Monthly Archives: October 2022
Messages from Ann & the Angels – 10/15/2022 • Look for the Love!
My dear friends, we love you so very much,
In a world that feeds you a steady stream of drama, you can be at peace. In a world where the news would make you think things are spiraling down by the moment, you can discern a greater truth – love is everywhere – present, emerging, expanding, and interacting in the most beautiful ways! It is present in the interactions between caring human beings. It is present in the joy between you and the animals you adore.
Love flows through you as you lovingly water and trim a houseplant or plant a seed with loving hope in your garden. It is streaming into the meals you cook with love and the meals you reheat as you look forward to nourishing your body.
Love is in the grass under your feet, growing and reaching for the light. Love is in the coffee or tea that you drink. Your beverage originated in a seed that waited patiently for the rains, pushed through the surface of the soil, reached for the light, harnessed the energy of a star millions of miles from your planet, surrendered to the harvest, processings, and packaging, rode for miles in a box or bag or container via planes, trains, ships, and trucks, and then sits her, in your mug, allowing you to extract the best of its journey, all for your morning beverage. Love lives to love you. You live to love.
There are, of course, people on your planet who have forgotten the love attempting to push up from within them, as much as the force of life pushes a seed out of the shell. They fight it, resist it, deny it, and disbelieve it. They feel they must take matters into their own hands. Can you imagine a seed straining against the growth within, trying so hard to stay in the shell and dictate how it will receive the water that could soak into it freely? Can you imagine that seed trying to build irrigation canals to funnel more rain to itself because it needs more and more water to help it break free from its own resistance? We know this is a small analogy, but perhaps it enables you to see that those who resist the love trying to rise from within are straining, stressing, manipulating, bullying, angering, even killing when all they have to do is surrender to their own hearts.
Love is in a constant flow, continually expanding. Love is always calling you towards that which you truly desire. Love is saying, “Look over here. There is a person you want to talk to who has a bit of information about that job you want.” As you look for the item you want in your market, you notice a person that seems familiar. You have the urge to talk to them. Love is calling.
Love is present in the cells of your body inspiring them to inspire you by creating feelings from within. I am thirsty. Are you listening? Did you get that drink of water? Love is saying I need to stretch. You feel a tight spot and a natural impulse to move. Can you allow for this.
Love is present in the little bug on your carpet who is waiting patiently to see if you are going to kill him or carry him out. He is surrendered, knowing he can’t control you but must allow for love to carry him into nature or into the light. He has instincts. He’d rather live just like you, but he has no real fear of the illusions of death. He just asks for your love either way.
Are you open to love, dear ones, or are you fighting against its desire to reach you? Are you focusing on all that makes you sad, mad, frightened, doubtful, etc.? Do you believe in those who would have you think you are going to die, experience financial ruin, or be part of disaster if you don’t listen to their points of view? Or are you believing in love?
The Divine is Love. You are embodiments of the Divine, never separate from love. You breathe in love. Love makes your heart beat and your cells hum. Love is within every facet of creation – physical and otherwise, always calling you to greater love. When you are focused on feeling better and better, you are allowing love to seep into your awareness. You are like earth allowing the spring rains to soften and flow through it with nourishing waters.
Dear ones, you choose whether you believe in the ideas that being fed to you about how your world is spiraling downhill, how people are going mad, and how your earth is going to self-destruct… or whether you believe in love. We see a world, growing and expanding into greater love, even if it is going through a bit of the “teenage” phases of self-awareness. We see a world whose population is increasingly conscious of their connection with their Mother Earth and young souls coming in with a mission and inspiration to clean her up and live in harmony with her. Your problems today inspire solutions tomorrow. Generations who felt they could not change are being replaced by generations who will not settle without change. You are evolving, moving forward, not backward, into greater love.
So, what does this mean for your daily lives? Believe in love. Look for it everywhere. Feel the love in your coffee or tea, your blankets, the sunrise, the trees, the birds that sing to you, and the spouse who may be rushing to get to work because they care about the family. See love in the man who is scowling on the bus because he wants attention in his misery. He is crying for love. Pray for him. See love in the boss who is short-tempered because they care so much about doing good work, the helping hands of a clerk carrying a bag to the car for someone in need, the smile of a stranger, the person who lets you in while you are in traffic, and the one that doesn’t who is attempting, albeit awkwardly to love themselves and tend to their own schedule.
Love, whether buried deep beneath bad behaviors or easily visible, is there, dear ones. Can you make it a little game in your hearts, “Look for the love?” If you do, you will begin to discern it everywhere – where it is easily visible and where it is not. Those who behave badly will feel so much less threatening and personal. You’ll see them as souls crying for love. When you are connected to love, you’ll be guided and impulsed in ways that help you avoid the consequences of others’ bad behaviors.
You’ll feel better. Your life will flow. Good will come to you by surprise, all because you chose to embrace what you know deep down. “I am a spirit, having a human experience. I am sourced from love. I live in love whether I see it or not. I am love having an experience of it or not, whether I feel it or not, and so is everyone else.“
Dear ones, love is rushing to your planet now in mighty streams. You have prayed for it, called for it, and directed it with your hopes and dreams for the better, increasingly so over the past few years. Open to it. Let it flow through your hearts with this simple game: Look for the love.
You are not only gifting the world with this game but opening up to all the love you desire in all the ways you desire to experience it!
God Bless You! We love you so very much.
— The Angels
Jesus Through John: Your Awakening is Assured and Guaranteed
As you await humanity’s collective awakening with eager anticipation, practice being in the ‘now’ as frequently as you can during the day and allow yourselves to enjoy the moments as they unfold. Doing this is very healing for you if you are dealing with trauma that you are in the process of releasing.
You have all suffered trauma, and for each of you it has been personal, very intense, and has probably stirred up old emotions you had forgotten or did not even know were within you. Do not attempt to diminish those feelings by comparing what you have experienced to the experiences of other far more horrifically traumatized people you know of or who you have read about.
YOUR experience, whatever may have caused it, was intensely traumatic for YOU, so honor and congratulate yourself for dealing with it as you did, knowing and acknowledging that how you dealt with it while it was ongoing was perfect for You.
When you do that you will feel great relief as your hurt inner child finally realizes that it is being seen, heard, and, most of all, loved.
Your nature, as you well know, is Love. But the majority of you, while in human form, have never received that Love. Yes, your care-givers when you were small, friends, intimate partners, even your own children, have said they love you, and have, to the best of their abilities, offered you love, but it has nearly always been conditional!
Love is NEVER conditional. As humans in form only a tiny minority of you have truly received love from someone else.
To undo your traumas it is necessary to honor and offer love to yourselves. This is an essential aspect of your awakening process.
Many of you now are finding unrecognized or long forgotten ‘stuff’ arising into your awareness in these unsettling times, it is mostly not a very pleasant experience, and the temptation may likely arise to shut it down because “I don’t have time for this now.”
In the moment that it arises this is often the case, BUT you need to make time for it, sooner rather than later, so that any long held but buried or hidden angers and resentments may be seen, forgiven, and released. Then Love will fill your hearts and empower you in ways that will likely amaze you.
You can do this, you need to do this, so call on me or on anyone in the non-physical heavenly realms to be with you and comfort you as you just allow yourselves to be – letting go of ALL self-judgment in this moment – and reveal to yourselves the personal blockages to your beingness to which you are clinging.
