YOU WERE BORN FOR THIS MOMENT by Patricia Cota-Robles September 11, 2020 I AM holding you in my heart and prayers during this incredibly powerful but simultaneously challenging time. We are being told from On High that we have ALL been preparing for Lifetimes for the events that are unfolding on Earth this year, and for the impending Planetary Reboot that we will cocreate with the Company of Heaven October 17-22, 2020. The vehicle that will be used to coordinate this event will be the 34th Annual World Congress on Illumination. For the first time ever, we at Era of Peace are going to cocreate with the Company of Heaven a Live Virtual Online Six-day Event. This event will allow the hundreds of thousands of Lightworkers around the World to join us, who for the past 34 years have been selflessly participating energetically from afar. In order for each and every person to be able to add their magnificent Light and the powerful abilities they have been acquiring for Lifetimes to this monumental phase of the Divine Plan, we are going to offer access to the Live Virtual Online 34th Annual World Congress on Illumination FREE OF CHARGE. This way anyone who has the Heart Call to participate will be able to do so without the limitation of a financial obligation. Our Father-Mother God have assured us that the information about the impending Planetary Reboot which is being shared by the Company of Heaven through the Weekly Vlogs and Newsletters associated with Era of Peace is being given to us for a reason. We are being told that through each of us this information will be magnetized into the conscious awareness of every person whose Divine Mission it is to weave their magnificent Light and their unique Gifts into this essential phase of Earth’s Divine Plan. So please, listen to your Heart and if you feel prompted to share this information with people in your sphere of influence, respond in alignment with that inner Heart Call. This sharing from On High clearly means that you have not received this information by chance. You are one of the precious souls who have been chosen for this Mission because of your tenacity and your ability to stay focused on the Light, even in the face of the mind boggling negativity that is surfacing all over the World at this time. Our Father-Mother God want you to know that this is true no matter how inadequate you may feel or how unprepared you think you are to accomplish this Mission. Those fears are nothing more than an illusion. If you did not have every single bit of the knowledge, skill, courage, strength and TRUST you need pulsating within your Heart Flame, right here and right now, you would not be receiving this information. So, Be at Peace and know All is Well. We were told that the terminology Humanity can most easily relate to is that we will cocreate a PLANETARY REBOOT that will catapult Mother Earth and ALL Life evolving upon her into frequencies of Light beyond anything we have ever been able to safely assimilate. This unfathomable influx of Light will create the sacred space for a quantum shift within the mass consciousness of Humanity that will positively affect every person, place, condition and thing now manifesting in the world of form. This life-transforming shift of consciousness will allow the Awakening masses of Humanity to remember the training each and every one of us has experienced over myriad Lifetimes in preparation for this Cosmic Moment. Everyday from October 17-22, we will have a two-hour Live Online presentation with guided meditations and activities of Light from the Company of Heaven. The Beings of Light will guide us step by step through the critical facet of the unfolding Divine Plan that will be accomplished that day through the unified efforts of Heaven and Earth. The REPLAY of each day will be available following the Live event, and will remain available for you to watch On Demand wherever you are on the Planet. These presentations will be encoded by the Company of Heaven in the Eternal Moment of NOW. That means that, whenever you have the Heart Call to watch these videos, your I AM Presence will weave your magnificent Light and Gifts into EARTH’S PLANETARY REBOOT as if you are participating LIVE. If you have the Heart Call to assist with this essential PLANETARY REBOOT just click on this link to register. Please forward this Newsletter to those on your mailing lists and social media connections who you feel would be willing to add their Light to this PLANETARY REBOOT which is an essential facet of Earth’s Ascension process. God Bless You, Patricia Cota-Robles Era of Peace PO Box 17446, Tucson, Arizona 85731-7446 Phone: 520-885-7909, Fax: 520-347-5440 This article is copyrighted, but you have my permission to share it through any medium as long as it is offered for FREE, it is not altered, and the proper credit line is included. |