(pissositos = language use by Queen Romana to describe cabal puppets and their minions…the high ones have already been taken out of the picture )
10-2-21 Romana Didulo, Head of State, Canada
During EBS there won’t be social media except Signal & perhaps Telegram.
When the Movie Marathon begins the whole series goes for 8 hours 3 × a day.
[Kat Note: David Wilcock talked about this last year. Q Team have prepared a presentation during the Blackout period where there won’t be anything available to “watch” except what the Patriots stream on all apps: TV, iPad, laptops, computers, iPhones, etc.
What they have prepared is exactly what I have been hearing about for several years: 8 hours of TRUTH information to be streamed 24/7 for however many days Patriots need.]
Romana Didulo cont.:
EBS preparation check
Clean Drinking Water
Food for family & pets
A few tips in dealing with those in Shock / Trauma.
1) check in with yourself first before helping others
a) ask him / her if they would like something to eat or drink
b) IF no response is given it’s fine
The brain is overloaded & many cannot or won’t talk.
c) If you can, try to get him/her to walk with you for fresh air
3) Expect a range of emotions:
Denial, confusion, anger, blaming, sadness, acceptance, etc.
The Pissositos are in full blown panic mode!
They have their minions circulating videos
portraying Martial Law (Military Rule) as something bad
Martial Law is ONLY bad for Pissositos
During Martial Law
Military & Special Forces are there to take out the Pissositos.
It could mean our Military Personnel
are hunting down Pissositos in your area.
When the Power is cut off at night during Martial Law
IF someone knocks at your door – do not open it –
it could be Pissositos looking for a place to hide.
Let me make this very clear
A bioweapon designed to annihilate
children, women & men on Planet Earth is NOT a vaccine.
[Kat note: The mRNA Gene Modifier masquerading as a vaccine is the bioweapon.]
Romana cont.:
I have mentioned this several times before but as Martial Law and EBS are immanent I’ll mention it again.
These unmarked (no flags) Military Aircrafts/Helicopters/Space Crafts are ours.
These Aircrafts and Military personnel belong to the Alliance “Earth Defense Forces”.
The nonsense narrative about another planet colliding with planet Earth is a Deep State / Cabal fear mongering pornography.

There will be Military Working Dogs with the Special Forces.
If you have some extra dog food or treats
it might be nice to help them out.
10-1-21 Romana Didulo, Head of State, Canada
The Deep State/Cabal are out of ammunition.
Their Nuke briefcases scattered around the world
we have them all & they have been deactivated.
That was their last ammunition –
they threatened to Nuke Planet Earth
if we didn’t negotiate with them.
The Cargo Ships not permitted to dock at your Ports
were boarded & inspected –
for hidden Nukes, Adrenochrome, cocaine,
trafficked Children, women & men from around the world, etc.
Please do a final check for your EBS preparation.
-Clean drinking water
-Non-perishable food (canned, dried, crackers, nuts, dried fruit)
-cash (no power no ATM)
-Food for family & 4 legged Family
-Cooking stove or BBQ to cook your food without electricity
-Warm clothes (no heat in the house)
-Toilet Paper for 30 days supply max
Don’t be popping that pop-corn while you’re waiting
it’s for EBS yes, not before
10-2-21 Whiplash347
WW3 Scare Scenario.
All Lights off.

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