The Full Moon & Equinox Energies ∞The 9D Arcturian Council

The Full Moon & Equinox Energies ∞The 9D Arcturian Council Channeled by Daniel Scranton

light city dawn landscape
Photo by Soly Moses on

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are very excited to see what you will all do with the wonderful energies that are coming to you for the upcoming full moon and equinox. You have upon you fertile soil from which to grow into the beings that you were always meant to become in this lifetime. Those of you who are awake know that there is so much more to you, and it really is your job to go forth and discover who and what you really are through experience. The energies that come in are there to support you in your exploration, and so, the more willing you are to explore, the more energy you expend, the more you tend to receive.

It also helps when you are doing something that you love, because when you are lost in your activities of the moment, you tend to be joyous and more open. As you receive from the full moon and equinox energies, remember that they are there to support you, to give you more vitality, and also they are there for you to co-create with. Right now is a pivotal point in human history, as you have this opportunity to look around at the world as it is today and see what it is you would like to make different. The changes you want to see out there will always begin with you; they always have and they always will.

But when you have a group of beings incarnate on the planet that we refer to as ‘The Awakened Collective’, and you have more helpers in beings and collectives like ourselves, then you really have a powerful combination. Put that energy into motion, into word, into action, and into creative thought, and know that it will all show up in your reality at some point. You have done so much for your fellow humans, and you will continue to get the support that you need to do more and more and to be more and more. You are awake, and that is a responsibility, because you know how much you can do with the power within you, and you know how powerful you are as healers, as teachers, as guides to others.

We also recommend that you take the necessary steps to ground those full moon and equinox energies in. Be present, be grounded, hydrate yourselves, and spend time every day focusing on how you can open up and be the conduit to that which is high frequency, that which is coming, that which has been made available to you and all of your fellow humans at this time. And you will anchor those energies in, and the entire world will benefit from the few minutes you take in your day to be the channeler of that which is high frequency, that which is you in your truest form.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

many are feeling heart expansion that is beyond-the-beyond.

I whole heartidly agree with Sandra as being part of our online tribe doing our SUNday Unity Meditations since 6 years now. These past few days, the thing i am doing mostly is taking naps, eating less, physical activity as much as i can as body hurts as well a pain on the left back side on my brain…truly feeling the pouring of The Tsunami of Love of Divine Mother. Here is her newsletter this week :

Blessings Beloveds ~

I know you are feeling the subtle, and not-so-subtle, energetic shift building throughout this week.

Now we prepare for a strong, unified Equinox Weekend.

The geomagnetic event which ushered in this Gateway passage (March 13-20) last SUNday was one of the strongest yet. Flares continue; it’s a powerful Now.

I know many are feeling heart expansion that is beyond-the-beyond.

Some of these expansions cannot be comprehended through the body … but oh, the heart! The body weeps, purges, sheds, sleeps to integrate a brand new experience. DNA gets triggered to align with revelation. It is a lot all at once.

Welcome to the Equinox-Eclipses passage.

Brand new energies are here which dismantle how we created our reality; both personal and collective.

Gaia revealed her purified realms and new ways of creating to many in the last week.

Opportunity for Clarity and Connection: PRESENCE event on Saturday

I AM honored to host our quarterly webinar on Saturday, the last online event before the Crystalline Convergence in May.

The realms will look and feel VERY different, very quickly, through this March-April-May sequence.

This affects our bodies, minds and hearts. Emotional fields are particularly affected in this Now by the magnetic collapse.

Let us utilize this Divine opportunity for clarity and co-creation of highest outcomes for all.

Saturday’s event provides High-level Support for the Experience of realm-shifting energies:

– Coping with Realm Shifts and linear reality dissolvement

– Expanding the Heart Center for Boundless Compassion

– Aligning our fields as a conduit/bridge for Gaia’s emerging higher realms

– Body vehicle support: Attunements for the Emotional, Mental, and Physical levels

– Immersion in the Crystalline Field to receive the Equinox realm-shifting codes

– Discernment of harmonics and frequencies for more ease and grace.

Join me for a private online 2 hour immersive on the current energies, Mastery techniques, and alignment for true unity consciousness.⁠

Saturday March 19
9AM – 11AM PDT (UTC-7)

Replays included.⁠
$33 Registration at⁠

SUNday Unity Meditations during Equinox

Equinox peak is during our second 30 minute session at 8AM PDT. All welcome to participate. Link below.

Let us show HUmanity what is possible for Ascension!

In Love, Light and Service,

Clarification on Queen Romana.

In previous posts i shared on this website, a few things about Queen Romana. Lately i felt no longer resonating with her input as a IAM Sovereign Being both personally and collectively knowing fully that Divine Neutrality in all circumstances is the way of True Mastery.

There have been many channels that shared positive stuff and there has been one that shared totally the opposite. I decided to no longer follow what anyone channel says out there and listen Divine Mother’s Voice within, like i always do and this is how i always share messages here on this website. We are ALL instruments of GOD and if we allow this to be pure authentic joy enfolds us with every step along the way however this looks in the material world, which btw is MATTER leading to MOTHER, leading to DIVINE MOTHER as we each perceive acccording to how much we allow Her Love to pour through our hearts individually while at the same time we are CO-CREATORS with GOD meaning we have our input and own definition of how we desire our reality to be manifest. This is what we came for. For the pleasure of authentic Joy expanding in ONEness with GOD. Divine Mother is felt within and perceived as The Matter around us while Divine Father is the empty space of Peace. When both balanced within with daily disciplined meditation of at least 15-20 first thing when we wake up in the early morning hours or maybe after a nap too if you like, the fruits of this work are felt within our perceptions and creations.

So Now that i have once again clarified my stance and before posting the following video from Gene Decode with which i resonate in this now ,i want to share with you that thanks to our attention to the works of many groups around the world we have managed to help more than few families in every country worldwide. I have been witness to that as one friend of mine in Netherlands she couldn’t afford to pay her electricity bill and thanks to QR group in Netherlands people gathered and paid for her bill (about 600 euro).

Also in Greece few families have been helped, not all and this from my personal experience. What matters is that people came together, unified and volunteered for the highest good for all. So in these times of financial difficulties for many QR work so far helped with the help of all those willing hearts to volunteer and do the best they can do in their countries.

I suppose thisphase now comes to an end and we each must clarify further how we decide to be the Awesome Co-Creators of New Earth we came here to be as more tools will be given to us through NESARA/GESARA and i mean by that substantial financial means to restore Love and Beauty of our dear planet GAIA and NEW EARTH.

To this i invite you to listen to Gene Decode’s perspective.

Namaste and much love always.