Any sense of personal “unworthiness” or “not being good enough” that you claim to be valid is not, it simply gives you an excuse to believe that “you are who you are,” and that change is impossible, and even undesirable; you are comfortable with that apparent state of being because you have become so accustomed to it.
Well now is the time to start letting it go as you start to honor yourselves completely as the perfect divine beings that you are, and have always been since the moment of your most wondrous creation. You need to start honoring yourselves, after all God does, so for you not to do so is insane.
Your awakening is guaranteed because to sleep forever is impossible. When you are not feeling too well when you wake up in the morning, you may sometimes turn over and go back to sleep in order not to have to face the day. But you do eventually wake up and find that you have no option but to face and deal with the problems and anxieties of the day.
You cannot remain asleep indefinitely because your bodies insist on waking up. But when you awaken from the unreality that is the experience of life in form, when you truly and really AWAKEN you will be in JOY! And you are, NOW, in the process of doing that.
Obviously, in your awareness of all the conflicts and other divisive issues now plaguing the world, it is extremely difficult for you to imagine a life of endless joy. However, if you choose to avoid paying undue attention to MSM and social media, you can very easily find joyful moments throughout your day – the smile of a child or a loved one, beautiful autumn colors, an unexpected message from a friend, even that first sip of your morning coffee or tea – because many do occur.
You can become aware of them if you will practice being mindful, and then you can temporarily succeed in stopping all the unnecessary mental chatter that only adds to any anxieties that may be disturbing your peace of mind, and you will feel at least for a moment that life is worth living in spite of the problems with which it so often seems to present you.
Then use that moment to remind yourselves of your true nature, One with Mother/Father/God, from Whose Presence you have never departed, and of which you are now in the process of once more becoming fully aware.
Your awakening is divinely assured and guaranteed. It is inevitable and unavoidable.
Go within daily to your holy inner sanctuaries and remind yourselves of this most wondrous truth, then allow yourselves to feel the certainty of it. This will boost your energy, strengthening your intent to be only loving, to be true to your true real nature, and reinforce the Power of the Love that you most definitely are, thus beautifully assisting you to forge ahead in your awakening process.
Others with whom you interact during the day will feel the peace and loving energy that enfolds you and spreads out from you in a massive sharing, thus assisting all with whom you interact in any manner at all to move forward on their own paths to awakening.
You chose to be incarnate now to do this beautiful work, for yourselves and for humanity, and your success is divinely assured. So celebrate in the deep knowing that all is well, that all is unfolding as divinely planned, and that you, just as you are right now, are an absolutely essential and irreplaceable participant in this holy and miraculous transformation.
Your loving brother, Jesus.
Know that for one, the dark agendas they are even now investing great sums of money, technology, and efforts into, will not come to pass.-The Collective through Caroline Oceana Ryan-
Greetings, friends! Today we answer a question sent in by a Light Bringer:
QUESTION: Could you give us a message of hope?
I’m reading and hearing about executive orders being signed by the president for a cashless society, abolishing the states, advancing the biotech transhumanist agenda, etc. Are these props for fear-mongering, or can they really happen? Can these even stick, and get rolled out?
THE COLLECTIVE: We would say, that it is vital to understand how the machinery of the old (fast-fading) order operates, in order to fully follow what is happening now.
First, know that over the centuries, and in particular over the last 50 years or so, the old self-proclaimed rulers have had many plans and programs which they intended to put into place and carry out, the destructive effects of which were meant to harm or strenuously control not only humanity but the Earth Herself.
These programs are nearly always accompanied by media campaigns to incite fear, upset, and feelings of helplessness in the population.
One of the ways in which this is carried out, is to spread enough news of impending control measures, released in ways that appear to be a warning to the masses, to cause within humanity a feeling of being watched, controlled, and contained.
Whether or not that is the final outcome, once group and individual consciousness feel that that is the case, much of that agenda is already achieved.
Over the years, they have spread mass panic over purported pending wars, natural disasters, technological meltdowns, electrical grid power losses, food shortages, drastic illnesses—it would take a great deal of time to list all of the dark plans that they have intentionally released to the media, to spread fear and emotional upset, and expectation of “dark days ahead.”
At that point, whether or not these plans are successfully achieved (as portions of them have been), automatic human reaction does much of the job for them, in terms of holding people’s consciousness in a constricted feeling of helplessness and perpetual emergency.
Those particular emotional frequencies are often difficult for people to ignore or climb out of, as they tap into the survival aspect of the brain, and leave humanity vulnerable to being controlled via energetic entrainment as well as psychological manipulation.
You have seen this demonstrated in large-scale ways over the last few years.
And so, to note that they hold intentions for even greater schemes is hardly surprising.
Humanity has been trained over the millennia to respond to certain stimuli in certain ways.
The steps that follow then lead people in seemingly logical ways into any number of traps to contain not only their outer movements, but their consciousness.
You speak of agendas which do indeed exist, and we would not say otherwise.
Yet much of the work of instilling any dark agenda is already achieved, once people hear of it and begin to fear it.
Already, people are then in a position to “give away their power” as many term it, and that is exactly the plan of your former “overlords.”
Remember that you will not hear in mainstream (or most alternative) news sources about the work of the Archangels, or about the ongoing active presence of the Ashtar Command in human life.
Far from standing back and simply observing what is occurring on the Earth now, these beautiful beings, whom we count as being amongst us, are working powerfully to balance two very large considerations.
The first is the Universal requirement that humanity choose its own destinies, consciousness, and living conditions. And the second is the active assistance that is increasingly offered by all of us, as the people of Earth call it forth.
We respond also to that sentient Light pouring increasingly each day onto the planet, calling all of you and all of us forth to integrate the higher dimensional forms of living with Earth life.
Know that for one, the dark agendas they are even now investing great sums of money, technology, and efforts into, will not come to pass.
We are aware that some aspects of those plans have already been rolled out, and that it can appear that they are successfully taking hold.
Yet what if you were to far more correctly view their “reset” and DNA redesign agendas as fear reactions of their own?
These desperate ploys only exist because they know their “time is up,” and that increasing numbers of their once-influential leaders are being arrested or otherwise detained, and removed from places of decision-making.
Similarly, their funds have been frozen or removed from their accounts, which is more than a symbolic action in terms of stopping their forward movements.
And so they rely on the last lever they have to pull, which is attempting to induce panic and fear-instilled compliance to their unworkable programs amongst the masses.
Then, they have decided, at least the appearance of their former power is still in place, and they can use the mass trauma energies to fuel their efforts to remain in place and to eventually regain their lost power.
This is a rather sad conclusion of theirs, as your galaxy and Universe are moving forward now into the Ascension frequencies of higher dimensional life.
Earth beings could no more return to the lower order of the third dimension than you could find a way to stop the Light itself from illuminating every facet of Earth life—and they did attempt to find a way to do that, and eventually gave up, seeing the impossibility of it.
Is there a lower dimensional version of Earth—a particular timeline they feel it is possible to maintain, so that their charade may continue, one way or another?
Even that is not open to them now, dear ones.
They have lost their last chances to maintain their former madness and adherence to the dark order.
And so, they must experience the Light, as all must, and see who they are, once illumined by its presence, and by Divine Love.
And so while we are sure that these reports are strange and difficult to hear, we would ask that rather than being rattled and troubled by them, that you would look squarely at these actions and announcements, and let their true sources know, “You have no power here—be gone! Higher Light is the only reality now.”
