Patricia Cota Robles EMPOWERING PATTERNS FROM THE NEW RECORD KEEPER CRYSTALS September 14, 2021 Nikos hi precious heart thank you for joiningus for our weekly vlognow that we have had a chance toassimilate the shifts that we haverecently co-created with the company ofheavenand observed how these shifts arechanging our life and the lives of ourloved ones in positive waysthe company of heaven is encouraging usto empower the patterns of perfectionfor the new earththese patterns are now flowing into themental and emotional strata of motherearththrough the new fifth dimensional recordkeeper crystals that have recently beenplaced within the meridians of hercrystal grid systemas we participate in this activity oflightthat has been given to us by the beingsof light in the realms of illuminedtruththe words may be familiar but thepatterns we are empowering from the new5th dimensional record keeper crystalsare pulsating with brand newfrequenciescolorssacred geometrymusical tones conceptsthought forms anddivine ideasbeyond what we have been able to imaginein the pastthese patterns are encodedwithin the full divine potential of thenew earthin allof her resplendent gloryif you have the heart called to do soplease join with me and light workersaround the worldas we participate in this activity oflightthis invocation will be stated in thefirst personso that we will each experienceit personallybut simultaneously we will invoke thislight on behalf of all humanity theelemental kingdomand mother earthand we beginas i take an elevated holy breathi go within to the divinity of my fullyempowered heart flamemy i am presence takes full dominion ofmy earthly bodiesand through the power of this spokenwordi commandthat the patterns of perfection from thenew record keeper crystalsbe encoded nowwithin the core of purityin every electron of precious lifeenergyon earthi also commandthe unformed primal light substance fromthe very core of creationtoinstantaneously downloadthe divine templates for these brand newheart-based patternsfor the new earthinto the mental and emotional strata ofmother earthfor all to seeand tangibly acknowledgei am my i am presence and i am one withthe i am presenceof every person on earthas i invoke these patterns one by onei command that they be downloadedinstantaneouslyi know and accept that this is occurringthrough each person’s i am presencein perfect alignment with his or herdivine planand the highest goodfor all concernedbeloved father mother godand the legions of light throughoutinfinity download now from the core ofcreationthe highestand most exquisite frequenciesof the patterns of perfection for thenew earthfrom the newfifth dimensionalrecord keeper crystalsbeloved ones i commandthat the new fifth dimensionalcrystalline patterns of perfectionpulsating with god’s eternal peaceinfinite abundanceopulencefinancial freedomand the god supply of all good thingsbeinstantaneously downloadednowi command that the new fifth dimensionalcrystal and patterns of perfectionassociated with eternal youthvibrant healthradiant beauty and perfect form andfunction of our earthly bodiesbe downloadedinstantlynowdear ones i command that the new fifthdimensional crystalline patterns ofperfectionassociated with perfect health habitsincluding eating and drinking habitsexerciseworkrelaxation and recreation habitsand spiritual devotionmeditation and contemplation habitsbe instantly downloadednowi command that the new fifth dimensionalcrystalline patterns of perfectionassociated with divine family lifeloving relationshipsadorationdivine lovedivine sexualitytrue understandingclear and effective communicationopen heart sharingonenessand the unification of the family ofhumanitybe downloadedinstantaneouslynowbeloved ones i command that the newfifth dimensional crystalline patternsof perfectionassociated with harmonybalanceonenessunityand reverence for all lifebe instantly downloadednowi command that the new fifth dimensionalcrystalline patterns of perfectionassociated withempowerment successfulfillmentdivine purposea rewarding careerself-esteemspiritual developmentenlightenmentchrist consciousnessand divine perceptionbe downloadedinstantaneouslynowi command that the new fifth dimensionalcrystalline patterns of perfectionthat are initiating consciousopen heart and mind telepathiccommunicationthrough my i am presencewith my father mother godthe company of heavenmother earthand the angelic and elemental kingdomsbe instantlydownloaded nowbeloved ones i command that the newfifth dimensional crystalline patternsof perfectionthat inspire creativitythrough musicsingingsoundtoningdancemovementartand educationbe downloaded instantaneouslynowi command that the new fifth dimensionalcrystalline patterns of perfectionassociated with laughterjoyplayfulnessfunself-expressionelationenthusiasmblissecstasywonderand awebe instantly downloadednowand finally i commandthat the new fifth dimensionalcrystalline patterns of perfectionassociated with all of the remainingpatterns of perfectionpulsating within the new fifthdimensional record keeper crystals forthe new earthbeinstantaneously downloadednowi accept and know that these newpatterns of perfection for the new earthhave been recordedwithin the core of purity in everyelectron of precious life energy onearthi also accept and knowthat the divine templates for thesepatterns of perfectionhave been god victoriously downloadedinto the mental and emotional strata ofmother earthfor all to seeand tangibly acknowledgethis has occurred in perfect alignmentwith the highest benefitof all life evolving on this preciousplanetthese heart-based patterns for the newearthwill now tangibly manifestin greatly accelerated waysin the physical world of formday by daywith everyelevated holy breathi takeand so it isbeloved i ambeloved i ambelovedi am that i amgod bless you precious hearti look forward to being with you nextweek[Music]youEnglish (auto-generated) Share 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