Daily Archives: March 19, 2022
You have purpose dear ones. It is to emit the melodies of love. All else you do is for your own enjoyment. This unity and emanation with love is your most important purpose of all.
Messages from Ann & the Angels – 03/19/2022 • The Silent Symphony
![young asian female musician playing flute](https://feelmorethanfine.eu/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/pexels-photo-6647671.jpeg)
My dear friends, we love you so very much,
Each one of you wants to be a contribution to this earth. Each one of you wants to feel you have purpose and a reason for being. We know that in every moment you have a chance to make your life purposeful, precious, valuable, and impactful beyond words and your human capacity to comprehend.
Suppose everyone in the world was singing a tune or playing an instrument of their choosing. This melody of your song would reflect their emotions, thoughts, and feelings in the moment. Some of you would be playing symphonies of peace, whistling a happy, effervescent tune, or a calming melody. Some of you would be playing upbeat music that makes you want to dance. Some of you would be playing soothing or inspiring rhythms. Some of you would be playing angry discordant beats and blaring, unsettling melodies. Some of you would be playing sad haunting melodies. Others would be playing heart-stopping suspenseful melodies. Imagine for a minute, the absolute din of so many melodies, so many songs being played by the multitude of human hearts. What type of song would you be singing? What type of melody would you hum?
Now imagine that the intensity of your emotion determines the volume of each song. The happier you are, the louder your happy tune. The more peaceful you are, the more compelling your relaxing melody. The angrier you are the more impactful is your discordant melody. Can you imagine? It would be a din unlike any you’ve ever heard before.
Keep in mind that the music is based on your emotional/energetic offering, not your words. So those of you praying for peace, while sitting in fear are still emitting fearful melodies. Those of you fighting for even a good cause, while rooted in anger are still emitting discordant melodies. Those of you who labor in love, peace, compassion, or joy no matter how sad the world situation are emitting beauty and harmony. The words of your prayers do not affect the melody. The emotions beneath the words do. So suppose you pray with disgust for what you witness in the world. Your disgust is sounding the melody. Instead, suppose you have a moment of disgust, and then suddenly you focus on a world at peace, and what it would be like to see people hugging, helping, and laboring in love. Suddenly your discordant note is forgotten and you are playing a beautiful, harmonious composition.
This analogy, dear ones, points to the vibrational reality upon your planet earth, for each one of you IS emitting a silent symphony. As the world angers, the discordant energies stir. As the world prays for peace and gets in touch with their hearts, beautiful waves of energy (which are music to our ears!) begin to soothe and rock the hearts of humanity.
Your melody counts. Your vibrational emission counts. You might be the loving heart that sounds a loving note that helps the symphony of peace rise above the din of war! Your prayers for peace when they come from your love of peace are like beautiful instruments playing in a beautiful symphony.
We, in the heavens, are always playing the melodies of peace, love, hope, inspiration, and bliss. As more and more of you attune to these vibrations, emit these vibrations, and sound these notes, you start to lift the world up into a space where your notes join our own, where you can feel us, perceive us, and work with us as agents of peace upon your planet.
Don’t react, dear ones, to what you see on the news, other than to quickly make a determination that you will sound a note of love, a song of peace, a melody of hope. Join with us and be the changes you wish to see. You ARE making a difference. You are turning the tides. You are preventing what could have been a horrendous time upon your planet earth. Sing your silent soothing lullabies of peaceful frequency to those whose hearts are hurting so much that they create horrendous pain. Emanate your soothing vibrational notes of peace so those who are being hurt will know they deserve love and that love is there for them. Sing, if not with your voice dear ones, with your hearts, and sing the melodies you would wish to hear, to receive, and to participate in because these silent melodies of frequency are very real, and the changes they inspire in yourself, and the world, are very real as well.
We love you. You are coming into a new understanding of reality and your very important place within it. You are stepping into a world where you are the lights, the hopes, the inspirations, and the angels upon your earth. You have purpose dear ones. It is to emit the melodies of love. All else you do is for your own enjoyment. This unity and emanation with love is your most important purpose of all
God Bless You! We love you so very much.
— The Angels
The more you are able to hold your highest level of vibration the more you are helping the Light to overcome the dark energies.
Mike Quinsey’s Higher Self Message, March 18, 2022
As you might expect the Masters have something to say about our present period of chaos and St. Germain asks us to “Trust the Plan” and Sanat Kumara tells us that we are in the middle of the transformation of human society and the reconstruction of the World.