Many have noted how this sounds very like the words of the Good Witch Glinda from The Wizard of Oz film, and that is interesting to note, as that story contains much imagery that, similar to The Lord of the Rings trilogy, describes more of current Earth life than one might think.
For while the old, self-proclaimed “rulers” have worked hard to control the symbolic imagery that powerfully influences human life, they have often missed the meaning and influences that have escaped their intentions and agendas, as the Light shone through the cracks in their facade.
As you move through your day now, friends, think on the symbolism of rebirth, renewal, and empowerment.
Consider that those Archangels and other Light Beings who are “on the ground” now in Earth life, walking amongst you in the physical, are not bound by rules that keep them from weaving their presence and their own higher viewpoint into human life on a deep level.
You are all of you carrying out the same mission, each in your own way.
You are all of you spreading Light in ways that turn humanity’s vision upward, away from dire news reports and lowered expectations.
Mother Sekhmet
You are all of you anchoring your own Truth in ways that reminds all around you, for many miles in every direction, that they also carry a higher truth that has nothing to do with the preferences of a bygone power structure.
Their time is done, dear ones—do not pay them, as some say, the “eternal compliment” of feeling threatened or unsure about how life is unfolding now, when in fact, you are moving into your sovereignty in ways even we could not have foretold.
And is the story fully written yet?
In the grander sense, perhaps it has been, as we know for sure that all is moving into a Light-based world of Peace and prosperity.
Yet the details of that path are still being written by you.
See yourselves as being in control of your own destiny, including how you handle the current pressures and stresses of Earth life.
And know that as you choose to release the old trained responses of feeling isolated, oppressed, hopeless, or defeated, you are releasing the old paradigm for all of humanity. So take up that banner you once were told is forbidden, or called impossible, and remember the words of the poet:
“Rise like Lions after slumber
In unvanquishable number– Shake your chains to Earth like dew
Which in sleep had fallen on you– Ye are many–they are few.” *
And so it is!
Namaste, friends who are family!
And in all of this, you are never alone.
*Percy Bysshe Shelley, “The Mask of Anarchy,”
For the real news, from the Faction Three White Knights of the Ashtar Command, see . New updates are posted each week.
Copyright 2022, Caroline Oceana Ryan
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Thank you.
And it is a very exciting time to be alive. And it is totally appropriate for you to take the time that you need to integrate. Rest is healing, renewing, restorative.
![Spiral Galaxies “Ultraluminous X-ray sources” (ULXs)](
Source 10/11/2022
I am Source. I am the out-breath and the in-breath and the in-between. I am the space within spaces and the All that holds it together. I am infinite, ever expanding, and I am with you in these moments of your in-between. I am with you in the apparent chaos of your realm. I am holding space for you, just as you have been holding space for the others. I wish for you to experience zero point, a place, a frequency, a realm of neutrality. Come there with me now, if you choose.
(I am within the vast void of creation. It is a space of infinite possibilities, planning, contemplation. I am seeing many beings surrounding this vast space, concentrating on the center. I am seeing a blue and green golden orb radiating light that is growing in the center of the void. I am seeing that this is New Earth and we are all creating it moment by moment. I am seeing the co-creation of this realm that is to be and yet we are told is already here. I am hearing, “it is not made manifest yet in your realm, but see it is made manifest here, it is growing and solidifying here, to make ready for physicality.”
I am feeling that we should all send our intentions for beauty, for hope and healing, for all that we would like to see on New Earth. I am feeling that suddenly I am standing on it, I have been teleported within the sphere. Looking around I am seeing smiling light beings also holding space but I don’t see anyone else in a human body. “They come often”, I am hearing. “They come often and lend their passion, their fortitude, their co-creative abilities.” I am feeling the prayers and intentions and they are all various prism colors. I am in a prism of light and sound, within the prayers and intentions surrounding New Earth, Nova Gaia. It feels wonderful.
I am pulled back out into the void with the others now. A tall slender crystal-like being with a heart shaped head and big almond eyes is smiling at me. “We are grateful that you could share your vision, your experience within this realm of light, of creation, where the light creates within the nothing of the void. New Earth is in front of you here and light workers it is beneath you in your realm. You are grounding this vision of intention, of space.” (I am seeing egg shells shattering). “The old must come away for the new to be released. We are not in physicality, it is a great priviledge, and honor to experience what you are experiencing within the bodily human form.”
I am being shown the rewiring of the human circuit, I am seeing the same plasma rainbow lights that were within Nova Gaia as becoming ever present within these who are open to it in their bodies. I am seeing dancing singing plasma lights. It is all very fast and very colorful. It is a spacious feeling, being only light, incredibly freeing. I often feel so weighed down by this body of mine, and I long to feel lighter. I think we all do, but I know we are here to anchor this plasma light, to ‘free the egg’. Source is all around us now, completely filling this space with immeasurable joy. There is no where else I would rather be. This is the space of creation, of peace.)
I am Source. I am sharing this moment with you, friends, and every moment. It is time to upgrade your connection with me, with who you are. For we are one. You hear this, you know this and yet, you do not know and that is how it is to be and how it has been for so long, for it forced you to dig deeper, to find me. And those of you who have found me, who have done the inner healing and listened past the pain into the silence you have found my voice, you have found my heart, and you have found the wholeness of you. For we are most whole together.
I am Source. I am cradling you with light. Breathe in these glorious downloads from your sun, from your moon, from your beautiful Gaia who surrounds you in love. But most importantly find the love that is me within. You have many tools for the times that are coming. This one has not wished to message me for awhile, and I am glad she is is back for you have all been integrating and learning and growing, expanding into the fullness of you. And it is a very exciting time to be alive. And it is totally appropriate for you to take the time that you need to integrate. Rest is healing, renewing, restorative. The full moon portal yesterday 10/10 was quite a doozy, wasn’t it? I planned it that way, to shock and awe you all back into my arms, into the fold of light that longs but whispers, and is always polite, yes. Love does not scream and shout, but it whispers, it loves, it nudges, it leads. And yes when needed love calls very loudly but most often it is in the quiet of a heart that beats true that the message rings the loudest. Do you see? Do you feel my tremendous love for you? For YOU? Do you see how all of those surrounding this vision space are equally vital for their contribution? And do you see how when galaxygirl hopped inside she was demonstrating that the Lightworkers are quite literally grounding the energetics into the new grid, of your new beautiful home? Now, you have always been home, and I know you will argue with me but hear me out. I am home. The light is your home. The light is the light of yourself, of your identity, and when you are attuned to it the resonance is balanced, clear, and peace is found here.
So many Lightworkers have struggles with peace. Now is the time of the ultimate grounding of peace, for much upheaval is very close to appearing in this shared reality. But it does not have to be your reality. Your reality, if you so choose to be grounded in your own source light, your reality is not that of those who do not see the higher energetics. And so they will see what is being presented to them within the lower sight, and that is fine as that is what they are ready and wish to experience. But you have the higher sight when you are within the fold of myself, and regardless of all that may surround and scream for your attention, you, dear Lightworkers are the calm in the eye, holding the space, grounding the light, and sharing the tremendous love and self sacrifice that you are, that you have been, and that you have been completing. But it will be amplified. And that is why I am offering to breathe into every one of you, a Source breath of light just for you. May it warm you in the coming days and be your night light, for it is within you now. Ready? (I am breathing nice deep breaths and feel sprinkles and shivers of light golden descending all through me. I feel a great space of golden light in my heart. Thank you, Source.)
