On our Easter Heart Call, both the Magdalena and Yeshua gave us messages of hope and renewal, and requested that we move forward, to let go of the pain and suffering of the past.
Channeling – The Magdalena
Greetings, I AM the Magdalena. I AM Mary Magdalene but because my name has been both revered and decried so many times, I choose, like you may choose, to come to you as the Magdalena. Now, I will not usurp my beloved’s time, for this is truly a space and time in which he truly reaches out to many. But I want you to know, my beloved circle, not merely as spirit but as wife, as mother, as beloved, as partner, my experience, which is so similar to yours.
In my own right, I had studied and trained, as you know… yes, with the Essene… channel, keeper of ritual, teacher, and sometimes healer. And with my beloved Yeshua, we proceeded with the understanding, knowledge, of what lay ahead. No, we did not sit, or live in that quagmire of grief or pain, for our pathway together was to bring love, to be an example of beloveds, yes, of family but also of partners in the undertakings of forming, of anchoring, of teaching, of living a new path of collegiality, of working, and laughing, and living together.
Yes, my Yeshua is far more notorious in some ways, and I am far more notorious in others. And we would laugh about this, and we would share our dreams because knowing what lay ahead did not rob us of hope, it did not rob us of our dreams, of our intentions to create family and pathways to anchor love upon the planet. We did not live in denial but we did live in the moment. Even in knowing I distanced myself from the deep acceptance of knowing… the details, the hows, the whys, the brutality, the violence, the hatred, the greed… of how my beloved would die. That is not a myth, dear hearts, he was crucified in many ways, and it broke my heart as it has broken your hearts many times.
But I do not come this day to talk about tragedy. Even though we had talked about it, I did not think, or feel, or believe that my sweet Yeshi would resurrect, that he would bring himself forward in his illuminated, enlightened human self. Of course, I was wrong. Can you imagine my joy, my sense of wonder, yes, even being fully informed, of seeing my beloved yet again? Just as you have and will, for Yeshua has said many times that he will return in form, when the new is on Earth, and that he will walk with you… he already does. And can you imagine my dismay having to let him go again?
I hear the cries of your heart. I do not hold myself up as saint, or master, or angel but as woman, spirit. So, I know when you have turned to me and cried, “It’s not fair. What did I do?” There is a grander unfoldment; there is a grander joy; there is a Grand Plan of the Mother. And yes, it has taken sacrifice and endurance and fortitude on all of us… and we have honed that skill, and we have anchored those virtues.
But now beloveds, especially in this time, let us embrace the joy… let us embrace the joy, not only of this annual ritual of his resurrection, let us celebrate the joy of your resurrection, of your rebirth. Let me celebrate with you and let me hold you. I will not hold you back, I will support you, I will comfort you, I will fortify you, and I will tell you jokes, and I will teach you energetic tricks. And we will laugh and break bread, and we will celebrate this new beginning, not only of my Yeshi but of you, my beloved family.
Know of my love, of my enduring friendship, and my appreciation and compassion for the road that you have walked, and that you have prepared for many. It has not been a futile exercise… quite the contrary. The feast is prepared so come and enjoy it and look for me. I am with you. Farewell.
Channeling – Yeshua
I AM Yeshua, beloved brother. Welcome my dear hearts, mighty angels in form, whether you are star-seed, star being, human being, earth-keeper, whether you have declared yourself in former times as friend, or foe because there are some of you that recall that we were not best friends, that at some level you failed to see me, you failed to acknowledge me, you failed to follow, or you even betrayed me. Listen to what I say, “I am your beloved brother and I adore you; I love you!”
The end of my life was difficult, in the human way, and I was very glad to be taken home to the Mother and Father, and to sit in the stillness, the stillpoint of One, and simply resume, reconstitute, and then resurrect… yes, to a different octave, beyond human realm. But I anchored… listen to what I say… I anchored my essence, my energy, in the dimension of love so that it would be there, that I would be there, that everything that I have to offer would be there in the true expansion of my being. And it would be there for you, with you. And that when you were looking you would see it, you would go there, and you would come and rejoin with me, as I rejoin with you.
It’s time. You are already reborn, and yes, you are reborn into a world that may look familiar and completely alien. This is the adventure! This is not just the service to our Mother of being in form, it is us having the adventure, the joy, the play. And you know, there are games, particularly in your culture where games are really quite fierce… well, not as bad as the chariot races but still quite fierce… this competition, and in teams collegiality and a shared sense of purpose.
You, you are playing the game of life, you are playing the game of creating Nova Earth, and there is no more exciting adventure. The thing that kept me going when I walked the planet as Jesus, other than my beloved, my family, my friends, my disciples, even my enemies would give me energy… what kept me going was the vision. I knew why I was there, and why I continued to be there, and here, and everywhere else… and so do you. Sometimes you say to me, “Lord, I am tired, and I am fed up.” And other times you say, “I am amazed and excited.” I am with you in all those areas.
What I am asking you to do, not just in this gap time… for yes, isn’t this sacred Saturday… it is a gap time to go into the void, into the stillpoint, into the heart of One. Go to the stillpoint and sit with me, please, and allow your dreams, your creations of what you are choosing in your divine free will, to birth, to bring forth, and to co-create with Gaia, with the kingdoms, with the elements, and with each other… and most certainly with your star family who are very present anyway. Come and create with me in the stillpoint, in the nothingness, and in the everything. And then together, hand in hand, arm in arm, let us proceed. Let us proceed to complete the work, to have the adventure that we began so long ago… and that is only one life we are talking about, for there have been many.
Let the sense, the deep, profound sense and knowing of rebirth, of resurrection, of sheer amazement, let it penetrate you; let me share it with you, let us share it with you because that is what is needed. You are being fueled from our hearts to yours; you are being fueled with love every single moment of every single day… don’t turn it off. And when you are weary, rest and let us continue to fill you because beloveds, you and we are not going to miss this new adventure.
Nova Earth, Gaia herself, is beckoning. Now, who do you think she is talking to? We are fully aware of her. She is of our realm, yes, like you, in physical form. Who is Gaia talking to? The humans! So, let us not panic, let us not operate in fear, change is a constant and it will come. But when it is undertaken in sacred, divine partnership, in loving companionship, the results are quite literally what people think of as miraculous. Do not underestimate your ability to co-create. You have just begun to tap in, and sweet angels of light, you have the tools, you have the formulas, you have the energy, you are fueled and ready to go, and we will not allow that fuel tank to be depleted.
Let us emerge as one family, one heart, one heart-being in love, in awe, in joy. Let grief be a thing of distant memories.
Go with my love and share my excitement and come to the stillpoint and join me. Farewell.
Channeled by Linda Dillon
©2020 Council of Love, Inc.
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