Patricia Cota-Robles
April 14, 2020
The forced “time out” that Humanity is experiencing is creating the space for a global “reboot” that is occurring for each and every one of us physically, mentally and emotionally. This “reboot”
is occurring through the guidance of each person’s I AM Presence with
the Over-Lighting influence of our Father-Mother God and the Company of
Heaven. This Divine Intervention is something that we have all been
asking and praying for, in one way or another, for lifetimes. Humanity
has finally reached a critical mass of energy, vibration and
consciousness that will allow this “reboot” to take place which is catapulting all of us, whether we are aware of it or not, into a NEW Heart-based Reality.
At the inception of this year, we were told by the Company of Heaven
that through the various activities of Light that will take place month
after month in 2020 we will prove to ourselves the adage, “Know the Truth and the Truth will set you FREE.” Notice that the statement is not “The Truth will set you free.” It is “KNOW the Truth and the Truth will set you FREE.” The
following is a very brief review of the steps that have taken place so
far this year that have paved the way for the unprecedented next step of
the unfolding Divine Plan for 2020.
During the latter part of 2019, we experienced the successful activation of our Twelve 5th-Dimensional
Crystalline Solar Strands of DNA, as well as the activation of the
12:12 Catalyst Codes which are encoded within that DNA. Since those
activations, the Company of Heaven said that Humanity’s I AM Presence
has been able to heal the wounds created by our fall from Grace. These
wounds are referred to by the Company of Heaven as “enslavement codes.” Our fragmented and fear-based human ego has used these genetic “enslavement codes” to manipulate and control us since we fell into our self inflicted abyss of separation and duality aeons ago.
We have now permanently crossed the Threshold into the Crystalline Fields of the 5th-Dimensional
New Earth, and the door to the fields of the old Earth has been
permanently sealed. This allowed our I AM Presence to sever the “cords” that kept us attached to the mutated old Earth human template
of our physical, etheric, mental and emotional bodies. This means that
our fallen human ego can no longer tamper with our Earthly Bodies and
our “enslavement codes” can no longer affect us adversely.
With the healing of the wounds from Humanity’s “enslavement codes”, Humanity
en masse reached a critical frequency of vibration that created an
unstoppable shift of consciousness. This shift did not occur outside of
us. This was a very cellular based Transfiguration that is now occurring
within the Core of Purity in every Electron of our Earthly Bodies. This
shift created the sacred space for every person’s I AM Presence to, at
long last, release the KARMIC BIRTH TEMPLATE that was encoded within our
DNA by our fragmented and fear-based human ego after our fall from
Grace. The Company of Heaven said that the karmic codes within the DNA of Humanity’s grossly mutated birth template
contain the distorted patterns of aging, disease, mental and emotional
dysfunction and even death as we have experienced it for aeons of time.
On March 22nd, we experienced a very powerful Equinox that
bathed the Earth with frequencies of Light that assisted Humanity to be
more receptive to the unfathomable Light the Earth would receive during
the opening of the 444 Gateway on April 4, 2020, and the Global
Meditation that would take place on that day during the Pluto-Jupiter
conjunction. During the synchronized Global Meditation, as millions of
Lightworkers consciously participated and the I AM Presence of every
person on Earth participated at inner levels, the present
dismantling and crumbling away of the obsolete power structures and
control systems that have oppressed and manipulated the masses of
Humanity for millennia took a quantum leap toward tangible
manifestation. The magnitude of this awesome event was only possible
because of the global “time out” and Divinely Inspired Reboot that we are all now experiencing.
Pluto is a
Planet of power and transformation. It governs the death or cessation of
old ideas, emotions and outdated behavior patterns. Jupiter is a Planet
that inspires continuous self-transformation through the ultimate
synthesis and the inevitable fusion of one’s heart and mind. While this
conjunction was taking place the Earth and all her Life were also being
blessed with greatly intensified frequencies of Divine Love from the
Venus-Pleiades conjunction. That event took place April 2nd, 3rd and 4th.
The best conjunction of Venus which is the Planet of Love, and the Star
System Pleiades happens in early April and recurs in cycles of eight
years. The last time this conjunction occurred was in 2012, which was
the year that Birthed the New Earth.
After the God Victorious success of all of these events Humanity, the
Elemental Kingdom and Mother Earth were ready for the next phase of the
unfolding Divine Plan for 2020.
This phase of the Divine Plan began with an exceptionally powerful Passover Full Moon on April 7th.
The Company of Heaven said this Full Moon initiated an activity of
Light that is creating the sacred space for the I AM Presence and the 5th-Dimensional Body Elemental of every person on Earth to activate the Transfiguration Codes within Humanity’s newly activated 5th-Dimensional
Strands of DNA. These codes are pulsating with the infinite patterns of
perfection associated with our DIVINE BODY TEMPLATE. This Template
contains the flawless patterns that will replace our grossly mutated karmic birth template from the old Earth which we were recently able to release.
