Remember all is energy, all is light in different forms. Crystalline bodies require different nutrients. You can program your water to give you exactly what is needed for the moment of ascension that you are in.

photography of waterfalls between trees
Photo by Rifqi Ramadhan on

Shanika of the Merpeople Collective: We Are Much More

Greetings. I am Shanika. I am a sea creature with humanoid features. You call those of us merpeople but we are much more intelligent than we have been portrayed. We are peeking out of our interdimensional vortexes to see when it is safe to come to the surface. Many of us have been within the earth for it is a safe haven for us there. The waters are pure and clean.

I come forth to tell you that great changes are coming in the waters. The waters are much more alive than you have been led to believe. In fact nothing that you have been told is true, except that God is love. The great love that surrounds and feeds us is love. The corrosion happened long ago, long before my kind came from our place to this place.

(She is showing me a large ship filled with water which is how they arrived from their worlds to ours.)

We seek haven within the inner deep seas of inner earth.

I Shanika am speaking. The waters are alive. I wish to communicate this fact with you, for those of you reading are intelligent and aware of energies. Your palms are conductors of electrical currents. You can charge your water with light. It will help enhance your crystalline force, which will ease ascension symptoms. Surrounding yourselves with water during this energetic Aquarian onset will soothe you.

Watch the water. Many water changes are occurring.

(I am seeing vortexes and whirlpools deep from within inner earth coming to our oceans bridging energies to help balance the flow.)

The inner and outer charges have been so out of alignment for so long. I am assisting with this. Many of you have aqua aspects that are assisting with the communication of water. It is time to listen to your water and learn what it has to tell you. It is wise, liquid plasma within water form.

Water conducts energies, information. Water is information. Your scientists have been studying water in secret for they know this. It is time for the masses to know the great value of water and the insight that it brings.

We sea dwellers communicate with the water for we are surrounded with its embrace. We flow and fly within it. We understand that in these vessels you have you cannot yet breathe underwater but you will be able to when the time is right, and you will feel the massive energies that support and surround. Water is womblike. There is water in the womb for many reasons. For us, the oceans are the womb of the great Gaia, and we honor her with our light. We flow within her embrace and are at peace.

I Shanika am speaking.

(She is now blowing bubbles and diving deep out of sight. She is swimming back now holding something. She is smiling at me showing even rows of jagged white teeth.)

I am bringing to the surface ones this flower from inner earth oceans where it grows freely.

(It looks like seaweed with pink daisy-like flowers on it that sparkle with light).

We eat this for our nutrients. Many of you will enjoy the nutrients and new forms of sustenance that your bodies enjoy as you continue to morph, that is why relationships with your waters that you consume are so important.

(She starts munching the flowing seaweed, tearing off the pink flowers vigorously with her teeth. Her long tentacle-like โ€˜hairโ€™ moves independently like fingers and surrounds her face. She color changes like an octopus for camouflage and is a variety of colors but mainly clay brown with blue on her scales, that change and glimmer in the light.)

Remember all is energy, all is light in different forms. Crystalline bodies require different nutrients. You can program your water to give you exactly what is needed for the moment of ascension that you are in.

This is why the waters have been so ravaged on your world. The sky ones work with the water ones to eliminate the threat of pollution. The sky ones are our friends. They work with Gaia and honor her great blue body.

I am Shanika. Talk to the water. It is listening.

(I am hearing the song of humpback whales, and feeling the presence of the cetaceans, the sentinels of the deep. She dives deeply out of sight.)

Quantum entanglement: Change one thing and you change everything!

Precisely. You light workers and love holders are doing an astounding service, and very soon you will see this energy rise through every part of your lives; like a pheonix, born anew out of the ashes of seeming failure.

yellow and white smoke during night time
Photo by Rostislav Uzunov on

Jennifer Crokaert ~ Ashian: Contraction and Expansion

Ashian: Greetings and blessings to all who resonate with this message.

Jennifer: Hello to you too! I hope you donโ€™t mind, but I called on you because I wondered if you could speak on the subject of expansion and contraction.

A: It is always our pleasure to assist the understanding of spiritual truth.

