Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young ~ Integrating the Child Self

a kid with multicolored hand paint
Photo by Sharon McCutcheon on

If you haven’t had a lot of fun in your life lately, it can be an indicator that you have been ignoring your inner child. Your inner child is your CEO of fun!

The first step is to just still yourself and ask your inner child what they need from you. It could be that they’ve been desperate for your love, care, and understanding. Let them know you are there for them and meet their emotional needs first.

Once you feel you have acknowledged and provided them with what they need, invite them out for a date with you. Ask them what they’d like to do and what would bring them joy. You might be surprised to discover that something as simple as going for an ice cream or a walk is all they want, but that ice cream or walk will be a much more wonderful experience than normal because you will be present with them and they will be present with you.

When you connect with your inner child and make them an integral part of your day to day life, much healing can occur. You will feel more comfortable because your abandonment wounds will no longer be in a triggered state. You will feel more complete. You will find it easier to be light and joyful and to notice the wonder and magic that exists all around you. It is a beautiful act of self love that can only positively affect all aspects of you.

Your social conditions have been stripped away, leaving new you to freely explore what you wish to explore. If that exploration requires financial subsidies, you will easily create those finances. If exploration requires new interactions, you will easily discover those pieces.

You’ve Arrived

young woman standing on train platform
Photo by Andrea Piacquadio on

Dear Ones,

We, of the Universes, would like to help you adjust to your new being.

Some of you will find interactions with others have healed. Or you will meet someone who excites your being – not necessarily romantically, but as in group contact. What once felt uncomfortable or wrong might be exciting. Or those you once negated might become more than acquaintances.

Your new world will turn you upside down and inside out. A phrase that now has many meanings. You might accept those you once ignored and ignore those you once revered.

You are interacting from the heart instead of outer-directed shoulds or wants. Such does not mean you will live in poverty, nor does it mean you will be wealthy. But instead that you will create your right place within income and personal scales.

Your social conditions have been stripped away, leaving new you to freely explore what you wish to explore. If that exploration requires financial subsidies, you will easily create those finances. If exploration requires new interactions, you will easily discover those pieces.

It is not an accident you are in this world at this time, for you have a role to play. A role that might not seem that interesting or exciting. Or a role you never before believed you could achieve.

What was in is out. What was hidden will be displayed. And that which is required for your new you being will be created by you – without effort.

You are officially a new being in a new world. Something you have pined for and diligently worked to achieve for months, perhaps years. There are no more mountains to climb or hills to roll down to become a new you – you are there. Even though you have yet to believe such is true.

You likely wonder what your next move or stage SHOULD be at this moment.

You are there. You have arrived. There are no more trains or planes to catch. There are no more mantras to voice for you have arrived.

Your role has shifted from working towards to accepting your new being with all your creative abilities. Does that statement mean your world will automatically become joyful? If that’s what you want. Or does it mean your adjustment period will be painful or exhausting? If that’s what you want.

You are your own guru, master, and leader.

What do you want and why? That is all you have to be concerned about, for you have completed the work necessary to be where you are today.

Some of you will revert to 3D needs and wants with little success. While others of you will claim your new blank slate of beingness and create that which is you instead of pining for a 3D someone else.

If your first thought while reading this material is that you want to create billions of dollars, ask yourself why you wish to do so. Is it because you want to create in your new world, or is it because that was a 3D goal that never materialized?

You are a new being in a new world. So your dreams and goals will also be new.

Erase your 3D slate and start dreaming, thinking, believing, and creating that which will fulfill you now – not forever or in the future – but now. That dream, that creation could be as simple as a beautiful garden or as complex as time travel. It does not matter, for your current dreams will fulfill new you and your world tapestry thread.

What do you need or desire? That is your direction now. There is no need to mourn that which is no longer, for you have mourned that for the past few weeks. And by doing so, you decided to maintain or sever connections. There is no need to justify your decisions, for you are in a new world with new needs. Needs only you can fulfill.

Perhaps you feel guilty if you do not push for the end of a war or other political agendas. Such guilt is merely a 3D carry-over, much as some dreams can leave you confused a bit after you awake. Those guilty feelings will dissipate quickly, for you do not have the time, energy, or interest in what was.

You are a new being in a new world with new interests and interactions. What was is no more. And you are creating what will be at this very moment. So be it. Amen. To receive Brenda’s Blog, subscribe via Or, click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her “Blog & Subscribe” website page ( and click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation. 

Copyright 2009-2022, Brenda Hoffman. All rights are reserved. Share this content with others, post it on your blog, add it to your newsletter, etc. But please maintain this blog’s integrity by including the author/channel’s name: Brenda Hoffman and the source website link:

the calling together of your family.

three women holding sunflowers
Photo by Florian Doppler on

MAY 16, 2022

(The Creator Writings)

It is time…the calling together of your family. It may not be the one you were born into, it may not be the one you think. It is the family you are being introduced to now, the family that will be present at the awakening time. Revel in the love and support of that family, it is a joyous occasion! ~ Creator

Transcribed by Jennifer Farley, ThetaHealing Instructor/Practitioner

When you dedicate your life to God, you move into the Lifestream of Pure Consciousness where there are no limitations.

Shanta Gabriel for Archangel Gabriel ~ The Lifestream of No Limitations

jumpshot photography of woman in white and yellow dress near body of water
Photo by Quang Anh Ha Nguyen on

Dear One,

When you dedicate your life to God, an expansion occurs. When your energy fields expand, the limitations of the physical world begin to drop away. You feel lighter, uplifted, more joyful. Your heart resonates at a deeper level of truth. You begin to operate at a higher level of awareness. This new awareness brings you a more enlightened perspective on your life.

