Women of wisdom Women of power Women of strength Women of grace Lioness of courage She who spins weaves and cuts the way She who occupies sacred space She who spins weaves and cuts the way She who occupies sacred space Stand up Shiv Shakti take your stage Stand up Shiv Shakti calm their rage Stand up Shiv Shakti turn the page Take what is yours Claim what is ours Woman take one and all of your powers Woman of peace, take war from the world. Woman of silence, this song is yours. Woman of glory, woman of mercy. Woman of love, woman of love. Lioness of courage. She who spins weaves and cuts the way, she who tells the heavenly story. Stand up Shiv Shakti take your might stand up Shiv Shakti take the flight stand up Shiv Shakti take God’s light. Take what is ours, claim what is yours. Woman take one and all of your powers…♥