February 23, 2020, shantagabriel.com
Sometimes it is just simply enough for us to be grateful for where we are at this moment in time. We seem so driven to be looking ahead, striving for the next door to open that will allow us to accomplish our future goals.
There is a part of us that really wants to know what our next step is, especially when we are in the spacious time in between what we have accomplished and our forward movement into the future.
It is often difficult to appreciate this spacious time when we don’t feel productive. However, it is exactly this space that allows us to nourish ourselves and fill our inner cups with more fun, more time in Nature, and more celebration with friends and family.
We need to have this space so we can reconnect to our inner source to rejuvenate and open to inner guidance. This inner spaciousness helps us integrate what we have learned, and is a true blessing, no matter how much we wish it were different.
Archangel Gabriel has suggested that our worrying, wanting and wishing slows down our ability to receive. There is always inspiration available from the Divine flow of Wellbeing, Wonder and Wholeness but we only have access to these gifts when we allow ourselves to receive. In this time of spaciousness, there is a creative flow that can connect us to the deep wellspring of Abundant Life within us at all times.

This level of Abundant flow is so expansive and inspiring that it can help me to remember that anything is possible. Inspiration opens my mind and heart. It also raises my vibrational frequencies so I have an expanded perspective on my life and feel much lighter. I can listen more deeply to my Higher Self, and allow the spark of creativity to open my consciousness.
When I take this sacred time regularly, honoring the spaciousness, there is clarity about when to take action in all areas of my life.
Being grateful for where I am now and opening to receive is such a powerful teaching for living in 5D life. This process brings in a beautiful element of the Sacred Feminine when I wait for guidance to be received before I bring action to life. My Soul’s voice within my Higher Self communicates through my heart.
When I pay attention to this voice, my heart’s intelligence speaks with greater authority, and I am able to hear its wisdom with more clarity. I allow myself the space to receive in order to experience the Divine Timing inherent in this process of letting my heart inspire me into action.
Divine Presence,
Thank you for opening my heart to the support and love that is available to me at all times. Please help me to integrate all that I have learned within my being so I can use these lessons to empower my life. I know that even when I am not actively paying attention, you are working with me, guiding my way, and I AM Grateful.
I willingly commit to listening to my Soul’s voice with greater dedication. I ask my Higher Self to inspire me to pay attention to the guidance that is being offered from Source. Help me to remember that I need to slow down and breathe to receive the wisdom within me.
I AM now creating space within me to receive in a greater way ~ receiving inner guidance, receiving more love, and receiving the support that is available to me in all areas of my life. I recognize clearly that I AM never alone. I ask to be more aware and accept the presence of my support system on Earth as it is in Heaven.
For my life, for all I have received and all that I have learned, I AM grateful. And so it is.

Shanta Gabriel
February 23, 2020