Thanks to Len.
Germany Starts Universal Basic Income Trial Giving Some Citizens $1400 A Month For 3 Years
Arjun Walia, Collective Evolution, Aug. 26, 2020
What Happened: Germany is
starting a universal basic income trial where volunteers will get a
$1400 dollar payment every single month as part of a study that will
compare the experiences of 120 volunteers who receive it to 1,380 people
who won’t. A total of 140,000 people have come together to help fund
the study after the idea of a universal basic income continues to gain
Germany is not the only country who has
begun such initiatives, Finland also did something similar a few years
ago, and proponents of the initiative believe it would improve peoples’
lives and reduce inequality, among other things. Opposition arguments to
this type of initiative suggest that it would simply be unaffordable,
too expensive and also discourage work.
Jürgen Schupp, who is leading the study, told the German newspaper Der Spiegel that it would improve the debate about universal basic income by producing new scientific evidence.
“The debate about the basic income has
so far been like a philosophical salon in good moments and a war of
faith in bad times,” he told the newspaper.
Universal basic income is not really supported by any of the major political parties across the globe, especially in Germany.
Why This Is Important: A quote
often attributed to Henry Ford reads as follows, “It is well enough that
people of the nation do not understand our banking and monetary system,
for if they did, I believe there would be a revolution before tomorrow
Isn’t it odd that the financial elite
can simply print money at will? How come when we do it it’s called
counterfeiting, but when they do it it’s called increasing the money
supply? These people can literally create money out of thin air, and the
more I understand the concept of fractional reserve banking,
the more I realize that money is simply a tool to in-slave and control
the human race while benefiting a select few. This becomes easier to see
when you follow the money.
Do we not have the potential to create
something better on our planet? Is money really needed, or could we all
come together, cooperate and find a better way? If we are going to use
this creation of ours, could it not be used in a better and more
efficient way?
“As I followed the money I’ve learned that everything I once believed about money is simply not true.” – Foster Gamble
If you want to learn more about the system, you can refer to this article that goes into more detail: The Real Purpose of the Federal Reserve Banking System.
I believe these questions are important,
as many of us have been made to believe that our financial system is
for the greater good, and that it’s efficient and the only possible way
to operate here on our planet. When it comes to the world of finance,
our minds are stuck inside of a box.
When it comes to universal basic income,
is it really too expensive? For those who believe it is not feasible,
did you know that Mark Skidmore, a Michigan State University economist
teamed up with multiple researchers, including Catherine Austin Fitts,
former assistant secretary of Housing and Urban Development, and found
trillions of unaccounted for dollars missing from housing & D.O.D?
Did you know that trillions of dollars
are going into “black budget” programs that the president, for example,
has no idea about? Did you know that there is no branch or agency of
government that can overrule actions that the Federal Reserve takes?
It’s simple, if you control the money supply, if you are the printer and
the maker of money, you control the population and can create the
experience you want humans to live inside.
The researchers found documents
indicating a total of $20 trillion of undocumented adjustments had been
made, from 1998 to 2015. The original government documents and a report
describing the issue can be found here where updates are continually provided.
Imagine if this $21 trillion was
allocated to a universal income package? Big financial institutions seem
to have no issue with constantly printing money when they need it, but
when it comes to concepts of universal income, there are always excuses.
Ask yourself, is it really too expensive when this type of
misallocation of money is happening?
The problem doesn’t really seem that we
don’t have enough money, the issue is that the monetary system is used
for control and money is allocated, both legally and illegally, to
projects that don’t have the best interests of humanity at hand. The
system would work better of the world of finance was not dominated by
global elitist agendas seeking control and power. Perhaps it would work
better if these people were actually making decisions based on what’s
best for humanity.
It’s a complicated topic, a deep one
that I would have to go in depth into the fraud, corruption and
intentions behind our modern day banking system.
I believe humanity is more than capable
of creating a human experience that doesn’t require money. We are
extremely advanced, and we already have the means to create an
experience where everybody’s basic needs can be met without the
requirement for work. This can come as a result of various technological
advancements, cooperation not competition, and more.
This is why shifting human consciousness is so paramount.
I believe that solutions exist, yet any
type of solution that threatens to uproot our economy and how it
currently operates never sees the light of day, and some of these
developments are kept from public eye due to ‘national security’
concerns. Today, national security has become an umbrella term to
classify technology and information that threatens corporate interests.
This is why Julian Assange is in jail.
For example, most countries have an
Invention Secrecy Act. Are certain technologies that threaten our
current economic system that’s based on the idea that resources are
scarce, a threat to scarcity? Is technology that could provide abundance
to all hidden from the public simply because they threaten those with
large amounts of power? What type of technology is under restriction
under the Invention Secrecy Act? We don’t really know, but a previous
list from 1971 was obtained by researcher Michael Ravnitzky. Most of the
technology listed seems to be related to various military applications.
You can view that list HERE.
As Steven Aftergood from the Federation of American Scientists reports:
“The 1971 list indicates that patents
for solar photovoltaic generators were subject to review and possible
restriction if the photovoltaics were more than 20% efficient. Energy
conversion systems were likewise subject to review and possible
restriction if they offered conversion efficiencies in “excess of
70-80%.” (source)
You can read more about the Invention Secrecy Act here.
There have been even more efficient developments.
There is significant evidence that
scientists since Tesla have known about this energy, but that its
existence and potential use has been discouraged and indeed suppressed
over the past half century or more. – Dr. Theodor C. Loder, III (source)
What if I told you all of our homes
could be powered by nature, without the need to be reliant on the
corporation, without the need for gas, coal, oil, fossil fuels etc…These
are a few of many examples that would be included in a world that would
operate without the need to pay for your life, or services that should
be everybody’s birth right.
“Much to my surprise, these concepts
have been proven in hundreds of laboratories throughout world and yet
they have not really seen the light of day.” – Former NASA astronaut and
Princeton physics professor. (source)
There are many examples of this,
Paramahamsa Tewari, a physicist and inventor, who won early commendation
by Nobel Laureates in physics for his revolutionary Space Vortex
Theory, published a paper
in Physics Essays (2018) explaining his theory, from which he built an
electrical generator capable of achieving over-unity efficiency. You can
watch a video of him and his machine here.
Why isn’t humanity exploring these concepts that could lift our
dependence on big energy corporations and eliminate scarcity of
resources, openly, freely and transparently?
Again, energy generation is one of many
examples, there are many solutions to all of our issues from food, to
environmental degradation and more.
It seems that when it comes to solutions
that can help ‘free’ the human race, even just a little bit with the
idea of universal basic income, it is sharply opposed by all major
political parties, just like it is in Germany.
Any type of bartering system, or
monetary system that is controlled by the citizenry, like Bitcoin for
example, also always faces harsh opposition, or an attempt to gain
control over it ensues. There are people out there who desire power and
control above anything else, and the money supply represents the center
of that control.
The truth is, a thriving society will be
one that’s devoid of any reliance on governments/federal regulatory
agencies. Our various systems are put in place and structured in a way
to make it easy for us to be controlled, and for the “1 percent” to
thrive. Right now, we are their worker bees and we choose to uphold the
system and are taught, through education, to justify it and see it as
necessary without ever using our imagination to ponder how it could be
We have so much potential, and we can do much better than we are currently doing.
Source: Golden Age of Gaia