My flame is always bluetiful!

Christine: The following reading is the kind of prayer, or Call, you may make using the sacred tools released to mankind by the Ascended Masters through the Messengers of the I Am Movement in previous decades. The tools are the Science of the Spoken Word, a dynamic form of prayer that will produce manifestations in the physical world of materiality or physicality, and bring solutions to resolve all problems, whether personal or to do with the world situation. These prayers are designed to accelerate your journey upon the path of Initiations and Ascension, as well as to accomplish Soul Merging. Please do look for more information about these from the Summit Lighthouse, or by visiting . What follows is a Call I have composed for a daily attunement with our monadic Presence. This is our immanent Spirit Within, a spiritual capsule of the Almighty Father in Heaven, who revealed Himself to Moses saying ‘I Am that I Am’, meaning ‘I Am that I Am in you and all souls who possess the connection with me’. This connection is at etheric level in the heart. It is a threefold flame of Love, Wisdom, and Power which we need to expand and balance. The dual polarity of Father-Mother God exists within the I Am Presence, and is reflected in the 12 Higher Selves whom each I Am created. Please refer to previous videos for the concept of each of these higher Selves lowering their consciousness into 12 extensions of themselves, for the manifestation of the holy number of 144. My I Am Presence speaks to me when I raise my thoughts to him with the kind of prayer that follows. I hear a masculine voice. It is not something I hear in a loud way, but as in a thought, and there is with it a character of masculinity and of great authority. I sense more authority from my I Am Presence than from the Ascended Masters or the Archangels who communicate with me by this system of thought forms, or telepathy. This I Am is actually us! In the concept of the Spiritual Constitution of Man, the mighty I Am Presence is the Father in heaven, the Monad. This explains why I receive this character of masculinity. We are ourselves, in our genders, a mirroring of the characteristics of our Higher Self, and the dual polarity exists within us, in a dormant or expressed way because of the gender in which we are born. To be whole we however need to be connected with our twin flame who expresses the polarity which we don’t. There is a Father in Heaven within us Who is our Monadic Presence, our immanent Spirit, who provides our consciousness, identity and individuality. My I Am Presence reminded me of this last night. According to Joshua D. Stone, the three aspects of the Monad are Will, or Power, Love or Wisdom, and Active Intelligence, that represents the Holy Spirit principle. Then, our Higher Self is our Superconscious Mind. That Soul with a Capital S is our reality, our Real Self! There also is Spiritual Will, and Intuition or Love, as well as a Higher Mind, at etheric level in this reality that is ours. The Summit Lighthouse has represented this level as the Christ Self. Then below this level, is the personality or soul extension with the mental body, the emotional body, and physical body with a lower etheric body close to the nervous system. This personality that operates with the 5 senses in a somewhat limited way, which are the organs of perception, needs to integrate higher consciousness and the qualities of the Christ Self or Higher Self. It is all about mirroring these qualities and an integration which amounts to a merging of consciousness. There apparently are three main stages on the spiritual path. In the first people are in the consciousness of materiality and dwell within the limitation of the organs of perception. They are ignorant and need awakening. In the second stage they are learning and are searching for the knowledge of the self or soul. In the third stage they expand their consciousness and identify with the Spiritual self. They start walking upon the Path of Initiations and of Ascension. At the sixth initiation, one becomes an Ascended Master. It is when one inhabits the Lightbody that has been weaved in the process of many incarnations, at least 200 lives, and for the details please refer to the video entitled ‘The Six Initiations’. An Ascended Master can materialize or dematerialize at will. The reason that Archangel Michael may state that we have already ascended is that there is no such thing as time or space, and this means that part of us has already ascended. That ascended Self dwells upon the 5th dimension and we may also call to that part of us to descend and blend in within our aura. It may be that it is the divine complement of that higher self who does that job! I am speaking from experience now! By the way Archangel Michael made a joke when I asked him whether his flame could become violet if it blended with the pink flame of love. He answered:
Lord Michael: My flame is always bluetiful!
Christine: I laughed. So after this lesson on the I Am Presence, here is the prayer that results with a spiritual merging which really represents a supernatural experience!
The Daily Call to your I Am Presence

I am now raising my thoughts towards you, my own loving Mighty I am Presence, my own presence of the heavenly Father-Mother God and Elohim within me, I enjoy feeling your light and love descending, and sealing me as a shaft of light to enlarge my spectrum of my consciousness, as well as protect me. By the flame that you have given me within my heart, I do now ask you to help me to draw, with the power of my 3rd eye vision, your Solar Ring around myself, the members of my family, my friends, and all souls that I am karmically tied to, my entire soul family, as well as all lightworkers, including those involved in the activities of the Ascended Masters, and all those students of the Classrooms of life whatever their beliefs are, as well as those that the angel would chose to hold a balance of light for their communities or nations. I am drawing the Solar Ring to form a forcefield of light around their households and projects, as well as my own, to manifest a beautiful destiny for the creation of New Gaia.
Beloved I Am Presence, in the name I am that I am, I now call forth from you the Tube of Light. Let it be an invincible armour that protects me and all of us from any human energy, as well as astral attacks, or any such attacks using technology of a known or unknown nature.
Let the Solar Ring together with the dual action of the twinned consciousness be the platform for the Tube of Light, the substance of which I sense and I feel, as I keep my thoughts focused upon you, and let it be reinforced at all times.
My Mighty I am Presence, by the magnetic power of the sacred fire in my heart, I now invoke the Violet Flame of Saint Germain, as well as Mighty Arcturus and Archangel Zadkiel and Amethyst. I request that it may transmute returning karma, and purify the elements of the material world, remove their pollution. I call for the solutions to our personal and global problems. Blaze this violet flame into all darkness. May it help us raise ourselves according to your divine Plan. May it change every negative condition, cause, effect, record and memory, into the positive polarity that will permit destiny to manifest according to your Will. And with this may the world be permeated with the Peace of the Ascended Jesus Christ, the Universal Mother, and the Peace so desired by Archangel Michael as it is part of his Prophecy for the Earth. I call for the protection of Archangel Michael with his bluetiful flame and legions of the Blue Ray. I accept this in full faith. I accept this done today. It is done God’s Way. It is done to stay. Let it be done God’s Way and I am in gratitude for this wonderful tool of the Light that the Masters have given us.

Experience the Merging! January 13, 2018