It is a wondrous feeling to be in a place of enlightened perspective. All of a sudden you look at your world with new eyes. Your attitude is one of love and compassion, and you become more forgiving of situations that normally would have upset you. This is the grace available to you from the Divine Source. It is always available to you and exists as a stream of heightened energy frequency, or Pure Consciousness.

How do you reach this heightened state of awareness? Through prayer and communion with your Higher Self, by connecting to the loving Source of all that is, and by breaking free of the bonds which limit your thoughts and conscious awareness of life.

So many people contain their thoughts in limiting boxes. Because things appear to be a certain way, they believe it to be truth. Your Spiritual Resources are here to show you another way of looking at life, one in which there always exists a greater level of truth, and where love and harmony are the qualities you can manifest.

When you breathe deeply and visualize your energy-field expanding, you are allowing this greater level of truth to become apparent to you. It becomes even easier if you ask your guardian Angel to show it to you. Asking is a form of prayer, and there is opportunity available to see the “larger picture” if you want to. Prayers are always answered.

When you pray, you open the door for a greater level of energy to work in your life. This is the pure potential energy that becomes available to you as you turn your life over to God. We call it a Lifestream because this is the energy in which you live, move and have your being. It is the essence of you, because you are a part of All That Is. When you remember this truth, and give yourself time to commune with the Higher Power within you, limitations drop away.


Right now, take the time to dedicate your life to God. Imagine this Lifestream of Pure Consciousness flowing around and through you in rivers of love and light. Be willing to have your limiting beliefs drop away so that miracles can occur for you in your physical world. Sometimes it might appear as though only a miracle can make the difference in your situation. Allow this to occur as the natural result of remembering the Divine Spirit that is really in charge of your life.

The HIgher Power is always available to assist you, as close as a prayer. Open yourself to a new way of seeing your world where love, joy and harmony abound. All this is possible when you remember your message from Archangel Gabriel today:

When you dedicate your life to God, you move into the Lifestream of Pure Consciousness where there are no limitations.

Shanta Gabriel for
Archangel Gabriel


I am Archangel Michael with a message for our worldwide angelic group. As the angels are growing in proficiency they are beginning to see more, experience more of the other dimensions and are growing in unity, growing in proficiency, growing in benevolent intention. Work together with family and friends, and remember if you cannot meditate, say a prayer or simply send the intention of loving goodness to the target in question.
As for this week’s target this is a bit different. We wish to purify the entity known as Volodymyr Zelensky as his part in the Ukraine drama is important.
Please send him purifying violet flame energies. We ask you to sit in quiet, and bring in energy through the crown chakra. Upon doing so ask that these energies separate into the violet flame and see yourself sitting purified by this flame. Then have the intention of sending this violet flame energy to Mr Zelensky.
Mr Zelensky needs to turn in order to further the progress of the Light forces there. We are all focusing on this and ask you to do so as well.

I am Archangel Michael. I am your Light. I am your soul. We are Legion.


Here we are again, then. A thousand topics one could pick and yet, not one seems appropriate. So, perhaps once again, I feel it best to leave it up to you. You seem to always know the ‘soup of the day’.

Welcome, Blossom, and All who Enjoy our conversations. We Appreciate the Appreciation that was expressed to you regarding our last conversation concerning Gratitude. Yet, let us now turn our thoughts to something quite different.

I am all agog!

Dearest Souls, let it be known that upon your Planet, as you know at this time, there is much upheaval. There is much chat amongst the devices used, regarding subjects that are quite discordant and indeed, abhorrent to the soul’s ‘Natural’ Vibration’.

What would you call a ‘Natural’ Vibration?

One that is of Joy, Love, Contentment, Peace … Indeed, all manner of things that UPLIFT and not ‘bring down’.

It must be understood that much propaganda and untruths are designed to continually pull you under and yet, look at how well so many of you now, are seeing through the veil of The Game and accepting that it is not for the Soul Self to become entangled with such a frequency.

Yes, we are moving into ‘passions’ and ‘creativity’ to counteract the darkness, it seems.

And this is wise.

Yet, shouldn’t one need to know certain things? Even though certain things are certainly not certain, surely, we do need to be informed of what is going on, as things progress?


Because we live here!

And yet, you say yourself, Blossom, that so much that is ‘Given out’ is misinformation.

Yet, if we didn’t look into ‘stuff, we would be burying our heads in the sand … and being an ostrich gives me neck ache!



So, are you saying we should just ‘innocently’ pootle along and await our fate?

Innocently pootling along, is not what we have in mind.

Yet, by moving on … by moving into your next phase of Yourself … you will come to understand so much more of the facade that is being played out upon your Planet. Isn’t this what you DO want to understand more of?

Yes. Indeed. Yet, not sure exactly what you are getting at. Or, how we do that?

By paying more attention to the inner workings of the Soul-Self, instead of the outer workings of the political and false happenings of that which you are presented.

Do you mean by meditating?

This certainly is very wise. Even ten minutes a day, as you know, makes all the difference to your disposition and indeed, your understanding of Self. Yet, it is not just about meditating, that will assist in this matter.


So, let us repeat that if we may?


This recognition comes from the Heart space. As you are listening, doing, driving, laughing, crying, eating, Loving … the KNOWING OF WHO YOU ARE AND WHY YOU CAME must become as much a part of you as your breathing.

THE POWER OF THIS not only will make a difference to your Self-worth yet, the worth of THE DIVINE PLAN and how it is to be played out.

We understand the efforts required to remain Peaceful and in Harmony with the LIGHT OF LOVE at this time. Distractions are all around to keep you as far removed as possible from your TRUTH.

Yet, the more concentration given to your POWER OF LIGHT … the quicker the transition shall take place.

So, is it just a thought … a KNOWING FEELING … that we must constantly KNOW and FEEL?

Indeed. Yet, this Feeling becomes of Itself eventually, without having to think about it.


