Each Role By Each Being Is In Service To The Light.

Quick Notes:

-Polarity increases until full saturation.

-If you see around the tragedy,the political confusion,people around you do not engage with your emotional energies for they are quite powerful.

-See through the eyes of Love.

-All is contained,each role by each being is in service to the light.

-Even The Shadow is in service to the light,there is no need for emotional reaction.

-Maintain the focus in our own creations of Light.

-Focus in our Light Creations,this is causing the shift!

-Maintaining our focus to The Light.

-To be in power to put in motion The Shift.

-To not be distracted by events on the planet.

-Be The Change I Wish To See.

-It Takes Focus.Yes.

-Continuing to Release old programs,imprints and implants.Call this in Conscious Awareness

-Great Potential For Dramatic Change.

-Integrating bigger amounts of Light.

-Critical Mass is Already Achieved in the sense of the souls needed to receive this light to open up the matrix.

-Critical Mass For Conscious Awakening/Understanding of what is occurring in our planet so more and more beings will awaken consciously in understanding of the role the play.

-Release any Fears.

-We Still In Marathon Stage.Journey not over end of September.Much needed to be achieved.Even as systems fall apart.

-We can create the new in this Now.

-Brining together timelines for Heaven On Earth.

-Free To create what we wish in our timeline,fully claim my empowerment as sovereign creator.

-Be The Powerful Creator from our Hearts Desires.

-Surrendering to The Highest Alignements.

-Taking time for ourself,to nourish strengthen,rejuvenate to go the next stage of this marathon.

-It is because of Us that The Change Happens.

Susie Beiler of Spectrum Health Consulting asks Prime Creator for updates about Autumn 2016

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