspective, you look at it and you say, ‘Thank goodness, this is another opportunity to see what needs to change,’ – not ‘thank goodness’ for the event that happened, but some Gratitude for the opportunity to see what there is to change!
“On the other hand, you can get drawn into the low frequencies of it and bring in some fear into yourselves. We don’t recommend that, but it’s your choice. And we are not judging, condemning or blaming in any sense of the word, wherever your focus happens to be because, as I have said, your focus is constantly changing. That is, the focus that you are consciously aware of within your conscious beings. So if you are taking yourselves up into Higher vibrations, you will have the same perspective upon these events as I, Ashtar, and all of the other ones of us who are not confined to the human bodies. That makes you more powerful to empower the changes that need to be made!!! Think about that!
“When you are in those High vibrations, you are a much more powerful being! You are acknowledging, first of all, your Divinity, or the LoveLight within you, and you are in a position to utilize it. Let us say that you do see something on your screens or you read something that is a story of violence. You can temper it within your own beings by simply being in the High place enough to send the LoveLight through yourself and then send the LoveLight to everyone who is involved. And send it out to the World with your message that we need to change this! We need to come together in our Hearts. We need to join in Community so that these kinds of events do not happen anymore. And that’s another way of saying, ‘Let’s raise up and get out of this 3D programming,’ which is like an endless loop, you know. It’s been going on for eons of time. And we know that you are perfectly willing to be up, up and out of it!
“So let’s join together with these energies and accomplish it. We are so close! This NESARA Announcement, for instance, is a HUGE step upward – forward, yes, into the Light, but upward in the sense of bringing Higher Dimensional Governance – Divine Governance and all that that means to Planet Earth! I’m not here to suggest to you that this is going to change things overnight. But wait a minute! What it’s going to do is immediately spike up the consciousness!!! You may have heard of the Schumann Resonance. Well, that’s what I’m talking about because that measures the consciousness. And NESARA’s Announcement is going to be met with a variety of responses.
“And so, the more that you, Beloveds – let’s call you ‘Ground Crew members’ – can do to help prepare Planet Earth for NESARA’s Announcement, the more the Consciousness will spike up and remain Higher than it is in this moment!!! That gives it more power to keep on going. And what is that empowering anyway? Well, the return to Love, the Homecoming, the Ascension, the Divine Governance in all matters of World Lifestyles, again emphasizing that NESARA is the official key to the door of the Golden Age, if you wish. And it’s for everyone on Planet Earth, not just the United States of America!
“Now, this concept has been tied to something that some are calling GESARA, and that, in turn, is tied to financial investments – arbitrage – which has been a way of life but will not be, because all currencies are going to be equal and there will be no more betting on the stock markets and so on and so on. That’s gone with NESARA!
“And there are many, many other ‘facts of life,’ as you might want to call them – programs that have been followed and adhered to and, in turn, vehicles of enslavement and so on. We’ve been all over that. We don’t need to go into that again. Those are going to disappear. The consciousness will spike up just because the Announcement gets made. But it’s empowering the Announcement that is our Mission as Ashtar On The RoadFamily!!! And so we invite you to look at it from that perspective and continue to participate in whatever way or ways you feel to do. Continue lifting yourselves up for whatever reason, remembering that this is ultimately your destination which is your Birthright – which is why you came into these bodies – into this lifetime anyway!
“So if all roads are leading to the Golden Age – forget Rome – go for the Golden Age! Oh, you can visit Rome if you want to, but after NESARA’s Announcement, it’s going to be greatly changed and in a much Higher vibration, as is every location Worldwide. And you will get up into the places where we will have transportation for you around Planet Earth – and beyond!
“There is already that technology, and you are well aware of it And we, in the Ashtar Command, have what we will call ‘superior technology.’ This is not a judgment – this is a statement of fact! And so we will be able to, as you might say, ‘roll out’ this technology, and many others, as soon as we are officially disclosed and acknowledged. And that day is coming very, verysoon because as we decloak, or uncloak, as we meet with World leaders, the reality of our existence and our true intentions are becoming known to many, many more!!!
“And so it is that we are becoming more and more acquainted with you. There is a much Beloved Woman in San Francisco who has accepted the Mission of making not only our existence real, but our willingness, with eagerness, to connect and communicate and commune with you! More about that later.
“In the meantime, come on up to the ships when you want to lift up, and come on up to the Bridge. You have a boarding pass here; you have a boarding pass to Sekhmet’s ship. Come up to your own ships! Sit in your pilots’ seats. Do these things to help bring them in to wherever – or I shall say – whatever level Planet Earth and Humanity and all of Mother Gaia’s kingdoms are occupying, because there are many, many levels. You heard our Beloved Reporters* talk about people who are going to and from 5D, going back and forth. And this is reality! Make it your reality, more and more!
“And so we have all of these opportunities unfolding at Light speed – Lighten-ing speed – and we simply invite you to broaden your perspectives, or open them even more. And this is a Heart-based kind of an endeavor. And be all that you came here to be. And see and know and feel all that you came here for, and then share it. That, Beloved Ones, is our Mission! And we will be even more in evidence as these Announcements get made!!! And along with the ships, we will be bringing wondrous technologies – some of them are already here!
“And we, ourselves, are already participating in major clean-ups, of radioactivity and toxicities and so on and so on – chemtrails in particular. Yes, they may be putting the chemtrails out, but we are neutralizing their contents in, I shall say, large numbers, or percentage of the time – more often than not! It is still necessary to leave some evidence intact, if you know what I’m saying, but for the most part, we are neutralizing. So do your part. Clear out whatever you’ve got in the way of 3D program residues and let’s fly together!!! And so we thank you all for being here in this Gathering most Divine – High vibes and happy flying to all! And so it is. Salut!”
*Tara and Rama – Link to Conference Call recording:https://fccdl.in/ZV9MOnTzq (Tr anscript to follow.)
Transcription by Marta.
Given through Susan Leland, April 25, 2017. www.AshtarontheRoad.com
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