One my habits is to always give 10% of my monthly income to charity work that i resonate with or donations to light workers that like myself are sharing message or channel messages to uplift the rest of us.It is my way of saying thank you to them allowing the energy called money to flow through me.That is why i have a list of charities on my website to choose from.And so here is the message i got today from Bobby after making my own humble contribution.Remember,money like everything else is love expressing itself and so what one gives out,comes back multiplied.”All the money that i give is blessed and comes back to me multiplied”I just can not express with words what i felt when i got this email from Bobby, a while ago.I hope you can grasp the enormity of what is taking place on our planet right now through this message too.
Bobby D here from Meals Out Brazil.
Just wanted to THANK YOU again for your recent generous contribution.
You have made it possible effective today to begin delivery of 30 meals per day, five days per week
So amazing considering that on March 28th the very first meal was purchased with my last remaining $2.08 USD.
OUFF.. how humbling the past month has been. And I’m so grateful because you are helping to make a real difference.
You should see the smiles on the faces of the homeless people in the streets of Copacabana. OUFF!
And soon, you’ll be be able to feel the emotion of it all at new levels because a new hands free HD camera is on the way,
donated by a human angel.
Greetings amazing angel.
Other contributions also made it possible for us to order 16 thermo blankets. The homeless pregnant woman and elderles
really need this. We expect them to arrive later this week and will be distributed immediately because temperatures
dipping at night in or around 15 Celsius(50 Fahrenheit)- that’s very
cold considering that the locals are use to average of 28 Celsius (82
So much to do and yet I’m so grateful for your contribution.
I also realize that MOST of you want to remain anonymous with your contribution. (it is a humble way to do things, no doubt)
I wanted to know, IF you would grant me permission to post on our
website YOUR initials and country and amount of contribution
social proof that amazing souls like you are making a real difference by
providing contributions. You see, most people are not leader like you.
Very few like to be FIRST in supporting even a worthwhile initiative such as Meals Brazil.
But what often happens as a result of social proof that people are getting involved, often this inspires other to follow.
Meals Out requires additional contributions as we grow. (we are ONLY 1 month old)
So, this is how you can further help us…
- Please respond to this email and either write.. YES Bobby re:
posting the contribution amount on our website along with your Initials
Or YES Bobby, you can post the amount and country and the word: ANONYMOUS. - Like, follow and share our posts from our Facebook page
- Subscribe to my YouTube Channel and comment on the various Meals Out Brazil videos
- Share our official website on your social media or in any FORUMS along with a personal comment
And lastly, I included a GRAPHIC to honor you as a Proud Contributor to Meals BRAZIL.
FEEL FREE to post it on your social media or even on your website/blog.
This will create MORE awareness for our Safe Haven to help the homeless here in Brazil. Every simple tiny little actions really helps.
Thank you so much!
I look forward to hearing from you.
Bobby D, foot soldier Brazil