Many of you are deeply concerned regarding outcomes of possibilities, due to the portrayal on such a large scale of gloom and doom. Yet, we ask that you let this go.


Concentrate on Yourself and the difference YOU can make.




Do not allow negative holograms to convince you that you are not serving as you should.

Eh … let’s back up the track there? Negative holograms, meaning what precisely?

Meaning, that so much of that which is presented to you is in holographic form, yet, of a Highly developed nature, therefore, inabling one to know the difference between what is real and what is not.

So, how do we tell what is real and what is not?

Sometimes you cannot.

This is what we are trying to explain, yet, words are so inadequate.

Blossom, Dearest Souls … SO MUCH OF WHAT YOU THINK IS REAL … IS NOT.

I feel I should at this stage, pop a Valium. I know this is what is said, yet, understanding it and the complexity of these workings is a different matter altogether.

Please do not be offended or alarmed when we say you do not need to understand it. In fact, it is too complex for your Beings … inside of your physicality, TO understand. It is all part of THE GAME.

Due to the involved ramifications of so much upon your Planet … there is so much that must be done to BRING THE LIGHT OUT INTO THE LIGHT, once again.


That which is far too complicated to delve into … that which is taking place by those of lesser Light … that which does not belong in the Hearts of man and woman … is coming to an end of its cycle.

There is simply too much to take on board of what that entails and yet …



To tangle yourself up within that which ties your stomach and Heart in knots, does not serve the Plan.

Yet, with respect, have YOU not talked to us of lockdowns to come etc. ? I mean, whatever happened to Fergus the Fungus taking us into Phase Two, for instance?

Yes. We have spoken of such … and although we speak of it rarely, the possibility has not gone away.

Oh, so only a possibility, now?

Blossom … everything … absolutely everything is only a possibility!


When we choose to speak of such things that may occur on your Planet, we do so in preparation. We do so, so that one may become aware of what is to come.


We understand, we Know you well, Blossom, and we applaud your ‘indiscretions’ of taking what we say with a pinch of salt.

Why applaud? Shouldn’t I be the one that KNOWS WHOLE HEARTEDLY that what you say will come about?

You got the position, Blossom, for the very reason that you would question and not walk blindly!

What we are trying to offer this day … is this point.

The Vibrations of your Planet due to many more awakening are rising, as you know.



You feel different/differently from even the start of this year.

You are accepting now … your role.

That of honouring WHO YOU ARE … and working with it.

I can feel that it is so difficult to explain in words.

Indeed, Blossom. Yet, you Yourself are understanding what we are trying to express by an overall Feeling … an ‘inside Knowing’ are you not?

Yes. I am.

Then, we are to assume that those who partake in our conversations are also, able to feel this ‘inside Knowing’… A place where words simply do not suffice.




I am.

Allow this feeling to BE YOU.


That is all you need do.

And from this … more and more Light shall be revealed to you.

And … within this enhanced Vibration, you begin to understand that which IS revealed to you.

As you learn to accommodate and put to task this Heightened Awareness coming from within … THE GAME will present itself to you in a different format.

Not quite sure where you are going with that. A different format?

Indeed. One that is far more agreeable to the Heart.

How lovely. Yet, just to clarify … this will be taking place at the same time that the world is falling apart?

Indeed. Yet, it is for you to recall, Blossom, and Each One … that we explained, that with the fall and removal of the darkness and the ones who wallowed in such … there would be an ‘Inner Strength’ that would Lighten your days … your ways.

That which is to ‘befall’ your Planet may appear on the outside to be disastrous, abominable, and indeed, as unbelievable as unbelievable can be. Yet, that which is to enter into your Heart is to uplift you … give you Strength and Encourage you to see your mission through in ways of such BELIEVABLE proof … that it is for One to look forward to that which lies ahead.

Life and all its Mysteries are to unfold as you allow yourself to open up to all possibilities. Some beyond your wildest imaginings.

Sounds hopeful, my friends. I feel you want to mention Fergus The Fungus once again before we go. He keeps popping into my head!

Only to remind you that there has to be a way ‘through’ in ways of a disguise presented … in order for your world to uncover the TRUTH … and we feel this is a good place to close our conversation for this time.

Okey dokey. Well, I wouldn’t say this was ‘turning our thoughts to something quite different,’ as you suggested. However, for me, every bit of your wisdom, be it often repeated for our benefit, moves me into a place of greater comfort. So we shall keep on, keeping on, doing our very best … Fergus The Fungus or no Fergus The Fungus! In Gratitude. In Loving service. I AM.

Feel More Than Fine Workshops in Ibiza 2022.

That moment when you witness something you really don’t like do you hate?
Or do you love?
What you choose affects your reality and the world.
Your energy goes around and builds momentum.
That’s how wars manifest.
If only we all knew our power as creators we would all take responsability of feeling good all of the time. That’s the real work to do.
Because once you control how you feel and act at all times you are free and a Sovereign Being wherever you are, whatever you do, with who ever you are.
How do you do that? If you don’t know i invite you to join one of my workshops in Ibiza from June 8th to 21st.

gray rocky mountain beside blue sea under white clouds and blue sky
Photo by Nico de Beer on

Ears buzzing? Sleeping patterns shift?

Ears buzzing and you feel like your head might explode maybe?🤯🥴

Welcome to the club🤣😂😅.

In nature/close to sea far from wifi zones etc you ll feel relief and lighter,do your best to stay out as much as you can today&tomorrow…lunar eclipse full moon and ascension energies all together…we have 3 collective meditations at 14/17/20h CET for 30′ each today as every SUNday. If you join you ll feel the power of all lightworkers coming together in the 5D field and beyond🙂.

