by Patricia Cota-Robles
March 13, 2022
The Beings of Light in the Realms of Illumined Truth are revealing to us that there is a very positive shift taking place within the hearts and minds of billions of people all over the World as we watch with shock and horror the events unfolding in Ukraine. Humanity’s collective focus of attention on the unconscionable pain and suffering being inflicted on our Sisters and Brothers is cracking open people’s Hearts in previously unknown ways. This is Creating a collective Cup of Consciousness through which Humanity’s overwhelming invocations for Divine Love, Peace, Mercy, Compassion and Cosmic Forgiveness are now being answered. Every person’s I AM Presence is activating our Inner Knowing and our Remembrance of the Oneness of ALL Life. The accelerated Awakening of the masses is now moving to the next level. This is Creating the sacred space for an influx of Divine Intervention beyond the greatest expectations of Heaven which will take place during the March Equinox. The following is what the Company of Heaven has told us about this Divine Intervention. Now that we have had a few weeks to assimilate the powerful influx of Cosmic Forgiveness we received during the Olympic Games in February, and the incredible Light we were blessed with as we simultaneously Ascended through the Aquarian Gateway, the way has been cleared for the next step in Mother Earth’s greatly accelerated Ascension process.
The Company of Heaven is sharing that Mother Earth’s Planetary Grid of Divine Love, which Lightworkers have been Cocreating for over 50 years, is now ready and able to withstand NEW and Infinitely Higher pulsations of our Father-Mother God’s Divine Love.
Through the unified efforts of Heaven and Earth this Planet reached a frequency of vibration in 2001 that allowed our Father-Mother God to Breathe into our Planetary Grid of Divine Love the highest aspect of their Love that Humanity had ever been able to safely receive. That aspect of Divine Love is known throughout all Creation as the Flame of Transfiguring Divine Love. For the past 21 years Mother Earth’s Planetary Grid of Transfiguring Divine Love has been blessing all Life on this Planet and assisting Humanity in wondrous ways in our Awakening process. Now, due to the seemingly miraculous shifts that have taken place recently within the Earthly Bodies of Humanity, the Elemental Kingdom and Mother Earth, we are vibrating at a frequency of Light that will allow our Father-Mother God to safely Breathe into our Planetary Grid of Transfiguring Divine Love an Infinitely Higher Frequency of their Love which is known through all Creation as Comprehensive Divine Love.God’s Comprehensive Divine Love not only incorporates Transfiguring Divine Love, it Infinitely Transcends that frequency of Light and lifts Humanity into higher frequencies of God’s Love than we have ever been able to experience. In 2021, Lightworkers Cocreated a Quantum Field of the very gentle, initial frequencies of Comprehensive Divine Love for the very first time. That Forcefield of Light has been softly embracing the Earth preparing every particle and wave of Life at a cellular level for the influx of Light that will bathe the Earth during the upcoming Equinox which will take place March 20-21, 2022. The Company of Heaven has given us an Activity of Light that will initiate the mighty feat of recalibrating Mother Earth’s Planetary Grid of Divine Love from a frequency of Transfiguring Divine Love into the awesome pulsations of our Father-Mother God’s Comprehensive Divine Love. This influx of Light will be intensified as we move through the days preceding, during and following the March Equinox. The Beings of Light asked me to share with you that the PHYSICAL IMAGE of Mother Earth’s Planetary Grid of Divine Love, which is available on our website, will not change in visible form with this powerful energetic upgrade. However, they assure us that very single physical image of this Grid of Light is energetically connected directly to Mother Earth’s Grid of Divine Love. This means that every image of this Planetary Grid no matter where it is on the Planet will be simultaneously elevated and permanently secured in the Transcendent pulsations of God’s Comprehensive Divine Love as we are Guided through this Activity of Light by our I AM Presence and the Company of Heaven.
I AM Cocreating Earth’s Planetary Grid of Comprehensive Divine Love
I AM Breathing in and out deeply and I AM focusing the full power of my attention and my Divine Intentions on this Activity of Light as I go within to the Divinity of my Heart Flame. I AM my I AM Presence and I AM One with the I AM Presence of every man, woman and child on Earth. Collectively Humanity’s I AM Presences now merge into One Luminous Being of Light that is cradling Mother Earth and ALL Life evolving upon her within the Divinity of our Unified Heart Flames. As One Voice, One Breath, One Heartbeat and One Energy, Vibration and Consciousness of pure Divine Love I invoke my Father-Mother God and the Legions of Light throughout Infinity. Beloved Ones, come forth NOW! I AM One with ALL of these magnificent Forces of Light. Through my sincere Heart Call, these selfless Messengers of God have joyously come to help Humanity’s Collective I AM Presence elevate Mother Earth’s Planetary Grid of Transfiguring Divine Love into the brand NEW frequencies and Divine Pulsations of our Father-Mother God’s Comprehensive Divine Love. This Gift of Divine Love from our God Parents will build in momentum during the days leading up to, during and following the Opening of the Portal of Light that will expand to full breadth during the Equinox on March 20-21, 2022. Because of the life-transforming shifts that have taken place within Humanity’s Earthly Bodies during the past few years, this awesome frequency of God’s Comprehensive Divine Love is now accessible for every man, woman and child on Earth. This powerful influx of Light will be calibrated into Mother Earth’s Planetary Grid through every person’s fully integrated I AM Presence and the newly restored Immortal Victorious Threefold Flame in every Heart. Beloved Legions of Light, I ask that you gather up every electron of precious Life energy being expended by Humanity during this sacred time. Purify this energy with the power and might of a thousand Suns using the new 5th-Dimensional Solar Frequencies of the Violet Flame of God’s Cosmic Forgiveness. Weave this purified energy into the collective Cup of Humanity’s Consciousness, so that every electron of precious Life energy released by the Sons and Daughters of God on Earth during this time frame will be used to recalibrate Mother Earth’s Planetary Grid into the highest possible frequencies of our Father-Mother God’s Comprehensive Divine Love.