I am Source, thank you for partaking in this visual exercise, attunement and co-creation. Dear friends, we are home in this space of togetherness, joy and unity. My beloved Lightworkers. You are so loved.
~ galaxygirl
Link Between Your Birth and Your Ascension by Archangel Michael
I now ask that you invite my energy into the whole of your body, to welcome back the spirit of joy and freedom and lust for life. -Isis Through Pamela Kribbe-
I am Isis. I am the free spirit in you all. You can see me in the movement of a bird, flying through the sky, or in water running through a river channel. I am always flowing and moving. My energy cannot get stuck in limitations based on fear and the need for control. I am a female energy, free of limitation.
I am here today because the female energy on Earth is awakening to a higher level of itself. The female energy has been suppressed for a long time, but there was a reason for this happening. There are big cycles of development in your human history and the male and the female energies are both developing themselves, trying to get to a point of balance within human beings. You are neither male nor female, you are both. And you are not dependent on either of them; you are a free spirit with no limitations. If you get caught up in the idea that you are only male or only female, you get imprisoned by limiting thought-forms which have been passed on to you by the traditions of your society. To be a free spirit, you need the element of play in your life: playfulness, joy, freedom from limiting structures, as well as both the male and the female energies available to you, whether you are a man or a woman. Tradition has forced you into limited images of what it is like to be male or female and you are all suffering from those images.
Now, as a start, if you are a man, I would like you to imagine that you have a female body, or if you are a woman, imagine that you have a male body. Travel with your awareness into your body, into your heart, and feel that you are free inside yourself. Imagine, just for fun, what it would be like to have a body of the opposite sex. You have actually lived lives as the opposite gender, so it is not as hard as you might think. Notice the difference in energies when you are in the body of the opposite sex. What would change for you if you were in this body? Would you do things differently; would some things feel easier for you? Just play with this image and welcome the energy of the opposite sex – it is part of you.
The energy of sexuality has been completely perverted by human traditions of fear and limitation. Sexuality and the soul, the free spirit, belong together, but most religions tell you otherwise. They state that the human passions, such as sexual desire, are of a “lower” nature, whereas the energy of discipline and rules, and focus on the “higher” nature, is supposed to be good and pure. However, when you make a division such as that, you sever yourself. The energy of sexuality is not just about sex, it is really about life. All life comes forth from the sexual energy in humans and in nature, and the dance of male and female energies is at the core of life itself. The energy of sexuality is badly in need of healing and of a different perspective.
Now, I ask that you connect to your second chakra which is in the middle of your abdomen. Sense how the source of creativity inside you is located there. True creativity comes from the soul and is free of limitation, and although it is also sexual in nature, it is not limited by the narrow definition of sexuality. True creativity is vibrant and alive; it wants to explore and express itself in a passionate way, and this is what happens when the soul connects to the physical plane. When the soul gets embodied as a human, the body can provide you with joy and pleasure, and there is nothing wrong with that.
The reason why sexuality was considered suspect, and was suppressed by religious traditions, was that there was a great fear of the female energy. In male-dominated societies or communities, the female energy became a threat because it breaks down rigid power structures and opens up to feelings. There is a paradox inside the male energy: at some level it yearns for sexual union, but at the same time it has an immense fear of sexuality in the wider sense of the word. The fear is not so much of the physical act, but sexuality as aliveness, creativity, exploration, going beyond limits.
For example, when you fall in love with someone, you lose your sense of boundaries and you enter into unknown territory, and this feels magical to you. But the energy of falling in love is not just about the relationship between a particular man and woman, it is more universal than that. It is about the joy of exploration, of moving beyond the known into the unknown, of feeling the magic and the miracle of life. This very free energy of moving beyond yourself, of transcending your boundaries, is at the heart of the female energy, but it was a threat to the ruling powers, and especially to the male power structures.
When you suppress and make suspect the true meaning and vitality of sexual energy, you create many problems for yourself; you become neurotic by suppressing a vital part of yourself. You miss the freedom of living life joyfully, of feeling whole unto yourself. You become divided against yourself and you think you need to obey rules and disciplines that do not come from within yourself, but are imposed from without. You alienate yourself from the source of life and this is what has actually happened in human society. Because the powers of life and true creativity were feared, the energy of control and suppression took over and it killed the human spirit.
Things are changing now but you can still see the effects everywhere around you. Most people are depressed, perhaps not in the clinical sense, but they use only a small part of their true potential and only have a limited connection with their free spirit, their soul. They are blocked by judgments and rules and principles which they think they should obey in order to feel alright, but these laws are not coming from a true spiritual source.
I now ask that you invite my energy into the whole of your body, to welcome back the spirit of joy and freedom and lust for life. You are whole, you are not divided into good and bad parts. This idea is nonsense; every part of you is alive, and the life inside you is looking for a heartfelt expression. All parts of you can and do desire to participate in this expression. Even the dark emotions or passions have a core of light inside them; they just need to be transformed by a spirit of kindness and understanding, and not be held captive by fear and suppression.
So invite my spirit into your heart and feel that it is your own. I am not outside you, I am present in every cell of your body – I am life itself. I am the part of your soul’s energy that loves life, that wants to enjoy it and to have adventures. I am the part of you that is not afraid of change, of moving on, and of accepting the new. Allow me to flow into your body and regard me as your friend – you can fly with me.
Imagine that you have wings and fly upward, and, for awhile, you leave the heavy energy of Earth below you. You see the suffering on Earth, the physical suffering, but most of all you see the emotional pain. Most people on Earth feel very imprisoned inside themselves. They cannot get out of themselves because their thoughts limit and restrict them. And as you look down upon this suffering when you are up in the sky, you feel free because you know youdo not have to change anything; you do not have to do anything to save humanity. You know that when you embody your own free spirit – when your trust your own desires, your passions, your true creativity – you then become your own best friend and you start to radiate an energy that is helpful to the people around you.
It is important to realize that when you express this energy of freedom, it might be frightening to some people because you are knocking on the doors of their prison cell, and doing this can sometimes feel as a threat to them. They may think you are too wild, too different, too free; but just let them be and do not argue with them, do not waste your energy by doing that. You need all your awareness and energy to stay focused on yourself, to preserve that energy of freedom, and to hear your own soul’s guidance.
When you embody the spirit of freedom, of love, life, and joy, you also need to be very perceptive of the energies around you. Feel from your heart where your unique soul’s energy is welcome and can flow easily. Whenever you feel exhausted around someone or in a particular situation – when you feel drained – just leave. Do not exert yourself trying to change things because change happens in ways you cannot predict. So you do not have to focus your attention on creating change or working for it, and you do not need to convince other people of what to do. If you keep attuned to your own heart and to the source of life in your abdomen, then you will know what to do: you simply follow the flow of joy. What makes you feel alive and vibrant and inspired is where you are meant to go.
There may be times in your life when you feel you cannot go anywhere with this energy. It seems there is a lack of people or situations which allow you to fully express yourself, but this is just a part of your journey. In order to learn to respect yourself, even when you feel alone and misunderstood, go out into nature. Feel the energies of nature in places where it is wild and free, and you will feel at home there. You must respect yourself and, to some extent, you need to be solitary to do this.