#sundayunitymeditation  #feelmorethanfine 

Care about how you feel. Care about how you focus. -The Angels via Ann-

My dear friends, we love you so very much,

Be very gentle with yourselves. Many energies are vying for your attention right now. What you focus on, whether positively or negatively, you empower. You cannot easily stay tuned to a radio station you hate while listening to the one you love. You cannot stay tuned to a radio station you love if you focus on the one you dislike.

So, dear ones, care about how you feel. Care about how you focus. Care about yourself and your own heart so thoroughly you refuse to give in to the hatred, fear, and anger that is being stirred up upon your planet at this time. Refuse to empower the denser vibrations with your focus on them. You know they exist. You witness them on your news or in your conversations with others. Some of you witness these energies as bombs dropping from the sky or fortunes temporarily lost. You know these vibrations exist. Now turn your sights to something better.

Turn your sights towards the good in your own lives and the good in the hearts of your fellow human beings. What can you find joy in, at this moment? What can you appreciate at this moment? Instead of focusing on the atrocities being committed by the lost, pray for the light within them to arise so they may awaken to their true nature. Instead of condemning those who are not living in love, turn your sights towards the countless human beings who are living in, and laboring in love. Instead of criticizing and waging war within yourself, focus on all that is good, beautiful, and light-filled within you. Instead of fearing your bodily conditions, focus on the life, the health, and the vitality you wish to enjoy. Dear ones, the world benefits when you focus on the good, for when you focus on the good you feel good. When you feel good, you feel God. When you feel God, you allow God’s love to flow naturally to you, through you, and out into your world.

Can you imagine what a kinder and more stable world would feel like? Can you imagine waking up feeling peaceful, secure, and happy? If you already do, celebrate! If you don’t, imagine it. Find the feeling of it. Let yourself feel good and you will be allowing yourself to feel God.

It is not insensitive to turn your sights towards the higher, happier vibrations. It allows you to be a greater contribution – both practically and vibrationally. When you are up you have love to spare and share. When you are down, you want energy from others. When you are appreciative you contribute to the vibration of abundance. When you complain you empower the vibration of lack.

Sometimes you need a loving ear and some help to process your denser emotions. It is OK to share your heart and your denser feelings with others or your angels. Don’t pretend that you feel good if you do not. We are not asking you to live in denial of your feelings. We are asking you to slowly move them towards a more loving reality, and we are always there, ready to help you and love you without condition. Talk to us when you are afraid or angry. Give us your denser energy. Sit, breathe, and ask us to help you move into a more loving state. We know that you are doing your best. We love you. We want to help you find a higher and happier focus. Reach for the next best feeling thought, and then the next. Sit and receive our love. Help is always available when you truly desire to be in a more loving space. Even the act of asking for help is a movement towards love.

You are witnessing a global drama right now – one that goes on in so many ways every day, all over the world – in relationships, homes, businesses, and even in individual human hearts. A person feels insecure and tries to control others and the external world. No amount of control can assuage fear. Instead, with every empty, unloving victory – whether it be conquering a nation, winning an angry argument, manipulating someone into complying with you, or even bullying yourself into doing something that your heart is not at all aligned with – one is driven farther and farther away from the experience of love.

Instead, stop trying to force the world and others to help you feel secure and loved, and instead seek love where it can truly be found – by placing your focus upon it. Seek it in moments of appreciating what is good in your lives right here and now. Seek love in the silence of acknowledging all that is good in yourself or another person. Seek love by going within and breathing until you feel the peace of God that flows into you freely when not obstructed by lesser thoughts. Seek love, dear ones, in a dance with all that is good and beautiful in life. This is your Source of abundance and vitality. This is your security. This is the power that gives life to all creation. Focus on anything that feels a little closer to love and you are opening the valves of your spiritual heart to the power that gives you life.

Instead of focusing on the horrors of war, focus on the outpouring of love and kindness. Instead of focusing on those whose politics you disagree with, focus on the principles you love and wish to empower. Instead of focusing on the seemingly endless stream of virus variants, focus on the myriad ways in which you can support your own health and happiness. Instead of focusing on freedoms temporarily lost, focus on the areas in which you are free.

Dear ones, we are not asking you to “stick your heads in the sand” and pretend that there are no problems in the world. We are, however, asking you not to “stick your head in the mud” and stay there. We are asking you to acknowledge what you see and then turn your focus – your precious life energy –  and your love towards what you wish to empower in your life and in your world.

Love feels better dear ones. Care about how you feel. As you reach for that which feels good, you reach to feel God, know God, and flow God’s love into your life and your world.

God Bless You! We love you so very much.
— The Angels

Many issues will solve themselves, the more you stay in the moment! 

A Message to Light Bringers – May 13, 2022

This week’s guidance from the Ascended Masters, Galactics, Earth Elements, Fae Elders, Angelic legions, Archangels, and other Divine Beings known as the Collective:

Greetings, friends! We are very pleased to have this moment to speak with you again today.

Today our writer speaks again with Ascended Master Lady Portia, Keeper of the Flame of Justice and Opportunity. She is also known as the goddess of Freedom and Justice, as she anchors the flame of Transformation and Transmutation upon the Earth . . .

COR: Greetings, Lady Master!

Lady Master Portia: Greetings, dear one! How may we assist?

COR: Like a lot of people, I am wondering, when will the Forces of Light be done rounding up the criminals who have ruled this planet with such blatant corruption for so long?

Lady Master Portia: This is a highly relevant question, yet an unanswerable one. Neither you nor I control the Earth timeline, nor does any one person or group, and so that answer is unknown to me as well. Yet the energetic tide has turned. You are aware of this. Humanity long ago chose to flow with the current of higher Light moving through this Universe.

You have chosen to move away from the duality that has long defined Earth life.

And so, yes—you are regaining your sovereignty, after millennia of Earth time.

Yet the hour of that completion is yet unknown. We would say, that is best.