You have been born and raised in a matrix of contraction. Contraction is fear, stress, anxiety, terror, regretโ€ฆ To keep the matrix in place, you have been fed a strict diet of unworthiness, failure, self-denial, false promises and even so-called manifestation tricks. Anything that makes you doubt yourself or feel an iota less than a shining spark of Divine Love is part of the 3D matrix.

Contraction is fuel of the 3D matrix.

You, the light holders and love holders, are moving out of the 3D matrix. Every time you heal an inner wound, every time you accept your mistakes with compassion, every time you choose to be gentle with yourself (harder than being gentle with others for you), you erode the 3D matrix and build the 5D matrix.

Anxious and fearful is not your natural state: you were trained into this way of being.

The 3D is reinforced daily in millions of tiny ways, from interactions with others who are 3D-trained (almost everyone on Gaia) to the institutions that regulate your life: the medical institution, the legal institution, the educational institution, the food and drink institution, the religious institution, the media and social media institution. You will note we have not even mentioned the governmental or the financial institutions, because they are propped up by all the other institutions. So long as you were fearful and constricted, you fueled the 3D.

When you choose trust over fear, peace over stress, patience over rudeness, breath over breathlessness, you erode the distortion and breathe life into Truth.

You are creating the 5D matrix as you crumble the 3D matrix.

Expansion is the fuel of the 5D matrix.

Expansive, peaceful, joyful, loving, trusting: these emotions are your natural state. This is your True Nature. You do not have to train yourself out of the 3D emotions, as โ€˜trainingโ€™ is a 3D notion in and of itself, nor do you have to โ€˜workโ€™ at leaving it go.

Excavating your 5D self is done slowly and patiently, by bringing kindness, compassion and gentleness to yourself every time you bump into fear, anxiety, stress, anger, resentment, jealousyโ€ฆ

There are many therapies that help, and they are most useful. You need to be seen, and by this we do not mean being seen externally, like on social media, that is the negative distortion of seeing, which focuses on the superficial.

Being seen means being beheld. Being seen means loving eyes behold you in your moments of pain and your moments of glory. Being seen recognises you, honours you, the person you are behind the mask.

Your journey through this life can be viewed as a dance between contraction and expansion. When you move into fear, stress and anxiety, you contract; where you move into kindness, patience, tolerance and compassion, you expand into your soul. You create the 5D matrix.

J: Thatโ€™s brilliant, thank you. I wanted to add what Iโ€™ve noticed: that as I work through my own knots and sticking-points, I find that I can exercise greater love and compassion more in some areas of my life than in others. Excavating our divine essence isnโ€™t a linear process.

A: You are right, you can do lots of work in one area, and it takes a while for that loving self to become the stronger voice inside. One day, you will notice that you are calm in a situation that previously catapulted you into contraction. Then, you will notice expansions of self love in one area extend into other areas of your life over time.

J: Yup! Thatโ€™s exactly my experience. Itโ€™s nice to know that expansions in one area flow into other areas of our lives.

A: One insight heals, it releases an old energy of fear, but it does not only heal that one area of your life; it flows through every untrue distortion you hold as โ€˜truthโ€™ and softens them so that, eventually, the entire facade of โ€˜who you thought you should beโ€™ dissolves, and the shining truth of who you are emerges.

Your healing frees you to be yourself, and it also frees humanity from the 3D matrix.

J: Quantum entanglement: Change one thing and you change everything!

A: Precisely. You light workers and love holders are doing an astounding service, and very soon you will see this energy rise through every part of your lives; like a pheonix, born anew out of the ashes of seeming failure.

Copyright ยฉ 2023 Jennifer Crokaert YouTube

You are all so very worthy of all you dream.You are SO Worthy!

the word worthy on a woven surface
Photo by Magda Ehlers on

My dear friends, we love you so very much,

If we had a mission here in heaven, you might say it would be to assist you in realizing your true nature. You are birthed from love, given life by love, and will return to love. Part of your journey on the earth is learning to expand love, starting for yourselves. It is easy to love yourself when you feel loved by another. It is a reality in heaven when you feel the love that unceasingly gives you life. It is also easier when things are going your way โ€“ when the traffic flows, when you find what you want at the grocery store, and when people are being kind.

