It feels like you don’t have to do anything but be quiet.

Dear Ground Crew:
Here is the message from July 4, 2018 from Apollo: “Repetitive moods will require new consciousness. You must become aware of the fast pace otherwise you can easily get lost in the turmoil. This is all required as the last vestiges of an old civilization leave. Everything is being turned up and released to the wind. The winds of change are upon you. The role of the ground crew is to be the best anchor that you can be. Stay grounded and centered. Be open to the unfolding. A new era is upon you. Awaken and rejoice in what you have to look forward to.”

How are you doing with staying grounded and centered like Apollo suggested? As Lightworkers we are fortunate to know the big picture of what is happening with the massive changes on the planet. Most of humanity are unaware and asleep. Some people in the San Francisco bay area are driving their cars horribly. It requires one to be very aware. I imagine this is occurring everywhere.

In Lee Harris’s July Energy Report, he mentions that humanity has “real nervous energy.” The changes are so rampant that people are challenged adjusting. Everything is happening quickly and we know that humans do not like change. The best we can do is go with the flow and trust Spirit.
It is my experience that we can connect more readily with the Higher Realms, like the fifth dimension. It feels like being in a state of beingness. It feels like you don’t have to do anything but be quiet. We have plenty to process and are continuing to clear our issues from this incarnation and past lives.

My meditations focus on oneness and love. Meditate on your heart chakra and merge with oneness and love. This is how we will be living in the fifth dimension and higher. It will also help you raise your vibration. Staying away from fear and upsetting situations is paramount to keeping the vibration high. I like what teacher Jim Self said in a recent talk. He mentioned that when you hear upsetting news, you can ask yourself: “What can I do about it?”