You are all still gathering your inner Light to new heights, as you desire and create those moments that tip the scales more fully into your freedom.

COR: Yes, we do have freedom of expression energetically, to help free our Earth, and I am very thankful for that.

It’s just hard to see how desperate the actions of the old power structure are now. They seem to be worsening, even as the Light is growing all the more powerful.

Lady Master Portia: Yes! Let that beautiful, ever-growing Light quotient be your point of concentration now! We say that to all.

If you saw something rather miraculous occurring, would you focus on the spoiled, angry child, throwing a tantrum off to the side somewhere, outside your central focus? A distraction, certainly. Yet this child you are not responsible for. You can only send Light, praying they will come to grow in the Light, and find a higher path, as they are willing and able—is that not so? Then you would turn your attention back to the beauty of what was occurring “center stage,” one might say.

COR: Yes, that makes sense. Yet what’s difficult, is that our minds have been trained for millennia to focus on survival. And the trauma we have all sustained in this or other Earth lives has made survival and hyper-vigilance feel very necessary.

Our own systems are working against us in that sense. Life was very, very hard on this planet for many centuries. Subconsciously, we remember that. We remember the plague, the famine, the fires, the failed crops, the wars.

Those buried memories (and some very recent) are being played on and exploited now in the media and in our lives. The old crowd have seen to that, to put us into fear and keep us more easily controlled.

Lady Master Portia: Yet the sentient Light particles flowing in now, in powerful waves with each solar flare, speak to the higher mind, the high heart, in all.

They draw the point of focus from seeming unsolvable disaster, loss, or other disturbance, to a place of Peacefulness. Yes, even though the logical mind, and the subconscious, taught to fight outer circumstance at every turn, cannot always see or feel the sense in remaining calm, your higher mind understands that to approach any issue from a place of Peace empowers you to think more clearly on how to deal with that issue.

In that moment of deep quiet, and releasing all reaction, you make your mind and its responses and narrow expectations your friend, rather than something that stands in the way as you desire to move higher in your estimation of Earth life at present.

COR: Where does Transformation and Transmutation come into this, Lady Master?

Lady Master Portia: It is present at every turn!

You see Transformation when you decide to bless, Love, and heal those aspects of the subconscious that hold back the higher mind, and the high heart, from doing what they desire to do—which is, to shine in Peaceful and Light-inducing ways.

Those moments that teach the smaller self to stand taller at times, and to relax and rest more at other times.

There is no need to work out “What is going to happen” and to solve all issues in the moment!

That is not the life any of you chose.

Many issues will solve themselves, the more you stay in the moment!

The more you release the impulse to panic, or to seek out information about issues you have no outer control over.

Yet you have very great energetic influence within those issues, whatever they may be. And that is the moment Transmutation.

COR: How so?

Lady Master Portia: In that moment that you allow the Flame of Justice to burn through the depth of density of any troubling issue—war, hunger, inequalities, injustices, illness—as you image the issue held within the power of the Transmuting Flame, you hand it over to those Universal properties which are beyond outer circumstance.

They do not answer to it, and do not bend to it.

They stand tall as a Light Warrior protecting the principles of Justice and continuous inner awareness of the power of Transmutation over the apparent power of outer actions.

COR: Yet outer action may be necessary at times—to protect someone.

Or to feed or encourage them.

Lady Master Portia: Of course. Yet those actions are then carried out from a place of calm resolve—not from reaction of anger or fear.

Those energies then anchor energetically in the heart of all you would pray into Peaceful well-being. They then travel thousands of miles, those heartfelt images, words, and intentions.

They flow around the world, to people you will never meet in the physical, yet who would recognize your high heart connection with them, were you to meet in the etheric.

COR: It sounds like a miracle!

Lady Master Portia: It is, yet it is not, dear one. It is simply how your Universe functions. Release the immediate reaction of fear or anger at viewing an injustice or any other dense event, and breathe your way into a place of calm again. Then fill that experience with higher Light, and place it in the Transmuting Violet Flame. And call on me or any other guide you trust for assistance.

Yes, I carry the Flame of Justice, yet I do not do so from the energy of retribution, nor must you do so.

That is the old way. You are here to birth the New Earth forms. Not to rescue, not to pull another off their path, however difficult that may appear.

Can you rescue all? No!

And so, for the Love in your heart, and in all the hearts of all the Light Bringers upon the planet now, there must be a higher way. Realize this, and your path is smoothed, all around, behind, and before you.

Nahko and Medicine for the People – “I Believe in the Good Things”

COR: Thank you, Lady Master. Putting all in the Violet Flame! And resolving to go into quiet and call in higher Wisdom, before I act or form judgment.

Lady Master Portia: This is the way now!

Remember that from the vantage point of your higher self, all is well!

Yes, even now. On a very deep level, you know this. Go deeply into that level each day, and know that brilliant Light Being who is the higher self of all, calling out to all now.

Namaste, dear ones! We are with you, always.

Copyright 2022, Caroline Oceana Ryan

If you repost, please maintain the integrity of this information by reprinting it in full and exactly as you find it here, and including the link to the original post, at

Thank you.

Focus only on expressing your inner truth.

Jennifer Crokaert ~ Ashian: Redefining Success and Failure

Jennifer: Hello! Surprise!

Ashian: Indeed! Hello you! Though we laugh, we are delighted to see you back again. We have missed your presence and the energy of those who connect with these words.

J: Really? It makes sense, but I would never have thought of you missing us.

A: Why not? Do you not see that we are in collaboration with you? You are part of our team. While we do not feel sorrow and pain, as you are imagining in this scenario, we do feel the absence of all of your presence.

J: Wow. Well, that’s a massive surprise and it makes my day. Where shall we start? Oh no, I’ve seen where you’re going, must we really?

A: If you wish not to go there, we can change topic…

J: No… go for it.

