by Shanta Gabriel, October 27, 2019, ShantaGabriel.com
The Gabriel Message Card for this Week ~
Accept that you are a Radiant Spirit of Light who is growing stronger every day in patterns of wholeness and truth.
It seems to me that most of us are very critical of ourselves. Have you noticed this? Honestly, if criticizing myself unmercifully could have brought me into a perfected state, I would have been enlightened long ago.
There are some real difficulties with this type of behavior, some more obvious than others. The most important aspect for me is that it lowers my vibrational frequency to think in negative ways. My intention at this time is to create as high a frequency as possible, because it is from this level that opportunities become obvious and miracles occur.
We just cannot afford to allow ourselves to sink into the old forms of stinkin’ thinkin.’ We don’t have time for that. Especially when we are in this powerful new life, where unlimited possibility exists in the quantum fields around us.
It is our thoughts and the feelings they create that attract all the Beauty and Well-being that we need to be happy.

We also don’t deserve to be treated with less than love and compassion. We need to go out of our way to see our inherent value and recognize the many gifts we have that make our contribution important to the world.
No one has the specific talents and gifts that we have been given, and this makes us especially unique and valuable. I spent most of my life trying to be a chameleon who fit into whatever color someone else wanted me to be. Have you tried that? It does not work.
Did you hear about the chameleon who continuously changed colors to be what others wanted him to be? He thought it was working until the day he crawled onto plaid. The moral of the story is, trying to please everyone can make you feel crazy!
Each of us has the radiant spark of God’s Light within us and is following the soul’s impulse to grow and become our most True, Divine and Authentic self. This is who we came on Earth to be, and this is who we truly are.
We are here to blend our human qualities with our most Divine gifts so that we can be a bridge between Heaven and Earth. The whole being that we are becoming has been called Homo Luminus — a human being of Light.
We each have moments when we can see our true essence and sit in the wonder of that. Most of the time we end up caught in our daily life and we let the truth of those moments slip away. This lowers our frequency, and we start to look at ourselves in less than compassionate ways again.
We need to acknowledge and honor those moments of true clarity and remember that we are a growing, evolving being of Light coming back to our center of balance. We want to raise our vibrational frequency so we can be more resourceful and happy.

Remember how important it is to love and accept all aspects of yourself so you can feel encouraged to grow and thrive in the fullness of your being. Treat yourself with the compassion you would give to a tiny kitten and know how blessed you are to be on Earth right now. You are unique, you are valuable and you are truly loved.
Divine Presence,
May I truly realize how much I have grown and changed in beautiful heart-centered ways. May I honor the new patterns of Well-being I have established within me so my life can be a reflection of this spiritual quality active in the world.
Help me to open my mind and heart to see the radiant spirit within myself and all beings on the planet. Fill me with the Courage I need to thrive in these shifting dimensional frequencies so I can anchor more Love and Light within me, as well as the world.
Thank you for creating an opening to new levels of Freedom, Empowerment and Joy in my life, as well as in the lives of all of humanity. And so it is.
Shanta Gabriel
October 27, 2019