Message from my higher self.
Humanity,today i am coming to you to make you aware of the importance of shining your light from within to the outer world.The Ascension proces within our bodies is about the transformation of our carbone based structure towards a crystalline based ones.This process is being activated with firm intention and advanced level meditation technique of cellular breathing.Each Human you have within you,part of God and this part of God in you awaits your command to activate it and expand it out towards all creation in your world and in all worlds,seen and unseen.You have the support of your Higher Selves,Your I Am Precence ,Mother Earth,Your guides,The Galactics ,Ascended Masters and Company Of Heaven.Asking for help,even if you know nothing about meditation helps.Ask and it is given.Walk and let God wihin you lead the way.And for that you need to be able to listen.Once you learn to listen,you start to know what self love means.And once there is self love you have more power and will to help your world be a better place from Pure Power from Within.That is all you need to do.The creator gave you perfect bodies,when you bring oxygen within each of your cells you activate your part of God within.And when you send your light out,you are receiving light within you multiplied by 1000 times,especially when you join with others in prayer,meditation,dancing and celebration free fron any toxicity.More light within your cells and atoms activates your crystalline structure and makes your Ascension process easier while also helping Morher Earth to ascend as well into her 5th dimensional self.Life is much simplier than you have been taught to think.Supreme creator thought about everything already and everything works out good for you all the time,if you only allow this within your being.Be A STAR!Surrender,Trust,Allow,Receive.And shine out your light twice day with intention and notice how your life unfolds in amazing ways.Thank You,I Love You.