A: Thank you. We wish to discuss the redefining success and failure. We are aware that our dear Jennifer is by no means the only person on Gaia at present who has had more than one divorce. Her 3D fear is that people will believe she is not committed, or has certain failures in her personality.

This could not be further from the truth. This transmission for all of you who feel you failed: repeatedly.

Many people have chosen this lifetime to finish all their karma: to wrap up all the loose ends. All of them. This can look like erratic behaviour on the 3D plane and it can feel like failure to you, our dear friends, when you are going through it. But it is not. It is the accelerated clearing of old karma.

Now, some people will have repeated failures because they are not aligned with their truth, or because they are unwilling to learn lessons… how do you know if you are completing karma or making more karma?

That you are reading this is already an excellent sign, if we say so ourselves! It means you are on a path towards self-knowledge, you are attempting to consciously live your life guided by your intuition and your inner knowing, not based on external wants, needs or gains.

J: Excellent points, really. But I will say when I was looking to try to find where I ‘went wrong’ I see all sorts of personality distortions, mistaken decisions… I can truly see how ‘failure’ is ‘my fault.’

A: There is no failure. Ever. Never. There is only the expansion into new levels of understanding that change how you act from the inside out, based on your intuition.

Don’t try to keep your own score, the level of karmic clearing you are undertaking is far too complex for you to know your own score.

A better use of your focus is to become aware of when you are deciding from your inner knowing, not in response to outer fears, gains or even what others will think/say about you.

So, to conclude… you are a success when you make 5D decisions; decisions based on your inner sense of what is right and wrong, your intuition, your discernment. Don’t look at the outer effects of those decisions, because that’s the 3D and it’s not an accurate reflection of You and your creations, because it is so filled with distortions.

If you are reading this and realizing that many, or even some, of your decisions are made in order to gain something – whether it’s money, power, status, admiration, respect – or to avoid something, like disapproval, contempt, consequences for past actions, you are to be congratulated for coming to that awareness. It is a seismic shift if in consciousness as it opens you up to consciously access your 5D self.

Don’t worry about getting decisions right or wrong. Focus only on expressing your inner truth.

Let your inner knowing become so strong it is louder than anything in the outside world, then you have set your 5D compass.

The rest will fall into place, as if by magic.

c) Jennifer Crokaert 2022 YouTube

2,000 Mules:They thought we’d never find out. They were wrong.

Watch here

2000 Mules,” a documentary film created by Dinesh D’Souza, exposes widespread, coordinated voter fraud in the 2020 election, sufficient to change the overall outcome. Drawing on research provided by the election integrity group True the Vote, “2000 Mules” offers two types of evidence: geotracking and video.

The geotracking evidence, based on a database of 10 trillion cell phone pings, exposes an elaborate network of paid professional operatives called mules delivering fraudulent and illegal votes to mail-in dropboxes in the five key states where the election was decided.

Video evidence, obtained from official surveillance cameras installed by the states themselves, confirms the geotracking evidence. The movie concludes by exploring numerous ways to prevent the fraud from happening again.

Many, many more shall awaken. Many, many more shall move off of the path that they are finding themselves on now, and moving toward the path that you are on. They also will be taking the road less traveled when they are ready for it.

by James McConnell

I am Archangel Michael. I come to be with you at this time, in these moments, as many things are changing across the planet.

Many of your brethren, many of your brothers and sisters, friends, and relatives do not know what you know. They do not understand that everything that is changing, changing for good. It is changing for the Light, even though darkness seems to be seeping out more and more to those that are not ready to see and feel the Light and know the Light. Know the truth. But the truth is indeed coming forward.

And as you continue to move on through your life through each and every moment going forward, know that the path that you are on is diverging.

You are diverging off in one path. You are taking that path of the ‘road less traveled.’ You have been doing that most, if not all of you life. You were destined to be on that road, on that path.

Yes, you have veered off from time to time. But now you find yourself fully on that path, fully on that path to ascension. Whereas the other path diverging off, where some of your friends, your brothers, your sisters, family members are, yes, diverging off into other directions, not following the path that you are following.

But that is okay, because they are following their own road, their own path, the one they must travel, because it is their path. Just as you are on yours, there are on theirs.

And they are learning the lessons perhaps that you have already learned. And it is okay for you to give them space, just as you want them to give you space. You want to be able to live your life as you want to live it, just as they need to do that as well.

So do not try to convince anyone that is not ready for it.

But if they show even an inkling of desire to open up to the various truths that are out there, then it is time for you to open up to them. But not until they ask for it. 

Because if you attempt to give them information they are not ready for, they will just simply close off even more than they were previously. Just as you did throughout your life when you heard things to you that were untruth, that did not follow the path that you were on. And when you heard those things, you turned off to those messages.

They are turning off to the messages now. For they are continuing to be in their comfort zones, because that is all they have known. And many are not ready to awaken, and that is okay. Because in their time, in their moment, they will find the opening. Just as you found that opening, whether it was the harmonic convergence that many of you found yourselves awakening in those moments, as the entire race of man in various ways awakened at that time.

And, of course, in your 2012 time period when many, many more awakened, and are continuing to awaken now throughout this decade and into the 2020 decade.

Many, many more shall awaken. Many, many more shall move off of the path that they are finding themselves on now, and moving toward the path that you are on. They also will be taking the road less traveled when they are ready for it.

Diverging paths, that is what is happening now. And there is nothing, and no thing, that you can do at this point to change that.

Try and try as hard as you can, you will continue to find yourselves up against what you call a ‘brick wall.’ So do not even attempt to do so, unless they are ready for it. And again, more and more shall be ready to find the truth for themselves, to begin to research, just as many of you have been doing, to literally look for the truth.