You are here to create a new kind of consciousness and you do this by staying true to yourself by not trying to change anything outside yourself, by listening to the voice of your heart, and by not getting too upset by people or energies that might resist you. Just leave them be; you do not need to be involved with them. Fly up high in the sky, again and again, to remember who you truly are: a being free of limitations, and your energy will change and affect the people around you. However, changing others should not be your primary concern, it will just happen. You are here to find joy in life, even in the midst of heavy and dense energy. And by preserving the spirit of joy, you will give hope to other people.
Take good care of yourself; you are much more cherished than you think. There are angels around you all the time; you are never alone, even in the midst of darkness. You are always connected to the source of life, the life that transcends all boundaries.
Thank you for receiving my spirit within you.
Jennifer Crokaert ~ Divine Mother: Disclosure Whiplash and Empaths
Greetings beloved children, aspects of my Self, embodiments of the Divine Godhead.
Jennifer has brought a topic she wishes to discuss and it is of great importance. Would you like to share your thoughts?
Jennifer: Oh, I wasn’t expecting to speak. OK… I was doing a deep dive on the energy of the October full moon with Narendra*, and it became obvious from the astrology that we are now in the disclosure period, as everyone says. What was unexpected was both of us had the same physical reactions to that energy as we focused in on it: we both felt as though we would be physically sick.
I’ve heard about disclosure so often, but I’ve never felt it, I’ve never had a physical reaction to it. Can you speak about this please and offer insights for everyone, but particularly empaths and sensitives, for the coming period?
Divine Mother: Thank you for this, for sharing how you felt. The disclosure has been described by many as a ‘gut punch,’ but this does not really explain the energy of it. A gut punch leaves you winded, a little disoriented. What you felt was an energy of such overwhelming evil and pain that you were sick to your stomach.
There will be many who will be spontaneously sick, as the disclosure unfolds. The depth and degree of shock, horror, shame and guilt will be so overwhelming for some that they will choose to exit at that point, without warning, but in alignment with their soul contract.
You have understood so much with your minds, but the information has to travel through your bodies. It can’t be a purely intellectual knowing if it is never to be repeated. The horror of this is shared by everyone on Gaia, whether you came to participate in it, ignore it, clean it up or heal it.
The emotional impact will be a rite of passage for humanity. How well you cope with that, how you process it, how your trust in others and institutions is affected, will be your journey. But be aware, there will be unprecedented grace to assist you, but you have to live it first.
Otherwise, it would be possible to go back, and the soul collective decision to never go back has been made. This ‘awakening’ to the reality of life on Gaia will be as painful as the first realisation of individuality, when your soul individuated from the Divine Cosmic Godhead. It will be an unparalleled shock experienced at all levels.
J: That’s such a grim picture.
Divine Mother: It is the reality you came to assist in transmuting; this is why only the strongest of the strong were allowed to come.
Now to your real question: How to cope?
You have become aware that the waves of disgust, revulsion, agony and despair will ripple across the planet as much of humanity awakens to this information for the first time. It will be hard for even seasoned truthers, but for those who did not suspect such evil is possible, it will almost feel soul-destroying.
Here, I wish to discuss how empaths and sensitives can cope, because they will be processing both their own emotions and waves of dark, heavy emotions from the collective grief. This is also true of most children, teens and starseeds. Their energies will be badly effected.
Two Kinds of Response
The most likely first reaction for many will be the need to find immediate comfort: alcohol, drugs, chocolate, smoking, exercise, food, texting, television ~ wherever your wounding manifests is where you will turn for comfort. There’s nothing wrong with that, you will be in such emotional overload; your most primal wounding is likely to manifest strongly at first.
Then, depending on how integrated you have become through your personal work, you will lift out of these more damaging responses and reach towards healthier ways of dealing with trauma. This can include anything that uplifts your heart and distracts your mind, allowing it to come to a quietness that provides some relief. This can include: walking, drawing, reading, yoga, day dreaming, prayer, gardening, meditation, service to others…
Not all of these will be possible, so you will become inventive, you will discover ways to ease your emotional pain that work for you.
But what is important is the following:
These emotions are coming forward to be expressed and released. That means you feel them and allow them to pass, like waves flowing through you. If you hold on to them, you create a dam which is full of internal pressure and has to explode; that won’t help anyone.
So how do you allow these emotions to flow through you?
- Breathe: Your body comes into a stress response when you stop breathing, you create stress hormones as your body works out if it should freeze, fight or fly. Take a moment to take a deep breath. Then another. Then a third deep breath. Three deep breaths will go a long way in reclaiming your body from the trauma response.
- Relax your body: Your immediate reaction will be to tense your body, this will create a dam, holding the tension within. If you shrug your shoulders and move in any way you want, you allow the emotions to flow through you without holding them.
- Gratitude: In your darkest hours, try to find something, anything, that you are grateful for, because that invokes the light, which then creates alchemy, transmuting darkness into light. And you came to be alchemists.
There are many other things you can and will do. My purpose here is to give you simple basics to fall back on when you need it. Remember, we are always with you; and the more you call upon us, knowing we will help and knowing we will show you we are with you through tiny synchronicities, the greater ease and balance you will feel.
When in doubt, go back to basics: breathe. Just breathe. That will give you the space you need, moment by moment.
Remember that the emotions flowing across the globe at this time are not yours to own, keep or process. They are simply to be noticed and released ~ breathe them out.
Empaths and sensitives have the biggest, most expansive hearts. They are led by their hearts. It is their superpower. Now is the time to take all the skills you have gathered, and use that superpower effectively.
We are always with you: angels, archangels, ascended masters, the divine energy in its myraid forms. Calling upon us, talking to us will bring us to you so we can help you with your burden, help you feel better. You may also invoke the silver ray, which I know you have found to be immensely nourishing, nurturing and healing, Jennifer. But imagining any colour flowing through you will assist you.
J: I have one final tip, what I find very helpful is imagining four huge whales around me, protecting me. As soon as I picture them, I feel as though they take my burdens from me, I feel lighter. You could try this with ascended masters or angels, but I use whales for some unknown reason! I know that sounds nuts, but it’s so nuts you may remember to try it, and you may find it works!
Divine Mother: A wonderful illustration of the creative power each one of you have within to find ways of sharing burdens without inflicting them negatively** on others. You will all find your own unique ways, using the techniques that appeal to you.
There are literally countless beings of light amid you on your planet now, assisting you. There are countless more around and within Gaia, and all are focused on assisting you through this last stage of process, prior to Ascension. You are loved. You are adored.***
*I highly recommend Narendra’s blog on these energies and the stunning cloud images he received as confirmation. We will be posting a YouTube video on this topic in the next few days.
** It’s perfectly natural to discuss this, to cry about this, but not to use it as an excuse to hurt another verbally, emotionally, physically or psychically. In this circumstance, it’s best to protect yourself as best you can.
*** During my spiritual expansion last year, I discovered that adored means loved without beginning or end, it is an expression of love we are unfamiliar with on earth, as almost all love is conditional in some way.
Copyright © 2022 Jennifer Crokaert YouTube channel
What to eat.
You are ready to step into your full power and your full potential and to come together with the galactic forces and the forces that are from the nonphysical dimensions in this universe.
The October Energies & Your 5D Chakras ∞The 9D Arcturian Council
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are very pleased to be back with all of you here again on planet Earth, and we are witnessing the expansion of your consciousness as it continues to unfold there in your month of October. You have been granted access to your fifth-dimensional chakras in ways that you have previously been unable to access them during this month. And the results have been that a lot of you are experiencing new insights, recollections of past lives, including those that are off world, and more and more of you are stepping up to do the work that is necessary to clear out your seven, main, third-dimensional chakras so that the fifth-dimensional ones can reign supreme.
