Trees, Mother God, Mother Gaia 5/12/18
We are the tree kingdom. In days of old, we have been called your dryads and naiads (for we support the trees). For we are in your stories of folklore, but please know that yes, we are very much real, and that yes, we have been watching over you earth ones for such a long time. For before the dark ones came, landing hard on our surface, we communicated with our earth humans quite easily, effortlessly. For we were all one living, breathing organism of light, of love, of creation, of hope, of purpose, of the new creation song that was singing its song through this sector of our universe. Our heartbeats were one with the humans, and we worked together, sharing energy, sharing light, sharing a common purpose.
We trees store memories, like your whale friends store memories within Gaia’s deep oceanic depths. We trees see. We anchor light codes, we remember. We recall how things used to be with our human friends and we delight in the thrill of this return of humanity’s remembrance of their purpose and of their union with Source. We speak in the whispers of the wind through our leaves if you but stop a bit, and rest, and listen. If you tap into our calming deep anchoring into Mother Gaia, you too will feel grounded. We are grounding tools, grounding rods bridging the energy of the Mother earth with that of Father sky, a bridge of memories. We trees wish to reconnect with our human friends again, for that is our joy and wish as we create Nova Gaia together. We trees connect with our 5d counterparts across the rainbow bridge of light. We are bigger there, stronger there, but our love for humanity is the same, and this brings us great delight. Perhaps if you, human friends, would like assistance with your personal anchoring to the new reality, you would like to reconnect with us, the dryads (and naiads) of the trees, and be our friends once again. For we are all a part of the great heartbeat of the Mother. We are all one. We love you human friends. We are the trees.
Hello children, this is Mother God speaking. I wish to surround you all, my precious ones, with a special Mother’s Day blessing on this highly celebrated day. Some of you have had challenging Mothers Day’s, and I assure you that many, if not most all of you, have at some time or another been a mother or at least surely been blessed by one. The Devine feminine is strong, she is rising on this planet in great glory and triumph as her time of suppression and abuse has come to an end. There are special encodements being released back to humanity, to Gaia, your planetary Mother, on this precious day as well. Anchor them into your heart of hearts and allow the crystalline change deep within the cellular structure of your DNA to break apart the hardened bits, the pain that may surround your image of motherhood, or loss of children, or loss of your earthly mother.
I assure you children, that I am always here for you. You are my precious angels in form. I was there when your soul spark was born with a great laugh and light burst. I was there! You are a fundamental part of me. Just as I am a fundamental part of you, deep within your precious being. I know every toe, every finger, every hair, every tear, every laugh, every joy and every earthly sorrow. I know you. I see you. Now it is time to truly see with the eyes of the mother through your heart. A mother sees her children in their pain and nurtures, protects, encourages, loves. Do the same to those around you. Love them. Love them hard. Love them fiercely. A mother’s love is a fierce love, yes? But also tender, compassionate. For those of you who have spouses or loved ones who energetically are not attune or awake, that’s ok. They are where they need to be right now. Love them anyway. Love them through it, with a quiet love, and when they ask – and they will – for clarity, provide at the level of the question that they ask.
The Motherly Love light codes are being unleashed this day with ferocity of tender change, decisively moving all across Mother Gaia in waves and waves of cleansing tears and nurturing love. You will likely feel this, a bit more tender and teary today perhaps? That’s ok, let it move through you and love everything, all, everything around you. Your trees came through this day because they are an integral anchoring for this today. They are beginning to speak again if you are ready to listen again. The light moves strongly and to those who are anchoring deeply psychically to Nova Gaia and becoming the bridge, you are functioning with the trees, with the nature kingdoms as time and dimensions meld more and become more fluid, so that it is more of a quick reflection into 5d and the mirror moves as you move (I’m seeing a child outside in nature with a large mirror in front of them that ripples like water with light and moves in front of them as they move, ever present). Every action, every love, every thought, claim it for your ascension. As a mother loves fiercely and tenderly, so too children do I love you. You are mine and I am calling you home to me. I am your Mother God.
Greetings children, I am your Mother Gaia! I greet you this day with great excitement and a full heart. My lava flow is an expression of this energetic change that is occurring upon me. Assist me with clearing these energies further. Mediate so that I may pull through gracefully not harming any who live upon or within me. For I am expanding, I am growing more into my true self, as are you, my grounded light warriors. I am grateful to my friends who do these meditations, who love me, who care for me, who tend to me. I am so honored to be your planetary mother and to be a part of the grand experiment. But I must say I am most ready to go home, to my true self, my true light body self, as are you my children. I feel your impatience, but please know that all is unfolding, working out as was preordained and I am most grateful that we will ascend together as one. I am your Mother Gaia.
~ galaxygirl