Your vibration affects the mass consciousness either positively or negatively. It is your choice.

My dear friends, we love you so very much,

Imagine you are standing in a pool with the rest of humanity. Imagine your energy causes waves in the pool. There will be some souls jumping in, loving the adventure and stirring things up, creating life and movement. Others will be panicked, flailing about and looking for someone to cling to. Some will be standing in stillness. Others will be gently sending out calm, soothing waves.

In reality you exist in a shared pool of energy and consciousness. You are affected by the waves of energy created by everyone else in that pool. You feel the waves generated by those closest to you very strongly. You feel the most powerful waves, and the waves that a majority are sending out strongly as well. If, you send out strong waves you will feel those you most closely resonate with.

You get to choose whether or not you will be buffeted by the energies of the world, the energies of the mass consciousness, the energies of those close to you… or if you will stand strong in your own energy, and create your own waves.

Your vibration affects the mass consciousness either positively or negatively. It is your choice.

Ask yourself, what type of energy would I like to contribute to the world today? If it is peace, choose actions and words that embody peace. If it is joy, find actions and words that are joyful. If it is healing, do things that are healing for yourself and speak healing over all in need. If it is abundant, focus on your own feelings of gratitude and abundance, and speak words of abundance.

With every thought, word, deed, and breath, you are making a vibrational contribution to the human race. You are vibrationally significant. You matter. You make a difference.

Can you imagine if a few very strong minded souls in that pool sent out waves of love? You would overpower and calm the waves of chaos, fear, and disruption. Your energy would calm wars, heal hearts, and replace fear with faith in your financial systems.

This is what is meant by being a “light worker.” You strive to send waves of love into the pool of human consciousness and in so doing, you change your world from the inside out.

God Bless You! We love you so very much.
— The Angels