Because they will find more and more that everything they have learned throughout their life has kept them in that comfort zone, and they are now ready to break free. Break free from the matrix, just as you have. Just as you have all taken that red pill, they too will be ready to also take that red pill.

So be patient. Be patient with them. But more importantly, be patient with yourself. And let everything continue to evolve. Let everything continue to come forth in truth, in Light, in love. Because that is the way of the new expression of the higher Earth, higher God-self Earth. Let everything continue to move along.

I leave you now at this time, in these moments, as things begin to more and more accumulate, more and more multiply.

Momentum is on your side.

Momentum is continuing forward.

Just let it do so. And know that everything now at this point is leading to a grand crescendo.

I am Archangel Michael, and I leave you in love, and peace, and oneness.

Continue on, my friends, continue on

When it becomes apparent that you hold all the wisdom within – you will stop seeking guidance or approval from beyond yourself.

Sophia – Truth: What it is and is Not

It is the One.

Thank you.

You are approaching a precipice of denial that, once it is reached, has no option other than to fall straight down into truth. It is the only thing that is left.


The foundation of each element in this made-up reality is located there. Located in truth.

Truth is the only situation of consequence to your evolution.
Everything that matters is found in truth.

You will not recognize truth by its volume or size. It cannot be identified due to its beauty or presentation. In other words, it may not present as the shiniest or most polished package in sight.

Truth is felt.

In order to feel truth, the volume of the fabrication has to be turned down.

It is for this reason, by the way, that the current matrix volume is set so high. It is done so to keep you distracted. It is done so to keep you focused on the fabrication.

Truth doesn’t shout to be noticed.

It merely is.

When it becomes apparent that you hold all the wisdom within – you will stop seeking guidance or approval from beyond yourself.

At this point, your world shifts. It becomes then, a mirror of what you know; a reflection of your truth.

And what image becomes obvious to you then? One of serene solidity, accurate appraisal, sound judgment, unique perspective, vast resources, multiple and varied skills, and wisdom.

Access to your inner self is communication with divinity.

time for change sign with led light
Photo by Alexas Fotos on

Once you dig deeply there, you will be challenged to discover any difference between the two – inner self and divinity.

For you are birthed from Source and have not separated ever from the beginning.

Truth and facts differ. There are generations of facts, historical facts, of man’s time on earth. Although they may tell the story of what happened to the Race, they do not represent the truth of mankind.

That truth is obscured in the facts, rather than told through them; for the Race has been manipulated towards a society of conquest, hoarding, debt and competition. Power has been relegated according to specific and visual strengths and attributes.

Real power emerges. It is not granted.

Real power emerges from within. In this way, it cannot be removed or given as a consequence of temporary characteristics.

The Race has been manipulated to worshipping false idols, therefore, denying its own truth. “False Idols” refers not to statues or specific roles, but instead business acumen, statehood, physical beauty and prowess; money.

Once Mankind comprehends his/her own truth, he or she will have access to unimagined power. It is the power, quite literally, to create worlds.

gazebo against trees
Photo by Rene Asmussen on

First steps will include a return to nature at a level not before accomplished. This can happen with adding a walk or a visit to a garden to your day. Scheduling some quiet time, outside meditation.
Turn off the man-made sounds and seek those of nature. The birds, the insects, the wildlife, the wind. These things are your fertilizer for discovering self, locating truth and accessing personal power. These are found within you – not anywhere else.

Once you recognize yourself – you’ll meet him/her everywhere. This is the gift of reducing the noise of the matrix. Empowerment.

You exist now in a world supportive of such introspection. There are forces and frequencies encouraging love and tranquility. These emotions spring from your true nature. As such, they remain steadfast and flourish.

They are emboldened by repetition and action. Use these positive, peaceful tendencies to motivate all that you do – talking, listening, posting, communicating, working, playing and resting all benefit.
This is how your world changes.

The change begins within.

You are doing beautifully, my dear, dear human. There is nothing that can hinder your beautiful new world.

That is all.

Thank you.

When you know, that you are empowering what you are focusing on, why not focusing on what you really want?

Adama of Telos: A Higher Dimensional Civilization

by  Asara Adams

Greetings, Beloved Ones.

We are most joyous to connect with you here, today, and we send you our utmost Love from the heart of Telos.

As you are moving through this profound transition of Earth, many old paradigms and societal structures are changing.

The question is: “What are they changing too?”

This is entirely up to The Vision each one of you is holding on a consistent basis.

When Lemuria sank and the remaining population was rebuilding itself as Telos, within sacred Mount Shasta, we had to “remember” what life is like in the higher dimensions.

This is what we wanted to create – a higher dimensional civilization.

Humanity on the surface has the same opportunity now.

Every individual has this Divine memory of a higher dimensional life, which you call the “Divine New Earth.”

So, how can you contribute to such a creation?

You, as the creator of your reality, are in control where you are focusing your creative energies on.

The more you are focusing your attention to “What is,” the more you are continuing to create “What is.”

In other words, if you are focusing on the unpleasantness of your world, the more you are re-creating it.

When you know, that you are empowering what you are focusing on, why not focusing on what you really want?

With that in mind, we invite you to begin to envision the kind of civilization that you wish to create. (Anything is possible!)

The moment, your thoughts want to go to the unpleasantness, interrupt your thoughts and bring them back to what you want.

As you are doing this little exercise, you are already creating a new Divine Earth.

Just take a few minutes and write down the answers to these questions:

What would a higher vibrational civilization look like?

What would that feel like?

How would people interact?

How would people live?

What would government and so forth look like?

What other areas could you invision?

Now, take a moment and create the answers as a movie in your mind.

As you go throughout your day, be very mindful, what you are focusing your attention on.

We champion your victory in the Light!

Welcome Home!

We send you all so much love…

You are carried on the wings of Angels, to bring forth The New Earth.