Your fifth-dimensional chakra system will grant you greater access to the multi-dimensional world. This universe contains many dimensions, many realities, and so much more than you have tapped in to previously. Suffice it to say that you are in for quite a ride as you tune in to your fifth-dimensional chakras. Now, allowing this to happen is all you need to do. That means, whatever’s coming and whatever’s not coming in your life, embrace all of it, because it is just a way for you to do that extra work, that clearing, that is necessary to grant yourselves more access to what the fifth-dimensional chakras hold for you.
By the end of this month, everyone will find that it is easier to connect to the higher realms, if that is what they desire. More and more people will discover they had gifts they didn’t know about, and you will feel much closer to the time of full and open contact with e.t.s. You are stepping into your power now as sovereign beings, because the days of assuming that someone or something outside of you was controlling everything are over. You’re done playing that game, and you are ready to acknowledge that you are the creators of your reality one hundred percent of the time. You are ready to step into your full power and your full potential and to come together with the galactic forces and the forces that are from the nonphysical dimensions in this universe.
That has been a requirement for all of you in this lifetime, but first you needed to deal with all of the physical aspects of living there on Earth, and that’s why we say that as you face what you need to face, you allow yourselves to benefit even more from the October energies that have granted you more access to your fifth-dimensional chakra system. Let it all in, recognize that it’s always coming, and take some time at different points throughout your day to close your eyes and take a few deep breaths, as you acknowledge these fifth-dimensional chakras are present in your energy field, and they are ready to be of service to you.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”
A Simple Guidance Map made for you.
Our intention is to assist each and everyone on their soul’s journey, to become aware of how good it feels to be aligned with Source and since Source is you, to be aligned with you really are. To feel good is to feel God. And the better one feels the more aligned with Source is. Does it get any better? yes it does and we are at the very beginning of global awareness of what this truly means for each and every incarnated soul on the planet in the present moment. It never ends and it gets better and better. And the purpose in all that is to learn to be satisfied with the journey itself instead of just the Final Creation/Manifestation. First comes the joy then comes the manifestation. And everything we desire, we think that in getting them will make us happy and when we are first happy in the now this is how all desires manifest in our lives.
We came in our physical bodies for the purpose of Joy and Expansion. And when we appreciate each and every moment, however this seems or looks, in contrast – as contrast shows what we don’t want in order to create what we want- and in full manifestation -knowing fully that I AM the creator of MY OWN reality-. It is a step by step believing and trusting process enjoying the gift of Life every moment that we also call The Feel More Than Fine Lifestyle.
And you are the High Vibe Tribe!
We hope this simple map we are offering serves you and that every time you read our content you feel more than fine, knowing fully that this was, is and will be always a work from within out first.
Everything we are sharing on this website is given freely to serve the whole and your contributions however small or big, help to continue our service here. Without you, without an exchange of energy this website has no meaning of continuing to exist.
Do YOU want this website to continue? Do You want to meet physically one day all the High Vibe Tribe in one place?
If yes, then please consider making a donation today.
We accept donations through paypal :
and through asset backed digital currencies: XLM or XRP on this wallet :
We invite you to give out of the generosity of your hearts saying the words:
All the money that i give is blessed and comes back to me multiplied.
Thank You
Feel More Than Fine
You are blending your inner resources with those of the Universes.
Dear Ones,
What was is no longer – including what was just days or hours ago. In a sense, you are on one of those carnival rides that turn you upside down, sideways, and up and down. And just as is true when you are physically on those rides, your inner being is unsettled to the point of becoming ill.
If the vigorous motion of your current life is too much for you, stop, rest, and remove yourself. There is no reason to place yourself in those situations unless you wish to. You have completed your initial transition journey – the journey that most of those around you are just beginning.
Placing yourself in the current, whirly, frantic arena of many of those following you does not help them or you. Step away. Declare yourself free within yourself. Claiming to or attempting to calm their fears pulls you down a rabbit hole that is not helpful to you or them.
Those following you must wade through their fears – just as you did.
You are blending your inner resources with those of the Universes. But those following you want you to back up and improve their lives because you have mastered what they are experiencing.
The waves following you are in elementary school, and you are in a graduate program. You do not have the time nor energy to caretake them – you are determining how best to approach and complete your full graduate coursework load.
The detailed map you provided for the waves following you is available to all. There is no need to walk beside them as they interpret that map.
Those following want you to inform them that they are on the right path, are good beings, and that all will soon be comfortable again. You do not have the energy, or in this case, the time to do so. You have completed guidance for those following you by providing them with a map to inner peace. You cannot do more. Just as you could not save all the beings of the world when you were of 3D.
Your current world is quite small, for you are the center of it.
There might be a few beings you can communicate with on the graduate level, but most of those with whom you interact will have needs beyond the energy you can provide. Imagine a physics graduate student ending their graduate program to help eighth-grade students with little interest in physics.
You are no longer a caretaker in any sense of the word.
Those following you will ply you with anger, pitiful vocalizations, and whatever they can imagine to return you to their ‘poor me’ corner. But if you do, you will feel uncomfortable, even ill, and doing so will not change their life or angst.
You cannot improve the lives of those following you, no matter how diligently you try to do so. And they cannot negate their personal responsibility to face their fears. You are not anyone’s caretaker despite the assistance others have demanded and received for months, decades, or eons. You are merely a guide who provided all you can – a simple map to help others find their path.
Those following you have the opportunity to build upon the path you created. You are in a different place that does not allow you to step down or back. You have completed your caretaking role.
As for those wishing to remain in 3D, you have so little in common with them as to feel uncomfortable in their presence.
Those not yet at your transition stage will try to force you to return to what was to improve their life – something only they can do. You are not on their carnival ride. You are not part of the up, down, and all-around centrifuge those following you now find enticing. You have completed that shake-up.
It is time to concentrate on the new applications you wish to experiment with. You are a Universal graduate student exploring many new arenas – completely done with caretaking and the shake-up that now entails. So be it. Amen. To receive Brenda’s Blog, subscribe via Or, click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her “Blog & Subscribe” website page ( and click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation.
Copyright 2009-2022, Brenda Hoffman. All rights are reserved. Share this content with others, post it on your blog, or add it to your newsletter. But please maintain this blog’s integrity by including the author/channel’s name: Brenda Hoffman, and the source website link:
1:1 classes on zoom : How to sustain 5th Dimensional Frequencies.
The 5th dimension is a place we find within when we feel good.
To feel good is to be aligned with Source which is no other than you.
The 5th dimension is The Kingdom of Heaven right here right now every tine you align with who you really are.
The question is how to sustain that all day & night long.
I am doing 1:1 zoom classes for those of you that want to learn how to do that in fun playful ways.
Send me email :
Price is on donation basis: give what you can.
You will also receive powerful information on how to make 10x more in return of what you are donating.
Take the time to let your guardian Angel show you how you can accomplish all your dreams. In your meditation, ask for this from your Highest Self. You deserve to have that which makes you happy in your life.
Shanta Gabriel for Archangel Gabriel ~ The Joy of Fulfillment Will Be Yours
Bask in the wonder of life ~ go deep, soar high, follow your love, and the joy of fulfillment is yours.
Life is a special gift from God, filled with infinite beauty. Your appreciation and gratitude for this beauty brings forth a new dimension of love within you. Take the time to pursue beauty. Find one flower and look with wondrous eyes upon this divine miracle.
