Blessings Beloveds ~ Gateways typically include Solar alignments and activity, some can be Galactic or Universal alignments. Some stargate alignments trigger intense upgrades for our Ascension. This Equinox passage is presenting as a quantum opening into a new way of being. The Aquarian age may be an outdated term, however the deeper meaning of the new paradigm, the next level of HUman expression, the Ascension of willing and prepared hearts, is about to reveal a higher purpose.The stargates that are about to align and unlock are responsible for new collective realities, new harmonic sequences in our Crystalline DNA, and a level of quantum awareness that we have not been able to maintain as a collective until this moment. These are called the Aquarian Stargates, because they usher in a new era of our collective experience.Aquarian Stargates will initiate consciousness-shifting zero point codes for over a month. Surreal frequencies, new harmonics and a sense of impending changes are present. The last two weeks of continuous geomagnetic storms and Schumann spikes have been preparing the fields and grids for this influx. Gaia’s magnetic fields feel wavy or shakey. Personally, I feel like I AM floating. Less density, less gravity.Take note of the global magnetic effects: more cosmic objects are penetrating our atmosphere, elementals are more intense, storms intensify, the veils thin, harmonics increase in volume, revelation is more consistent, and the Living Library within Gaia and our DNA is unlocked. Quantum awareness of interacting with the cosmic fields.Many are reporting bliss states, Divine Neutrality, multi-layered tones and pressure changes, and the weightlessness of DNA and lightbody activation. Perhaps the most noticeable is the shift in perception. You can feel your brain, heart and perception upleveling to expanded multidimensional awareness.This Equinox passage brings a unique attunement for quantum awareness. It will take a good amount of integration. Meditate often on zero point. Release, recode, reveal. Notice the expansion of your heart field. Take your Crystalline DNA out on the land for physical gate and gridwork if guided. SUNspots are building already, preparing for plasma releases and flares. These gateways open March 12 and flow for an entire month.Equanimity as OpportunityThe grids and fields are being saturated with new harmonics and crystalline plasma. Many hear and feel it over the last few weeks. These harmonics are playing our DNA like a symphony, activating the etheric fields/strands to produce new realities – with your conscious direction.Prepare to receive intense frequency shifts. Detox, reset with a fast, decree, meditate, get in nature, clear your space and crystals. A beautiful passage to begin something new, take action on a new creation, and release what feels dense or cumbersome.Gate and Gridkeepers, we open Friday, March 12. Gaia needs us to be present and unified, to hold the Freedom codes strong as the global narratives shift.Connect to your own Truth, to your Source within the heart. This is a passage of sovereign wisdom, and releasing of outdated narratives. Divine neutrality holds the sacred covenant of Oneness as the highest truth.Quantum Free Will steps forth; operating in the highest interest of all concerned. Implementation of Cosmic Law in alignment with Love and Oneness.Quantum Grace is embodied as Divine Presence, kindness, patience, and balance across all aspects of Self.Maintain the higher perspective as these energies flip global narratives. Avoid distractions, focus on learning to be an aligned creator. Be witness to the truth of your heart’s desires.Equinox Webinar Our next webinar is moved up to Equinox, the energies and downloads are too strong to wait for April.Join me live on the Equinox, Saturday March 20 at 10AM -12 noon PDT. Unified activations, uncensored intel and guidance. Access the webinar live or watch the replay. Register at Unity Meditations:: Clocks change this weekendRegardless of where you live, the meditations are based in the Mount Shasta, CA time zone. Clocks Spring ahead in the USA next weekend. Check your time zone to synch with the global collective.We focus on collective DNA activation, Heart openings and pineal attunements during this passage. Open to receive on SUNday 5AM, 8AM and 11AM PDT (UTC -8) during our Global SUNday Unity Meditations. Details, graphics for spreading the word, guided meditation and more at Divine LoveLight, strength, peace and victory to all. Let us show HUmanity what is possible with Ascension!In Love, Light and Service, Sandra Read or share this article online HERE |