Beloved Father-Mother God, in order for Humanity to God Victoriously accomplish this Holy Endeavor, I ask that you now Breathe the highest frequencies of Prana and Life Force that Humanity is capable of receiving through every person’s Holy Breath. Now, as this exquisite Holy Breath bathes the Earth with every Breath Humanity takes, it is releasing NEW greatly expanded patterns of Unity Consciousness, Oneness and Reverence for All Life from Mother Earth’s new contingency plan. With every Holy Breath these new patterns are now being encoded through Humanity’s Collective I AM Presence into the Heart and Conscious Mind of every person on Earth. This is Awakening the masses of Humanity to a new and Infinitely higher level of Consciousness. Humanity’s Collective I AM Presence now COMMANDS with One Voice: “I AM the Cup, the Holy Grail, through which the highest possible frequencies of our Father-Mother God’s Comprehensive Divine Love is now flowing to recalibrate Mother Earth’s Planetary Grid System into a Planetary Grid of Comprehensive Divine Love. With every Holy Breath this NEW and exquisite frequency of God’s Love is being permanently encoded into Mother Earth’s Planetary Grid and will elevate every person’s Lightwork to new levels of God’s Infinite Perfection. This frequency of Divine Love will amplify every person’s Lightwork one thousand fold every single day, thus exponentially empowering Humanity’s ability to add to the Light of the World in ways beyond anything the Sons and Daughters of God have ever experienced. And so it is.” Now, resonating in every Heart Flame is the profound Truth that Mother Earth’s newly recalibrated Planetary Grid of Comprehensive Divine Love is the Bridge to Freedom over which this blessed Planet and ALL her Life are now Ascending into the highest 5th-Dimensional Realms of Perfection that we have ever known. With every Holy Breath, Humanity’s Collective I AM Presence now Breathes into the Mental and Emotional Strata of Earth the resplendent patterns of perfection for Mother Earth’s new contingency plan as we decree: I AM the CAUSE of God’s Comprehensive Divine Love now permanently secured in Mother Earth’s Planetary Grid. With every Elevated Holy Breath, I AM activating the basic spiritual forces of God’s Comprehensive Divine Love over which Mother Earth and ALL her Life are now Ascending into the 5th-Dimensional Crystalline frequencies of the New Earth. Our Father-Mother God’s Comprehensive Love is now thriving on Earth through Humanity’s Collective I AM Presence. Through this Activity of Light, Humanity, the Elemental Kingdom and Mother Earth are being raised into a higher frequency of Supreme Love Consciousness. I AM now the Master of Love I was always destined to be. I AM a Being of Love, accepting responsibility for Loving this sweet Earth and ALL her Life FREE. I AM One with this Blessed Planet and Mother Earth is One with me. I AM now being permanently invested with a more powerful Forcefield of God’s Comprehensive Divine Love than I have ever been able to previously receive. This Forcefield of Infinite Light is enabling me to reach a Higher Order of Service as I AM Called now to amplify the Light I AM adding to the World. Beloved Father-Mother God and the Legions of Light who have assisted the Evolutions of Earth this sacred and holy day, I accept that this Activity of Light has been God Victoriously accomplished and will build in power and might with every Holy Breath I take.
And so it is!
Beloved I AM, Beloved I AM, Beloved I AM That I AM.
Dear One, please hold this powerful Activity of Light in your Heart Flame and empower it with every Holy Breath you take from this moment until it is God Victoriously accomplished following the March Equinox.

If you are interested in having an image of Mother Earth’s Planetary Grid of Comprehensive Divine Love to bless your home or sacred space they are available on our website.
POSTER: God’s Planetary Grid of Comprehensive Divine Love
COASTER: God’s Planetary Grid of Comprehensive Divine Love
God Bless You,
Patricia Cota-Robles
Era of Peace
PO Box 17446, Tucson, Arizona 85731-7446, Phone: 520-885-7909
Fax: 520-347-5440
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©2022 Patricia Cota-Robles