This process will take several days and will build in momentum one thousandfold every day until we reach the 50th Anniversary of the Celebration of Earth Day on April 22nd. Once again, this critical facet of the Divine Plan is only possible because of the “time out”
we are experiencing. This cessation of activity on a global scale by
the majority of Humanity has forced us to stop the atrocities we have
heartlessly inflicted on Mother Earth and our Body Elementals by
polluting air we breathe, contaminating the water we drink and poisoning
the food we eat with toxic substances. During this quiet time, the
Elemental Kingdom is experiencing a welcomed respite and a much needed
On April 7th–12th,
we experienced a greatly expanded Blessing from On High as we bathed in
the Light that flowed through the collective Cup of Humanity’s
Consciousness during the celebrations of Passover and Easter. During
those sacred days Mother Earth and ALL Life evolving upon her received
more powerful frequencies of the Mother of Pearl Resurrection Flame from
the very Heart of our Father-Mother God than we have ever known. This
Sacred Fire was secured within the Core of Purity in every Electron of
the Earthly Bodies of Humanity, the Elemental Kingdom and Mother Earth.
It is building in momentum moment by moment preparing all Life on Earth
at a cellular level for the influx of Light that will bless the Planet
on Earth Day.
The first Earth Day was celebrated on April 22, 1970. Now, the
statistics indicate that over 1,000,000,000 (one billion) people from
192 countries participate in this event every year. This year is the 50th
Anniversary of Earth Day. The Company of Heaven said that due to the
events unfolding on Earth now and the facet of the unfolding Divine Plan
destined to be God Victoriously accomplished our numbers will be
exponentially expanded.
To help prepare every person on Earth and the entire Elemental Kingdom
to receive the frequency of Light necessary that will allow the I AM
Presence of each of us to activate the Transfiguration Codes
that will initiate the physical manifestation of our DIVINE BODY
TEMPLATE, the Company of Heaven has inspired the following invocation.
Precious Heart, please utilize this invocation as often as you are
inspired to do so on behalf of yourself, your Loved Ones, Humanity, the
Elemental Kingdom and Mother Earth.
I AM my I AM
Presence and I AM One with the I AM Presence of ALL Humanity. The
center of my Universe is the Threefold Flame in my Heart. My Universe
consists of every person, place, condition and thing in my life,
conscious or unconscious, past or present, through obvious choice or
through karmic liability. Within my Heart Flame, I have the ability to
Love my Universe FREE of all lower energies and thus I set myself FREE.
Simultaneously, I assist every other point in my Universe to move
forward in the Light.
With this affirmation, I invoke the full Cosmic Force of the NEW
frequencies of the Mother-of-Pearl Resurrection Flame into the Threefold
Flame in my Heart. I now visualize myself in the center of my Universe
with every person, place, condition or thing in orbit around my Heart
Flame, some close, some at a great distance. I visualize each one
receiving the uplifting frequencies of the NEW Resurrection Flame as it
flows through my Heart Flame. In every case, this powerful Resurrection
Flame is a greater force than any negative energy associated with that
person, place, condition or thing. I AM now Loving FREE every point in
my Universe from its center which is my Heart Flame. I remain in this
elevated state of consciousness, and I affirm with deep feeling:
I AM the center of my Universe.
I AM a Force of God’s Resurrection Flame to all points in my Universe.
I AM Loving FREE every vibration less than Divine Love.
I AM Free. . . I AM Free. . . I AM Eternally Free.
Father-Mother God now envelop me in the most exquisite frequencies of
the NEW Mother-of-Pearl Resurrection Flame. This Sacred Fire begins
Resurrecting my physical, etheric, mental and emotional bodies into the
full embrace of my I AM Presence. As this occurs, the Transfiguration
Codes for my Divine Body Template are encoded into my newly activated
Twelve 5th-Dimensional Crystalline Solar Strands of DNA and the 12:12 Catalyst Codes within that DNA.
I Breathe in deeply again and suddenly I feel the Resurrection Flame
lifting me into higher and higher frequencies of Divine Love, Oneness,
Reverence for Life, Physical Perfection, Eternal Peace, Abundance and
ALL remaining Aspects of God’s Infinite Perfection. I pierce into the
Core of Purity within each and every one of these Celestial patterns,
and the splendor of these glorious expressions of the New Earth permeate
my Being.
A new level
of Divine Wisdom is being Resurrected within my heart and mind. In a
flash of Enlightenment, I know and fully comprehend this profound Truth…
I AM the
Resurrection and the Life of the Immaculate Concept of Humanity, the
Elemental Kingdom and Mother Earth’s physical, etheric, mental and
emotional bodies NOW tangibly manifest and eternally sustained by Divine
I AM the Resurrection and the Life of the Immaculate Concept of
Humanity, the Elemental Kingdom and Mother Earth’s physical, etheric,
mental and emotional bodies NOW tangibly manifest and eternally
sustained by Divine Grace.
I AM the Resurrection and the Life of the Immaculate Concept of
Humanity, the Elemental Kingdom and Mother Earth’s physical, etheric,
mental and emotional bodies NOW tangibly manifest and eternally
sustained by Divine Grace.
And so it is. Beloved I AM, Beloved I AM, Beloved I AM That I AM.
God Bless You,
Patricia Cota-Robles
Era of Peace
PO Box 17446, Tucson, Arizona 85731-7446
Phone: 520-885-7909, Fax: 520-347-5440
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is copyrighted, but you have my permission to share it through any
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Era of Peace
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©2020 Patricia Cota-Robles