Know in your heart, that you are always surrounded by your Angels, Ascended Masters, Guides, Galactic Families of Light and yes, also by your family and friends in Telos – and always will be.

Dear Ones, we are walking with you on this journey and you are loved beyond measure – always.

I am your brother Adama of Telos.

From now on, even as the energies rise, you will find the going a little bit easier; for you will have more help, more love and more awakened beings around you.

Your Earth Mission: Arcturians with other Star Races

by Rita Kempf…/31624530209…/user/1339407256/

Greetings, dear friends, we would like to help you understand something that has been puzzling you. We do not want to download too much new information into your field right now, for you are more than busy staying righted in these powerful celestial energies.

There is much coming at you right now to help you in your earth mission and we are steadying you to accept these energies while remaining stable in your highest vibration. Know that you are very courageous, for we see you riding these energies and facing them with strength.

No second thoughts, you square your shoulders and deal with them head on. Have we told you how talented you are? You were brave to accept your earth mission. Many were called and many answered but only a few were allowed to take on this mantle, for the chance of success was much higher for you, our talented ground crew.

You earned the admiration of the many beings that watch what you are doing here. But you would continue in your mission even if there were no one watching you, for being admired is not necessary for this group. You do what you do because you made yourself a promise to lend your talent, to lend your love, to lend your very self to Mother Gaia and this earthly mission.

While it is not necessary for us to praise you and it is not necessary for you to hear these worlds, perhaps when you have a moment of overwhelm, a bit of praise may help you to attain your sense of confidence again, especially if these energies had caused you to lose your footing for a moment.

There are many others joining you now on this earth, for your actions have released the awakening frequencies that many have needed. From now on, even as the energies rise, you will find the going a little bit easier; for you will have more help, more love and more awakened beings around you.

They will be confused at first, but as they emit their higher frequencies, a wave of relief will sweep over you and you will not feel so alone there, our beautiful children on planet earth.

How we love you for what you have done before, as you prepared the groundwork. How we love you for what you are doing now as you step through the high waters of ascension and for what you will do in the future as you mingle your energies with others and spring-board through love to your future together.

There is big difference between healthy boundaries which comes from a space of wisdom and empowerment and separation that is still rooted in fear and perceived powerlessness.

Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young ~ From Wall to Buffer Zone

dog and cat on the floor
Photo by Marián Šicko on

May 9, 2022,

How much separation you choose between you and others can be indicative of a need for healing. For many of you distance equals safety. There is big difference between healthy boundaries which comes from a space of wisdom and empowerment and separation that is still rooted in fear and perceived powerlessness. There is a difference between solitude and isolation.

So what do you do if you feel you are choosing separation due to unhealed wounds? Explore the space. What emotions are driving the need for distance? Why are you feeling afraid or disempowered?

Once you discern what the prevalent emotion is that is driving that need for space, send love to the the part of you that feels unsafe and then send love to distance itself. Make that space between you and others not a wall, but rather a buffer zone of love and healing that will positively affect everyone involved. As you fill in that distance with the safety and comfort of love and compassion, you will find it much easier to shift into being open to connectedness which is what your soul truly seeks.

Walls, while they often seem like a good idea, keep everything out. We want you to have the full experience of what you yearn for and deserve from connection, such as love, joy, support, encouragement, friendship and so much more! From a healed space you will be able to use your wisdom to let others in who will truly add to your life in the most wonderful ways.

Our task this week, then, is to send the 5D grid energy but please send it specifically to the area of Russia/Ukraine.

Week 55 Message

I am Archangel Michael with a message for the Angelic Warrior Group.

Recently we have been sending our loving energies to the Ukraine area of earth in order to avoid a war, but it has come to our attention that the 5D grid is now losing some energy.

Our task this week, then, is to send the 5D grid energy but please send it specifically to the area of Russia/Ukraine.

It is having a depleting effect on the grid and we need to bolster it up.

I thank you for your continued efforts.

I am Michael. I am your servant, I am your leader, we are Legion.


Sharon Stewart

Feeling free to be yourself is the greatest gift you can give.-Shanta Gabriel for Archangel Gabriel-

May 8, 2022,

photo of woman wearing white dress
Photo by Ika Kenes on

Dear One,

In your heart, you are free. This energy of freedom can be expressed in your daily life as well as kept as a sacred trust within you. This energy is God working through you and encouraging you to let your light shine.

When you are feeling free to be yourself, that is the time your light shines the brightest. That is when you are most relaxed and happy, which is the way your Spirit intended you to live.

When you let your light shine in the world, darkness is illuminated. The parts of society that offer the greatest challenge are the ones needing the most light. Allowing God’s love to pour through you as Divine Light is one of the best ways to create the changes you want in your world. This energy of love-filled light can bring wholeness and healing to any situation.

When you come to this place of light within you, it reminds you of the joyous state of a happy child. You are being encouraged to express this joyous energy in your family and worldly life. It is the spontaneous freedom to speak the truth from your heart with kindness and compassion. It is the enthusiasm to do what you most want to do, knowing that you are divinely inspired in every moment. These are the gifts you are being asked to give to the world.

Experience the freedom of Divine Light at work within you. Feel free to ask for so much love to come through you that you can let it overflow to others. Ask for abundant joy within you so that you can share it. Ask to speak your highest truth with the compassion of the Angels. Ask to know in your heart that which is right for you to do and say in every moment. Ask to be a vehicle for Divine Light moving into the world. Now let it enter into your personal field.

When you allow yourself to receive the gifts that come from your prayers, it gives you perfect freedom of expression while knowing the Divine resources within you at all times.

You are a gift to the world when you express all of the beauty inside you. Share your most sacred self when you feel the guidance to do so. Allow God’s light to shine through you and remember:

Feeling free to be yourself is the greatest gift you can give.

Shanta Gabriel for
Archangel Gabriel