Notice the grace of a tree, the strength of its trunk, the power of the root system diving deep into the ground, and the play of the leaves in the sunlight. Put your arms around a tree and take a moment to sense the life force pulsing inside. This slow, steady pulse will soothe and calm you in times of upset. Try sitting with your back against a tree and feel the peace grow within you.
Listen to the songs of birds. They sing for the pure joy of it. This is nature in all its glory, and nature will always remind you of the beauty and wonder of Spirit.
Nature is one of the easiest ways to bask in the wonder of life. Just being aware of the miraculous occurrences in nature will stir the life force within you. There will be a reminder of times when you were a child and wonder lived at the forefront of your awareness. When you do this, your life takes on new meaning, a spacious quality of Grace.
Go deep within the feelings that connect you with Spirit. Be aware that you are a child of a benevolent Universe. Know that you are guided and protected by the Angels, and that who you are has great value to the world.
Soar high, and experience the incredible possibilities available to you at every moment. Anything is possible. Miracles are the natural state of being in the universe. Do not limit yourself by thinking you can’t do what is important to you. Take the time to let your guardian Angel show you how you can accomplish all your dreams. In your meditation, ask for this from your Highest Self. You deserve to have that which makes you happy in your life.
Life is not meant to be a painful struggle without hope. Allowing new possibilities to play on the perimeters of your consciousness will begin the process of opening to full miracles. It is a process of allowing.
It takes willingness to have your life be happier and more satisfying, even if you don’t know how to do it. This willingness allows the forces of the universe to work for you. Allow yourself to open to miracles and to wondrous joy and gratitude for all that is available to you right now. Call on your Angelic presence to open the way to the miracles you deserve.
That is why we say:
Bask in the wonder of life — go deep, soar high, follow your love, and the joy of fulfillment will be yours.
Shanta Gabriel
for Archangel Gabrie
Archangel Michael – Week 77 Angelic Warrior Group
I am Archangel Michael with a message for the Angelic Warrior Group.
And so Sharon’s venture into the health system continues this week. She’s finding herself extremely fatigued after courses of antibiotics and much traveling back and forth to Ottawa to see specialists. Many of you have asked if you can send her energy and yes, she welcomes this. Sharon has a good team behind her off planet as well. Already they have shown her that there is no cancer that is stronger than the human mind. And so it is.
As for our group work, we ask again that you fill the grids with your loving energy. War is on the horizon or so it appears to be. We remind you that the entire planet is surrounded by an armada of Mother ships and there will be no nuclear war, however there may be a big reveal of these light forces to all upon the planet. We have secured the timelines and success is ours. It is simply a question of your aligning with this success. Connecting with the third fourth and fifth dimensional grids will help in this respect.
I am Archangel Michael. I am your servant. I am your scribe. We are Legion.
Youtube: SharonandIvoofVega
Tunia: How To Not Get Damaged By Casual Sex
Jennifer Crokaert ~ Silver
![white and black moon with black skies and body of water photography during night time](
Like many of us, I have followed the increasing interest in silver over the past two years, and the last year particularly. I chose to buy some silver and recently had the idea to take the silver out of the box, leave it in the sun to charge it, and meditate with it.
Over the following two days, I learnt much which I wish to share with you. What surprised me first was when I moved into the meditation, I was shown a serene night-time scene; a full, bright moon reflected on a calm sea and the energy of silver infused everything: the moonlight, the water, the silkiness of the moonbeams sliding across the perfectly still sea.
As I watched the scene unfold, I became aware that silver holds the wisdom of the Divine Feminine, of the emotional and spiritual bodies. In fact, it seemed to me that it flows like liquid silk through All That Is.
Silver has a divine consciousness, just as animals, humans, plants and crystals do. There is an intimate connection between the repression of silver and the repression of humanity, such is its importance on our planet. The repression of silver has been purposefully executed in order to actively de-spiritualise humanity and to stop us accessing our spiritual gifts, abilities and divine creative power.
Strangling silver severed humanity’s connection to our spiritual wisdom. By devaluing silver to such a degree, they effectively choked the silver ray, the silver consciousness that flows through all of us, in order to sever our connection to our divinity, our Higher Self. After all, isn’t it a Silver Cord that connects us to our physical body when we travel etherically?
Then I saw that silver is a part of our physical bodies, a part of our DNA, and I was guided to activate the silver aspect of DNA for all humanity. Sadly, my memory is shockingly bad, and I don’t remember what I was guided to do, so I can’t share it with you.
However, if this is of interest to you, I would suggest you ask to be shown how to do this for yourself and for humanity while in meditation. Trust what you are shown. The more of us who ground this by engaging with the silver ray consciousness, the stronger this energy becomes.
Silver is a powerful healer, and and even more powerful gateway to our spiritual wisdom. The increased awareness of silver’s economic value and worth reflects our ascending consciousness.
A friend pointed out to me that ArchAngel Uriel is the ArchAngel for silver, for time and for the divine masculine, and suggested I ask about this in meditation. What came through amazed me even more: I was shown that Gregorian time as we know it is a complete distortion. It is like a strait jacket. It’s a rigid linear grid, that was constructed over presence, flow and beingness in order to box us in and increase stress.
I was told that we have not yet begun to understand how time has been manipulated and folded in upon itself in order to create false timelines, and to distort astrology (and consequently numerology) in an attempt to prevent us from accessing sacred moments of divine creative potential.
No more! That ‘time’ is done.
‘True time’ was shown to me as a spiral, it expands out through us, almost as though we create it collectively. It is organic, flowing, presence. I saw the spiral flow anticlockwise, and honestly, I haven’t even begun to unpack the information I received in that download because it was so dense and so far above my current pay grade!
The straight jacket, or false matrix, imposed on time was also superimposed over the divine masculine and divine feminine, in order to distort, limit and curtail the expression of masculinity and femininity. The divine masculine and feminine energies are present in both men and women inherently, it is our birth right as pure expressions of the Divine.
However, by segmenting and creating limiting concepts of male and female, they created caricatures of men and women, pitting them against each other in an ongoing struggle to be heard, held and valued ~ strong versus weak, emotional versus rational, flighty versus grounded, the list is endless.
This blocked the organic synergy of every human being; we are divinely created to express the divine feminine and divine masculine within, allowing these to arise harmoniously, in the flow of life, creating harmony and balance.
The distortions of male and female stereotypes created by this segmentation of are visible everywhere, especially in our media. They do not arise when the divine feminine and masculine energies are integrated, grounded and expressed through the heart. This is something we are all learning right now: how to balance gentleness and strength, justice and forgiveness, truth and wisdom…
As we integrate these aspects of our Selves, we evolve our consciousness and embody our Higher Selves more clearly ~ which is a vital part of grounding the Ascension energy prior to ‘the Event.’
Since then, I have ‘stumbled’ on a video about the nature of time, and even found I had a silver tincture in my vitamin storage box! Needless to say, I’m taking it! Our journey with the silver wisdom is only just beginning, and I am a real novice in this area; this is simply how it appears to me right now.
The trifold distortion of the divine masculine and divine feminine energies, the construction of rigid time matrix outside our organic flow and how that strangled our spiritual wisdom is my first experience of connecting with this energy and helping to heal it.
Where are you on your journey with silver? Do share it with us below*, because we are in this together, shedding outdated concepts and sharing light together.