The goal is to moderate the greatest upheavals and prevent future trauma. Archangel Michael says Beloved Ones do not allow your selves to be distracted, yes by the chaos. Do not get caught up in the drama of white hats or black hats, good guys or bad guys. All beings are birthed directly from the Heart of the One.
More detailed accounts are held by Steve Beckow on his website Golden Age of Gaia.
18th March 2022. Mike Quinsey.
Without knowledge of the plan for mankind you cannot be expected to know what lays ahead, but be assured that actions are being led by the higher powers that oversee humanity’s experiences without usurping their freewill. You can help by remaining positive and not giving your energy to the negative forces by keeping positive and not getting involved with the negative forces. Use your understanding and knowledge to give strength to the forces working for the good of the planet and its people. The more you are able to hold your highest level of vibration the more you are helping the Light to overcome the dark energies.
We see the greater potential for success over the dark Ones, and you are well on the way to achieving the overcoming of their plans for control of the planet and its inhabitants. Already there are plans to help you restore Mother Earth from the damage committed through World Wars that still needs clearing and cleansing. We are ever by your side and await our opportunity to help you to successfully overcome the activities of the dark Ones. There is a plan to rejuvenate the Earth and restore it to its original beauty that is fitting for a planet preparing itself for Ascension.
We look beyond your present troubles and see a time when they have been overcome and peace has descended upon Earth. It will be a permanent change as you make your way along the path to Ascension. Present troubles will have been long forgotten with the assurance that the vibrations will continue to rise, to a level where the negative energies cannot exist. The dream of Nirvana will have come true and the nightmare created by the dark Ones faded into the dust of their making.
Our feeling is that an agreement will be reached that will put an end to the war in Ukraine, thus avoiding the potential for it to become more serious. The dark Ones had hoped that it would lead to another World War, but we have told you all along that it would not be allowed. Be assured that our influence and direct guidance will put your feet upon a path leading to total peace and happiness. It all takes time but it is important that you know of an acceptable solution to your worldwide problems. Again we stress that our help is permissible once you have made the decision to broker peace.
The changes cannot come too soon as conditions on Earth are causing many problems, they need worldwide help and a concerted effort by all nations to make good the damage and harm that has been caused over many, many years. The ultimate aim is to quickly restore Mother Earth to her original pristine condition and with the help of our ET friends it can be achieved in a much shorter time than it would without them. Having the assurance of being able to live safely and in relative comfort is a priority, and once achieved full attention can be given to raising the standard of living for all people.
There will be a much greater level of acceptance of the different customs and beliefs of the various religions that will be freely practised. The Human Race is one and a coming together will be a most natural development. We hope that you can accept the changes that are coming as they will birth a happy civilisation that can work together for the betterment of all people. The lack that you have experienced will become a thing of the past and all countries will work for the best outcome.
Meantime you have an uncertain future as you see it because of world problems, but be assured that the Alliance is doing their best to bring about an acceptable conclusion. In fact they have often prevented the use of nuclear weapons by making them and the silos inoperative. The authorities are aware as to who is controlling their use and fully realise that the restrictions will remain. It is all part of the gradual moves towards a peaceful existence, the warmongers are on their way out and all of their weapons will eventually be made inoperative. Of course the planet itself will be protected as it is now, so that no unexpected visitors can threaten or harm the Earth or its inhabitants.
By now you must realise that your freewill can only go so far and your actions are monitored. If you choose to indulge in wars you will eventually learn the futility of doing so as they have never solved the problems that have brought them about. Diplomacy and common sense will come to be seen as the way forward to settle any differences between you all. By preventing the use of nuclear weapons we have taken the first step that will lead to a peaceful planet. The rising vibrations will also lead to a more peaceful time and continue to do so until it becomes permanent. By then those who still carry the lower vibrations will have left the planet for a more suitable level that is compatible for them.
The new cycle was always intended to raise the vibrations, as the old energies have no permanent place in the higher realms. Be patient as the changes will take time and that includes the coming of many that will lead you into the New Age.
I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. This message comes through my Higher Self, my God Self and every soul has the same connection to God.
In Love and Light.
Mike Quinsey.
Ascension From Human to Galactic Society (New Booklet From Me-Free Download)
I took some time to answer with simplicity few trendy questions:
What is Ascension?
What is the shape of our planet?
How to Ascend?
Co Creators of The New Earth.
Who is The Galactic Society?
You can Download here