Greetings. I am Mira from the Pleiadian high Council. I am still working full-time with the Earth Council. We are busy covering all of the events that are occurring right now. We are diligent and are looking out for the entire populace on the planet. We are bringing it all home, for home is where you need to be. We will make certain you will get there.
We are pleased to see that there is more disclosure about our presence on the Earth, as well as, around the Earth. This will assist in helping people to become more aware of their galactic family, for it is time. You need us and we need you. We have important work to do. We have advanced technology to share with you that will make your lives easier. The Earth will be pleased because the new technology is quiet, like some of your cars. The technology will not run on gasoline. It will use clean and free energy.
You are in for some powerful changes that have been long awaited. In the third dimensional material world everything was about money. Technological advancements were not welcome. Healings of disease were unwelcome. Many have suffered and paid dearly due to greed and selfishness. When you move in to the New Earth and 5th dimensional consciousness, you will live from the heart. Choices will be made for the benefit of all. You will find remarkable treasures that have been buried in the Earth, along with many secrets from the past. Knowledge and information about your true history will be revealed.
Many of you as children believed what you were shown in comic books and other means of communication. You knew it in your heart, therefore, you will not be surprised when the true knowledge is delivered.
Time is moving faster and faster. You are awakening to your greater gifts. Due to your new consciousness and awareness, many portals are opening. This will help facilitate the new changes that will be brought forth. We are working at an accelerated pace so that humanity can shift easily and quickly into the higher consciousness. Many ground crew are already residing in the fifth dimension. They have joy and happiness in their hearts and have learned to rid themselves of fear. They are staying positive and setting examples for others to follow. It is easier than you might have thought to be in this higher consciousness because you are ready. You have been preparing for a long time. You are also weary of the old fears and thought forms. They are obsolete. So now you are easily moving into the new because you have done the work. You are happy and hopeful as you take charge of your new creations for your New World. This is truly a major step forward for your New World.
We are looking forward to the time when we can meet you face-to-face and learn more about you and your planet. We also can’t wait until you can come visit us. It will be delightful for us to take you on our ships and to show you how we live. Many of you have lived before in the Pleiades. Life is easier here. We do not have the stresses that you have had to live with, so I am sure you will enjoy yourselves when you come for a visit. We are masters of harmony and peace. We also like to teach our techniques for higher consciousness after planets ascend. You will see what I mean.
I am pleased to be sharing with you today and sending my love to all of you. I am Mira from the Pleiadian high Council.We are with you!