Copyright © 2022 Jennifer Crokaert You may also like to check out my YouTube channel
Editor’s note ~ It may have been as far back as twenty ago that I had a dream in which I was given the information that colloidal silver would cure my beloved Siamese cat, Fez. At one in the morning, I fired up the computer and found a colloidal silver generator that did, indeed, lead to her getting off Prednisone to live 3 more years to 18.5.
I put the generator away in a cupboard for years…until early on in that magical year of 2020 when it suddenly seemed like a really good idea to have around. As you can imagine, it needed servicing to get working again. Happily, the fellow who builds the generators was still doing his thing, and he was most helpful in getting my unit all good to go and back to me in short order.
Ever since then, my daughter and I have taken a 2 oz. shot of colloidal silver every morning, and we’ve remained healthy and free of the jabs. If you want information about the generator I use, or the benefits of drinking colloidal silver, send a message through our Contact Us and I’ll be happy to share.
*Go to Jennifer’s site to offer your comments ~
Messages from Ann & the Angels – 10/08/2022 • Feel • Be Real • Let the Love Flow!
My dear friends, we love you so very much,
There are so many “energy releases” going on around your planet right now. You see it in Mother Earth releasing energy via her storms and in human beings releasing energy in their own swirling outbursts. You feel this inside of yourself in various ways. Many of you have been more reactive than usual and less tolerant of behaviors that never quite suited you. Many of you are feeling strong surges of emotion that you’ve stuffed but can no longer ignore. Many more are having sudden physical challenges appear and then disappear just as quickly. On a happier note, many of you are also feeling a renewal of life, an urge to get going, or a desire for change.
Your upsets are shaking loose. The floods of tears are flowing, and the fires of your passions are burning brightly.
You can no longer make yourself wrong for being who you are in a given moment without feeling some pain. Your lives would be easier if you could accept yourselves – as you and your earth go through this incredible metamorphosis. The future butterfly does not make the caterpillar’s stillness wrong. The future oak does not belittle itself when, as an acorn, it bursts open. Nature does not judge itself in the process of evolution. We are gently and lovingly suggesting that you decide not to make yourselves wrong for the expansion and evolution that is in progress inside each one of you.
You are all being called to be more “real” about who you are in the world. You are learning to be more authentic in your conversations, your actions, and your choices about how you want to live your lives. You are learning to pay more attention to what you want to eat, what you wish to do, and how you want to express yourself in the world. You are all bursting out of old false personas and being called to be true to your own hearts.
So many of you learned you must fit an image of who you were told you “should” be instead of simply being who you really are. So many of you have been stoic when you really wanted the comfort of kindness. Many more have pretended to be “nice” when you were seething mad or ready to cry in pain or frustration. Most of you, at times, have pushed and compared yourselves instead of listening to your own bodies and hearts. A great many of you were taught to make others comfortable by suffering through the discomfort of stuffing or ignoring your own feelings. This does not serve you.
We are not suggesting you stay stuck in negative feelings. We are, however, saying if you wish to raise your vibration, you must start where you are at. You must accept yourself where you are. You must choose to love yourself as is whether you are joyous, angry, sad, frustrated, hopeful, hateful, or passionate. Wherever you are is where you begin.
Take a moment and think about an emotionally charged topic – the first one that pops into your mind. Get in touch with how you feel about it. Can you accept this feeling as is? “I am in love. I am really angry. I am just so sad.” Whatever you feel right here and now, simply own it. Then dear ones say the name of God as given to Moses, “I am who I am.” I am sad. I am who I am. I am upset. I am who I am in this moment. I am discouraged. I am who I am in this moment. I am so happy I could burst! I am who I am in this moment. We are calling you to see your perfection even as you expand into more.
If a little child has an emotional outburst, they would deeply resent you telling them how they should feel, or worse, to stop feeling at all. Hopefully, you would pick them up or speak sweetly and soothe them. Your acceptance and love will call them to a more positive and loving space. The same is true for you. If you tell yourself you should not feel as you do, you will feel that way more strongly. If you hug yourself and say, “It’s OK. I am. I am who I am in this moment and that is perfect even as I expand into more,” then dear ones, you will be soothing, calming, and loving yourselves. You will be inviting yourself to a greater love.
It is time to stop trying to please others or others’ beliefs, and to start pleasing the Divine within. We are not telling you to break laws of course, nor to do things that intentionally harm another. Instead, we are talking about paying more attention to how you feel and making choices that feel loving, better, and true to your heart. We are talking about listening to what resonates with your own body rather than any amount of well-meaning advice given by others. It is lovely to learn from others and take others’ views into account, but in the end, do what resonates with you. Think about what feels good to you. Act when it feels good and if you must do something you don’t care for, find a way, creatively, to find something good within it.
Being the real you in any given moment is how you open up the love of the universe! Being the real you in any given moment puts out a vibration that says, “I may not be perfect according to anyone else’s standards or even my own right now, but I choose to love and accept myself as I am. Even as I grow into more, I am perfect in this moment.” This is a vibration of love. This is a high vibe. This is an energy that permits you to be carried into kinder realities and to perceive your higher guidance.
You are perfect as you are, even as you expand into greater awareness.
Use your mind to sort, review, analyze, and create, but use your feelings to be the compass that tells you clearly, “Either I am in agreement with my soul’s view of life and myself here and now… or I am not.”
Dear ones, your soul is you – the greater you. Your soul is already the energetic version of the expanded, loving, abundant, joyous being that you wish to be. Your soul is an extension of the Divine, eternally connected to the universe. The Divine knows how to get where you want to go, and as you accept yourself, no matter how you feel, no matter who you are or where you are in your life, then you open up the loving guidance and blessings that are always waiting to pour into your life.
God Bless You! We love you so very much.
— The Angels
Channeling Prime Creator, Part 156, Sexual Energy
Donate to YourSelf! How? Fund a Celestial Chamber
Do you know someone who’s sick? Battling a dis-ease? A dear friend or family member? Or how about you? Are you physically suffering with worry and stress about what the heck is happening to your body?
It’s a given–we ALL desire perfect health with no aches, pains, cancers, dis-ease, pain and most of all, living stress-free without the fear that comes with aging. Who wouldn’t want that?
Interested? We have a way for the body and mind to be just that, healthy and full of vitality, and it’s called the Celestial Chamber (CC). The CC provides a complete re-atomization of the human biological form; everything is made new to a level of flawlessness and optimal health. The CC will end all human suffering, enabling quality of life in a human body that is physically, mentally, and emotionally 100% healthy! No longer susceptible to dis-ease or aging. And the CC will be provided at no cost to everyone.
We’ve got the schematics, the team, the locations, we have every single plan required to build the CC from decades of preparing for exactly this time. But what are we missing? The funds to get going!! Please understand, this is not one of the 6000 technologies that have been withheld from the people of Earth, but rather a technology that is light years ahead of what has become known as a ‘med bed.’ The CC re-atomizes the body to a state of perfection, any age you desire, in just 3 minutes.
Can you see how IT IS TIME! Yes! It is way overdue to get the CC out to everyone!
Funds will first be used to acquire a Base Camp in the western U.S. to forward the action to get going. Then assemble the team, build the lab, and start manufacturing. With your assistance, we can manifest the plans we’ve had in place for over 40 years. NOW is the time. This is our goal, this is our mission, and we came are here to do this. NOTHING is more important.
We appreciate your GENEROSITY and SUPPORT and encourage you to share this far and wide. Contact LifeLight at for more info.