It is not truly any harder to love yourself when others don’t or when things are not going your way, except for one minor detail. Most of you have been trained out of this very natural feeling of worthiness. There is no need to explain why. It is relatively simple. Others behaved the way they behaved, and you interpreted that to mean you were not worthy of love. Someone disapproved of your artwork when you were a child, and you felt you were not worthy of being creative. Someone frowned at your face, hair, or outfit, and you thought you were not worthy of love unless your looks pleased others. Someone treated you horrendously and in such a vile, abusive manner that you decided you were not at all worthy of love.

The empowering point here, dear ones, is that you decided you were unworthy of love, and while it is understandable that you would do so, you can change your mind! You can acknowledge here and now that no matter who convinced you that you were unworthy of love, the Divine begs to differ. You can acknowledge that no matter who treated you as if you were unworthy of love, the heavens want to treat you as the most worthy, precious, perfect being sourced from the light of love itself. No matter how conditionally others loved you, no matter what messages they sent, and no matter how conditionally you learned to love yourself, you can decide right here and now accept the fact โ€“ the spiritual truth โ€“ that you are worthy of love. Whether you feel it or not, you can decide here and now to accept this fundamental, accurate, unchangeable premise.

You are worthy. You are worthy of love. You are worthy of doing what you love. You are worthy of taking the time to do the things that add life to your life. You are worthy of being around those who treat you well and walking away or ignoring the opinions of those who don’t. You were created worthy, and nothing you do or don’t do, say or don’t say, can ever affect that worthiness because, dear ones, you are made (not were made) in the image and likeness of your Creator. Like your Creator, the truth of your being is pure light and pure love.

Some days you are aligned with that love and that light. Some days you are not. In some lives, you align with that light; in others, you do not. Your experience will differ, but we always hold onto our understanding of your true nature and your worthiness. Even the vilest among you are worthy of love. If they were to open up to that simple fact, they would not behave like those who feel so unlovable that they must hurt, manipulate, cheat, and steal to get a little piece of that sense of being lovable! Dear ones, the vilest among you feel the least worthy, no matter how arrogantly they profess their worthiness to others. We see inside hearts.

We also know that you are always being the best you that you can be in the moment. You can always be more. You came to expand! Nonetheless, in every moment, you are the best you that you can be right then, right there, right here, right now. In some moments, the best you that you can be is a person having a good cry because you miss someone, or you feel exhausted. Then in the next moment, perhaps the best you that you can be is one who gets a tissue and dabs their own eyes in the tiniest movement of loving comfort. Then perhaps in the next moment, the best you that you can be is one who sighs and says, “Well, I don’t feel like it, but there is more to do in life. I may as well go through the motions.” Then in the next moment, the best you that you can be is one who realizes that life is moving forward and there are some enjoyable moments.

And so, dear ones, as you accept this simple fact โ€“ that every moment you are being the best you that you can be โ€“ there will be a natural progression towards better. Be kind to yourselves now. Accept yourself now. In that acceptance, you acknowledge that you are worthy of love as you are here and now. In self-acceptance, you begin your journey toward true, unconditional self-love. You want others to love you no matter what. Choose to accept yourself as you are, doing your best and being the best you that you can be in this moment.

We in the heavens will never judge you. We know it is a courageous move to become human, to forget your worthiness, your nature, and the connection you have with all of life โ€“ all to experience variety, reach for more, and thus pull the energy of the Divine from its raw form into manifest reality. You, by virtue of being human and being there upon your earth, expand creation, expand love, and call forth the unmanifest into form. You are all so important. You are all so loved.

You are all so very worthy of all you dream.

God Bless You! We love you so very much.
— The Angels

Full Moon Manifestation Practice 369

What is that you want?
Money? Lover ? A new house ? A new car? Excellent Well Being ? Peace? Travel? All of those. Choose 6 themes.
Ask yourself why? Write down.
Then how does it feel ? each theme, describe it and write doen how it feels in 9 different words.
Do this 3 times every day, one day before, on full moon day and the next day or for 21 days, as you feel.
What you feel, is what you attract and every time you deliberately choose to play this game you are coming closer to your desired reality.
What you asked it is already given. It is Done. Done. Done.
Enjoy the journey appreciating every now in eagerness of what is coming.

Feel More Than Fine