by Celia Fenn
Energy is just pouring in.
I feel distinctly weird/wired and my ears are hurting.
We can expect this to continue for most of the week as we head into equinox shifting on the week-end.
The image was taken in Australia and shows the delicate and beautiful Feminine Heart energies that are flowing in at this time.
So soft and gentle, yet so powerful and packing such a wollop!
We are moving back into our connection with the Divine Mother and with our multi-dimensional self.
Our DNA is activating, our Original Human Angelic Template is buzzing and our New Human Light Body Template is vibrating powerfully.
Such a powerful Integration that is happening now as we head towards Equinox where we will balance all these energies.
For myself ( and my cat) we are sleeping a lot at the moment. Lots of rest required and lots of self care.
Go gently.
This is not the time for pushing forward.
Just gently flow with the energies.
You are loved and supported by your Angelic and Galactic families and you are never alone!